
Monday, August 9, 2010

Why do the good die young?

THE RIGHTEOUS man perishes, and no one lays it to heart; and merciful and devout men are taken away, with no one considering that the uncompromisingly upright and godly person is taken away from the calamity and evil to come even through wickedness.

He in death enters into peace; they rest in their beds, each one who walks straight and in his uprightness. Isaiah 57:1-2

I found this verse the other day and it blew me away! How often do we see fellow Christians who die of cancer or are killed in a car accident or somehow are taken from us before they reach old age?  I know many people who struggle with God's grace and love when someone they care about dies horrifically. In their grief, they blame God. After all, this person was a god-fearing person, someone who loved God and was an avid follower of Jesus. Was this their reward? What happened? Does God care?

But I think we are looking at it wrong.  We have such a limited understanding of what is truly going on in this world and what exists beyond our limited demensions.  This verse gives one possible answer as to why God allows a godly person to die young. He or she is taken away from some future evil or calamity that would have happened to them if they had not died. In essense God is rescuing them from disaster. Isn't that cool?  I remember another verse somewhere in the Bible (if you know of it, please tell me) that says something similar to this but goes further in saying that the person would have walked away from God if He had allowed them to live. In other words, in His divine wisdom, God saw that He would lose this person for all eternity, and rather than allow that to happen, He took them home early. What a wonderful, loving God!!!  Why do we doubt Him?

Perhaps we need to look at the death of a believer as a promotion, instead of something bad. Yes, it's bad for those of us still here on earth, but it's a GREAT thing for the person. They are now in the most wonderful, beautiful place imaginable with no more pain or sorrow. They are with Jesus. Makes me jealous.

Can we apply this principle also to the bad things that happen to us? Maybe with the perspective of eternity, they aren't really bad things at all, but ultimately for our good. Ask God to give you spiritual eyes and spiritual ears to be able to slip outside of your earthly body and perspective and see things the way He does. I have a feeling, it will change everything!


  1. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comAugust 9, 2010 at 9:27 AM

    MaryLu, The following quotation comes from the Wisdom of Solomon 4:10-15. It is one of the apocryphal books, which are not found in all Bibles:

    "There were some who pleased God and were loved by Him, and while living among sinners were taken up. They were caught up so that evil might not change their understanding, or guile deceive their souls. For the fascination of wickedness obscures what is good, and roving desire perverts the innocent mind. Being perfected in a short time, they fulfilled long years; for their souls were pleasing to the Lord, therefore He took them quickly from the midst of wickedness. Yet the peoples saw and did not understand, to take such a thing to heart, that God's grace and mercy are with His elect, and that He watches over His Holy ones."

    Is this what you were thinking of? I totally understand (now) that God has to take some people early in life. At first, you feel angry, because someone you truly love has been taken away from you. But, after awhile you come to realize that your loved one has fulfilled his/her purpose on this earth. We will see them again one day! Have a great day!

    1. how do you know have you been there!

  2. Debbie, this is not the verse I was thinking of, but this is an awesome paragraph from Solomon. I've never seen it before. Anyway, it certainly does give us an entirely different perspective on this life. Thank you for your comment!

  3. This does give a whole new perspective on young death. When some one dies young, I have often heard people say that they died because God just decided that it was their time. But, I alway's thought that statement was very vague. I never understood why God would just decide to take a young person's life, I knew that there had to be some kind of reason for it. This scripture really put's it into a better light.
    God bless!

    Amber Minnehan

  4. I really needed this. Like just a second ago was thinking and asking why. Thank you!

  5. This post made me think of a pastor and his wife who lost their son in a car accident a couple of years ago...and he left behind a wife and infant daughter. The wife was also pregnant with their second child...but it was amazing to see how in spite of the parents grief, they still honored God. They called it their son's homecoming to heaven!! Anyway, I loved your post and reminded me that earth isn't our true home anyway...we're meant to be with God!!! Have a good week. Love and hugs, Heather :)

  6. Thanks Ladies! It it truly wonderful to see Christians who actually believe this and rejoice when their loved ones are promoted to heaven. Faith in action. I know of a pastor who lost a wife and a daughter but the incident made him an even stronger Christian. Amazing!

  7. Hi Marylu,
    My name is Wilson. Forgive me when I ask this, as it may come out offensive to you, but I only mean it as a question: MaryLu, did you personally experience a time when someone you cared for die young?


  8. Wilson, I didn't take offense at your question at all. My answer is no, I have not had anyone I'm close to die young. I have no concept of the pain of such a loss. And I certainly meant no offense by my post. I pray it didn't come across in a callous way. I'm very sorry if it did. My intent was only to offer comfort to those who had lost someone early. I thought that perhaps a different perspective (from God's eyes) would help anyone going through the situation to see that perhaps God spared their loved one from further pain.
    If you have lost someone close to you, I'm very sorry. Please accept my apology if my post offended you in any way. God bless you and your family.

  9. Hi MaryLu,
    No problem! no offense was taken! It was just a question. Your post has been encouraging!


  10. I can't believe you all are so okay that someone dies young. It's not fair. It's not happy. What if that person WANTED to live but God just ignored their pleas and they died in fear and uncertainty? Why do some of us get to live long but a five year old dies of cancer? They had an entire lifetime ahead of them. Snuffed out. And people say say yay they went to heaven?! I know there is pain and grief in the midst of that…but I don't understand how that would make anyone a stronger Christian. If anything that would further my skepticism of God. That's why I admire doctors and those who tey to save our lives. They recognize the value of humam life. They want us to enjoy longevity. They don't want families to suffer the loss of a child. They do everything in their power to save lives but since they are only human they sometimea fail. But God is supposed to have all power in his hands and barely intervenes. What happened to the Jesus of the Bible who healed the sick? Why is this sick, twisted world allowed to continue? God knows nothing is going to get better so why doesn't he just end it now? I don't want to live long so I'm not saying this for me. I'm saying this for the people of want to live, the people that show so much promise, the people who did nothing wrong but still died tragically. Why do we have more compasision thab God? If I had the power to help someone I would. But I can't. There's nothing I can do.

    1. so_she dances
      I just stumbled across this and have to respond...I lost my 3yr. old little boy. I am a Christian and it made me a stronger Christian, it made me get on my knees everyday, he was sick his entire 3yrs. I would be so upset crying and I just got on my knees and start to pray the holy spirit calmed me every time. When you have faith in Jesus you just believe. He carries you through those trials in life . Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you, I will help you, will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep , that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. I know that God has carried me through many sisuations in my life. I don't know how people live without Jesus. Hope this helps you better understand. God will work in your life too, you just have to have faith. I'm only human I don't have all the answers but I have faith and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. I can speak from experience. My husband and I lost our youngest child, age 24, April 14th of 2014. He had suffered from depression for several years. We are confident that God and His mercy and grace, took Jordan as it says in Isaiah 57 one and two. We know we will see him again. Jordan was a devout follower of Jesus. I know it's hard for someone to observe a situation where it seems unfair that a young person dies early. But if you think about it, why is it unfair to escape all the misery and evil in this world? We know that Jordan is living in a perfect wonderful beautiful place and no longer suffering. Of course we grieve, of course we miss him terribly. But as a good parent we know we have to let a child go, whether it's to grow up and leave home for college or marriage, or to trust God in taking that child home where they will suffer no more. We do not live in a fair world. Look around and you will see all kinds of injustices. But for my child to escape the awful things in this world and to go to a permanent wonderful place of perfection and reward, very easy for us to us to understand evendors in our grief. Those in heaven would not want to come back to this world even if they could. If we only really understood how wonderful heaven is, it would make death less difficult for us to understand in young people.

    3. I can speak from experience. My husband and I lost our youngest child, age 24, April 14th of 2014. He had suffered from depression for several years. We are confident that God and His mercy and grace, took Jordan as it says in Isaiah 57 one and two. We know we will see him again. Jordan was a devout follower of Jesus. I know it's hard for someone to observe a situation where it seems unfair that a young person dies early. But if you think about it, why is it unfair to escape all the misery and evil in this world? We know that Jordan is living in a perfect wonderful beautiful place and no longer suffering. Of course we grieve, of course we miss him terribly. But as a good parent we know we have to let a child go, whether it's to grow up and leave home for college or marriage, or to trust God in taking that child home where they will suffer no more. We do not live in a fair world. Look around and you will see all kinds of injustices. But for my child to escape the awful things in this world and to go to a permanent wonderful place of perfection and reward, very easy for us to us to understand evendors in our grief. Those in heaven would not want to come back to this world even if they could. If we only really understood how wonderful heaven is, it would make death less difficult for us to understand in young people.

    4. Brenda, thank you for commenting. I'm sure your post will help others who happen onto this page... others who are grieving the loss of a loved one. I'm so sorry you lost your son. That just breaks my heart. Your attitude and faith are commendable and to the praise of God! Yes, indeed, Jordan (along with all those who've died who have trusted in Jesus) are in a place we can only imagine in our best dreams. That's why I like to call death in Jesus a promotion. Thank you for dropping by. Some day soon you and Jordan will be reunited. Won't that be wonderful?

  11. Shedances, I'm so sorry you got the wrong impression from my post. Obviously you've lost someone you love or someone you knew. Death is a horrible thing. It is ugly and terrible and I thank God that one day it will be defeated. I value human life above all things, and I know God does too. He hates death and sickness and pain. That's why He sent His Son into the world to die and pay the penalty that would someday take away all of that. So what is He waiting for? He's waiting to give every person a chance to accept the free gift of eternal life offered to all of us. We must receive Jesus and His sacrifice for us. Then we have eternal life! And someday at the end of the age, there will be no more death or sickness. In the meantime when we die, those who love Jesus go to a far better place. I imagine if you asked any of them if they'd want to come back or if they thought that it wasn't fair they died young or if God was cruel to take them early in life, they'd say NO Way!. You see, we look at things only through this world's eyes.. but God sees everything and eternity. He loves all of us so so very much. He has great compassion for us. He's the one who created compassion and love in the first place.! He loves you shedances and He wants you to know Him. But when man rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, a wall went up between God and man. We could no longer reach God and He could no longer reach us and save us.. which is why He sent Jesus to tear down that wall. Just believe. We don't always know why God heals some and not others. Why God answers some prayers and not others. But we know that God does all things out of love and for our good for those who love Him. Anyway, thank you for your post. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. I know you'll find that He is a good God who loves you with all His heart.

  12. Compassion could not have originated from Natural Origins, only from a Designer. The fact that you, Shedances, (or any of us for that matter) feel any compassion at all towards you're fellow human is a proof that you are made in the image of Someone. It is another proof of the coaxing from the Holy Spirit towards Christ. 2 Tim 1-6 "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people..." Jesus clearly wants us all, but we get to choose.

  13. I lost my son when he was 17 yrs old in an automobile accident. It has been a year and five months since I lost him. I have questioned why God didn't save my boy. I believe in God and I know someday I will be with Jacob in a much better place. My heart is broken and I miss him more and more as each day passes. I have heard from different pastors that when someone dies they enter Heaven right then...but I have also heard they are resting until God returns. Please someone help me understand. Heartbroken

    1. Heartbroken, I'm so so so very sorry about your son. I have a son and losing him would be unthinkable. I feel your pain. Let me reassure you that the Bible is clear that as soon as we die, those of us who believe in God and are followers of Jesus are immediately escorted to Heaven. I can give you chapter and verse if you like. Jacob is right now in a place far more wonderful than we can even imagine. His memories are in tact and he remembers his life here and that you, his precious mother, are still here. He also knows he will see you again when your time here on earth is at an end. Death is painful for those of us left behind, but for those who know Jesus, it's a promotion to a better life without any pain or sorrow. Might I suggest your pick up Randy Alcorn's book on Heaven. It will give you a clear picture of the joy your son is experiencing and comfort you as you wait to join him someday. I am lifting up a prayer for you now. God Bless!

  14. What fate can be worse than death???

    1. Going to hell for all eternity. Our lives here on earth are but a millisecond compared to eternity. We are all eternal beings and will all live forever. It's the "where" we will live that must be decided by us. We can choose Jesus and choose eternal paradise or we can reject Him and choose to be forever away from God (which is hell)

  15. I lost my husband recently and at the time we were both Christians but now I am mad at God I wanted to spend my life loving my husband now I am afraid I will not be a christian anymore

    1. I'm so sorry about your husband. I really am. I can't imagine that. I don't blame you one bit for being angry at God. I probably would\ be too. It's okay to be angry. God can take it. I don't know why He took your husband from you, but I do know this, He had a very very good reason, and a reason someday you will completely agree with and understand. Your dear husband is in such a marvelous place right now. Such an incredible paradise, you and I can't even comprehend. And he's waiting for you. Don't turn from God. Be angry.. talk to Him, yell at Him if you need to. Tell God how you feel. Ask Him to help you through your grief. But don't turn away. Don't ever turn away. You will be reunited with your husband one day. Don't disappoint him and God by not making it. I'm praying for you.... If you want to talk more, email me at

  16. I just lost my husband, last month. I am a Christian and your word has brought some comfort into my life. It is very hard to cope and when you prayed and got still took him home.

  17. I lost my husband last month and your word has brought some comfort to me. It is very hard to cope especially when you prayed and God still took him home. I am just taking each day at a time and reading articles to get an explanation.

    1. Olubunmi, I'm so terribly sorry. I can't imagine your pain. I'm glad this article I posted long ago had helped you. Your beloved husband is in a far better place now, waiting for you. Take assurance in that.. and also in the fact that God took him home for a very good reason. One you may not understand this side of eternity. I'm lifting up a prayer for you, for comfort and for peace. God Bless.

  18. I lost my 23 year old friend yesterday. Will i meet him one day??

    1. Anonymous, I'm so very sorry! Your friend was so young. I can't imagine how devastating it is to lose him. If your friend put his faith in Jesus for his eternal salvation and you do too, then yes, you will definitely see him again. I hope that brings you some comfort.

  19. I lost my 37-year old brother on 14 October 2017 in a car accident and he died on the spot. He was a student pastor and second year at Bible College. But importantly a lot of prophesies were said by different men of God before his birth, during my mom's pregnancy, during his infancy and teenage years. But on the 14th he was just taken away from us like in the twinkling of an eye. I am a Christian but I have a lot of unanswered questions about his untimely death. In my human wisdom and understanding my brother was the last person to die because he had a prophesy confirmed wherever he went but nothing came of that prophesy. My desire is one day to be taken to heaven for moments just to see him and laugh again then come back to the living and tell the world that I spoke to Jesus and my brother Samuel.

  20. I'm SO very sorry about your brother. I can't imagine the pain you and your family are going through. I'm glad you have not turned your back on God. Yes, there are tons of unanswered questions, but the Lord does have the answers. How comforting to know your brother is doing very very well right now... happier and more at peace than he's ever been. One thing that stood out to me when I read your post was the unfulfilled prophecies. I heard a pastor once say that many of God's plans for us that don't get fulfilled in this life will get fulfilled in eternity. So, it doesn't necessarily mean that those prophecies over your brother were not fulfilled. Only that they haven't been fulfilled yet. I hope that brings you some comfort.

  21. My wive's niece, a beautiful, married, 35 y.o., mother of two young children, had an aneurism a week ago. They will remove life support tomorrow and will more than likely die thereafter. Her parents, lost another child shortly after birth several years ago. Her mother also suffers from diabetes that started as a juvenile. I am, what I would consider, a very devout believer in Christ. I have been looked upon to answer the question, "why have all these terrible things happened 1) to my sister-in-law and 2) to my wife's neice?” How can any one woman take on this much grief and continue to have faith in God? I can say it is easy for me as my wife and I have not experienced the death of a child. I have experienced other grief and pain, but nothing in compare. To say the neice will be in a better place, that my in-laws will see her again in heaven, that this has happened to take her from something worse in the future, and so on, to them wil appear as empty words from someone who has none of their pain. I have read, and read, and read so many posts from pastors and religious scholars and they all point to the sin of man. These sufferings are happening to Godly people with more than one occurrence. How am I to explain to my wife, whose faith is being tested, that these are the will of God? I have tried to point to some joy and peace as outcomes, but those come across as severely shallow in the eyes of those suffering.

    Help and prayer would be deeply appreciated.
