
Friday, August 13, 2010

Win a copy of Nightshade by Ronie Kendig!!!

I have the privilege of introducing you to a friend of mine and a great author, Ronie Kendig. I've recently read her new release, Nightshade, and I highly recommend it.  It isn't an historical. In fact, it's labeled a military romantic suspense, but I'm telling you, this book will keep you up late at night.

Here's a bit about NIGHTSHADE:

Soldiers all across the globe are returning home to their families after brutal tours of duty. They are discharged from the service. . .and on their own. Meet Max Jacobs, one of these discarded heroes, as he faces a wall of failure—in his career, his friendships, and his marriage. Failing again—this time to end his life—he is offered a thread of hope. Are covert government operations the answer for him, or will they only bring more danger and dissension upon his broken family?

And my review:
Even up to the very last page! I have to admit, I get bored quite easily with so many books I read these days, but that was NOT the case with Ms. Kendig's new release Nightshade! This new author has a definite talent in creating likeable, real characters and then placing them in the most harrowing situations! The hero, Max, is one angry dude, but there's a good reason for his anger. He's also a true hero in every sense of the word. Noble, honorable, protecting, strong, brave. Honestly, we could use more men like him in this day and age. Sydney, the heroine, was also strong, sensitive, hurting, stubborn and a lot more like me than I cared to admit. She and Max belonged together, but they just didn't know it through most of the book! Ms. Kendig makes us truly care for them and want to see them happy, then she thrusts them into every imaginable deathly dangerous situation! A fun, intense rollar coaster ride that I guarantee will leave you breathless!

Tell us a little about yourself, Ronie.
In 2010, I will celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary. With my husband, we have four children and two dogs. I have a BS in Psychology and grew up an Army brat.

What was your motivation behind this project?
I've always loved writing military or action-adventure stories. But one Sunday during church, a woman requested prayer. Her husband was a Navy SEAL and his anger and PTSD were destroying their marriage. It was a moment of stunning clarity for me--I knew it would be a grave injustice to ever pen a story that romanticized our heroes. Don't get me wrong--they *are* heroes, but they're also people with hurts/needs, and I think that is often forgotten.

What do you hope folks will gain from this project?
I hope readers will come to the series with an open mind, that they'd find hope & healing, and perhaps a desire to support our men & women in the armed forces with more compassion, more prayer, and more understanding. Above all, I pray that the wounded of heart and/or soul will find hope in God.

How were you personally impacted by working on this project?
Writing this story took a huge emotional toll, as has its sequel, which I'm working on now. The research alone was heart-breaking, but delving so deep into a character with such intensity drained me. I had to prep myself every time through prayer and mental focus to really jump in and get the story written.

Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: I love to hear from readers, and they can visit me online at my website or on my Facebook fan site. The Discarded Heroes series includes: Nightshade, Digitalis, Wolfsbane, and Firethorn. I also have an espionage thriller, Dead Reckoning, through Abingdon Press!

Ronie Kendig has a BS in Psychology and is a wife, mother of four, and avid writer. Her novels include an espionage thriller, Dead Reckoning and a military series that focuses on PTSD and our heroes: The Discarded Heroes series. NIGHTSHADE, Book #1 released July 2010 and Book #2, Digitalis, will release January 2011.
In addition to speaking engagements, Ronie volunteers with the American Christian Fiction Writers, and she is a monthly columnist at the award-winning blog, Novel Journey. Ronie can be found online at or at

Leave a comment and your email address and I'll enter you to win a free copy. To be announced, August 27th!


  1. Hi, Ronie & MaryLu! Thank you for a very enjoyable interview. Ronie, after reading so many great reviews of your books, they are on my TBB list. Your story lines are terrific with interesting characters, and your book covers are always super!

    I am very empathetic to anyone who suffers the effects of wartime. Whether they served in the armed forces, or they are a loved one or family member, I keep them all in my prayers. World War II, The Korean War, Vietnam, The Gulf War, and the current War on Terrorism. I have friends and family from all of those groups who have so gallantly served our country. They all remain affected by their wartime experiences. Some hide it better than others, but the horror never really leaves. Please keep our armed service members and their loved ones in your prayers.

    US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  2. My teen daughter saw this book and told me to try to win one. She'd love to for me to win it. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  3. I also come from a military family background and love those heroes and feel for them and their loved ones! This is one "modern" read I think I might be interested in (for a change... I also get bored easily!)

    My name for the draw:

  4. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback! I know I'm not a pirate or a historical writer, but I am a HUGE fan of MaryLu's books, so it's an even HUGER (is that a word?!?!) honor to be here--and to receive her super kind words.

    I wish everyone could win!

  5. Love to win Ronnie's book!

  6. I would love to win a copy of Nightshade. It looks great!


  7. I haven't read Nightshade, but I really loved Dead Reconing. I am sure I will enjoy all of her books.

    Reyna Mishler

  8. Sounds interesting, and wouldn't mind trying to win it. Always looking for good new Christian books to read!
    Which btw, I got Surrender the Heart last weekend! Soon as I finish the book I'm on, will start reading it! Despite having new books setting for the last 1-2 years, your book is jumping to the front of the line!

    -Sarah C.

  9. I've heard such good things about this book! And I think it's wonderful, Ronie, that you want to show that our military men and women are real people with real hurts and needs just like all of us have.

    This summer I was honored to have the chance to go to a funeral for my great uncle Robert and his fellow crew members at Arlington National Cemetery. Learning more about my great uncle and about the military really touched me, and it was a life-changing experience.

    I wrote several posts on my blog while I was in Washington D.C., which include a couple of videos I put together of the pictures from the service and the war monuments in Washington D.C. If you're interested, my blog is:

    You can scroll down to the Labels section in the sidebar and click on "Washington D.C." (I would suggest reading from the bottom up.)

    Thank you again for this interview and for a chance to win your book!

    God bless!



  10. Ronie's book appeals to me as we do share being a military dependent in common; being the wife of a now retired military officer. I would enjoy reading her book. Please enter me in the giveaway and thank you for the chance to win a wonderful book. I also support our troops all over the world and appreciate Ronie's honoring them.

    Grace & Peace in Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  11. I would LOVE to win this book. I was so blown away by Ronie's first book, DEAD RECKONING that I'm really eager to read her next book.

    pbphifer at gmail dot com

  12. Love seeing two of my favourite authors together :)

    Nightshade is a brilliant read :) Don't include me in the draw, my copy is already sitting pretty on my bookshelves.

  13. i enjoy books like this! I will have to look this title up! Thanks for sharing! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  14. All the reviews I've read on this book are good. Must be a keeper. Please include me!

    ldneuhof at hotmail dot com

  15. I have to get my hands on a copy of this book....:) I loved "Dead Reckoning"

    Great interview. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!


  16. This book sounds fantastic! I also come from a military family, and I love romantic stories that have a lot of action and struggle in them, as this one certainly sounds like.
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway, MaryLu!

  17. a great posting/interview...thanks for the opportunity to read ronie's latest novel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. Just realized I forgot to leave my email address. :-P


  19. Sounds like a good book.
    Thanks for offering.

  20. I need a copy of this book!
    khurst5476 at yahoo dot com

  21. Don’t enter me.
    After reading this I immediately decided it needed to be added to my Amazon cart. As soon as I get paid I own it. Looks great.
    Thanks for posting about this; I can't wait to hold it in my hands.
    ~Abigail =D

  22. oh i've been WANTING to read this book for a while. It sounds so good!
    thanks for the interview, it was interesting.

  23. This looks really good!! I love it when books make me want to stay up and keep reading!

  24. Thank you to all who are interested. And many, many thanks and prayers to all who have lived the military life in one form or another!

    You've all made me feel like a million bucks! Your kind words have blessed me and encouraged me.

    Blessings, y'all!

  25. I loved Dead Reckoning and have been looking forward to Nightshade for weeks now. Definitely sign me up for the drawing! Thank you, Ronie, for writing such powerful books that deal with the realities our men and women face when coming home from the war zone. Keep it up!

  26. I love adventure and suspense! Sounds like a great read!

  27. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for giving away a copy. Would love to read it.

  28. I have read this book and would highly recommend it to everyone. It is going to be a greeeat series. I can hardly wait to read the next one.

  29. Sounds like a great read!

