
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Heading to Ohio!

My publisher Barbour is flying me to their headquarters in Ohio on Monday for an all-day marketing seminar on Tuesday and some meetings on Wednesday. So I'll be on a plane from 6:20 AM PST to 6:36 PM EST. A LONG day!  But it will be great to see the people at Barbour! They've all been so good to me and are really nice, godly people.
They are also flying out some other authors: Ronie Kendig, Kaye Dacus, and Kelly Eileen Hake, so I'll have a fun reunion with my girls!
I'll be back home late Wednesday night. Tired, no doubt, so if you send me a note or comment on my blog and I don't answer, that's why!
Oh, and no, I'm not flying a stunt plane. I'll be taking the usual commercial airpline. I just thought the picture was cool. :-)


  1. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time! :D


    P.S. LOVING Surrender the Heart!!! It's so wonderful to be reading another one of your books. :)

  2. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comSeptember 4, 2010 at 2:01 PM

    I am very glad you won't be flying in that tiny plane. lol Safe travels.

  3. It sounds like fun. =] I hope you have a safe trip!
    Many Blessings!

  4. I hope you have a GREAT time!!
    Bummer you aren't taking the stunt plane!

  5. Have a great time! I know it will be rejuvenating for you, even if in the end you are tired. :) A nice little retreat. Safe travels!!

  6. Hope it's fun and all the business meetings go smoothly!

  7. Have a fun time :) :) That's so awesome to hear the way you complimented the people at Barbour...I love that they're godly people and you can work well with them :) :) That stunt plane ewas funny...I figured if that's the kind of plane you were flying in, no wonder it would take awhile to get to your intended destination :) :) Oh, I'm LOVING "Surrender the Heart"'s so good...and now Marianne is on the ship with Noah...and she's trying to convince him to turn the ship back to Baltimore...LOVE IT!! You can already feel the romantic tension and the drama that's about to unfold...:) :) :) Thanks again for the awesome book!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  8. Thanks Amber! I'm glad you're enjoying Surrender the Heart! LOL Debbie.. yea... I think my stomach wouldn't do so well in that tiny plane! Thanks Tori, Leah, Sapphire, and Casey!! I appreciate your well wishes! And thanks Heather! Glad you're enjoying the book!
    Well, I'm off to pack.. God Bless you all!

  9. Sun Sept 5th,
    Good evening, MaryLu.
    Just read your blog ... hoping you have a wonderful and safe trip ... and enjoy that marketing seminar ! That's a lot of flying hours ... wow !!! Will be praying for your safety !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley
