
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Oh, I just love the eerie mood of this one! Some poor pirate met his death searching for treasure in this cave!


  1. Wed Nov 17th,
    Morning, MaryLu.
    Yes ... I love this photo too ... most eerie ! The ship, its death, the muted colours, along with some soft lighting ... can just 'imagine' the story behind this picture !!!
    "What say ye MaryLu ... another pirate story spinning in yer mind?"
    Thanks for the neat photo !
    P.S. -- Just a thought and a question: In the Trilogy series -- Faith, Hope and Grace also have a sister Charity. I was "thinking and hoping" that there was going to be at least one more story, involving her -- like 'surely', she will be able to escape that beastly husband of hers, Lord Villemont ??? Just wondering ....
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Wed Nov 17th,
    Just me again.
    "As if" you needed more suggestions (not) ... just "maybe" ... Charity and Gavin could hook up somehow. Of course, Gavin would be a changed/renewed man of God by then ! Sorry ... my brain/mind/heart just loves those 'pirate novels' !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. Its an awesome picture thats for sure! wow... kinda got the chills!
    (Gavin hooking up would be awesome!)

  4. Ooh - so dark and spooky. Love it!

  5. @Brenda: we ALL want MaryLu to write a fourth novel about Charity, even she wants to. But, she has no say in the matter. I say we all mutiny against the bad forces that be!!! Arrrrr!..............On another note: MaryLu, I love this pic. Adding it to my collection.

  6. Ooh cool. It kind of reminds me of the first Pirates of the Caribbean, when they are in the cave with all the jewels.

  7. Thanks ladies!! I thought you'd like this picture. I agree, Tori, it does remind me of that scene in Pirates 1.
    About Charity, yes, I would LOVE to write her story. First I have to sell a zillion copies of the Charles Towne Belles series and then I can write whatever I want! LOL. But I do agree, Gavin and Charity would make an excellent match. I also am dying to write Captain Poole and Abigail. Sigh

  8. I love this picture. But I don't see how its eerie...more like intriguing, as if taunting you to enter and find out what happened...weird, huh? Really cool.

  9. Wed Nov 17th,
    Heh again ... still 'me'.
    Yes ... I totally forgot all about Captain Poole and Abigail !!! Good thinking, MaryLu !!! (Just finished reading "The Blue Enchantress", and just started into "The Raven Saint" today (again, both for the second time around).) Well, fluffernutters anyway !!! We'll just all have to pray harder ... for a zillion copies to sell, of the Charles Towne Belles !!!!!!!!!!!
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  10. Yeah, it's like the atmosphere is charged. I've also got this Atlantis feeling. Who was Gavin again?

  11. Good point, Eszter. Yes, I want to dive into the picture and look around!
    Brenda, you're such a sweetie! Thank you for making my day.
    Gavin is Nathaniel's first mate and best friend in The Blue Enchantress. I don't want to say anymore in case some of you haven't read the book.
