
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!

Bring me that Horizon!


  1. Wed Nov 24th,
    Good Morning, MaryLu.
    "B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l" ... love this picture, and looking off into the magnificent and colourful sunset through the ship's lines !
    And to MaryLu and "all" of my American friends (and their families)... Have a "MOST happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day", tomorrow, November 25th !!!
    We "are" a blessed people, indeed !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Thinking about the song Set Sail by Ray Boltz

    Set sail, the Captain’s calling
    It’s time to climb aboard
    Set sail, there’s room for all
    And there’s such a great reward
    There’s not a chance you can fail
    Set sail

    You have been standing
    Staring at the sea
    You have been searching
    For a sense of destiny
    There is a purpose
    There is a plan
    But you’ll never find it
    With your head stuck in the sand

    Set sail, the Captain’s calling
    It’s time to climb aboard
    Set sail, there’s room for all
    And there’s such a great reward
    Oceans of Glory, islands of Grace
    The sun on your shoulders
    And the wind in your face
    There’s not a chance you can fail
    Set sail

    Can you imagine
    How exciting it would be
    To launch out in faith
    And sail across the sea
    You have been waiting
    I think you know
    The time to wait has passed
    It’s time to go


    Climb aboard, let’s begin
    Give control to the One
    Who rules the wind

  3. That is an absolutely beautiful picture!

  4. This is the most gorgeous sunset ever, and I just love how it reflects on the ocean...if only I could see this from an actual ship some day! I don't think I could ever forget the sight. :-)

  5. Breathtaking...thats how I see it. It does make the horizon within reach, almost like if you sailed fast enough, you could cathch it.
    Is it true that there is going to be a Pirates of the Caribbean 4? I thought they stopped at # 3.

  6. Also, Have a happy thanksgiving MaryLu!

  7. I love that sky. I would do almost anything to be there right now. Only Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can't miss that! My family is here so that would be inexcusable! We could all meet there! Ha ha!
    Happy Thanksgiving MaryLu!
    God bless everyone,
    ~Abigail =D

  8. @Eszter...yes, POTC4 ("On Stranger Tides") is coming out next May or June. Will and Elizabeth are out of the picture; it's going to be about Jack and Barbossa searching for the Fountain of Youth, and running into Blackbeard and his daughter. Check it out at this link I can't wait for it to come out! :-)

  9. Thank you Sapphire! I didn't think they would cut Will since he's now the captain of the Flying Dutchman. I'm a POTC fan, so I hope the movie will turn out great!


  11. Thanks everyone! I thought you'd like that sunset! Hey.. I love the lyrics to that song by Ray Boltz!! I've never heard it before.. Awesome. I'm going to have to look that one up.
    Yes, I heard about POTC 4. I'm a bit disappointed about Will and Elizabeth and I also heard they are putting a Science Fiction spin on it, which sort of turns me off. Why can't they just make a normal pirate movie??? ANyway, having said that, I'll still go see it. :-)
    Someday in heaven, we'll all meet on a ship like this and sail to catch the horizon!
    Happy Thanksgiving!! Fill your tummies and give thanks to God for all He's done for us!

  12. this is a great photo. I wish I was on that ship...for real!!! Have a lovely, very Happy Thanksgiving with your family. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  13. Marylu, You have such a beautiful blog. I always feel a sense of peace when I visit. Just wanted to leave a comment this time and tell you how you've blessed me:) Your Wordless Wednesdays are especially unique and you write such beautiful devotional posts. Thanks for everything.

  14. This is beautiful! Wordless Wednesday's are the best. :)
    I have a question...when there is something new in your news letter will there be a reminder send to our emails?
    Have a great Thanksgiving weekend! :)

  15. I wish I was on that ship too, Heather! Any ship, in fact, as long as it sailed in warm waters... :-)

    Laura, thank you so much for your comment. I have often wondered if I should keep this blog going as it takes some time. I LOVE all the comments I get and the relationships I've formed here, but it's time consuming. But the Lord has told me to keep going and your note confirmed that for me. I want my blog to be a safe place that glorifies God and encourages His people and a place where friends meet.
    Tori, if you've signed up for my newsletter, then you'll receive it every time I create one. I've been bad about getting them out on time, but I plan on sending one next week.
    Have a great weekend!!
