
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Winners of my HUGE Contest!!!!!

I can't thank everyone enough who entered this contest and who "Liked" me on Facebook and Tweeted about me and signed up for my newsletter (you won't be disappointed!) and liked my books and wrote reviews... you are all AWESOME!  I was overwhelmed at the response and how kind all of you were! I wish I could give each of you free books. 

I used to select the winners. And here they are:

Kelli Adkins
Teresa Matthews
Caroline McAllister
Amanda Davis
Micah Widdis
Heather Manning
Jennifer Whitney
Tracey Cooper
Faith Hope and CherryTea
Barb Hudson

Would you ladies please contact me with your addresses please??  


  1. HUGE Thank Yous MaryLu!
    delited and anticipating some great reading :) ...

    ConGrats to ALL the Winners!!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners. Please make sure you spread the word about MaryLu's novels. Encourage others to 'like' her on Facebook. Let's help her get to 1,000 likes!

  3. Congratulations to all ye winners! Aye, let's get 1,000 'likes' on her Facebook Page! Storm the seas of Facebook and/or Tweeter to get people interested and/or reading her wonderful novels!

    Thank ye MaryLu, 'tis will definitly expand me reading selection! ;)
