
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

Tall Ship race in Ireland!


  1. Wed March 14th .....
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well, not only do I love the picture .... but I wish I were on one of those ships during the "Tall Ship race in Ireland" !!! Wow ... would that ever be an amazing time !!!
    Okay ... this is now my new screen-saver picture for the next while.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Thanks, Brenda! It's a gorgeous shot, isn't it? Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  3. It's one my bucket list to go sailing and see like this pictures does.
    Amazing shot!

    Shelby Z.

  4. I want to be on one of those ships as well. To be gliding swiftly across the waters side by side with other ships! Nice dream.
    Have a great day! It's cold and stormy here in Anderson. We really need the rain, so I am grateful for it. :)

  5. Methinks we have the same bucket list, Shelby!

    Debbie, it's cold and rainy here too! Burr.. I need some hot cocoa.

    Me too! Sheri.. draw in a deep breath! Ah, my kingdom for a house on the beach. :-)

  6. I am not sure I would want to be on one but they sure are nice to see, I almost feel like I am there, what a realistic pic.
    thanks for sharing
    Paula O

  7. Paula, you'd be surprised what a wild ride it is on one of these ships. On TV it looks really calm but when you're out there, it's like a rollar coaster ride! It's amazing how these sailors manage to stand up.

  8. sooo liking this!
    i actually had an onboard tour of one of these gorgeous ships [docked of course] not so gorgeous to think of being out on some far horizon...

    just made your 200th scalawag follower :)
