
Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun Friday! My next cover!

Well, believe it or not, I'm still trying to get settled from my trip to Jamaica! I suppose it's because Veil of Pearls released this month so I've had a ton of things to do. Blogs to be on, articles to write, interviews! It's crazy but in a good way. I also had to finish the final edits on Forsaken Dreams, which was past-due to my publisher!  But no sooner had I turned it in, then I received the cover in my email!  One of my favorite parts of the entire process is my first glimpse of the cover!!!   I just love seeing the first visual representation of my characters and story. (I also LOVE the Video trailer part too!)  Anyway, here it is! 

What do you think?  What sort of feeling did it invoke?

Here's the story line.

They Left Everything Behind to Build a New Southern Utopia

Colonel Grant Wallace has seen enough death to last a lifetime. Weary and disillusioned, he slumps beneath a weight of defeat and loss. With nothing to keep him home and with the North inflicting punishment across the South, Grant organizes a shipload of southerners who, like him, long to escape the horrors of war and start a new life in a verdant land called Brazil.

Eliza Crawford can barely remember the days of her youth spent in opulence and comfort at her home in Marietta, Georgia. If only she hadn’t met Union Brigadier General Stanton Watts. But how can she even think that? He was her husband. At least he had been for a year before he was killed in the Battle of Fredericksburg. Now, rejected by both North and South, Eliza hopes to escape her past and her pain and start over in Brazil.

But once the voyage begins, troubles abound. Will  dangers at sea and enemies from within keep Grant and Eliza from the new life—and love—they long for?

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Looks intriguing and mysterious ... Very nice!

    I'm looking forward to jumping into another MaryLu Tyndall series! Yay! :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Friday, July 20th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    First of all ... so thrilled to hear that "Forsaken Dreams" is well 'in the works' ... as I am about half way through "Veil of Pearls" now (oh drats) ... and do NOT want it to come to an end ! Just pondering this: you work days, weeks, months on a novel -- all the preparation, details, corrections, edits, re-writes, etc, etc, etc ... and we the fans ... "gobble it all up, rapidly I might add, in one to three days time" !!!!!!!!!!!!! Go figure !!!
    Okay ... on with "Forsaken Dreams" ... the cover is one of the best I have ever seen ... no kidding !!! The feelings it invoked -- captivating, intriguing, mysterious, even a tad eery (mountains and mist), dreamy looking with the clouds and mist, stunning colours and scenery, and to top it all off, the heroine appears beautiful (and with only part of her face showing) ... Even if I weren't aware of 'who you were' (as an author) ... I would be totally attracted to this book ... just by the cover alone ! I even love how they did the lettering -- the various scripts/fonts, with an artsy/beautiful design going around the title 'Forsaken Dreams'. Basically ... it "pulled me in instantly" as a reader, just looking at it ! Love it, love it, love it ... and, can hardly wait to read it ! (When is this one coming out ?)
    The story-line sounds terrific, once again (no surprise there) ... Well, you must be absolutely thrilled and most pleased with the excellent cover, MaryLu !!! Truly, they did an outstanding job !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. What an intriguing cover! The dress is beautiful and I like how only her profile is showing. The white foamed waves and the mist covered cliffs make me think that smooth sailing is not ahead for this heroine. Congratulations on this cover. It has already grabbed my attention and I can't wait to read it.

  4. Amazing cover!!! I am a little disappointed because I saw the picture of the cover BEFORE I read what you wrote and I was looking for the link to buy the book! Then I realized it wasn't out yet! :) *sigh*

  5. MaryLu, this cover is GORGEOUS! A new life in the unknown, a new land cloaked in mystery, and new dreams yet to be realized. The colors are beautiful and I love how her dress matches the crashing waves and unsettled sky. The shades in her hair color is even found in the boat and mountains! It all blends perfectly while still maintaining each individual detail. It looks to be a great adventure!

    I'm so looking forward to learning more about Grant and Eliza and getting swept away in the world you created for them!!! Also, I can't wait to meet the other characters who I'm sure will play leading roles in other books in this intriguing new Escape to Paradise series! I just love series books!! =D

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thanks Caroline!!

    Brenda, are you sure you're not a writer?? You have a great way of describing things! I'm so glad you are enjoying Veil of Pearls. Yes, it does seem unfair that it takes me SO LONG and SO MUCH work to write and people read it in days.. I had one person tell me she read it in 1 day! But I'm so glad people are enjoying it!!!

    Thank you Amy! I'm in love with this cover! They keep getting better and better!

    zachandZoesMom (cute name BTW) Yikes.. sorry, I shouldn't have teased you like that. It's all written but not available until February 2013.

    Amanda.. yes.. the colors are stupendous.. the way they all blend and compliment one another. I used to oil paint so I can really appreciate what they did. This series is unlike anything I've ever done. It has a supernatural edge to it. :-)

    Releases in February!

  7. Oh MaryLu, the new cover is GORGEOUS! And I LOVE that dress. I think the cover gives the book a very mysterious feel, and after reading the story line, can you imagine going to a new place and not having some kind of reservations of the unknown? Looking good, MaryLu. And as always, can't wait to read it! :)

  8. That cover is absolutely stunning! I love it! I agree with the above comments about it giving off a mysterious feel. I cannot wait!

  9. The cover is amazing!!!
    I've been looking forward to this book since you first mentioned it here on your blog, but now I really can't wait! This is my favorite of all your book covers. It is simply beautiful, and I would pick up this book immediately, even if I didn't know it was by you. The various shades of blue are stunning, and the cliffs, waves, and fog look so dramatic and hint at adventure.

  10. I actually copied the cover to my computer, so that I could share it on Facebook, with the whole picture showing. I included a link to this blog, so people can come by and read what the new series is about. So, can you tell us if you will be leaving us hanging at the end of each novel or if each book can stand alone? You don't have to tell me, if you want to keep everyone in suspense.

  11. I love this cover! I think it is one of my favorites. I really can't wait to read this book. It looks so awesome! The cover is almost eerie and mysterious. It looks like something out of a movie or a dream. I love the dress that she is wearing, too! Again, I really cannot wait to read this!

  12. Thanks Angi! Yes, that's what I was hoping for, a very mysterious feel... yet romantic. I think they pulled it off!

    Thanks Emma!!
    Cortney, I agree with you.. I think it is by far my favorite cover of mine! The mysterious fog actually plays a part in the story!

    Debbie, Thank you for sharing it and leading people here!! To answer your question, yes and no (how's that for an answer?) I'll be wrapping up the major part of each story at the end of the book, but leaving other secondary strands unsolved. Make sense?

    Heather, Yes, her dress is scrumptious, isn't it? This was a live model in an actual dress. Amazing.

  13. This is an awesome cover! Its so beautiful and mysterious! The story line sounds great! Cant wait to learn more!
    I still have to buy and read Veil of Pearls and the Central Park Rendezvous! So much to look forward too!

  14. That cover is breathtaking!!! Honestly, one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. ^_^

    And the premise sounds thrilling, as always. Such a unique setting...can't wait! :-)

  15. Amazing colors and typography. It's very intriguing and mysterious, but at the same time, the profile view offers hope to us readers that dreams are not completely crushed.
    I adore the cover. I really do. And I can't believe I am looking the the cover of a new book. Seems like only yesterday I was googling over Veil of Pearls...
    So excited! It will make ME a wonderful birthday present come February!

  16. I love it! It is so creative and the colors are beautiful for sure.

    It has that taste of the hidden mysteries and adventures inside your book.
    Covers are so important these days. people want to see something good before they pick up a book.

    Shelby Z.

  17. Thank you Tori!! Yes.. I just got my author copies of Central Park Rendezvous in the mail. So cool!

    Sapphire. Thanks... I agree.. I can't stop looking at it.. so pretty.

    Tammy, it does seem a bit early to be looking at my next cover. My publisher didn't used to create them this early but I think they are doing more pre-release marketing then they used to. My BD is in Feb too!

    Shelby. I agree! Covers are so important!! I'm so visual that as my eye scans the book shelves, it is automatically drawn to something stunning. Thanks!

  18. Pretty much like your Legacy of the King's Pirates series? Each one wrapped up one story, but left other stories to be fulfilled in the next book. As long as there is SOME closure at the end of each book, so that I don't go bonkers waiting for the next one. LOL

  19. Sat July 21st ....
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Drats, drats and drats again .... finished reading "V-o-P" already ! Received it on Thursday evening, and was done by Friday night ! Loved the story, MaryLu ... and the message(s) you were getting across. Everyone will be able to identify with the characters in your book to some degree (of -- trying/wanting desperately to 'fit in').
    Anyway ... excellent read, as always ! Didn't want to put it down, and most certainly ... did NOT want it to come to an end.
    Say what ??? February 2013 !!! Oh no !!! That's a long wait. Oh well ... such is the case.
    Anyway ... just wanted you to know the book was great ! Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to writing these novels !
    Have a good weekend.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  20. Oh, this book sounds so exciting!!! Eliza will be so different from the rest of your heroines, since she's been married already. She kind of "knows the drill" lol. I can't wait!! But I have to wait... :(

    Brenda, I cracked up at your "Say what??" :D

  21. Yes, Debbie.. just like my pirate series.. except there will be an underlying spiritual warfare theme in these books that doesn't get resolved until the last book.

    Brenda, I'm SO GLAD you enjoyed it!! But stop reading them so fast. I can't keep up!!! LOL. Yes, sorry about the February date. :-( But it will be here before you know it. :-)

    Thanks Sarah.. yes, I believe she is my first once-married heroine! It was different writing her story.

    Have a great weekend!

  22. LOVE the cover-LOVE THE PLOT!!!

  23. Looks like you've hit another great story line, and I loved the book cover!! Very mysterious... It sort of reminds me of an historical Brazilian soap opera I watched a couple of years ago. (In South America soaps are kind of like a long mini-series. They end after about 6 mos.) It told the story of an Adalia-type runaway slave...only in Rio. So I guess it was a mix of "Veil of Tears" and "Forsaken Dreams"!

  24. Thanks Eszter. The plot is taken from real history. Really fascinating!

    Diane, I've never seen a Brazilian soap opera. How fascinating!! Did it run here in America?

  25. WOW!! I missed this the other day but I'm glad I've seen it now. Absolutely love it and glad you are coming out with another one so soon after Veil of Pearls. It seems like forever since your last one until VoP. Which, by the way, I just finished two nights ago and it was PHENOMENAL!! As I knew it would be.

  26. Thanks Linda! Yea.. it was almost a year between my last 2 books, but we've switched back to 6 months. So Glad you liked Veil of Pearls!!

    Chickey, thanks for stopping by!!

  27. Oh my! I LOVE the description of this book. MaryLu, I loved your pirate books, but your latest titles have been going a GREAT direction and I'm absolutely loving Veil of Pearls right now. Fantastic, really, really fantastic! :D
