
Friday, October 19, 2012

Vote for my next Heroine!!

Last week I gave you a description of the heroine in Abandoned Memories, the book I'm about to get started on writing, and asked for pictures that best depicted her character. I was so thrilled at your responses!  Look at all the beautiful actresses you chose!!!   This week, I'm going to ask you to vote for your favorite. Here are the rules

If you submitted one of these pictures, you may cast 2 votes. One for the actress(es) you chose, and one more for your next favorite.  If you didn't submit any photos, please just vote once for the actress you feel best portrays the description above of Angeline Moore. 

I'll tabulate the votes and announce the winner next week!  The winner receives a $20 Amazon Gift certificate!

Here's my description of Angeline Moore again: 
Angeline Moore
Even though Angeline is only 20 years old, she's already lived a life time of pain. Orphaned at 17, she went to live with an abusive uncle and ended up back on the street doing whatever she could to survive. She has auburn hair and violet eyes (eyes don't have to match). She stands at just 5'4" and has a voluptuous figure that attracts men.
Because of what she's been through, she is insecure, untrusting, volatile, fearful, and angry.  However, she is also kind-hearted, stronger than she gives herself credit for, and persevering. And she loves cats!  She bites her bottom lip when she is nervous and carries around a pistol, determined that no one will ever harm her again!

Christina Hendricks
Amy Adams

Blake Lively
Bryce Howard
Cassidy Freeman
Jessica Chastain

Danneel Harris
Emma Stone
Isla Fisher

Jennifer Lawrence

Karen Gillan

Kate Mara
Katie LeClerc

Maurene O'Hara

Molly Burnett

Molly Quinn

Natalie Portman

Rachel Mcadams

Rebecca Mader

Samantha Barks

Scarlette Johanson

Kate Winslet
Unknown actress 1

Unknown Actress 2
Meghan Ory
Debbie Ryan
Unknown Actress 3

Tess Mercer

Leave a comment with your vote!!   And THANKS for your help!


  1. Fri Oct 19th,
    "Morning, MaryLu".
    Well, this is just fun, once again.
    So many pictures, but only one choice ! Wow, this was difficult to choose just one, with so many good possibilities.
    However, seeing that I am "older" than everyone else on this blog-site, my selection is: Maureen O'Hara. Remembering her from "past, older movies" ... I think of the character she has always played ... that of being feisty (volatile), red-headed, a strong character, persevering, kind-hearted, and most certainly had a voluptuous figure. She was beautiful, and had a commanding presence about her. And truly, had the occasion risen -- I could totally picture her carrying around a pistol !
    Yes, please enter me in the contest, MaryLu. And thank-you for this opportunity.
    Have a great weekend, everyone !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. "Unknown Actress #3" is Gemma Arterton. :)

  3. Wow. Such beautiful ladies! However, I still go with my first pick of Maureen O'Hara, of course. :-)

    And my second pic... Hmmm... Maybe it's because of her expression, but I'd have to say Natalie Portman gets my second vote.

    And thank you for letting us play along. :-)

  4. My vote is for Debbie Ryan. I've never heard of her, but based upon the picture I think she's a good fit for Angeline.

  5. Hi, I looked at all of the faces, eyes in particular to see who would match your description of your heroine and I pick Jessica Chastain.

  6. Kate Winslet has the look of elegance and strength (not just in the shown picture). She can pull that kind of roll off well.

  7. What a lot of choices! I'm personally going to have to go with Isla Fisher, though...excited to see which one is the winner! ;)

  8. I best make these two votes well thought out ones. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

    The first one is MOLLY QUINN. Definitely. I can see her biting her lip when nervous, and though she is "insecure, untrusting, volatile, fearful, and angry," her beauty is only intensified by them.

    My second choice would be KAREN GILLAN! She has a strength to her features and her eyes, but that could easily do a complete plummet into her insecurities and anger.

    Thank you for letting us be a part of your stories this way, Mary Lu! Best of luck to everyone! :)

  9. Well, this is hard. If I could picture all these (mostly) modern women in clothes of Angeline's time period it would be easier! I think my vote goes to Natalie Portman here though. :)
    Interested to find out which is the winner! Thanks MaryLu!

  10. How fun! I suggested some ladies, so I guess that means I get two votes?

    1. Unknown actress #1
    2. Karen Gillian (never heard of her but she seems a great fit!)

  11. My vote is for Molly Quinn. I loved going through all of the pictures. Finding the photo that totally depicts the heroine I'm writing about is one of my favorite things. :)

  12. Emma Stone or Unknown actress #1

  13. I went back and forth for a long time trying to decide...but I'm gonna go with with actress #2. Her facial expression I think gives depth to everything she feels, has known, has survived in. It makes her beautiful. And she can totally pull off the nervous biting on the lips yet look strong without realizing it. Can't wait to see the results!

  14. Unknown Actress #2.
    She is exactly how I pictured her when I read the description!

  15. I vote for Jessica Chastain. I think she has the 'look' you are after. I like Emma Stone, too, but Jessica is my first choice.
    I'm still trying to get over the last post......I will never think of Frank Sinatra in the same way again. LOL
    Have a great weekend, Cap'n! *hugs*

  16. Hmmm, looks like my last post didn't go through. I'll try again!

    1. Karen Gillan, who I submitted. I picked her because an image of her popped right into my mind when I read Angeline's character description. If you've ever seen Karen in Doctor Who, you know she could also act the role very well.

    2. Jessica Chastain is my second choice. I think she has the look and the vulnerability and strength to pull it off.

  17. Molly Quinn! Love her on Castle and she definitely could get angry along with her sweet vulnerable side

  18. I vote for unknown actress 2--the look in her eyes says it all.
    Emma Stone would be my second choice, though. :)

  19. I think Kate Winslet! :)

  20. Unknown Actress #2, she kind of has a angry look to her. With a fuller bottom lip, I can easily see her bitting her bottom lip as well.


  21. Oh goody! My Isla Fisher pic made the cut! After looking through all these awesome photos of different actresses, I think they would all fit the personality of the character...but not the physical characeristics. Angeline is only 20, so she's still going to look young. However, she has endured so many hardships that would give her a more adult look than would otherwise be normal. Also, Angeline is described as "voluptuous," so the darling has a gorgeous figure.

    Based on that criteria, my first pic still has to be Isla Fisher. I feel she best represents the criteria, IMO. But my second pick would be Molly Quinn. She still has that wide-eyed innocence, looks 20 instead of way too much older, and still looks like she could survive somewhat on the streets. She does look a little high school-ish for the character, perhaps, but it might be better to go a little younger than a little older when trying to best represent the character.

  22. I vote for Unknown actress #2.

  23. My vote is for Kate Winslet

  24. I think Jennifer Lawrence fits the description.

  25. I vote for Natalie Portman. Her hair is not quite auburn, but she is really pretty and I think she fits the description quite nicely.

  26. I think Emma Stone would be a good one.

  27. Samantha Barks would be a great fit for that description!

  28. Unknown actress #2 all the way! That look on her face is...perfect!

  29. I like unknown actress number two.

  30. Unknown actress #2!

  31. I like to vote on the people's looks for things like this. I don't think it is wise to vote on how they have acted in past movies. I think we should vote on the best picture, not whoever played a character that reminds us of Angeline. Because of this, I think that the unknown actress #2 fits the look of Angeline. That is just my opinion.

  32. Wow, MaryLu, so many great names to choose from!! Good job listing them on your blog; love the various shades of hair color they have, what a variety :)

    My number one vote is the one I submitted: Kate Mara
    My other vote is for:
    Bryce Howard,
    she can pull off any character beautifully!
    Thanks for allowing us to participate, that was fun!!

  33. Oh, I'll say Rachel MacAdams for sure......great actress.
    Thanks for the chance to win a GC.
    Jackie S.


  34. I say number 25 and 29

  35. Quite the selection. I dare say, I pick UNKNOWN ACTRESS 2

    God bless with much love!

  36. I was looking for the opposing qualities of anger and tenderness in the expressions of these actresses. Here are the two that seemed to fit that the best, in my opinion.
    1. Jennifer Lawrence
    2. Unknown Actress #2

  37. 1. Bryce Dallas Howard (one I submitted)
    2. Jessica Chastain (she nails the hurt/angry vibe)

  38. This is a lot of fun! Hmmm...I'd say that unkown actress #2 perfectly fits your description!

  39. Man, there are too many to choose from! I picked at least five that I thought would do and started narrowing down again from there. Guess I will now jump off the cliff and say my vote goes to Unknown Actress #2. She seems to embody sadness and smoldering resentment. Some of the girls' pictures are too happy or too innocent looking. I think of Angeline as a girl who's been through some bad experiences and is therefore quite wary.

  40. I would say Unknown Actress 2. See the look in her eyes? It speaks of her bitter past. And what beautiful red hair! I feel she fits the description of Angeline Moore almost perfectly. :)

  41. I would have to say Unknown Actress 2

    So many great choices though! It took me a while to decide! :)

  42. I vote Kate Winslet. I love her because she's beautiful and she's not a size 2. Not every woman is that small and when you say "voluptuous" I don't see a think surgery enhanced woman... I see someone like Kate (or Norma Jean).

  43. I vote for the first picture- Christina Hendricks. She is who I pictured from the time you announced the heroine had red hair.

  44. I think Samantha Barks...she looks as you describe your character to be...insecure, untrusting, volatile, fearful, angry, but strong under the exterior. Not to mention she is very beautiful and mysterious looking!

  45. My vote is for Amy Adams. Maybe it's because of the pose in the photo posted. I think she has "the look" of Angeline.

  46. I FIGURED OUT WHO UNKNOWN ACTRESS #2 IS! Sorry, I have been searching and finally found her. Her name is Anna Lutoskin. She is a 22 year old model from Budapest, Hungary.

  47. That's a HUGE help, JMB!!! Thank you! How did you ever find her?

  48. I was Googling how to find a source of a picture and came across a website called, You put in the URL of the picture and it pops up with a list of possible sources. It led me to a forum with her name.

  49. I think Bryce Howard's fits Angelina Moores disscrpation best she looks depressed and like she could be carrying a gun

  50. Your contest: I vote for Amy Adams.

    The contest to win a signed copy? I have read all your books and own all except 'The Restitution', which I borrowed from the libary and would love to have a signed copy!
    I also love Laura's books and her recent hero, Silas Ballantyne, was such a good and true man.

  51. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway and Love the Scavenger Hunt!

    All the women are beautiful so it's your pick!

  52. Bryce Howard struck me first and that didn't change after 3 scroll throughs.

  53. York, PA is one of the sites of the scene.

  54. I vote Molly Quinn!
    And I love the Scavenger Hunt!

  55. Unknown actress #2

  56. I dont know if Im to late, but this looks like fun. Hummm there are so many lovely choices to pick from for your next heroine. Ug I cant decide on just one, I like Unknown Actress 3, Scarlette Johanson, Isla Fisher, and Natalie Portman. They all got something that sounds like Angeline to me but Im sure you will make a good pick. :)
