
Friday, January 31, 2014

Income Inequality? What?

I rarely get political on this blog (I am just a romance novelist, after all) but I thought I might rant a bit on a topic that's been bothering me a great deal lately.  We are hearing over and over in the news here in the United States that people want Income Equality.  You see interviews with people and politicians saying that one of the major problems in our society is Income Inequality.

But what is Income Inequality?  The definitions I found say that it refers to the unequal distribution of wealth, the huge discrepancy between the rich and the poor. Many many people are saying that it isn't fair that so few are so rich and so many are so poor. That we need a more balanced society where the wealth is distributed more equally.

I'm scratching my head. What???  Our capitalistic system has always been based on hard work and innovation.  The premise is that if you spend the time to get a good education and work hard, you will succeed. If you have a great idea for a new invention and you get the funding and start a company, you can become wealthy.  (Apple, Microsoft)   On the other hand, if you are lazy and have no ambition or don't want to go to school or work very hard, guess what? You'll probably end up at McDonalds flipping burgers for $10 an hour. (which is the new minimum wage here in CA). Now, there's nothing wrong with that if that's what you want. But the great thing about America (or it used to be) is that EVERYONE had the opportunity to become rich and successful.

Does capitalism breed greed? Absolutely. Are there greedy people in the world? YES!  But you don't have to be rich to be greedy. Poor people can be greedy too. My point is that yes, there are CEOs of companies who are only out for themselves and who take advantage of others. But there are also CEOs of companies who are good, decent people, who have worked hard to get where they are at.

I'll use my husband as an example. He worked his way through college for 5 years, then he worked his way through graduate school for another 4 years. He finally landed a job at age 29 with IBM as a Research Scientist. He has his phD in Physical Chemistry and is the hardest working man I know.  He works now for a different company as a Senior Director, one step below Vice President. He works 5 days a week, sometimes 12 hour days and he often has to travel overseas. At his level, he carries an enormous responsibility for the company's welfare. He and those above him have to know everything about every technology in the company so they can make mulit-million dollar decisions in a split second.  I'll tell you right now, there's no way I could do that job. No way!  I have neither the brains nor the temperament!   Because of things he has told me, I have the greatest respect for people who run companies. It requires a huge sacrifice and lots of time and intelligence. 

So, why should money be taken away from someone like that and given to someone who never went to college or never worked very hard.  What's EQUAL about that?  
Now, I'm not talking about those who can't work, who have some sort of disability or injury. I'm talking about healthy normal adults.

The United States is not a land of Equal Income. It is a land of Equal Opportunity so that ANYONE who is willing to work for it can become rich and successful. Or at the very least, they won't be poor and desolate.

Let me be clear, however. I'm NOT saying that poor people are lazy and rich people are hard-working.  Not at all!  Obviously circumstances and the economy can cause someone to be down on their luck. And inheriting money from a relative can also make someone who hasn't worked hard rich.

All I'm saying is, whatever your situation, here in America, there's always hope that with hard work, you can improve your station.

You may not have the brains to be a CEO of a company, but you can use your God-given talents and work hard and be successful at something.

What our government seems intent on doing is taking money from those who have worked hard all their life for it and give it to those who haven't.  So, I ask you, why would the CEO of a company work so hard for the same money that someone in the mail room makes?  Why would anyone bother to go through 8 years of college and work their way up a company if there was no reward at the end? If our government continues on this course, people will stop going to college, people will stop coming up with innovating ideas that will better our world, people will stop working well and hard so they can get a better job, and people will not start companies that employ thousands.  Then, where will we be?


  1. Are you kidding me? You don't think a teenager working at a fast food restaurant shouldn't make as much as a CEO or doctor? What's wrong with you? Ha ha. Just kidding.
    None of it makes sense to me. If a small business owner who has to pay their employees much more, then how are they to stay in business? Wouldn't they have to raise prices and then in turn lose business from the consumer? Then they would have to cut their employees' hours back or even let me go. How is that good for the unemployment or even for the economy? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Isn't small businesses what have made America?

  2. Thanks Amy! I agree! Small business is the backbone of our country's economy! But gov. is making it harder and harder for small business to stay in business. Such a shame! And jobs like flipping burgers or working in a mail room weren't ever meant to be jobs that supported a family. These were always entry-level jobs for people who were just starting out in the work force. Sigh

  3. Totally. When I went to Romania with my mother, the 20-something people (my age at the time) were hopeless. What was the incentive to put in all the work to become a doctor when they'd get paid the same as a street-sweeper? Even after they were married, they had to live with their parents in tiny apartments because no one could afford to get their own place. The only way to get ahead was to get paid "under the table" or be part of the black market. If I wanted more money, then I had the option of getting a part-time job to supplement my full-time job. Or I could get my master's degree. Or I could put in overtime and push for a promotion. I had options. They had none. It was sad.

  4. Wow.. what a story, Pam. And how sad. I can't imagine getting up each day with no hope to be able to improve my life. That just breaks my heart. And my fear is that the US is heading in that direction.

  5. Too bad that even right now, people who have been college educated are having a hard time finding jobs, and many of them are working for minimum wage in a field that has nothing to do with what they studied. And then are left with huge amounts of student loans. It is a shame. It is like *let’s run the economy into the ground, stop job growth, and make ridiculous laws that hurt working people in the end* and then *look at all the poor people…we need to do something about it…income equality is the answer!* It is hard to wrap your head around this stuff sometimes.

    1. Yes, Emma.. it's so sad to see many people unable to find work. If government would stop regulating everything and taxing small business and just let the American people do what they do best... create, innovate, and start businesses.. then there would be jobs.

  6. MaryLu, I totally agree with everything you said. I am so sad about what our Government is doing to our country. America has always been called the land of opp[ortunity. And, was known as The Light On The Hill that other countries looked up to. Why do they think we has so many people migrate here. They came for the opportunity to be able to maake a living and for haaaaving freedom to worship like they wanted. But, back then the ones who came were proud to be Americans and did their best to help keep it that way. Now, the ones who come in illegally, are just wanting the free stuff too much of the time, but still go by the rules etc. of the country they left behind. And, to add to these other IFs, why should they be allowed when there are still so many waiting to become citizens by doing it the legal way. And now we are to call them undocumented, insteady of illegal. People have been saving money and coming to America for medical treatments, because they have to wait months and even years for things that need care right away like cancer. I have heard people from other countries say, why would we want to have the medical care they have. And, we are going to lose lots of doctors if they are told they can't treat people that are too unhealthy , and get the same one who becomes a doctor with hardly any experience. And, what will happen to those who make new meds for us? I haven't heard of any of these bureaucrats who have offered to give their wealth to someone else. I would love to wake up and see all of this craziness was only a dream.

    1. Yes, Maxie... my husband's best friend came here from Russia and spent 5 years becoming a citizen. He did everything he was supposed to do and finally he is an American. I can't believe the current government wants to make all those who came here illegally automatic citizens.! It's not right. And why are we calling something that's illegal undocumented? It's a crazy world we live in. And don't get me started on the health care system. Let me just say that I agree.. if things continue down this road, our health care will become like most of the world's... which won't be a good thing.

  7. Hi, MaryLu!

    I agree with everything you said - I am retired, no longer physically able to work, and living on social security. I worked for 48 years before retiring, many years - working numerous jobs at the same time, to support my children. I have never been wealthy, never earned what would be considered a fabulous salary in the eyes of many people, and never expected to receive money I hadn't earned.

    There is injustice in so many areas in the U.S. today - many of which, were mentioned, and it continues to worsen year-by-year. I don't want to go off on a religious "rant", or one of "gloom and doom", but can't help but feel that the gradual loss of our religious freedoms, and resulting demoralization has had a domino affect on all these areas. Our country was founded on religious principles, so many things now seem to be founded on greediness, without respect for God, or our "brother". God has to be angered, hurt, and saddened, by the way people are being treated - a study of bible prophecy vs current events tells me the world's destruction is swiftly approaching. I feel our problems were foretold and brought on by mankind, and wonder how many of them will be reversible??

    1. Yes!! Absolutely! Greed and selfishness and lack of charity and laziness -- most of these things can be traced back to our country pulling away from God and His principles. How sad it must make Him, along with our founding fathers. Yet I also agree that these things were foretold. Some believe they can be reversed. I applaud their hopeful attitude. But personally, I believe when something decays, it can never go back to its original condition. It can be put in the fridge to delay the process, but ultimately, it will be destroyed. Yet, we have a new Kingdom to look forward to at the end of the age that will never end!

  8. MaryLu, I agree with what you said, but I don't think that all the blame can be placed on our current government. I believe America has been in a moral, it's all about me decline for years. We were always taught to work hard and trust and believe in God and get a good education and opportunities would be available to us. My parents could have always used the excuse of race as a reason for inequality, but they did not. But I will tell you that it was very hard for us a times to believe what my parents taught us, especially when you have had a cross burned in your yard and called the N word on several occasions. I don't think the pizza delivery guy should make as much as the CEO, but I do think the CEO should reach back and help the delivery guy if he see there is potential for that person to grow and succeed in life. Let's be real some of the CEO's don't want to reach back and give others opportunities. My dad use to tell us a story about two little boys who reached the top of a mountain and when they got to the top they were asked how will they help others get up the mountain. One little boy says that he will us rocks to knock everyone down who tries to come up and the other says he will use a rope to pull everyone up who wants to come. Then my dad would look at us and say what little boy are you going to be.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Deb! It is incumbent upon those whom God has blessed to help those beneath them! Jesus tells us multiple times to help the poor and orphaned. There are a few corporations who do this well. My husband's company gives tons to charities and I've heard that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates give lots of their money away. Of course there are those who don't... but they will have to answer for that. So, absolutely, I believe we all should help the poor! It's the individual responsibility to help his/her fellow man... I'm so sorry you had such a difficult time as a child. It's hard to believe people would still do that to your family in our day and age. Sounds like you had great parents, though!
