
Friday, January 24, 2014

Writing news and winner of A Rooster Once Crowed!

The Winner of the book. A Rooster Once Crowed by Bryant Cornett is Hannah Straw!!!  Congratulations, Hannah! And thanks to everyone who entered!   This is a fabulous book I hope you all can get your hands on!

Here's my review:
Rarely do I find a non-fiction Christian book that moves me. I've read so many of these "instructional" books in my life, along with many commentaries and a multitude of sermons, that I rarely gain any new insight from them. This book is different. Mr. Cornett has a unique way of looking at Christianity that I found inspiring. I kept wanting to shout at the book, "Yes! Yes! That's right!" The man has done his homework and knows his Scripture well. Whether you are a believer and want to know God a bit deeper or you are a seeker looking for answers, I highly recommend this book!

Buy from Amazon


Writing News

I finished The Ransom  (Sequel to my Pirate series)!!  I sent it to an editor and already got back the initial edits. We go through several rounds.  I thought I'd share her initial comments:

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your book!!! This is a sure winner!! :-) I’m not just gushing—I am totally serious. I got so caught up in the story, the characters, the wild twists & turns you constantly pull us around in, the emotional rollercoaster of the characters (which we feel right along with them)—it’s awesome! 

That sure made me feel good because I get so close to the story sometimes, I actually have no idea whether it is good or not. Other authors can relate, I'm sure. Plus after you've read something 5 or 6 times, you are so sick of it, you could puke (sorry for the visual)

I expect to have this completed and ready for release in early March. I wish I could give you a more definitive date, but right now, it depends on these edits. However, in the meantime, I created a Pinterest board full of the characters and scenery that you can check out if you'd like.

The Ransom Pinterest Board

Also here's a peek at the entire cover, front and back!  And don't forget that starting February 14th and for the next four Fridays after that, I'm having a Pre-Release party (here on this blog) in which I'm giving away a free copy each week.!!

Have a Great Weekend!!



  1. Fri Jan 24th,
    "Morning, MaryLu".
    Congratulations to Hannah S on winning Bryant's new book .... enjoy !
    So thrilled that your edits have been returned with initial edits, MaryLu. I love the cover -- front and back !!! It's really beautiful ! Now, I can hardly wait to be reading it. Not surprised at all by your editor's praise on the story, not surprised at all. Another winner, I am totally sure of !!!
    Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Great job !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

  2. WOW!!! What a great way to start off this chilly Friday (12 degrees where I am). So excited about this book and seeing your Pinterest Board peaked my interest even more. Congratulations on the praise of your initial edits. I'm sure they are well deserved. I finished (read: INHALED) "Elusive Hope" a few days ago and cannot wait to read James and Angeline's story in "Abandoned Memories". You are one of my "must read everything they write" authors and am so glad that you are using God's gift to bless others.

  3. Way to go! I just know that this book will be a winner!

  4. I totally agree with the previous comments!! LOVE the new cover!

  5. Looks great! And March is just around the corner :)

  6. Looks great! And March is just around the corner :)

  7. Thanks, everyone!! I'm pretty excited about this book. As if you couldn't tell. I hope you'll come back in February and join in my pre-release party. Have a great weekend!

  8. Wow! That has to be so exciting to hear an editor give rave reviews about a book you wrote! I can't wait for this to be released. My first introduction to you was when I purchased the first book in your Pirate series. And I know this one is going to be good! And I was hooked. : )

  9. Super! Congrats on the editor's review. I am so looking forward to this book!!! Yay! :) The cover is beautiful too.

  10. Yay! So excited!! I can't wait to read it. :)

  11. Thrilled for you re: those wonderful editor comments on THE RANSOM, MaryLu!!!! Have NO worries - I'm sure the book will be wonderful!! Just as all your others are!! Looking forward to the release!! Thanks for the update!

    1. That's so sweet of you to say! Thank you so much! :-)

  12. YES!!! I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to pick up on the 1692 earthquake of Jamaica ever since I found out about it during my own research for my pirate fanfic (ahem - I watch Once Upon a Time, ship Captain Swan (Emma/Hook), and because I love your pirate trilogy, I had the courage to start a historical fanfiction and try my own hand at writing fiction...). Somehow, this natural disaster has been relatively ignored in the pages of history - and I'm so excited to see your take on it, with the continuation of the story surrounding my fav characters, of course!

    1. Hi Natalie, I agree! The earthquake at Port Royal is too fascinating a story to ignore!! I discovered it years ago while doing research, and proposed a story to my publisher but they rejected it. So it sort of sat on my shelf for awhile. I'm VERY excited to see this book come to light now. That's cool you write pirate fanfic!! Anyway, thanks for your enthusiasm! Look for the book in March!
