
Friday, February 7, 2014

Why I chose to self-publish!

Just a reminder to come back to my blog next Friday, on Valentine's day, when my Pre-release party for The Ransom begins!!  I'm giving away a free copy (print or e-copy) of the book each week to one lucky commenter, so tell your friends and don't forget to stop by!

As some of you may know, The Ransom will be my very first self-published book. I have 13 traditionally published novels, one anthology, and another novel and a novella in the works. I've made a name for myself as an author and my readers have come to expect great adventurous romances, with deep spiritual themes.  I love working with my publisher, Barbour. They have been very good to me over the years. They are wonderful people whom I consider friends.

Several events occurred which led me down the path I'm on. One was the dwindling economy. Because many people are out of work and many are pinching pennies, book sales have dropped. When book sales drop, publishers start closing the door on many books they would automatically have accepted and stick to only those authors who have been best-sellers for them. In other words, they stop taking risks and only choose those books and authors that are at the top. You really can't blame them. They must make a profit or they'd be out of business. But this is bad news for many authors, especially those who aren't at the top or those who write somewhat outside the box.  Unfortunately I fit both categories.  To save themselves, my publisher announced they are limiting their book selections to mainly prairie or amish stories, and if I'd like to write one of those, they'd be interested in seeing it.

Amish or prairie. Huh? Well, nothing against those type of stories, but it just isn't me. In fact, I had my heart set on adding a sequel to my pirate series. Or maybe a mermaid story. Or even delving into the Medieval time period with knights and castles!  Anyway, it became apparent to me that I wasn't going to find a spot with any of the Christian Publishers.

I kept hearing about self-publishing. It used to be a nasty word among authors. Only loser authors self-published, only those authors who couldn't get noticed by real publishers. But times were changing and many really really good authors were self-publishing books that their publishers were rejecting and doing well at it. So, I did some homework, joined some self-pub groups, and discovered there was a whole other world out there for authors. A good world. A world of opportunities beyond what we ever thought we'd have. The more I found out, the more excited I became.

What many people don't realize is that when an author signs a contract with a publisher, the author gives up ALL rights to his or her book. They no longer own it. They have no say in the cover, when it's released (within reason), the price, the editing, nothing. Also, some publishers dictate content to authors. In other words, they can tell an author what type of story they want the author to write and what type of story to stay away from. For example, after my first pirate series was published, I wanted to write more pirate stories, but my publisher told me they didn't want me to. They gave me some suggestions as to time periods and locations they were interested in, but definitely no more pirates! 

Alternatively, a self-published author can write whatever God puts on their heart to write! Not only that, but they retain ALL rights to their books. They can design their covers, release the book when they want, price it the way they want, etc.  So much Freedom!  I was nearly giddy.  Now, I could write that pirate sequel and be in full control of my career.! 

There are definitely some things a big publisher can do for an author that the author can't do for themselves. Marketing seems to be the biggest one. They have contacts with radio shows and distributors and magazines, etc.  They also front the costs for the cover and editing. But they also keep 85% of the profits of each sale. A self-pubber with Amazon can keep up to 70% of the sale.

So, I've decided to go Indie (Independently Published) !  And I'm pretty excited about it! I hope you'll join me in celebrating the arrival of my first Indie book, The Ransom, which I plan on releasing in March! 



  1. I haven't had the experience of being traditionally published, but I completely agree with your reasons for self-publishing, and with the joy found in the freedom of it! I knew I'd probably have to change Bleeding Heart a lot to get a traditional publisher to accept it, and there was no guarantee I'd break into publishing any time soon, if at all. So when I took on a client for my freelance editing & publicity business who wanted me to guide her through the steps of self-publishing, and I formed a friendship with the author who would later become my cover designer, everything fell into place the publish the story(ies) of my heart the way I wanted it/them to be told.

    My publisher name is "Seasons of a Story," and I truly believe each story has a season and its own journey to go through. Each story has its own purpose, and some should be traditionally published, while others self-published, etc. Each has its ups and downs - and like you said, a traditional publisher has access to a specialized audience and methods set in place for marketing the book on a broader level. It is an uphill battle to spread the word, but I do enjoy marketing, regardless. And I've loved my experience with self-publishing so far, even if it hasn't made me independently wealthy. ;)

    I admire you for taking the indie plunge! Your cover is awesome, and I absolutely cannot wait for this story! I'm so glad you're sharing The Ransom with us - thank you!! :)


    1. Thanks Amber... I'm so glad you decided to go this route too. I agree.. you probably would have had to change your storyline quite a bit. It's sad because there are people out there that will benefit from each story God gives us... but I guess that's what happens when ministry becomes a business. Best to you in your "Seasons of a Story"!

  2. Fri Feb 7th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Totally behind/beside you ..... 100% !!! SO glad you are going independently .... with all the freedom that entails.
    Personally, I believe there are MORE than enough Amish and prairie stories ... coming out of the woodwork.
    The whole idea of being an acclaimed author, is the "creativity" involved. I wouldn't want someone else dictating what I could and couldn't write about, either !
    All of us, missed those continued Pirate novels, after your first three. This is wonderful that we can have them back now !
    Of the other time periods you mentioned .... I would SO love to read more stories revolving around the Medieval times ... truly there are barely any books out there, around that era.
    Well, hats off to you MaryLu .... I/we know you will do extremely well at publishing your 'own books'. You are already more than successful !
    Can hardly wait for the release of "The Ransom".
    Keep on writing 'em, girl .... and we'll keep reading 'em !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda!! You're so right about creativity.. .it's not something that can be put in a box.

    2. I'm with you too Brenda! :) Totally agree with you about the Amish and prairie stories. I've read a bunch, and one time was enough for me. My MarlyLu Tyndall books are definite re-reads! :) I love that they are not Amish books. I love that they are different. And I love the other ideas you have too, MaryLu. Medieval times would be fantastic! Mermaids, intriguing ... :) :) :)

  3. Wow! God Bless you! Taking that leap of faith! Good for you!

    I will certainly help spread the word!

  4. You are at the top of my author list and I LOVE the fact that you write 'outside the box'. Amish stories hold no interest at all for me and while I do like a good prairie tell now and again, there's nothing like a great pirate adventure to get my heart racing and long for the beautiful high seas. However, your books are published rest assured you will have my support.

    1. Thanks Amy!! That's so sweet of you to say. I'm like you.. I get bored easily with some books... I want something different, something full of adventure. I'm so grateful to have your support!

  5. Hi MaryLu! I am excited for you in this new endeavor. Having discovered you with Forsaken Dreams and Elusive Hope, I now have gathered some of your older books that I hadn't read yet and look forward to reading them. I will definitely follow you over to your line of self published books and the themes you have mentioned sound so interesting!
    Brittany McEuen

    1. Thanks Brittany! I feel blessed that my publisher even allowed me to write what I did for so long because as you'll see, my stories are not what you typically see in the Christian market. Thanks for buying my books. I truly hope they bless you.

  6. I am excited too, to read The Ransom! :) So glad you wrote it and are continuing in your God-gift of writing fantastic stories with spiritual insights.
    I suppose you could write a story to appease the publisher - the main character could be an Amish man who feels discontent in his lifestyle and wants a different kind of adventure. Hmmmm ... let's say, something like becoming a pirate. And then, after years of pillaging, and sailing the beautiful seas, he is again longing for a change. He settles on the prairies, keeping his pirate past a secret from the other prairie dwellers ...
    It could work ... it could work ... ;)
    I've read a bit about self-publishing, and know an author who started that way, and eventually attracted an agent. I've always wanted to go the traditional route myself - the agent, the publisher and all that stuff. But, I definitely see what you're saying. It makes sense. So, as you dive into this new way of doing things, I pray that God will continue to use you and give you more stories. I love your books! :)
    I met a lady not too long ago who looks like you - at least the picture of you. ;) So I told her that, and then told her about you ...she was going to look you up and tell her daughter to do the same. :)
    Anyway ... Thanks for sharing your heart and your stories with us MaryLu. Keep 'em coming! :)

    1. Caroline.. you crack me up!! I couldn't help but laugh at your story description. Sounds like a good one to me! I fully understand why some writers would rather go the traditional way first. It does give a sort of credibility that you won't get if you just dive into self-publishing. However, there may be people out there who'd love your stories.. and may not have a chance to enjoy them. :-( Anyway, it's not for everyone. Lots of traditional published authors are doing both these days. Hugs...

  7. You know I'll be with you wherever you go! Can't wait for The Ransom!

  8. this is totally "WOW" exciting! I had no idea the publisher had such a big "cut" in the book profits. Good for you! I am cheering for you and love your books! Keep writing!

  9. Wow, what exciting news! Congrats on your new release! I haven't been traditionally published, but I did self-publish two inspirational non-fiction books. You're right, opportunities abound in self-publishing, but there are pros and cons to both. I'm looking into both options for the inspirational novel I'm tinkering with, so I really appreciate your insider input. And I'm so glad to hear that there will be more pirate stories! :D

    1. Thanks Anna! Like I said, many authors are doing both: producing books that the market will accept and then doing their own thing on the side. It's the best of both worlds!

  10. MaryLu, Thanks to friend Jan for sending me your link here. I am so excited for you and will be first in line to order THE RANSOM. Stunning cover which unveils a stunning story! I know you'll bless many through this new doorway and I look forward to many more books of your heart!

    1. Laura.. so good to hear from you! It seems like ages. Thank you so much for stopping by and joining in my excitement! Hugs to you dear friend!

  11. I really enjoy your Wordless Wednesday pictures of tall ships! San Diego has a Tall Ships Parade which we've seen from a tour boat going alongside the parade. It was great. I wish you well on your self-publishing and I'll read your books. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Hi Sm. I've been to the San Diego Tall Ships Festival 3 times now and had a blast! Thank you for your well-wishes, and for dropping by!

  12. Wow, Marylu! I am am so utterly excited for you!
    I am writing my first book at the moment, and I've been saying that I wanted to self-publish it, but it didn't quite understand what self-publishing was. Now, I think I am certain about self-publishing me books, because I have so many ideas that I feel GOD if putting on my heart.
    I am seriously dying to read The Ransom! Your pirate series is my favorite series, and read them got me into pirates, which I am now completely crazy about (Captain Edmund Merrick Hyde, Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner!)
    Anyway, I am really excited for you!
    Hannah xxx

    1. Hi Hannah! Glad I could help you make a better decision about publishing. :-) If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you so much!

  13. I'm Indie Published and love the freedom. What an amazing time we live in that we have that opportunity. Glad you've joined the Indie ranks. The water is fine and you'll enjoy it. Will be looking for your books.

    1. Hi Pat! How did I not know you were Indie published? I'm so behind on my friends and what they are doing. Well, I'm jumping in with you.. and so far, you're right, the water is warm. :-)

  14. Wow! What an awesome new path to take in this journey. I know you will love all of the opportunities that are coming your way. Can't wait for 'The Ransom'

    1. Thank you, Sarah!! Thanks for joining me in my excitement!

  15. So excited for you!!!! Will definitely be reading it.

  16. I'm proud of you! Takes courage to take this step. AND I'm thrilled you'll still be writing pirates. Yay!!

    1. Thanks April... I really felt the Lord telling me to get out of the boat... I know He's with me. :-)

  17. I own all of your books and I definitely plan on buying this one too! Honestly the only reason I wouldn't buy your books is if they were about the Amish or set on the prairie! Keep doing what you're doing.

    1. LOL. Thanks for the laugh..... Well, you can rest assured, there'll be no Amish or prairie from this author. :-)

  18. Way to go, Mary Lu. Indie publishing is not bad. It's not wrong. It's a choice, and sometimes the very right choice! As a newbie author, I'm trying both. (a little rebellious here. lol) I love your cover and look forward to reading your book. Best wishes! --a different Caroline from above. :)

    1. Hi Caroline! Many authors are doing both and are very happy that way. I wish you the best in your writing endeavors!!

  19. Mary Lu, I'm behind you in number of books published (six, soon to be seven, novels and one non-fiction), but am right there with you as a mid-list author. Because of some recent events, I'm now free to choose which way to go, and I'm certainly tempted to consider the self-pub route. I'll be watching closely (and pulling for you all the way).

    1. Let's keep in touch, Richard. I'm happy to share my experiences with you. Best to you and your writing!

  20. Hi MaryLu! I have a Viking novel that no Christian Publisher is interested in, so I may follow in your footsteps! Blessings on you. I can't wait to read the new book!

    1. Jen, I love Vikings! Pray about it and see where God leads!

  21. Your books have found a great home in our church library, so looking forward to adding this one as well. I must admit, though, that the great pictures you have been adding in your newsletter have actually found their way to my PC background. Great shots!

    1. Wow, thank you, Rick. I'm so happy to hear your church library carries my books. Oh, and my Wordless Wednesdays? Yup.. I make them my computer backgrounds too! :-)

  22. How exciting, MaryLu! Looking forward to more of your great pirate books.

    I'd love to see you take on that Amish-pirate-pioneer guy, too. ;)

    Best wishes!

  23. My little cookbook "& You're A Preacher's Wife?" was my gift to my daughters but 650 books later, it's still going. I'm working on my 2nd one, due out in October. It's nothing compared to your big guys but it's 648 more than I thought I'd print. I searched & searched, looked at companies that said they only choose 5% of manuscripts offered (that's not true at all) who want so much $$. My main thing was...I wanted to write what I wanted, as much as I wanted, pick out every detail, have a 16 yr design the cover (& that was a God thing) and not have to buy my book, if I wanted one. I went with a friend who has a local printing company, published 50 at a time, no debt. You have confirmed everything I've thought about. Hadn't tried Amazon, wasn't sure what I'd get into. Congratulations on taking control of your books! More pirates!

  24. Hi Melody! Your cook book is awesome! I'm not surprised it is doing so well! Loading it up to Amazon isn't that hard... and it would give you more sales, I'm thinking... we can talk offline. Hugs

  25. I am so happy you're going to be doing more pirate stories! That's what drew me to your writing in the first place. Hurrah for Indie Publishing!

  26. I like the Amish books, but I sure don't like them becoming the only choice in traditional Christian publishing. I love your pirate stories! Keep writing them, and I'll keep reading them, however you put them out.

  27. I'm so excited for you and I wish you much success. I love Indie authors.

    1. Thanks, Deb!! I'm finding I love Indie authors too... they write things out of the book that are fun and interesting!

  28. Looking forward to your new pirate book, MaryLu! These are new times with different options. Praying this goes great for you!

  29. Marylu I'm so excited about your new leap of faith and I can't wait for The Ransom to come out! Supporting you with prayers and anything else I can do to help. :-)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I'm with Teresa! Anything I can do to help get the word out---let me know! I read the first books you ever wrote and The Ransom was one of them, wasn't it? They made a fan out of me! And they weren't Amish or prairie either. I like pirates, too. After all, Teresa is my Bobbsey Twin -- I HAVE to like pirates. :P

    1. Hi Diana.. .Nop, you never read The Ransom. It's a new book. You probably are referring to one of my other pirate books. Thanks so much for your offer to help! I'll take you up on it!.

    2. It must be another one that I'm confusing it with. The title sounds so familiar...can't wait to read it! :)

  32. Wow I never knew they keep so much of the profit. Amish and prairie really?

    I have also heard many authors don't have much say on their book covers and many times the hero or heroine on the cover does not match the book description.

    I am very excited to read your latest pirate release!


    1. Thanks, Janella! Yes, most people don't realize how very little say in anything the author has. I was shocked when I got my first contract.

  33. MaryLu.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. We who are just starting this journey need this kind of encouragement.

    I just finished a Biblical Historical on Jonathan and realized quickly that it did not fit into any of the genre in which a traditional publisher would be interested. Therefore, I am looking to self-publish. It goes to an editor next month, have my artist son and daughter-in-law working on the cover, and hope to birth my first baby this fall.

    And I can't wait to read your book. I have a pirate series waiting in the wings. I retire from my real job in 110 days and plan to start writing full time after that.

    Thanks again for the encouragement. These are exciting times.

    Pirate Bob

    AKA...J Robert Johnson.

    1. Ahoy Pirate Bob!! Hoist your sails and join me on the adventurous Caribbean! We always need more pirate stories! I'm very excited for you and will be raisin' me scope to seek ye out after 110 days!

  34. COOL!!! I'm glad you are able to self publish. I love some of the publishing companies and it's sad that the economy makes it so they can't take "risks" and they put these restrictions up. I love Amish Fiction; it's one of my favorite genres but when there are SO many on the market I'm afraid it will become white noise :/ I've REALLY wanted to read and review your pirate series for a while now so I'm excited that you have another one coming!!!

    I hope it does well! :)

    ~Amada (pronounced:

  35. I think you should write a book about an Amish mermaid who falls for a prairie pirate.

    Okay, not so seriously, but isn't it great to know you COULD write a book like that? :-) That's what indie is all about, and you said it very well.

    I love the freedom and control. Yes, it's difficult to do all the marketing, but it's a lot better than doing no marketing at all because the traditional publishers rejected your quality story in favor of yet another book about women in big skirts living in little houses. I can't write that stuff, but I can write a good story with characters and settings that readers love.

    Welcome to the exciting world of indie publishing!

    1. LOL Rich. Indeed, that's the freedom of being an Indie. I can write whatever I want! Thanks for the welcome! And the best to you in your writing. :-)

  36. Self publishing is vastly underrated and I think it's totally awesome that you have decided to go indie! I think it's sad how many wonderful novels are pushed aside each year to make room for more amish and prairie novels. I personally don't like either. And is it just me or are all of those books beginning to look and sound totally alike?
    I say, let's break the mold! You should definitely write those mermaid and medieval novels. I know I'd buy them. :-)

    I recently discovered your pirates series and just finished reading The Restitution. I thought that it was a great book, It just ended way too soon for me! I was delighted to hear that The Ransom was coming out and I can't wait to read it! But please tell me there will be a sequel with Fredrick in it. Please?

    1. You aren't the first person to ask about Frederick, Anonymous! You never know! Thanks for coming by... so glad you enjoyed my pirates. :-)

  37. Glad to hear that you will have the freedom of making the decisions in all aspects of your books - from idea through publication, and promotion, MaryLu!! Every author should have the opportunity to do so!!

    Looking forward to the release of "The Ransom", and keeping you in my prayers!! May you be blessed!!

    1. Thank you Bonnie!! I appreciate your prayers most of all. :-)

  38. MaryLu, A friend sent me the link to your blog because she knew I was contemplating Indie vs Traditional publishing. I read your original post and all the responses and really enjoyed the humor, but I got some valuable insights as well. I have an Indie book out (my first novel) and I have really learned a lot, but as I have a full time job at a university, I really struggle with finding the time to market my current book and work on my next one. I love to read and discovering new authors is exciting for me. I look forward to checking our your "pirates"! Thanks for the day brightener and wishing you continued success and many blessings. Katherine

    1. Hi Katherine! It's so hard to juggle a writing career with another full time job. I don't know how you do it. However, I'm going to be taking care of a new grandbaby soon so I guess I'll find out. I've been praying about it and have felt that I need to drop some of the more time-consuming marketing. It's more important that we keep putting out books, great books.. than it is that we get on all the social media and market. I pray many blessings on your first book and on many more to come. Thanks for dropping by.
