Book News!

Oh, but it is good to be back on the open seas with Tyndall. She writes so convincingly that I swear I could feel the salt spray of the sea in my face! Her verbiage is spot on and exciting, too! I was just overcome with joy to be reading another one of her wonderful books!!! Glorious! There is always much excitement in a MaryLu Tyndall book and the reader has a hard time putting the book down. I read it in a day! Susan Snodgrass
I really enjoyed how MaryLu Tyndall pulled characters and background history from “Legacy of the King’s Pirate” series into “Charity’s Cross”! A wonderful historical inspirational romance novel to read, makes me want to read all over again Tracy Finch
I am so in love with MaryLu Tyndall's books, especially her pirate series, and I've yet to be disappointed by her writing. She has taken me on adventure after adventure, causing me to sigh, cry, grimace and Praise God. I love it when books touch my soul....books that take me back to a time, place and characters that I have loved and missed. Debbie Mitchell
Find a comfy couch because once you crack open this book, you won't be moving for a very long time. Charity's Cross is one swashbuckling adventure after another. You'll weep, you'll laugh, but mostly you'll be holding your breath to find out what happens next. This, friends, is MaryLu Tyndall at her finest!
~ Michelle Griep, author of Brentwood's Ward and blogger at Writer Off the LeashPreOrder Now at the reduced price of $2.99! It will go up to $4.99 on February 1st.
Mark your Calendars! Debbie Lynne Costello, Julie Lessman, and I are having a Release Party starting here on February 12th and going through the 26th. We will be talking about our books and giving away prizes on both our blogs. It will be fun!
Multiple Paths to God?
I recently came across an article about the Pope in which he was essentially saying that no matter what religion you are, you are all part of God's family. Yes, we are all God's children, but we are all not saved. The article and the video I'm posting below disturbed me greatly I understand that perhaps his intentions are good in that he hopes to unite people in love and cooperation, but I fear the message that is taken away is that it doesn't matter what you believe... that all paths lead to God. Sounds so good and comforting and nice, but it's a lie that will lead people straight into hell. It's only a minute long. This reminds me of the One-World-Religion the false prophet will be espousing during the end of this age. Thoughts?
My thoughts? He is a false prophet. Only time will tell if he is THE false prophet. The end is near. Need I say more? Have a blessed weekend.
ReplyDeleteI totally second what Debbie said above. Anyone who supports such heresies is NOT from God. All people are made in God's image, but only those who are born again are His children. Here's a video that exposes the Pope's false teachings:
My interpretation of the video is so different than your interpretation. I interpret it as an invitation to talk with others of different faiths so we can try to understand one another's beliefs. There is so much fighting happening in the world and a great deal is religious fighting. It's happening in our own churches.
ReplyDeleteI think the pope is reaching out and encouraging us to stop and talk to our neighbor of another faith. We should also be listening, not hearing, but really listening to what our neighbor of another faith is sharing. I know that I have been surprised by my assumptions.
For me, I let fear rule my life and the decisions not to take time to listen to people of other faiths. I need to remember that perfect love casts out all fear.
My interpretation of the video is so different than your interpretation. I interpret it as an invitation to talk with others of different faiths so we can try to understand one another's beliefs. There is so much fighting happening in the world and a great deal is religious fighting. It's happening in our own churches.
ReplyDeleteI think the pope is reaching out and encouraging us to stop and talk to our neighbor of another faith. We should also be listening, not hearing, but really listening to what our neighbor of another faith is sharing. I know that I have been surprised by my assumptions.
For me, I let fear rule my life and the decisions not to take time to listen to people of other faiths. I need to remember that perfect love casts out all fear.
I appreciate your thoughts on this, Mary. Thank you
DeleteHave finished Charity's Cross and have written my review. I will be ready to post it. I loved Charity and her story and I love the message you have intertwined in the chapters. I am not going to say anything here to be a spoiler alert only that I hated it to end. I will be reading it again as I do with all your great books.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Elsie!!! so glad you enjoyed it. :-)
DeleteI agree with Mary. He is inviting people of all faiths to talk about what they believe and why. I think it is important to know why you feel the way you do. I questioned my faith for many years until I found an inescapably logical conclusion for my belief.( The truth should not be feared, and sometimes it is only through investigation that you find it.
ReplyDeleteI think we need to make a clear distinction between what it means to have an open dialogue with people of other faiths and being politically correct in a postmodern society that hails the values of relativism, tolerance and multiculturalism.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ is our chief example of how we should relate to people. He was the greatest bridge-builder in the world, He reached out to people from all sorts of social backgrounds, but He never compromised the truth for the sake of popularity. He never said „Hey, you’re all believers in your own way, no matter if you’re a prostitute, a tax collector or a Roman soldier, you’re all children of God”. No! He told them” I am the way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me”. ( John 14:6). Does that come across as intolerant and narrow-minded? Yes, to most people. But this is the Gospel. And if we truly want to convey its message to people, if we truly love them, we must put Jesus at the center.The Pope basically says that no matter what you believe in, you’re God’s child. Is that scriptural? No. „Yet to all who did receive Him[Christ], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” (John 1:12-13).
Is the pope really trying to promote dialogue or does he have a darker agenda in mind? Remember the serpent’s lie in the Garden was just as subtle „Did God really say..?” His statements make you lend your ear to „popular gospels” rather than the real message of salvation. Proposing a lie as the foundation for so-called dialogue leads to nothing good.
The Scripture says that there is going to be a huge fall from faith just before Christ’s second coming.
That many are going to turn to the doctrines of demons, despising sound teaching.( 1 Timothy 4). I think we need spiritual discernment now more than ever. Let the Bible be our guide, not what other religious leaders say. Truth is never going to be popular, because darkness hates the light.
One thing is to be considerate towards those who don’t know Christ and quite another to imply that their god is just as good as the living God of the Scripture.
Look at the apostle Paul. He wrote half of the New Testament and preached the Gospel to the Gentiles. Talk about interacting with people from different cultures. But he never said that „We all believe differently”. He preached the resurrected Christ, not man-made doctrines. He didn’t tell people what they wanted to hear, what it made them feel good, he told them what they desperately needed to hear.
I’ve encountered people who distort the Bible so subtly that it scares you. Even satan can masquerade himself as an angel of light in order to lead many astray.
Hell is paved with good intentions. Let’s be vigilant and stand up for the truth.:)
I highly recommend two great testimonies of people coming from pagan cultures who encountered Christ in a marvelous way. One is a former Muslim, Nabeel Qureshi’s „Seeking Allah, finding Jesus”, the other one comes from a highly-respected Hindu family, Rabi Maharaj. He wrote „The death of a guru”. Read these and find out how these individuals who were immersed in such idolatry found Jesus.
Rose, I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts. The message of peace, love, and cooperation sounds so good to our ears, and I'm all for having a dialogue with other faiths as long as we are clear that there is only ONE way to be saved.. and that's through the name of Jesus. Jesus is the stumbling block. He said He came not to bring peace but a sword. The world is entering a time of great deception and it's only going to get worse. We should love all men and live at peace with them as much as we can, but we must never stop speaking the truth and we must never compromise that truth for the sake of peace. Jesus is the Way, the only Way, and if we don't tell people that in the name of "love", then we are loving them straight into hell. :-)