
Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Friday, everyone!!

Those of you who've been following my writing and my blog for awhile are probably wondering why I'm not having my Pre-release party this month for my next book, Charity's Cross, set to release onFebruary 1st.  While I have traditionally done that in the past, this year I'm doing something a little different. I'm going to have a huge Post-release party starting February 15th. I've joined forces with author and friend Debbie Lynne Costello, who also has a new release in February, and between the two of us, we'll be partying hard!  By that I mean, we'll be giving you all sorts of teasers from our books while giving away tons of prizes.   So, never fear....  the party must go on!

Speaking of Charity's Cross, I'm planning on putting it up for Pre-Order tomorrow on the various sites that accept Pre-orders. Then I'll be sending out a newsletter with a link to order it at half the price it will be on release date.  That's just my way of saying Thank you to my loyal readers!  I appreciate you all so much!

The book is finished and in the final polishing phase. If you are on my early reader-influencer list, you should be receiving a copy today!  

I thought you'd like to see the pictures I chose that best represent my hero and heroine. You'll find out more about them and their personalities in  February, but I'll give a hint here.

Elias Dutton

Elias Dutton is the son of the infamous pirate Rowan Dutton.  A man with a past that haunts him, he is a reformed pirate who is now a preacher. His goal? To sail the Caribbean and save souls, women in distress, and protect his family at all costs. 

Charity Westcott, aka, Lady Villemont

Charity spent years living under the vicious abuse of her husband. Now accused of his murder and running from the law, she vows never to trust a man again, especially a religious one.  She plans to travel to Charles Towne to join her family but soon discovers the Caribbean is a dangerous place for a lady alone.

You may want to check out my Pinterest Board for the book. There are some really cool pictures that will also give you a hint of the adventure and romance that awaits you!

I'm not promoting this book as book 4 in my Charles Towne Belles series because, although it is, it can also be read as a stand alone causing the reader no confusion. 

Just 3 more weeks!!   Remember to pre-order it tomorrow at the cheaper price. If you're not already on my newsletter, sign up at the right and the links will be sent to you!

Have a great Weekend! 


  1. Glad to hear the news - looking forward to the read! Keep writing Cap'n!

  2. Beautiful cover, & love those pics, MaryLu - joyfully awaiting the read!! Looking forward to the joint party with Debbie - reading her beautiful book now too!! Congrats!!

    Love, hugs, & prayers!!

    Shared post!!

  3. Fri 8th ....
    "Morning MaryLu .... and gals".
    THRILLED that "Charity's Cross" will soon be releasing!!! SO happy to hear this, MaryLu !!! Can hardly wait. And beautiful front cover too.
    Great job !
    Take care, and God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda

  4. Fri 8th ....
    "Morning MaryLu .... and gals".
    THRILLED that "Charity's Cross" will soon be releasing!!! SO happy to hear this, MaryLu !!! Can hardly wait. And beautiful front cover too.
    Great job !
    Take care, and God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda

  5. Love the book cover! Congrats on your upcoming release!

  6. Fantastic! Congratulations! :)
    Can't wait to read this one too.
    Have a great weekend, MaryLu!

  7. Congratulations to you MaryLu and Debbie Lynne Costello!
    Beautiful book cover and great pictures, can't wait to read it.
    See you at the party.
    Blessings, Tina

  8. Cant wait to read!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

  9. I can't wait. I've been hoping she'd write charitys story for a long time.

  10. Thank you all so much!!! I appreciate your enthusiasm. Looks like it's up for Preorder on Amazon now! yay! Have a great weekend!

  11. Woah! woah! woah!!!.... I'm confused... I thought Charles Towne Belles was a seperate series from Legacy of the Kings Pirates, in which Rowan Dutton is in The Ransom and The Reckoning?... The 4th and 5 of LoKP?... So both series intertwine? Can this be the 6th book of LoKP? Or am I missing something?
    Otherwise how can I get on this pre-read list? ^-^ i didnt sign on because I thought it was a part of a series I haven't read yet.

    I actually came here to say, I found the person I feel could fit Edmund Merrick or Alex!
    Steve Bacic!
    Ive only seen him on an episode of Psych but photo search him and I think he could fit the part perfectly!
    In Psych he played a bank robber but a likable character.

    1. Hi Jozie! I'm tying the two series together with this book... so it includes characters from both. Cool, huh? You don't have to have read either series to enjoy the story... but for those who have, it will be extra fun. Send me an email to and let me know what format you want the book in.
      By the way, Steve Bacic is total YUM! Good choice. :-)

    2. Congrats, MaryLu! This surely sounds like fun! :) Just wondering, will you have some sorts of giveaways for international readers too ( like me, for example?) God bless!:)

    3. Congrats, MaryLu! This surely sounds like fun! :) Just wondering, will you have some sorts of giveaways for international readers too ( like me, for example?) God bless!:)

    4. Hi Rose... Along with other prizes, I'll be giving away an Amazon certificate and an ebook, so yes... those would work for you! :-)
