
Friday, January 29, 2016

Ready, Get Set, Go! Charity's Cross releases on Monday!!!

Only THREE days left to get your Kindle copy of Charity's Cross at only $2.99!!   On Monday it goes up to $4.99. 

Here's part of a review the book received from Julia at

Charity's Cross by MaryLu Tyndall is book number four in the Charles Towne Belles series but can be read as a stand-alone as I had not previously read anything by MaryLu Tyndall. It is a Christian historical romantic adventure full of swash buckling pirates and preachers and maidens in need of
One of the main themes is that of trusting God. Charity used to trust God but life to her, seemed to show that God was untrustworthy. "She had assumed God had abandoned her years ago." Charity feels alone and trusts no-one. She feels that she can only rely on herself, but she is wrong. God is the One she needs to lean on, she just needs to open her eyes and realise that, as she is told "All you can do is follow God the best you can an' trust He loves you." Will these words ever impact Charity?
The novel demonstrates how the sins of the fathers can continue to the next generation. MaryLu Tyndall sensitively deals with the topic of abuse, both physically and mentally. "He'd denied her nothing, save love, happiness and safety." It can make for hard reading at times. Particularly poignant was the portrayal of how one escapes in one's mind while the abuse is happening.
God is in the business of restoration. The novel shows numerous accounts of lives transformed. "God is in the business of not only forgiveness but restoration." Anyone can have a new start with God.
Overall the novel is a good old fashioned adventure with a dashing hero, a helpless maiden and a good dose of God. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was my first novel by MaryLu Tyndall but now I want to read more, including the first three in the series.

Order now from Amazon !    I also just saw that the paperback  is on sale for  $10.76! 

Party like a Pirate!!

Just a reminder that myself, Debbie Lynne Costello, and Julie Lessman are planning a huge release party for our new 3 books starting Wednesday, February 10th.  We are giving away tons of prizes, a Kindle, and there will be a scavenger hunt too!   So mark your calendar and be sure and come back for that!

Reefer 250!

Some of you may know that I am an avid Reef Aquarist.  I'd like to say I'm an expert, but in truth, I'm just an enthusiastic novice. What is a reef tank?  It is a salt-water aquarium that grows mainly corals and invertebrates instead of fish.  There are a few fish, but it's mainly corals. The water temperature, salinity, and overall quality must be maintained perfectly or things begin to die.  Corals, like me, are very sensitive creatures  Anyway, I just purchased a 54 gallon Reef Tank and set it up in my writing room.  I had a 30 gallon before and spent a few days carefully transferring all the aquatic life from that tank to this one.  So, I thought I'd bore you every once and awhile with a report and pictures of the tanks progression. Corals take a long time to fully grow and develop so patience is required. 

The salmon colored many-tentacled thing on the right is an Anemone.  This particular one is a bubble tipped anemone. You may see the  2 Clown fish hiding among its tentacles.  They have a natural symbiotic relationship in nature. The fish clean the anemone's tentacles and help lure in prey for the anemone to sting and consume, and in return the anemone provides a safe home for the fish and gives them the leftovers. Cool eh? 

I know it doesn't look like much now, but in a year or 2 those rocks will be covered with colorful corals. (I pray!)   
Can  you tell I love the sea?  Now I have it right here in my writing room to inspire me

Don't forget to come back Monday for the 2nd Part of my post on the 21 Signs of Jesus's Soon Return! 



  1. Congrats on purchasing your new reef tank, Marylu! :) It looks so cool, do keep us updated.:) Yes, one can tell you're a true sea lover and that's a beautiful thing to be passionate about.
    I cannot wait for your book party! :D

  2. Congrats on purchasing your new reef tank, Marylu! :) It looks so cool, do keep us updated.:) Yes, one can tell you're a true sea lover and that's a beautiful thing to be passionate about.
    I cannot wait for your book party! :D

  3. Your reefer tank is gorgeous! I bet it's so relaxing just staring at it.
    So happy about the release of Charity's Cross. It is so good and I know that others will enjoy it, too.
