
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Time to Fall In Love Party!

Welcome to the “IT’S TIME TO FALL IN LOVE” treasure hunt where Julie  Lessman, Debbie Lynne Costello and I are celebrating the release of our latest books with some fabulous prizes, including a Kindle Fire, Amazon gift cards, gift baskets, and books galore!  


1.) Individual Blog Treasure Hunts:
Debbie Lynne, Julie, and MaryLu are giving away separate prizes on each of our blogs per the schedule below, so be sure to come by all three blogs on the days listed. Then, simply enter each of our individual contests via the Rafflecopter box at the bottom of our blog pages. You can then earn extra chances each day of the schedule by answering a question that pertains to that particular blog on that particular day.

Links for Each of our Blogs:
Debbie Lynne Costello
Julie Lessman
MaryLu Tyndall 

Treasure Hunt Schedule:
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Monday, February 29, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016 — Winner’s Announced

Kindle Fire Treasure Hunt:
  1. While you are visiting each of our blogs per the schedule above, simply collect the “treasure hunt clue” listed at the bottom of the page and write it down.
  2. Continue to collect all the clues at each of our blogs on the specified dates.
  3. Once you collect the final word clue on Monday, February 29, you will have a 15-word sentence that will allow you to enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway by entering that sentence in the Kindle Rafflecopter box on any of our blogs.


Meanwhile, to get you pumped for our new releases, here’s the jacket blurb for my latest release Charity's Cross!

Suspected of killing her husband, Charity Westcott flees on the first ship out of Portsmouth, England
heading for the colonies. Loathing all men after her abusive marriage, she hopes to reunite with her family in Charles Towne, but she ends up in Nassau. When she spots her husband’s brother, who is intent on seeing her hang, boarding her ship, she jumps overboard.

Pirate turned preacher, Elias Dutton, must get to Barbados as soon as possible. His sister is in danger, and his parents have charged him with her safety. He cannot let them down—again.  But after rescuing a madcap woman from the bay, he now finds himself tricked into masquerading as her husband so they both can procure passage to Barbados.

Pirates, storms, shipwreck and betrayal threaten to delay the couple in their journey even as sparks fly between them. With her brother-in-law in fast pursuit, the last thing Charity wants is help from a man, especially a religious one, but she has no choice. After Elias’ heart was broken by a sordid woman who nearly ruined his life, he seeks a woman pure as the virgin sands of the Caribbean. He believes he has found such a woman in Charity. Until he discovers she is a murderer and is now faced with two choices: letting her go or turning her in to the authorities.

BUT … before you go, make sure you WRITE DOWN THIS CLUE — Christian — which is the #3 CLUE in our15-word sentence you’ll need to enter the Kindle giveaway on February 29th - March 3rd.



Here are the Prizes I'm giving away:  (Enter to win in the Rafflecopter below)

Ocean-themed gift pack:   Total value: $100

  • Sea-salt hand cream
  • Beach foaming soap
  • Pirate ship nightlight
  • Cute Girl Pirate Doll
  • Ocean Themed Dish Towel
  • 2 Wooden Cross Necklaces
  • Signed copies of all  three books in my Charles Towne Belles Series


 Additional Prizes (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th!)

  • Signed poster of the book cover (24x18) (not pictured here)
  • 2 Ship mugs with $5 Starbucks Gift cards
  • Swabbie Cook book
  • Signed Paper back of Charity's Cross

That's SIX individual prizes!
(Sorry, due to shipping costs, contest is only valid in US and Canada) 

 The Rafflecopter Question of the day 
Besides Elias being a man, why does Charity not want help from him in particular?

If you are new to Rafflecopter, it will ask you to do certain things in order to gain points toward winning the prize. When Rafflecopter chooses a winner, the more points you have, the better chance you have at winning.  All of the tasks are optional, but to better your chances, I encourage you to do them. None of them take much time.

This is where you will enter the final 15 Word sentence you collect on all our blogs for the next 2 weeks to enter to win the Kindle Fire!  You can't enter yet, but be sure and collect your secret word for today!


  1. What a great giveaway! This is going to be fun! I will be sharing, of course.

  2. Hey Matey! It's party time! Just stopped by Julie's blog, love a good party!

  3. Wow! I love your prizes, too. Thanks for the co-sponsoring this great giveaway. Blessings to all who enter.
    I love your blog, BTW!
    Treasure hunts are so much fun.
    Thanks again.
    God's Blessings!

  4. Loving the party between the 3 sites - thank you!! Congrats to each of you on your releases!!

    Wondering if there is a problem with my eyes, or if there are no follow buttons on each of your author pages - MaryLu, Debbie, and Julie?? I probably am already a follower, but checked Amazon to make sure, and found no follow buttons - so am not checking I am a follower on the Rafflecopters. Am I the only one with this problem??

    Love, prayers & hugs, MaryLu!!

    1. Bonnie if you scroll down on any of our book pages to where it says "More about the Author" right above the reviews, there should be a picture there of me or Julie.. and just beneath that picture it should say "Follow" or "Following" if you are already following.

    2. The pictures are there, however, no "Follow" or "Following" there or on the author pages - I tried 2 different search engines numerous times.

  5. Hi MaryLu,
    I've heard some much about your books from my friend Sue who just sings your high praises! She loves your work. Isn't it great that we hear about other authors from our friends? I just love it! Excited about the party and look forward to reading your books in the future! Happy day!!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! They say that the best way for people to discover new books is through word of mouth! Thanks for dropping by and joining the fun. :-)

  6. Especially because Elias is a religious man. Lord help Charity!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  7. Thank you for this opportunity! This is so much fun! The link to follow on Amazon didn't work, but I just went to Amazon and followed you anyways :-) Blessings! dance.yourself.silly18ATgmailDOTcom

  8. MaryLu, I am having so much fun with this treasure hunt! The true treasure is discovering AMAZING Christian authors!

  9. Thanks for the great giveaway I am having problems seeing the Amazon Follow buttons I know it doesn't show up on my new computer for some reason but I even looked on my kindle and did not see it Am I the only one?

    1. Hmm. I don't know why some of you can't see them. I'm so sorry. Please don't worry about that option then.

    2. I Just called Amazon about The Follow button Under the pic being gone and was told to go here to follow Authors and you are not able to be followed
      They said this is the new way to follow Authors on Amazon to make it easier for their customers I gave feedback about it but I think everyone (including Authors) should go do this because now we are not able to follow you at all and this is in no way easier
      Only 1 of the 3 of you were able to be followed this new way and only people who were already following are able to claim the points and follow you
      I am actually calling them back now since I know what is going on now to let them know that I can't even follow some Authors that I want to and won't be able to get emails about their new releases and such Thanks for answering me

    3. Plus I just went and looked and actually I have lost all the Authors I used to follow I am back at one so I believe everyone has been set back to zero this way and I don't think anyone is following you on Amazon anymore
      I have called them back and am speaking with a rep about this right now

    4. Linda, I had no idea Amazon was doing this! I'm so sorry. GRRR. Makes me mad because they make changes like this all the time without notifying the author. Thank you for following up on this. Please let me know what you discover. I loved that "Follow" feature too. That way I was notified whenever my fav author had a new book out.

    5. I did not my followed authors so I was wrong there but we were not able to figure out where the follow button went and it was sent to the advance team so I will figure this out LOL
