
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 
2 Thess 3:3


  1. I love that the Lord is faithful and that He will strengthen and protect us from the evil one. I aso believe we need to be always alert in our surroundings, but not to the extent that we ignore those around us. I believe God puts people in our pathway who do not know Him, and I call them my -"Divine Appointment s" , people God would like us to just talk or nudge them and show His love.. They could be family members or friends or someone who has watched us from afar, knowing we are different. And that is what we are-- so different from the main stream and so different --that the peace and love from God is there for others to see. I love this verse, not only does it help me to see that I am protected by the God of all Creation, but in verse 16--it shows me --how-- He loves us. -" Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."
    Thank you MaryLu for this beautiful picture of a turbulent waters and the verse of letting us know His Love for us.

  2. Oh wow, look how high up the crow's nest be! What a ride! Yes, the Lord is so faithful all the time!
