
Friday, September 16, 2016

Need opinions! What should I write next?

I'm spending this month catching up on life, trying to relax (difficult for me. LOL)  and spending time in prayer about a multitude of things, one of which is what to write next.  I truly believe time is short and I want to write something that will bring people to the Lord, or at least open their eyes a little wider.  Here are the ideas I'm mulling around.  I'd so appreciate your vote!  Pray about it, if you will, and then choose as you are led.


Create your own user feedback survey

Have a wonderful weekend!!!



  1. Hmm..I'd definitely want you to write the second installment of the Protectors of the Spear series.:) I have a soft spot for valiant knights with troubling past and gutsy ladies shooting them. LOL!
    On the other hand,how about writing a contemporary romance between a simple young woman and a famous guy( either actor or a musician) who discover the true meaning of love only when they let God take the wheel of their lives. I envision the young woman to have a strong Christian background and the famous guy to be totally smitten with her ( unlike the other way round) but know that she is not "like the other women" so upon pursuing her, he discovers her all mighty God and what exactly life is all about. Let's say that deep down, he's a truth seeker, but the entertainment industry has numbed his affections to almost anything until he sets his eyes on this girl who, even though she too feels the attraction, she's smart enough not to give in to his charms...from the very first minute at least.:) Ok, the plot is probably not very original *blushes*, but I'm wondering what would be like for a Hollywood-type of person to find Christ.:)

    1. Thanks Rose. I appreciate the ideas! Hollywood, indeed, needs redemption.

  2. Oh boy. That's a challenge for me. I checked off 4 of the 5 boxes in your little survey. Not too helpful for you - my apologies! But oh!! I reread The Charles Town Belles series recently and that's all I could think about for a bit - another book with Poole and Abigail! Yes! What an unlikely pair, but I loved them both. And the other options ... ooooo ... that was too hard to pick just one. :)
    I know whatever you write will be written with passion, with truth, and with God. I'll pray for God's leading in this for you. That you will write what He wants you to write next. And I'll very much look forward to it! Thanks, MaryLu! Have a great weekend!

    1. LOL. I should have only allowed one choice. ;=) I've had many readers ask for a book on Captain Poole. Thanks so much, Caroline!

  3. Anything you write is amazing. I am partial to "Pirates and the turbulent seas". Yet I loved the era around the "Surrender "series . I would love to read about this time taken place in the OT. I was intrigued with this and started to outline and write and plot--but then life interfered and I put it aside for years. I had the care of my Mom for over 2 years in my home as she was battling Alzheimers and then the next 2 1/2 years with her in the nursing home. As I was working throughout those over 5 years and it took its toll on my health. (I would do it all over again in a heart beat) .
    I would love to read your intake on this --Judges 11:1. Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior, His father was. Gilead, and his mother was a prostitute. (Gilead's wife bore him sons, and when his wife's sons grew up -they drove Jephthah out and said," You shall not have an inheritance in our father's house, for you are a son of another woman."
    I could picture you taking this remarkable piece of history, the poor prostitute who might just have been taken advantage of by Gilead, her death and the baby of this Union given to Gilead and the horrible treatment of Jephthah growing up.
    There are many ways that the love of God is brought about,in this Judges 11:1 and the finding of God's will
    In Jephthah's life and his obedience. And how God used this warrior.

    You are such a gifted writer of words and anything you write I among many others will enjoy.
    The other subject dear to my heart is-- the corruption in our country from the top down to even some of our churches who are caving into the sinful ways. If those of us who know the truth and know our Lord and Savior do not speak up and shout the truth to help save those who are lost-- than we are as useless as those spouting the untruth for the truth.
    I didn't mean to come across as mean hearted-- but these are scary times.
    Blessings to you my friend.

    1. The Biblical story sounds right up my alley, Elsie. I've actually never thought about Biblical fiction, though I know it's popular.
      And I couldn't agree more about our country. The church has failed in America. Our country is tumbling down a slope into Sodom and Gomorrah. :-(

  4. Oh my. So many to choose from! I probably wasn't much help as I checked 4 out of the 5 boxes! Sorry... I definitely want you to write a second installment for your medieval series, but I've been waiting for and hoping you'd write a book about Captain Poole and Abigail! They sounded so good together in the Blue Enchantress! I'd also like to see you write a modern day supernatural suspense. I have a feeling it would be a really good book. That's actually one of the reasons you're one of my favorite authors because you write about the spiritual world. I don't know many authors who do that. It's quite refreshing. Either way, I'll read whatever you write next!

    1. Hi Sarah, I sort of have an idea already for a contemporary supernatural suspense.. but not sure my readers would go for it. LOL. Thanks for your vote of confidence :-)

  5. I'm definitely in the mood for another hunky pirate! :P In the Legacy of the King's Pirates. I know a male who is reading and enjoying those, too, so that's a good thing!

    1. I'm always in the mood for a hunky pirate, Diana! LOL. Yes, I believe I have a few male readers... but they are too shy to speak up. ;-)

  6. Oh MaryLu, such a hard decision. While I LOVE your pirate series and the Charles Towne Bells series, I definitely want to read the second installment of the Protectors of the Spear. Love your Medieval writing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to vote, MaryLu - I've voted and shared your post, addressed to your readers. I'm praying for you as you pray for His leading, knowing whatever you write will draw others to Him!!

    Love, hugs, and prayers!!

    1. Thanks Bonnie.... your support means the world to me. Hugs!

  8. We could have chosen more than one? I chose the Protector of the Spear series. I loved it. It did have a great message. And I want to read the next installment! I'd also love to read the next installment in the King of the pirates! Because you write great pirates! And Revolutionary War! That was a great series! Basically anything you write is great. But since the Spear is new I'd say go for it. How has the feedback been for that book?

    1. Thanks Nancy! Feedback has been good. Better than expected, actually. I wasn't sure how people would react to the different genre and the intense spiritual message.. but so far, so good!

  9. Gosh. I want to see them all happen. Truly. You write such amazing things! =) I can't wait to read whatever you write. I love getting to learn a little about history through the eyes of such interesting characters and scenarios. All that said, what I'd like to see though is a merging of the medieval realm and the seafaring world into a historically accurate story for the time period. In the late 14th century-early 15th century, cannons are already starting to be used on ships, while the English longbow is still very much in use. Neither has to be sacrificed that way. =D People do stuff like that in fantasy/magic based stuff, but nothing within the scope of historic reality. Truly if anyone can pull off something like that, it'd be you. Working on writing something of the sort myself, but it's a long ways from completeness.

    ~Amber =)

    1. Thanks for our kind words, Amber! :-) That does sound really interesting. The Vikings were around during this time, I believe, and they were definitely sea-faring. Enjoy your writing!

    2. The 'Viking Age' ended in the thirteenth century, when if I recall, the King og Scotland took back control of the Highlands from Norway. There was a Kingdom of Denmark, and of course Norway in the 15th century, but the Viking Age was long gone. Its height was really the eighth to the tenth/eleventh century when there were certainly not canons nor Longbows in common use at sea- nor knights, plate armour and castles were only just starting to be constructed in some parts but were wooden affairs.

      There were pirates in the Channel in the Later Middle Ages, and there is a useful book on them.

      To be honest, I think there's too much of a tendency to Romanticize the Vikings, when there is a good amount of historical evidence that they were bloodthirsty raiders and killers. High time those who prevailed against them, like Alfred the Great and his children started getting more attention I think.
