
Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday's Mad Mad World!

This is a picture of a Warrior Bride, which is what we are!  Another crazy week has passed. The calm before the storm, if you can call it that.

Things of note
  • Trump peace plan on the horizon. Could this be the treaty Antichrist confirms? Who knows? I believe it is a part of it, definitely
  • Check out all the earthquakes! And in places you'd never expect!
  • Yellowstone is going to blow
  • The magnetic pole is moving. I kid you not
  • Made to order babies
  • Transgender nonsense!
  • And the War against Christianity intensifies. 

We are closing in on the end of the age. There's no doubt about it. If you're reading this, you are probably one of the few who are aware of what's going on and are watching for our Prince to come rescue us out of here!  The Bible says He's coming for those who LONG for His Appearing. Is that you? If not, you better get alone with Him and find out why. 

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
2 Timothy 4:8


Wars and Rumors of Wars

WW3 fears surge as Russia plans on doubling range of Nuke-carrying missiles
IDF strikes Iranian and Hezbollah targets near Damascas 
Israel may need to invade Iran to stop their entrenchment in Syria 
Deadly suicide attack on US-led coalition in Syria


Trump Peace plan may divide Jerusalem

Earth Groaning and moaning

3.8 Quake strikes near New Brunswick 
81 Significant earthquakes in Alaska already in 2019 
7.3 million sick so far with the flu
Yellowstone eruption imminent when nature provides this key clue
Yellowstone eruption could wipe out 3/4s of the US
Swarms of locusts descend on worshipers at Mecca
Earth's magnetic field is mysteriously acting up 
CDC warns superbug is showing signs of mutation 
The Magnetic North is on the move 
A magnetic pole shift would turn our world upside down
Scientists closely watching 465 mile long rising Magma at Yellowstone 
Scientists urge government to prepare for a 9.0 quake that could unleash a giant tsunami
Tennessee continues to reel from several small quakes
rare 4.7 Quake strikes off Coast of Maryland 
3.4 Quake rattles Bay Area, CA
4.4 Quake in Central Oklahoma
4.0 Quake shakes up Kansas

Signs in the Sky

Another sign in the heavens as Israel and US gear up for peace plan
Strange sounds and mysterious booms are increasing again around the world
Rabbi claims the blood moon over DC is a prophetic sign for America

Rise of the Beast System

Russia dumps 100 billion of its reserves into the yaun, eruo and yen
New Green Deal pushed by Democrats would cost 3600 times a border wall
California is bankrupt. Insurrection is near
Illegal immigrants bring a wave of infectious diseases into America while Dems insist on mass vaccinations.  ( do not get vaccinated!) 
Extreme US Weather is controlled and targeted.


NY Governor says no budget will be passed unless it makes abortion legal up to point of delivery 
Demand for exorcisms on the rise 
Babies made to order: America's fast food embryo industry
Child marriage is thriving in the US


How Hollywood punished actor Neal McDonough for taking a stand for God
Ohio University allows men to use women's restrooms
Atheist group warns over 1000 school districts not to take trips to the ARK Encounter
European court rules against home-schooled Christian family who are now forced to send kids to public school (we are next)
Swedish man told can't use "Jesus" or "Christ" on license plate so as not to offend anyone 
California pastor loses job after posting a sign that homosexuality is a sin
Arab Christians clash with police in Haifa over  McJesus Scupture
Definitive proof there really is a war against Christianity 

Sodom and Gomorrah

Young boy in New York sets up first ever drag club for kids. Check out the video. It's demonic!
Marvel comics announces its first drag queen superhero 
Men who identify as women are being invited for Pap Smears even though they don't have a cervix 
Masculinity is now determined by the APA to be pathological
Protor and Gamble urge men to shave off their toxic masculinity with a razor 
10 year old drag boy photographed with naked adult drag queen 
Moms sound alarm! Daughters are coming home from college with mustaches and breasts removed
Top university opens up all-gender locker room to be more inclusive 
French magazine calls for a complete ban on heterosexuality 


Head of Episcopal church punishes Bishop who won't allow Gay marriage in diocese 
Anglican ambassador to the Vatican says Jesus didn't actually rise from the dead 
Record numbers of young adults are dropping out of church 
Churches are being divided over the debate over homosexuality

Good News!

Man's truck goes up in flames but Bible left inside was unscathed
Porn star turned pastor says she wants everyone to experience the love of God
Two churches that prayed for 88 days celebrate the return of kidnapped teen!

Be blessed this weekend, knowing you will soon see Jesus!

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