
Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday's Mad Mad World!

Greetings, holy saints and watchers!

By the time you read this, I'll be frolicking in the snow at Yosemite with my kids and grandkids. It was a crazy week.  Hate or love Trump, he gave a great State of the Union speech on Tuesday, speaking against late term abortion and socialism and for a strong border, defense, jobs, and security. I pray for his protection and salvation daily. We are instructed to do this in the Scripture.

Things that struck me this week.

  • The Foster care system in the US is a cover for child sex trafficking 
  • Lots of saber rattling going on in the world, particularly between Russia and the US and Iran and Israel. 
  • More persecution
  • More transgender brainwashing
  • Millennial Christians believe evangelism is wrong. Huh?
  • Revival is starting!  I believe there will be a last outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the World to pull in the last people God has chosen. We see evidence already of it starting. Pray for that! Praise God. 

Earth groaning!

Ten Quakes strike Northern CA in less than 24 hours
4.4 Quake strikes North. CA  Eureka
6.6 Quake hits Mexico 
Flooding in Australia kills 2 
Fears that deadliest ever Ebola will infect millions and spread rapidly 
Deadly Indonesian quake was a rare superfast event 
Earth's magnetic pole is hurling toward Russia
Valley Fever cases in CA continue to rise

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Russia warns US of "New Era" after Trump scraps INF treaty
War looms closer as marines land in Colombia 
Pentagon sends close to 4000 more troops to US Southern border 
Iran continues to improve missile program 
Iran general aims to wipe Israel off the map
Russia, Turkey, Iran summit on Syria  (The Gog-Magog players!)
US suspends nuclear treaty with Russia
China's new powerful naval gun will be ready for warfare by 2025 
Russian navy has a new weapon that makes people have delusions and vomit 
Russia plans new missile system to counter the US by 2021 
Mystery virus spreading across the US, putting people in bed for a month
Iran reveals a missile neither the US or Israel can intercept 
Russia threatens US with 100 megaton nuclear doomsday device 
Iran vows firm response if Israel continues attacking targets in Syria 


Nearly half of Millennial Christians say that Evangelism is wrong
Father says "Extreme Christianity" led to son's murder
Pastors make show of Super bowl during services, pretend to play football and compete in preaching
Have we embraced a watered-down, feel-good Gospel?

Signs in the Sky

Meteor strikes Cuba


Transgender bills to ban Christianity 
Principal to teacher: You can't attend church if your students are there 
Christians denied foster care if they believe Bible

Sodom and Gomorrah

New Jersey becomes 2nd State to require schools to teach LBGT history
New Jersey institutes gender-neutral birth certificates 
First Transgender designer show at New York Fashion week 

Rise of the Beast System

Alexa , stop listening! 
US Scientists to create Gene-Edited Embryos 
UN to mark World Interfaith harmony week 
California the first state to tax drinking water 
Who is really behind the polar vortex? 
Rain tax likely to become a reality in New Jersey 
After mocking chemtrails for over a decade, global elites announce they are trying to dim the sun. Yeah right.
California halts Church from feeding the homeless
Loud bombs and military drills rock LA residents 
Pope and Imam sign historic pledge of fraternity  (can you say One World Religion?)
China deploys a new surveillance system that IDs you by the way you walk
Federal Court rules no justification needed to put anyone on a "suspicious person" list 
The invasion of the US has begun


The governor of Virginia "Let's be civil about killing newborns"
The silence is deafening: Not a single democrat speaks out against infanticide  
Rhode Island Governor wants abortion legal up to birth 
Super bowl ad turns porn addiction into a joke
Democrats block bill preventing infanticide 
Democrats push a plan to allow migrant child traffickers free entry into the US 
US Foster care provides 88% of Sex Trafficking!

Good news!

Bethel worship leader's children healed, baffling doctors
Gateway church seeing revival at its new Prison campus! 
Revivals across the South could point to third great awakening  

Have a great weekend!


  1. Perhaps I missed it on your list, but I hear the Pope is getting chummy with Islam leaders. Hmm...

  2. Despite all the madness going on, I hope you and your family have a wonderful time frolicking. I've never been to Yosemite, so if you'd like to share pictures (hint! hint!) that would be great.

  3. A lot of strange things going on!
