
Thursday, September 24, 2020

When Angels Cry - Free copies for those who would benefit!

  Hi everyone, Some of you may have read my end times novel, When Angels Cry already. Recently the Lord has been putting on my heart to offer it for free to anyone who would like to read it. This is a very important story for the times in which we live, and it has a clear message about the true Gospel, lukewarm Christians, and what to expect in the last days. I feel like the main character is very down to earth and someone most people can relate to. 
For those of you who haven't read it, here's your chance to pick up a free copy.

For those of you who have, I'm asking that you share the link below with friends, family, neighbors, church people, atheist who love to read, your mailman!  Or anyone with whom the Lord leads you to share. I want to get this book in the hands of as many people as possible in an effort to save as many as we can before Jesus comes. 
Will you help me? Will you allow the Lord to use you to lead others to Him through this book? If so, please send your friends the following link and then pray that they get the book, actually read it, and that the Lord touches them through the story. 

If you want more information on the book and reviews, check out Amazon

I make no money from this. This is a gift of love because I want so badly for everyone to know Jesus and be saved.  Blessings!


  1. This is very generous of you. I absolutely love this book. Mayhaps God will lay a sequel on your heart some day. A handy What next? for those lost souls left behind. Of course, all they need to do is read the Bible. 🤷‍♀️

    1. Time permitting.. I may just write a sequel!! Thanks Chappy

  2. Thank you, MaryLu!! This is my favorite book! All of your books are fantastic but this particular one was the first I read ... and it felt so real. I will share with many friends. Thanks for your generosity and may God return blessings to you.

    1. Blessings to you, Patricia! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  3. One of my favorite books ever. Everyone does need to read it.

    1. Thank you, Joanne!! That's why I made it free. I hope it reaches many!

  4. You blessed my heart today thank you

  5. Thank you for the gift. Have been wanting to read it for ages...

    1. You're welcome, Kate. I hope you enjoy the story. :-)
