
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Merry Christmas from My House to Yours!


Dear Friends, 
Christmas can be one of the happiest times of year but also one of the saddest. It is happy for those who have families and loved ones to share it with and plenty of good food and tasty treats.  It's happy when there are little ones excited for Christmas morning and there are gifts to share with everyone. It's happy when we keep our focus on the real purpose of Christmas and don't get caught up in the materialism and parties.  But for some, Christmas can be painful. Perhaps you are alone. Perhaps you have no close family nearby and no friends to share it with. Perhaps you've lost a loved one recently and the holidays only remind you of their empty seat at the table. Or perhaps you have very little money to buy food and gifts and it breaks your heart that you can't bless others. You might be sick and your bad health is draining you and preventing you from truly enjoying the season. 
I wanted to address these issues because far too often people post holiday pictures of their decorations and their parties and meals without thinking how those things might make people feel who are suffering.  Let's face it, most lives are not like Hallmark movies!  But I do have an answer for anyone feeling a bit sad this Christmas. 
His name is Jesus! 
Yeah, yeah, I know about Jesus, you might say. I believe in Him. Good! But have you really spent time with Him? I mean real time. The Bible says He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He loves you so much, He would have died just for you. Get that deep into your soul! He would have allowed Himself to be tortured beyond recognition and crucified (one of the most painful deaths) JUST FOR YOU!  Don't let the world tell you that you are nobody. You are Precious to God!  In all my struggles, in all my heartaches, I can tell you there's no better friend or comforter than Him!  This time of year is all about Him anyway, so why not curl up in a private place and spend time with Him?  Pour out your heart. He cares for you so much. Worship Him, Thank Him...even if you don't feel like it. Then be patient to hear His voice, to sense His presence.  It takes time. You have to want to hear from Him. You have to desire Him with all your heart. I guarantee He will wrap you in His mighty arms and comfort you. 
In fact, whether you're suffering or not, take some time to be with your King. He's coming soon and it would be better to get to know Him now, for the rewards are great. If you're not sure you know Him at all, please click on "How to be Saved" at the top of my blog!  Time is short, so don't delay. And feel free to contact me at any time.
For those of you who don't celebrate Christmas because you believe it's a pagan holiday, I understand. It had some pagan origins and has definitely become more secular in these last days. If something is sin to you, then you must obey your conscience, and I do not fault you. For the rest of you, I believe Jesus was conceived around this time of year, so that is what I celebrate, and yes, I have a tree and decorations and good food. But I center everything around Jesus, our soon coming King. Pray about it and follow as the Lord leads. 
Last but not least, I extend my love to you all and my prayers that you would have a wonderful Christmas, and that you would keep looking up as we creep toward 2024. Next year portends to be quite the year. I look forward to continuing our watch for our Lord's return with you all by my side. May He come quickly!!  And I believe He will. More on that in January! 



  1. Merry Christmas Marylu! Praying that 2024 will be the year we get called to our heavenly home!!

  2. Thank you, MaryLu, and my same wish for you!! There are still a few days left in 2023, so it may just happen yet. Of course, there are "date setters" who keep throwing out dates and times, but it is not for us to know at this time, so we keep patiently waiting.
    Now I am about to share with you my Christmas miracle for this year!! Some may laugh and say, "no way," but to me it is very real!! In listening to J.D. Farag a few weeks ago, he mentioned that there are different ways to pray; just praying in your head, praying and fasting, and praying out loud. I had been praying for quite some time (over a year) about my breathing problems, which were seemingly severe. I could not walk across the room even 10 feet without having to stop to catch my breath and wheezing in recovery for at least 5 minutes in order to continue. I could not lay on my back at night to sleep, as I could not take a deep breath. I had developed a new way of breathing, short, shallow gasps, in order to keep oxygen in my body, but my body was beginning to falter...heart problems with a racing afib heart rate, waking at night at times to a thundering beating heart with at least 94 beats per minute, with no movement or exercise. my kidney function was dropping with very little output, no matter how much liquid I consumed. Anyway, enough about the symptoms and on to the healing... I took J.D's advice about praying and began to pray out loud and also with fasting, which I had never done before. Things began to change. I began to hear a voice in my head which told me to read up on the anti-inflammatory medication I was prescribed. There were 3 full pages of side-effects, many of which I had on the first page alone. I read the whole thing, which ordinarily I would not do, but on the last and final page, in large letters at the very bottom, it said "NOT FOR PEOPLE WITH ASTHMA." I was stunned. I had asthma. How could my "doctor" have made that kind of an error?? So anyway, I stopped taking the medication immediately, as well as stopped using a nasal spray decongestant which had been mentioned previously as being a partial cause of my breathing problems. It did not happen overnight, but close enough!! I woke one morning and realized my breathing was easier, deeper, more fulfilling. I continued with my regimen, praising God, being thankful, praying, and praying with fasting!! It has been well over a month now, and I am taking NO medications, put away my oxygen concentrator and my nebulizer, and only keep my rescue inhaler for "just in case moments." It is glorious to be able to breathe normally again, to take deep breaths, to not wheeze while walking or doing anything!! It is amazing!! Even I have a hard time believing it is real and that it actually happened!! All glory to God!! He told me what to do to save myself, and I trusted Him and did it!! You have no idea how wonderful simple breathing is until you can't!! I praise Him daily, and my gratitude is very deep!! Merry Christmas and Love the Lord!! May I meet Him soon and thank Him in person!!

    1. Kathy your testimony is wonderful. Yes I believe and practice all 3 of these prayer methods. And there is power in the loud spoken word and fasting. I agree that good medical help is getting harder to find, and medications often have more side effects than the original ailment had. Priase the Lord our loving Father for your deliverance. And may the peace of Christ fill your house with joy this Christmas.

    2. Wow! Thank you for sharing your story, Kathy!! Our God is so good and loving. I'm so glad you listened to His voice inside you!! And then He healed you after you stopped taking the meds. Praise God! No, I've never had trouble breathing. I bet that's scary. Doctors these days are incompetent.. most of them. Our medical system is in a sad state. Most medicines they prescribe have more dangerous side effects than the disease itself! I praise God I'm on no medication at age 65... I give God all the glory! And fasting and praying outloud! Yes! So important and so powerful! Keep it up,, girl!

  3. Merry Christmas all. Thanks for sharing your miracle Kathy. Thank you Marylu for the reminder that Jesus is the reason for the season 🙏. Pam

  4. Merry Christmas to you Precious Sister in Christ, and the light of Jesus shine upon your house !
    Totally agree about the extravagant parties and the delicate feelings of the lost and lonely. This hit me, because I meet a lot of lost, lonely and sickly people on my Bus. I am a retired machinist and boiler engineer but work part time driving for my towns Senior Center. Most of my riders are for hospital and doctors appointments. I have become good friends with many. Have brought the gospel to somes who recieved Christ, and two of those have died this year. I am drawn to them, and my heart brakes for them. Yet I feel the Lord urging me to do more.
    So while Christmas has always been a joyous and special time for me, I have this ache for the sadness of others.
    Paul; Romans 12:15-18 New International Version (NIV)
    Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.
    May the love of Jesus fill your heart to overflowing MaryLu .

    1. Yes, I remembered you helped drove the elderly around. What a ministry! These people are nearing the end of their life and so many need to know the Lord! I will pray for you that God opens up more hearts to receive the truth and give you the words to say! Have a blessed Christmas, brother!

  5. Jesus was not born in December but September. The Bible does mention our Lord's birth but it does not say we ought to celebrate it. A pope a couple of centuries ago picked the date December 25. In fact some pagan Gods were born on the date. A few days before Christmas up to a few days after it is big for Satanists and Children are kidnapped to be sacrificed then. Some are even born to members and slain too. The tree is a pagan symbol that is mentioned in Jeremiah which was wrapped in gold and silver. A story goes that Nimrod was injured in his ankle and from his blood a tree formed. I have not celebrated CHristmas in over 30 years,

    1. Yes, Lynette, I am aware of all those things. It's a matter of the heart and my heart belongs to Jesus. I realize that for some to celebrate Christmas goes against their beliefs and conscience and I understand. The new spiritual birth under Jesus is all about our heart and where our devotion lies. I celebrate Jesus this time of year and not any pagan rituals. Christmas is a great time to evangelize and no matter how pagan the world is right now, everyone is reminded of Jesus' birth! That is a good thing! Let's use this holiday to spread the love of Jesus and not argue with one another over ancient pagan rituals that have nothing to do with true believers. God Bless you and yours!

  6. ‭‭Even though I not into the secular Christmas stuff as when I was young, I believe if we truly worship Jesus the Christ in every season then the rewards will be eternal.
    Mark‬ ‭9:38‭-‬41‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    [38] Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.” [39] But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. [40] For he who is not against us is on our side. [41] For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.
