
Friday, December 15, 2023

Safely on the Other Side!

Dear Dearly-loved Saints of the Most High,
This will be my last Friday News post for 2023. I'm taking a few weeks off to get my mind off the world and onto Jesus and spend time with family during Christmas.  I pray you do the same!  So, unless the Lord leads me to post or something major happens, I'll see you in 2024 (maybe). Honestly, with how fast things are going, I'm not sure what the world will look like in just 2 weeks!  

COP 28 has come to a close. Is it the Covenant spoken of in Daniel 9:27? I have no idea. If it is, then we are now waiting for the AC to be revealed, which should happen shortly. I do believe with all my heart that he has already been crowned leader of the world behind the scenes and they are just waiting for the perfect moment to bring him forward into the public eye. That moment will be one of great chaos, most likely world war and a worldwide epidemic along with an invasion by aliens.  The world will be begging for a leader who will bring them peace and security. 

Please browse the news articles below. Just the titles alone should give you a good idea of where we are and where the world is heading.  If we take a moment to step back from the details, anyone with any knowledge of Bible Eschatology should clearly see how they are setting up the stage for the 7 year Tribulation and how very close we are. As I've mentioned before, the first four seals Jesus breaks in Heaven will bring the four horses of the apocalypse. The AC, War, Famine, and Death. During the ride of these four horses, one-quarter (2 billion) people will die. This is what they want, of course. Rev 6:8
A major decision of COP28 was to immediately reduce the use of fossil fuels. How will they do that? They will either force down production or they will raise prices so high, you can't afford it. When oil reaches a price too high to purchase, what do you think happens to the price of everything which relies on oil to get to your local store?  Another thing that we all must be aware of is the rise of AI. So many people I know (including many writers and family) use AI everyday to help them with their jobs. Right now, it may seem innocuous, though left-leaning, but with as fast as the technology is growing. it could easily begin to take over governmental functions, monitoring the internet, using propaganda, etc to manipulate the masses. School teachers and News casters could soon be replaced by AI. Yes, it is a machine, but beware of the monster within the machine. (demon spirits)  
One other thing that caught my eye was a Home Church in Minnesota is being shut down because of a complaint of a neighbor who said the gathering was a violation of zoning laws.  They are starting to come against home churches, which is one of the things I wrote about in my Guardians of the Saints series. 
Did you ever think to see these things in your life time?  I didn't. The hardest thing for me over the past few years was realizing that my entire worldview was a lie. Talk about a hit in the gut!  But once I came to terms with that and realized it was Biblical, I learned to abide in peace with my Savior.  I feel like I'm in a boat with Jesus and there's a violent storm raging around us. Black ominous clouds rumble loudly above as white streaks of lightning cast an eerie glow over the foamy waves. The waves are getting higher. The boat is rocking violently, but when I look at Jesus, he has the most peaceful look in His eyes and He smiles and reaches for my hand. We will not go down with Him in our boats!  Soon, we will reach the other side safely! (John 6:19-21)
If you do not know Jesus. If you do not have a personal relationship with Him, now is the time. Once the saints are gone, it's too late, and you'll have to suffer through the worst 7 years of Earth's history. Christianity is not a religion. It is not a set of do's and don'ts. It is not going to church and reading your Bible and praying and worshiping, though those things are great. It's about you and Jesus. It's about hanging out with the Savoir and getting to know Him.  If you're not sure you're saved, Click on "How to be Saved" at the top of my blog.  It's now or never. Time is running out so fast! 
I pray for you all. I pray for everyone who reads this post! I pray God's blessing on you and your family this Christmas and that He answers ALL your prayers soon. I pray for you to sense His wonderful presence more and more each day.  I believe this is the last Christmas we will enjoy here on Earth, so treasure each moment and spread the love of Jesus to your family and friends!   

If we are still here, I'll see you in 2024!  What a year that will be!
Proof the Moon landing was faked. (Before you click away, it's a 13 minute video that will change your mind) 

Plagues and Vaccines


War and Rumors of Wars
  • Pentagon: The number of attacks against the US military in Iraq and Syria has increased by 45% in the last three weeks.  
  • China makes 'rare' nighttime show of force near Taiwan with more than a dozen fighters and nuclear capable bombers.
  • The US Navy reports that since the beginning of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, the crew of one destroyer USS Carney alone has shot down 18 kamikaze UAVs and 4 Yemeni Houthi cruise missiles over the Red Sea.  

183 armed conflicts are currently occurring around the world. This is a record figure over the past 30 years.

"Soon we will push the American aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower out of the Persian Gulf (," Shahram Irani, commander of the Iranian Navy

No fewer than 85 attacks by Iranian militias against American military targets in the Middle East since mid-October, but Biden is silent. This is nothing short of amazing, and very damaging to the deterrent image of the United States. 

  • Putin could deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine amid battlefield losses and spark World War 3 if radioactive fallout reaches NATO nations, nuclear weapons expert warns, Daily Mail reportsThe New York Times according to US officials: Moscow has more troops, ammunition and missiles, and has increased its superiority in firepower with a fleet of drones on the battlefield, many of which
    were supplied by Iran.
  • South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik warned that North Korea would face "hell of destruction" if it took any "reckless actions." 
  • South Korea scrambled fighter jets after Chinese and Russian military aircraft enter Korea's air defense zone (Kadiz) on Thursday.
    Egyptian tanks have reportedly arrived near the border with Israel - media 

The Commander of the Homefront Command, Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo, recently told the residents of northern Israel, that Israel has already set a “target date” for a war with Hezbollah.  

Short video about the Star of David. Important Info. Sorry, must go to my blog to view it.

One more short video proving that the 9-11 attacks were not what they seemed

The Beast System 
Controlled Information Beta test underway. (Important article about how DHS is using AI to now direct internet traffic so you will never see the truth)
This occurs regularly in the skies above our house, and I never hear anyone, not my husband or my neighbors or friends say a word about it.

FRANCE – Food Inflation by the Dirty Elites: Farmers are carrying out strong actions in supermarkets in Agen to denounce the abusive margins of large-scale distribution and unremunerative prices for producers. 
Some examples of abusive margins from supermarkets:

🔸 Apples purchased for €0.35/kg from producers are sold for €3.20 to consumers (+914%)
🔸 6 eggs bought for €0.57 are sold for €2.67 (+468%)
🔸 Potatoes purchased at €0.40/kg are sold for €2.60 (+650%)
🔸 Organic goat's milk purchased for €0.90/L is sold for €4.55 at Biocoop (+505%)

Signs in the Sky/Deception



  1. Thank you for all these videos. I once watched a documentary on the wives of the astronauts and how, I believe their marriages all fell apart.

    1. What a shame, especially since they never even went to the moon. It probably weighed so much on the astronauts not to even tell their wives that it led to issues

  2. On another note, Pastor Sandy had said something about the number eleven about two weeks ago. I wish he had gone into it more. But do you happen to know the significance? He said it was the number of judgment. It piqued my curiosity because I am seeing the number everywhere and all day long. It's beginning to be quite annoying. I've just been praying that if it's a God that he would find a way to explain it to me.

    1. I don't recall the context of Pastor Sandy mentioning 11. It does mean judgement and chaos. Perhaps you are seeing it as a sign the Tribulation is about to begin. Here's a website I found that might help.

  3. Greetings in Christ precious Sister in His care,
    Yeah, great info Sister. I can sense the readiness taking place in heaven and I can feel the Righteous Judgement of the Lord drawing near.
    I've mentioned several times my friend who is a high up engineer in robotics at a huge US company, that I wont mention. He is so obsessed with AI it makes my skin crawl to be near him, and we were once very close. I swear his eye's look dead and it reminds me of the Stepford Wives if you remember that creepy movie. He is developing an AI system to help old people deal with being old, and not being able to cope with this incredibly complicated world ! I told him, we dont need more programs for that, what we need is more people willing to care for their parents !
    And in the middle of writing that, I just felt a rumble up here on the hill followed by my Daughter yelling !!! I leaped out of my chair and ran to the other room !. My mind raced as my forst thought was that my wife fell, secong thought, it's the Lord comensing the Rapture !
    Turns out it was just my wife going out the front door, and my Daughters little dog following her ! We all love little Beanie, but his is an escape artist, and you gotta watch him. My Daughter though he would run out, but I told her, he's pretty smart, and to him he is already in heaven here. I dont think he's going anywhere. :)............ The video's were awesome. Especially the one about Israels star, and the one about the twin towers, I often wondered why that fell the way it did.
    Thank you for the beautiful prayer at the end. And I'll return that on you and your family; 24‘May the LORD bless you

    and keep you;

    25may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you

    and be gracious to you;

    26may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you

    and give you peace.’
    I have been truly blessed to know you and follow your posts this past year. May the Good Lord see fit for us to be able to stay in touch for as long as He tarry's !

    1. You made me laugh with your story of little Beanie escaping out the front! And you thinking it might be the rapture! Love it. I can't wait to hear that Trumpet. I believe it will be unmistakable! Very interesting about your friend and his dead eyes. Yes, I actually do remember the Stepford wives movie from my childhood. Very creepy. AND you are right about older people. I would rather have a beloved family member care for me than some robot. But that's the world we live in. Children tend to put their elderly parents away in homes. So sad. Anyway, if we are still around in January, I look forward to continuing our friendship, Joe. Be Blessed!
