
Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 Year in Review

2023 was quite a year! If you're new to my blog, I am a watchwoman for the Lord Jesus Christ who discusses news events as they relate to End Times Prophecy. If you're not a Christian, I hope you stick around anyway, because surely you sense there's something terrible going on in the world and things are about to explode. Therefore, below I'm going to do my best to give a very high level summary of events of 2023 as they relate to the soon return of our Lord.  I pray it helps open your eyes to see that there is a God. He is the God of the Bible, and He has a plan for this world and for you. And He's coming back soon!
Of course we all hoped that 2023 would be the year of our departure, but I must say, it definitely was a year that brought us right up to that event. Biblical End Times Prophecy tells us that:
  • There will be a Global Government that will subdue the Earth unlike any prior kingdom. It will be a government that will monitor and control everyone
  • All monetary transactions will be digital 
  • There will be wars and rumors of wars
  • There will be racial wars
  • The USA (or Babylon) will become less and less in world influence and will finally be attacked
  • Families will split up and people will stop loving each other
  • Famine will cover the Earth and the price of food will be outrageous
  • Plagues and pandemics will cover the Earth
  • Earthquakes, Storms and Volcanoes will increase
  • Immorality and Evil will run rampant
  • Lawlessness will abound
  • The character of mankind will become extremely debased and without honor in every way.
  • Billions of people will die in the first 3 years of the Tribulation
  • A One World church will rise
  • There will be great and terrifying signs in the heavens
  • Christians will be persecuted and killed
Now for what occurred in 2023. And NO, we are not yet in the Tribulation!
  • Dozens of Train derailments releasing poison gas and liquid
  • An increase in Cyber Attacks on banks and government facilities
  • Food production plants mysteriously blown up
  • Maui fires that murdered hundreds and destroyed many lives
  • Families split up due to differences in politics and religion
  • USA Weapons depletion and military man power depletion
  • Race Wars: Black vs. White  Etc..
  • Vaccine exposed for it's deadly and harmful effects
  • Social Media banning those who speak out in truth
  • The cost of Food rose significantly
  •  Record number of Billion Dollar Natural disasters in 2023
  • UFO disclosure!  Including many photos and videos and whistleblowers
  • Russia, China, and North Korea made a military alliance, along with Iran
  • A FLOOD of illegal immigrants cross the US border. One study said that there was a 7000% increase in single Chinese males coming across. 1.5 Million fighting age males have entered the US now. That's an army!
  • The use of Drones for spying and warfare
  • Several Large Earthquakes occurred, along with more than one volcano eruption
  • The Magnitude of Pedophilia exposed, along with Child sex trafficking 
  • Shipping across the globe impacted by war. 
  • AI being used everywhere. Chatgpt and others. Robots being manufactured and used across the globe
  • Massive move toward Central Back Digital Currency (CBDC) 
  • Bio-technology. Brain chips and other implants being tested
  • The US Dollar is done and no longer the Petro dollar of the world
  • China and Russia no longer use the US dollar for purchases. 
  • The US debt is so large, we can't even pay our interest
  • The Metaverse provides entertainment for the masses
  • China restricted exporting Rare Earth minerals to the US, needed for much of our technology
  • Christians in some places are forbidden to preach the Gospel, and some in some places have been arrested
  • The "Christian" church has fallen, compromising with the sin of the world
  • One World religion, a combination of Catholism, Christianity and Islam is rising as alliances are being made 
  • The Extreme rise and acceptance and promotion of LBGTQs
  • The Israel Hamas War - There is much to say about this one. It is highly prophetic
  • China threatening and promising to attack Taiwan
  • North Korea testing missiles and threatening South Korea and the US
  • COP28 and the 7 year plan to go GREEN and subdue the Earth. 
  • CERN Restarted 
  • The year of the False Church Prophets who Jesus warned about

I'll stop there, though much more happened. Basically, if you take a step back and look at all these events as being interconnected for a common goal, you'll be able to see the big picture. What is that? They are purposely trying to depopulate the Earth, purposely trying to cause a World War and crush individual nations. Purposely causing riots, civil war and discord within nations. Why? So they can bring in the One World Government like the Bible predicts. 

They are purposely making everything we need unaffordable, purposely making us sick with vaccines and poisons in our food, air and water. Purposely creating and releasing contagions so we'll get those vaccines. Purposely promoting evil, violence and immorality. Purposely hinting that there are extra-terrestials so they can deceive the nations when the rapture happens. Purposely crashing the economic system so everyone will accept CBDCs through the Great Rest, through which they will be able to track your every move and purchase. 

With AI and Robots and brain chips, they are going to tell you that they can bio-engineer you so you will live forever! In fact, they will soon promise you that if you swear your allegiance to a certain leader and receive his chip inside you, you will not only be able to engage in commerce but you will also achieve immortality! 

They have purposely infiltrated our churches, changing doctrine and Biblical principals and aligning with the abominations of the world in the name of love. This is the foundation for the One World Religion.

They are purposely allowing China and other antagonistic nations to take over our universities, military, government and to flood across our border in order to take down the USA. They are even purposely exposing the evil in our governments and the pedophilia. Why? So we will cry out for a savior! They are causing chaos and war, disease and destruction everywhere so they can usher in their Great Reset and bring in their messiah, the anti-christ who will sweep in and save the world from itself. Oh, how people will adore him. 

ALL this was prophesied thousands of years ago in the Bible! In 2023, everything came online. Everything is ready now for them to take over.

If you don't know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, time is short. Please click on the link above "How to get Saved" or email me at 




  1. Oh, how I pray for the Rapture!! All of the above is true! Maranatha!

    1. Me too, Kathy! He will come in the nick of time!

  2. The only way we can believe in saying, "Happy New Year," is that we are raptured soon. Our joy is in the Lord Jesus!! Maranatha!!

    1. He is our joy, our only hope! Come get us, Lord!

  3. Thank you for sharing, Look Up, Jesus will return soon~

  4. I totally know we are being poisoned. I have developed asthma at nearly 50. Crazy! I need an inhaler. I don't even trust our food anymore, either.

    Thanks for the recap on 2023. So needed to see it laid out like that. We tend to put ourselves into bubbles and ignore the going's on. I know that it will only get worse. All we can do is stay close to Jesus. And pray for our children.

    I know I have said this before, but as a writer heading into a New Year, I am plotting more books that I wonder if I will ever write. I can't stop because it pays my bills. But it would be so nice to let it all go. So I could just focus on Jesus 100%. The good thing is I write for him. So I figure when I do get caught up, I hope I am caught being about my Father's business.

    1. Pray over your food every time you eat, Katy. And also pray for a shield over your air, house, and water. I do that for my family every day. And I'm with you on the writing. I keep debating whether to stop or not. I need the money too. I do have some more ideas, but I just don't know if they will ever see the light of day. I keep asking the Lord and I just sense that we are to keep working for Him until He comes!

  5. So Highly Favored Sister of our Most High God,
    How the heck have you been, I missed you ! Happy New Year.
    I started Jan 1 2024 with a terrible cold So you dont want to hear my outlook for 2024 this week !
    So I;ve been a bit fuzzy headed, you know how you get with some colds, but this is really blowing my mind. I was reading the insert on the NAR. It was very good, and exactly describes why I got out of the church. So much Apostasy. But here is the thing, the article was very long, so I had to keep taking a break and going back to it. I copied the url so I could save it. Then I had to go and contact work to let them know I wont be in the rest of the week, so I'm hoping I didnt drop that url in with that message, because my Boss at the Senior Center is an ex Nun ! :)
    But now the thing is; I went back to your post and some of it is missing. I was about to read the prophetic Lady you know, and now she is gone ??? And I cant find the NAR thing either.
    Is it possible for you to resend the post to this fuzzy headed old man ?
    Be Blessed

    1. Greetings Brother! I missed you too! Here's the link to the Portal message from the lady prophet: Just copy and paste it in your browser. As far as the NAR thing, I'm not sure which one you mean? Was it a link in one of my posts? Let me know, fuzzy head. Sorry you caught a cold, though. :-(
