
Friday, January 5, 2024

Prophetic Outlook for 2024

 Dear Precious and Greatly Loved Saints of the Most High,

Greetings in the New Year! And what a year 2024 portends to be! I have collected several news articles of interest which I will post on my blog but will not send out in an email. The reason is that I really wanted to focus on what I see coming in this new year in this post. Then if you're interested in prophetic news, you can visit my blog and just scroll down to the post below this one. Hence, below you'll find events that I foresee (and it's not only me. It's many watchers) coming our way in 2024.  

First of all, I hope and pray you all had a lovely Christmas holiday and were able to spend it with loved ones. Though there were some difficulties for my family during this time, I reminded myself to always be thankful for what I had and to praise God for His faithfulness.  

I will give the bad projections I see possibly coming first. This is based on my own spiritual discernment, studying all the prophetic signs, and on what other watchmen are saying. Don't be alarmed at the bad news. This is what the enemy has planned and has nothing to do with God's children. I only list it as a matter of interest and for you to prepare spiritually. 

  • Civil War erupts within the US during a crazy election year
  • War - I believe WW3 has already broken out. They just aren't labeling it that yet. But I foresee more conflicts breaking out across the globe and current ones accelerating
  • China attacks Taiwan 
  • World Economy takes a nosedive and more countries introduce CBDCs
  • Universal Basic income will be implemented in many countries
  • Cyber take down of the internet in several countries
  • Grid takedown in select areas here in the US
  • Another plague is released (already started) and masks will be required, along with a new vaccine
  • Possible collapse of the US economy leading to times worse than Great Depression
  • Food shortages and rising prices
  • AI taking over more and more jobs 
  • More Earthquakes, violent storms, and volcano eruptions
  • Many more people die from the vaccines and war
  • Possible USA invasion by China and Russia from within by activating and arming illegals already here and sent by those nations
  • Possible missile strike on US soil
  • North Korea uses a nuclear bomb
  • More UFO sightings and disclosures leading up to a mother ship appearing in the sky. (In 2024? Quite possibly)
  • More exposure of pedophiles, corruption in governments, and illegal activities by leaders.  (People will think this is good and leading to a Great Awakening, but like everything else, it is a psyop. )
  • Biden will either die, be taken out, or step down and Harris will run things for a short time
  • Trump will be put on trial
  • A republican will win the presidential election but that won't necessarily be a good thing, though many will celebrate
  • Mainline churches will continue to turn against the Lord
  • More intense persecution for Christians
  • Technology will advance so quickly, it will be mind blowing
  • Oil may be outlawed or be too expensive to buy
  • Extreme rise in Antisemitism 
I know it seems like all I'm giving is very bad news for you and the world. Well, in a way I guess I am, but I'm only going by what Bible prophecy says will happen in the end. AND while it may seem like horrible news for the world, it is NOT bad news at all for us true believers!  Also, based on Scripture, we have a great future in store for us, and it's coming soon!
I'll add in here that it's very interesting that on the first day of this year, Japan experienced a massive 7.6 quake. Not only that, but there were a multitude of quakes across the globe on that day. Think the Lord is telling us something? Also a Hamas chief, Arouri, was killed in Beirut in a strike by Israel on January 2 and a major strike in Iran has killed over 100 people and injured hundreds more as they were mourning the death of one of their generals. Things are heating up already in just 2 days.
Here are my spiritual predictions for 2024.  This is NOT a "Thus the Lord says", but rather an educated guess based on spiritual discernment of the times in which we live
  •  Trouble will come on our land in the form of an attack, a grid-down, a plague, economic collapse, or all of the above which will cause many to question what is happening and seek answers. 
  • True Christians will be empowered to go out and save the lost, per our assignments and as the Spirit of God deems. Many of our lost loved ones will get saved!
  • There will be a Great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in power and truth. We sill see the book of Acts type miracles, healings, deliverances and even translations from one place to another like Philip in the Bible This will be used to empower the Saints to bring in a final harvest of souls
  • A Great End Times Harvest will come in right before the rapture and it will be fast. In other words, it will not last months.
  • The Great Alien Deception will occur in our skies which will fool many many people into believing there is no God and these "aliens" seeded our planet. (Aliens=Demons)
  • Possible start of Gog-Magog War in Ezekiel 38
  • The Rapture? Yes, I very hopeful the Rapture will take place sometime this year, hopefully in the Spring. This is my opinion only and not something the Lord has told me. (reasons below)
  • The Tribulation may begin in the Fall. I say may because I don't know for sure. No one does, only the Lord. But with all that's going on in the world, it's highly likely!

 Why am I leaning toward a 2024 Rapture? 

To be honest, it's a spiritual sense I have deep in my gut that's been there for a while now. Even with all the hopes for last year, I kept sensing 2024. I'm not a prophet, but I do hear from the Lord on occasion and most of that hearing comes in the form of a Spiritual nudge.  I hope I'm sensing correctly! 

They've since changed the popup, but if you went to the a few days ago and clicked on a "Secret window" icon, this would pop up. It's the Revelation 12 sign with some extra stuff in it. See video below for more explanation
The above is from their own website showing us how much time we have left before the final 7 years.

Check out this short video from a pastor explaining the above pictures

However, there's many other reasons to believe 

The Great Revelation 12 Sign

Some of you may remember the Great Sign in the Heavens in September of 2017. Many, including me, thought it was the sign of the rapture. In fact, it is all about the rapture!  That sign did actually appear in the heavens and it is extremely rare, but I now believe that sign was a 7 year warning to the Earth to repent before the start of the Tribulation. God always does things in 7s, and He always gives warnings. Did the church and/or the world adhere the warning? Not as far as I can tell. In fact most people in the church who thought it was the rapture have wandered away from the Lord and aren't even looking for Him anymore. 

The Great Solar Eclipse

The Great Solar Eclipse that crosses the US. There was yet another sign in 2017 that many watchers took note of. Including me!  This eclipse crossed the entire US!  Now, in 2024 there is another Solar Eclipse that will cross the US and make a big X over the land. Solar Eclipses are bad omens and omens of doom, and while I know not everything is about the USA, but I do believe we are Great Babylon and God's judgment will come upon us

Read this important article: 14 Things that everyone needs to know about the coming eclipse of 2024

Chinese New year beginning in February is the Year of the Dragon

Capital of Israel turned back to Jerusalem in 2017. Again this was a very momentous event that could have also triggered a 7 year warning

Israel turns 76 in 2024.  We are getting really late in the Fig Tree Generation! 

Israel will sacrifice the first Red Heifer in thousands of years in April 2024 in order to sanctify the coming new temple

ALL 4 Horses of the Apocalypse are at the Gate:  

  • The AC coming on the scene! Even the Jews say their Messiah is coming in 2024.
  • War. Need I say more?
  • Famine/Pestilence
  • Death

 I honestly do not know if Jesus will come get us this year, but I do believe it's highly likely. I also believe we will see some major disasters hit our nation and the world, but the Lord will protect His own. Not only that, I believe He will supernaturally empower us to go out and help save the lost and wake up the lukewarm. This will be a time like no other. It is also a time of testing for the church. Who will take God at His Word, trust Him and stay committed to Him and who will cave under the pressure, fall away, and get suffocated by the devil's deceptions?  This is our final test, Saints! The final separation is coming. Do NOT be alarmed when you see trouble and disaster. Just cling to the Lord ever more tightly and ask Him to empower you to help with this last harvest. The Bride will be raptured in glory for all the world to see!  Make up your mind this day who you will serve! 

 I just got back from my prayer walk and I heard two phrases from the Lord! He said

This is the year of Miracles!
These are the days of Elijah!





  1. Twice in two days, God has brought me to Nehemiah 10 to double down on the importance of canceling debt. We can't just forgive. It's time to cancel all wrongdoings against us. Forgive and cancel every debt. This is tough but so freeing. I don't want to have anything holding me down when I am supposed to be raptured up.

    1. Amen, Katy!! This is vitally important. Forgive everyone who has ever wronged us, forgive and let it go. It's not always a feeling but more of an action of faith.. .like you said, of canceling all wrongdoings.. erasing them and remembering them no more. The Bride must make her dress white without spot or blemish!

  2. Amen Amen Amen ! Very powerful stuff Little WatchWomen.
    I never thought Biden would make it through to the end of his term, but it is frightening to think of Harris stepping in, I think that would even scare the Dems.
    I am seeing something behind the curtain that has puzzeled me about Trump. I think the fact that he didnt show up for the debates wasnt just because he may actually know what a dope he is, I think he was told to sit and shut by his puppeteer! I dont see Trump getting elected, but I do see, either the Elitists somehow buying him in or he may just have a small special forces op who can squeeze him thru the door and put him on the throne. Once behind the closed doors, they will douse his flame and bring in his AI double ! Remember the movie, I think it was The Santa Claus 2, the mean obnoxious double who put all the kids on the naughty list ?

    Sister I dont see you as bringing bad news. You are brining truth news. 2 Cor 4: 2 On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
    3And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.
    I've often wondered if those in our own house who heard the word of truth, but did not want to take it up at that time, When they hear the trumpet blast, will they turn, and look, and be saved? I agree, it will be quick, I think wat quicker than we think. Jesus said , those on the roof dont go back for your coat, but can we hold the hatch door open long enough for those we love to scamper through ?
    So I clicked on the video for the pastors explanation on "US Debt Clock" and the 2 Jupiters, wow. But what was also astounding was the advertisement that preceded : Trump calling on people everywhere to help force him back into office. He said; You dont know what God will do. I dont know what God wants me to do there, but He wants me there for a reason. You dont know why God might want you to do something, but He needs you, He needs me !!!
    Oh my !. I could not get the advertisement to repeat, but he was pleading with people to help him because God wanted us to !
    Remember during Trumps presidency, he had known Christians laying hands on him ? I watched that for a brief period. Maybe those praying where sincere, but I never thought for Trump was.
    Thank you Trust worthy Sister for your 2024 outlook. I am right in line with all you see ! I do believe the US is going to find itself out numbered when the chips start to fall in this War !
    Blessings of peace through your week!

    1. Trump is one of them. If they decide to put him on the throne, he will finally reveal his true colors. I had not seen that ad with him claiming God wants him to be President. He knows he can get the evangelicals in his pocket. The "Christians" Trump had laying hands on him were not the real deal. He surrounded himself with false prophets and NAR apostles. But it made for a nice marketing shot. I do hope and pray that we each have at least a few hours or maybe days warning before the rapture so I can call my family members one last time.
      Blessings on your week too, Brother!

  3. Please remember who was the lead horn blower for "warp speed," was.That alone was proof of who he truly is. Also Jesus will come in the twinkling of an eye so the time to warn is now, just like you are doing. I pray that God's Holy Spirit opens the eyes and ears of those we share the good news before it is too late.

    1. Precisely, Ron. And yes, I agree about warning now. We don't know how much time we may or may not be given. Noah had a 7 day warning to get in the ark. I'm hoping we might too. God knows.
