
Friday, January 12, 2024

The World is On Fire! But God is In the Fire with us!

Dear Remnant of the Most High,

Honestly, ever since the new year began, I'm having trouble keeping up with the news. So much is happening and there's only so many hours in the day to keep watch over it. I will highlight a few major stories here at the top of this post and list news articles below. 

First, I want to address a difficult topic. On Monday I posted about there being possibly three raptures. I gave proof from Scripture, but I allow that myself (and other watchmen) could be wrong about this. Regardless, my hope was that it brought comfort to those of us who have lost loved ones and friends.  However, I also explained that not all believers will be taken in the rapture, something I've discussed at length in prior posts with Scriptural proof. I realize many pastors do not preach this. This caused some discord among the brethren. Yet, regardless of what anyone thinks, I must give the warning the Lord has told me to give. He is coming for a Bride who has made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7) He is not coming for a lukewarm Christian who loves this world and who is not walking in obedience and who does not love the Lord with all their heart. (Revelation 3:16)  So I put this warning here yet again since we are so very close to hearing that Trumpet blast. It's not works I'm talking about but a committed love relationship with Jesus.  
Signs in the Sky.  I have come across a few pictures and a few videos that are quite amazing. Jesus said we would see signs in the sky before His return. Check these out!  For the videos, you'll have to view them on my blog. I haven't quite figured out how to make them work in my newsletter yet. 
Here's a video below that some are describing as the opening of a portal

Here's two more photos below and then a final video


Tunnels in New York
What's up with the tunnels found in NYC under the Jewish headquarters?
In the United States itself, it was found that the Hasidic Jewish sect had secret tunnels that were discovered under its headquarters in New York City, and are now being closed by the New York Police.
NYPD showed up with concrete after tunnels were discovered and filled the tunnels. Why? Pictures have emerged of stained mattresses and children's high chairs being pulled from these tunnels.  Is any of this true? 
Based on what I have reported here regarding the Talmud and the Synagogue of Satan, I believe it is true.  

Did you hear about the 10 foot tall creatures swarming a Miami mall? Here's a video of one
I'm not saying this is legitimate but from what I'm hearing something very strange went on there that night. Several eye witnesses are saying they saw these creatures and I've never seen such a HUGE police presence (The Entire Miami PD), not to mention power going out for 61,000 people and the entire Miami airport shut down. They are telling us this was only a few kids with fireworks fighting. Hmm 
I've limited the news articles below. There's just too many to post. But essentially, we are in the middle of WW3. Look for North Korea to attack South Korea and a nuclear weapon to go off on that peninsula. Look for China to attack Taiwan. Look for a possible attack to occur against a US interest, perhaps the sinking of one of our battleships, that will then rile up the American public to accept entering a World War. They did this with both Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Don't believe me? Please watch this short video.  Now, we are also seeing great chaos and unrest in Ecuador and a State of Emergency declared in Papua New Guinea after riots. The World is on fire! Anyway, it doesn't take a prophet or a rocket scientist to see that the world is on the brink of complete chaos and destruction. I encourage you to just scroll over the articles below because I also add in some poignant memes and pictures. (A picture tells a thousand words, right?)

I end with good news!  Jesus is coming!  And coming fast!  There is nothing to fear if you are His child and walking with Him. NOTHING. I intend to post about how to walk in trust and faith on Monday. I can honestly tell you I am not afraid. I am at peace. I know my God and I know He's with me no matter what. I also place my loved ones in His capable hands. It's time we actually take God at His Word, church, wouldn't you say? Too long we have allowed wimpy appeasing pastors to not only dumb down the Word of God but to condition us to lead a powerless faithless weak walk with God. This will not work now. It's  time to grow up. I say that as much to myself as to you! 
If you walk with Jesus you will be attacked, and it will most likely come from someone close to you. This past week someone very close to me has been cruel and hateful. Prepare to endure these attacks and stay close to Jesus!

North Korean military has fired some 90 artillery shots into waters off western coast, close to the border with South Korean on Sunday
UPDATE – South Korea: "The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said it detected the artillery firings into the maritime buffer zone north of Northern Limit Line, the de-facto maritime border in the Yellow Sea, and South Korea's border island of Yeonpyeong from about 4 p.m. to 5:10 p.m." - Yonhap (

📝 North Korea is waiting for a response from SK. If this would happen, the sister of Kim Jong-un hints, the nuclear option is ready to launch!
Massive missiles attack on US military base Al-Omar, eastern Deir Ezzor region, with up to 30 missiles! South Korea is moving heavy equipment to the border with the North

  • Confirmed casualties among American occupation soldiers as a result of the violent and qualitative bombing that targeted the base in the Al-Omar oil field, Syria January 13th elections in Taiwan likely decide about an invasion by China...
  •  The Israeli Ministry of Health ordered the hospitals in the north to be prepared to receive thousands of casualties in a short time.. 
  • South Korean military movements reported, likely heading to the border with North Korea.
    Top military officials from South Korea and NATO held a phone call, ahead of possible military escalation with North Korea
  • UK VS HOUTHIS: London decided to deploy the HMS Richmond, Type 23 frigate of the Royal Navy to the Red Sea; 
  • Ecuador: Chaos in the city suburb of Guayaquil, due to bomb threats in several schools. The army has been deployed across the country due to the unrest by nacro terrorists in Ecuador
  • US Navy nuclear-powered submarine USS North Carolina SSN777, went out of the Yokosuka naval base and is currently on a secret mission due to the increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula between North and South Korea. 
  • Hezbollah has officially announced war against Israel on their website 
  • UK/US VS HOUTHIS: British Prime Minister Sunak is currently holding a cabinet meeting with all ministers and is discussing plans for strikes against the Houthis from Yemen with the United States.
  • US Navy deployed, East of Taiwan in case of military escalation between China and Taiwan, ahead of the upcoming general elections on January 13, in the Republic of China (ROC/Taiwan)

The V and V/Pestilence


The Beast System


In the above picture, one from the 1950s and the other from today, look what they have stolen from us!

Famine/Economic collapse


Signs in the Sky



  1. Greetings in Christ precious Sister of The One True God,
    Yes crazy scenes and signs everywhere. This world is getting very weird. And with the help of AI it getting increasingly hard to know what is real and what is memorex !
    But we have the word of God, His Spirit, and each other to warn and comfort us in all this chaos. Yes incredable vidios and pics. Seeing more and more of this stuff as the day draws near. I read yesterday that we have actually fired on target in Yemen.
    And if all that isnt enough, we have the Apostate church still preaching properity good health and living your best life here. I wrote a rebuke to my x church for preaching today on "heaven on earth" we can have it all. I mean seriously how far will these guys go ? Yet the scripture say's this is exactly what they will do. My family still goes to this church !!! And it seems if I try to warn them they just dig in deeper ! I cant even tell you how much it hurts to have your wife take the word of another man over yours. It's right up there with unfaithfulness! And she has recently brought our best friends into this church. I never would have believed they would fall for the crap this pastor spews out. They are literally changing before my eyes. Stepford Wives ! I feel like i'm in the Twilight Zone ! 40 years ago I would have made some heads roll. Now I simply wait and pray, and at times it's almost to much to bare.
    Thank you for your faithfulness in bringing this word forward Sister.
    May Christ's peace be on you and guard you in His love.

    1. I often feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, Brother! I'm so sorry about this church and your family! So many are deceived. They love this world and the things of the world. I can't imagine how painful it is to have your wife take the word of another man over yours. Breaks my heart too. Just pray for them and stay the course. These are trying times, but with the Lord's help we will make it to the finish line!

  2. I wanted to add Sister, that I am sorry that you also suffered at the hands of someone you love. Jesus warned us of this; Matt 10: 34“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn

    “ ‘a man against his father,

    a daughter against her mother,

    a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—

    36a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ c

    37“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

    This is a hard word to accept, isnt it ? Do you suppose this is how God seperates the wheat from the chaff ? It is clear here that this is part of the cross we are to bare !
    Be strong unto the end MaryLu and we wil recieve the crown He has for us !

    1. This is the hardest thing I've been through. yes. Extremely painful, but God did warn us. Perhaps I was clinging a little too tightly. Jesus must be my all in all! You hang in there too, Brother. See you at the finish line!
