
Monday, February 17, 2025

How to Make It In the Rapture!


Watchwoman warning. I was going to post about the alignment of stars, but the Lord led me to write this warning.  Time is Short. Here are 5 Conditions from Scripture you need to meet in order to leave in the Rapture. And yes, there are conditions. Don't click away. Read the Scripture for yourself!  I will make the assumption right off that I'm speaking to people who already believe in Jesus and have made a confession of faith in Him. If that isn't the case, Click here to find out how to be saved. 

1. Be Found Worthy

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36

Worthy? I thought everyone who believes in Jesus is worthy. Then why did Jesus even issue this warning? When He says to watch and pray, He's talking to His disciples, to believers, not unbelievers. So, how can you be counted worthy? The verse tells you. Don't be partying in drunken revelry, don't be worldly minded with your thoughts and focus on the things of this world, and don't be caught unaware of the closeness of Jesus's return. 

2. Keep the Word of Jesus. 

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown 
Revelation 3:10-11

The phrase "kept My command to persevere" does not just mean you hung in there like we think of today. It means as you can see from other more accurate translations like this one from the King James

 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

It means to keep His Word with patience. In other words, you have not turned away from God, have not gone astray, have not disobeyed His Words. Also, Jesus says to hold fast so no one takes your crown, which would imply your crown can be taken!

3. Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus

Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23

You can know about Jesus. You can believe in your mind that He is the Son of God. You can even do miracles in His name. But that doesn't mean you KNOW Him.  The Word Iniquity in the Greek means "Unrighteousness, Transgressing the Law." So, these people who apparently "believed" in Jesus, were still not truly saved.

4. Do not deny Him in Word or Deed!

This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him. If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.  If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:11-13

Wait. it says even if we are faithless, He has to be faithful. Doesn't that mean that as long as we believe in Him, even if we continue in sin and aren't faithful to follow Him, that He HAS to be faithful? 

Let's allow the Bible to interpret the Bible

They profess to know God [to recognize, perceive, and be acquainted with Him], but deny and disown and renounce Him by what they do; they are detestable and loathsome, unbelieving and disobedient and disloyal and rebellious, and they are unfit and worthless for good work (deed or enterprise) of any kind.  Titus 1:16 Amp Classic

Wait, so our works are important? We may not expressly state that we are rejecting Jesus or denying Him. We may even profess to believe in Him and trust Him for our salvation, but we CAN REJECT Him by what we DO! Whoa.  Like I've said before, we can never achieve salvation by our works. It is all by the Grace of God, a free gift!  But good works and righteous behavior are then evidence of that salvation taking root in our hearts. 

5. Be Longing for His Return! 

This final condition really sums up all of the prior 4 in one neat package. 

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. As to what remains, henceforth there is laid up for me the victor’s crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that great day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).  2 Timothy 4: 7-8


Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are [eagerly, constantly, and patiently] waiting for and expecting Him! Hebrews 9:28

Yearning for Jesus's return goes hand in hand with people who love Him with all their hearts and truly have a relationship with Him. IF you love Jesus and spend time with Him, then the things of this world become less and less important and your entire focus shifts to Him and His Kingdom. When that happens, you are like a giddy bride or an excited groom, counting the weeks, days, minutes until your wedding!  You can hardly think of anything else. This is the remnant Bride Jesus is coming back for. 

He's not coming back for believers who love this world and the things of this world, who when the rapture is brought up, say they aren't ready to leave. They have plans, things they still want to do. Their focus is on their lives and the things this world has to offer. They even get mad at you when you talk about the rapture! These people will be left behind, along with all those believers who do not walk in righteousness, holiness, and repentance. 

I know many of us have loved ones who will not meet these conditions, and it breaks our hearts. Keep praying while there's still time. Warn them if the Lord leads you to. And know that God understands your pain and fear. Leave great instructions for them and know that God saves Households!  He is faithful and we can trust Him!



  1. Greetings Precious Watchwoman to the King,
    Just beautiful Sister :)
    You start off with Luke 21, dont be weighed down with carousing and dunkeness. I was just thinking of this, this morn. Being grateful for the many things God has delivered me from. I would say the carousing and drunkeness and drugs were my biggest battles.
    As I was thinking of these scripts, my heart was pinched when I remembered coming back to church after a long wrestling match with God, and would hear them say in a laughing stuper, how drunk in the Spirit they were ! What fool to play around with one of the devils favorite tools ! I was insulted as I'm sure the Holy Spirit was too !
    I had already been delivered from all of that stuff. After a time I would have a beer occasionally. Never more than one. It was a 90 + degree day out and I had just finished mowing and trimming the yard. I was sopping wet. And I had a thought of a frosty bottle of Becks :). The packy was just down the road. As I was driving there the script from Luke 22 I will not drink of the fruit of the vine again untill the kindom of God comes. I smiled, but then I heard it again, and again. I said to the Lord, if that it what you did for me Lord, I will do the same. I turned around in the parking lot and never returned. That was many years ago. But here's the kicker to that story. Some years before, my old Pastor friend had given me 5 shiny brown stones in a leather pouch. He said these are your ministry stones. Now that night, after the Beckes beer" I had a dream. I was standing at a wide river skimming those shiny brown stones across it. As I stood there, I wondered what I would do, and the Lord showed me light purple stones, not smoth and shiny like the others. The next day I looked these stones up. They are called Amethyst. They represent sobriety ! I told the Pastor about , and he said it was a new ministry God was calling me to, and that I should give the brown stones away as the Lord leads. I still have three left. It's bee hard to find anyone worthy.

    May the Lord grant us patience and steadfastness as we wait for His glorious appearing.

    1. Like you, Joe, my past holds much carousing. But the Lord pulled me out of the mud and mire, praise His name! That's a nice story about the stones!! And the Beer. Pastor Sandy has said the same thing.. that he's waiting to have wine with Jesus in heaven.. so he never has a sip of alcohol anymore. :-)

  2. Ps, the Pastor gave me two purple stones :)

  3. Good Morning Sister,

    This is one of the most profound posts regarding the Rapture, which I am looking forward to finally get away from the evil in this world. This also confirms that the time is much ever closer when I will finally find and feel TRUE sincere love and appreciation, when it has been hate, resentment, and false kindness most of the time in this world.

    My only concern is, as you said, there are loved ones who may not meet the conditions listed. I pray just about nightly that they would come to know what is coming, even though I personally know through their actions that the probability is not high. However, I remember from one of your prior posts that God can make special allowances, so I hope by continuing the prayers will help and raise the odds. Would this be true Sister?

    Is it going be to just prior to summer/the Peace Conference in June or possibly September around the Rosh Hashanah / Yom Kippur holidays that the Rapture may take place? Either way, I will be looking out for the Lord and hope that our families will be given special exception due to our constant praying and faith. Hopefully this will take place before the wicked forces advance their agenda further, speaking of which, I read this morning that they are contemplating getting access to private taxpayer data as their next round of violating people’s privacy and ruining lives, as I am sure is one of the Devil’s obligations for them.

    Stay strong Sister and keep the faith strong through your posts! Have a blessed day and week!

    1. Yes! True, unconditional love! People who have had NDEs or been to heaven say that there are no words to describe how much Jesus loves us. It's all consuming. We are so accustomed to faulty selfish human love, that it's hard to comprehend. Can't wait.
      Regarding loved ones. All I know is that the Bible talks about God being the ultimate Father, the one from whom all families are named in heaven and Earth. He saves households! We do have that Scripture in Acts about that. But on the flip side, He doesn't force people to accept Him. Everyone must make that choice. However, God can make that choice very evident to our loved ones. Very evident. So that they know without a doubt, which choice to make. That's what I pray for. God answers our prayers, so have faith that He will save your loved ones. Don't give up. Keep pounding heaven with those prayers! Add a fast to it, and God's ears will perk up!
      My thought right now is that we leave this spring.. but that's just my opinion based on the harvest cycle in Israel. So hopefully way before the fall feast days! Keep looking up.

      Yes, they are moving fast to implement the Beast empire. Every day I see something new.
      Bless you and yours and keep close to Jesus!!

    2. I will sure never be accused of not watching for Jesus👀🆙✝️. It's such a longing in my Spirit. Last week I seemed to have been going through some kind of rerun of my whole past🤨. So many things I am ashamed of, especially that I grieved our Heavenly Father and weakened my witness for Jesus. Such an endless rehashing.😢 I kept repenting even though I have many times. I know God has forgiven me, but the memories are still there to remind me how far I've come I kept asking the Lord for understanding WHY was I going through this. I felt His answer finally. He reminded me of Paul, terrible persecutor of the Christians. Such a heavy load for Paul when Jesus turned him around becoming what he hated and was trying to destroy. I am in awe Paul's transformation and all that he contributed to the WORD help bring millions over these past two thousand years to Jesus and salvation. What God showed me, is I am no longer that lost sinner. I was blind, but now I see.❤️✝️❤️ My most important responsibility in this world, for many years is to encourage as many as I've known to come to Jesus. No greater love ❤️✝️❤️And as the WORD says, we are new and washed clean in Him. Anyhow, it's been a real Revelation for me to be reminded how our Creator restores broken vessels into a useful one to glorify Him. Thank You Jesus for loving us so much to lay down Your life for any of us that surrender our hearts to You. Hope this text makes sense. You have been such a Soldier of the Cross Sister. Thank you for your steadfast walk up the Narrow Path. Eternal love, a Sis forever ❤️

    3. Me too! The devil comes in to accuse all the time, for things I've repented of long ago. I usually quote Romans 8:1 and that sends him packing. I agree about Paul. Wow. he even killed Christians... something I haven't done, though I've done some pretty horrible things. God is so merciful, isn't He? So loving! You make perfect sense. Blessings to you!

  4. Jesus never talked about the rapture. Paul was the first. The scriptures you quote have nothing to do with Jesus' return for the church and everything to do with the establishment of the Davidic (Millenial) Kingdom. Everyone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ as the remedy for their SIN (not sins) will go in the rapture, since they have already been declared righteous. The walk of Sanctification (or lack thereof), which is everything that happens between the instant of Justification and the twinkling of an eye of Glorification can lead to some woodshedding with the Lord at the Bema, but it will never keep you out of the rapture. If you believe that Jesus is the remedy there are no conditions for salvation or glorification except that.

    1. Jesus spoke at least twice about the rapture. Once in Matthew 24:40-41 and John 14:2-3. Why would Jesus take His saints to heaven if it was His Second coming? You might want to research the early church fathers.. Polycarp, who was a direct disciple of the Apostle John, wrote about the rapture and they all believed in a pre-trib rapture. To believe that anyone who just believes in Jesus but still lives a willful sinful life will go in the rapture, you'd have to throw out half the Bible. Remember even the demons believe and tremble. Read the Bible for yourself. Salvation is a free gift of grace. Praise God! But there must be evidence of being truly born again, and that is fruit. Please be careful. Such false doctrine will get many left behind.

  5. Great article and very very true!! This will be printed for my friends/family left behind; many “Christians” will be left behind as well with the notion that “believing” in Jesus is enough or attending church from time to time is sufficient to be considered an elect and to be raptured. Such a horrific day for them…
    Jess ⚔️🛡️❤️

    1. Yes, Jess. It breaks my heart for so many who will be left when they thought they would go. How horrifying would that be. Every day, I pray to be found worthy as I do my best to be led by the Holy Spirit! Blessings

  6. Thank you for your faithful sharing Marylu. It’s always an encouragement. I just wanted to add one thing to item 3. The key in Matt 7:21-23 is DOING the will of the Father. We can use Jesus name to accomplish all kinds of things but unless we are seeking God the Father for his will and doing it we’re like the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19.

  7. Good Morning Sister,

    Regarding those who are worthy of the Rapture, how about for those who believe in the Lord, says constant prayers before bedtime, give thanks to the Lord for all blessings, and acknowledges him in all things, but misses on some things like not going to church, not getting baptized ( the repentant thief next to Jesus during His crucifixion was not baptized and Jesus said his “place is waiting for him in Heaven”), and still falls into sin but usually acknowledges and asks for forgiveness whenever they happen?

    These people are also paying close attention to signs and particularly world events that signal the coming Tribulation and are holding onto the faith. In other words, they are keeping their heads high and say “Come Quickly Lord Jesus” with urgent emphasis.

    Is it like there is certain criteria that people HAVE to meet in order to be worthy of the Rapture or else there is no chance? I am sure there are people who truly love the Lord but also their families dearly - would constantly praying for them increase the probability of them getting saved/raptured as well even though they may not believe in Him?

    Thank you Sister for your unwavering faith in sharing these messages. Have a great day and God bless!

    1. It's not about works... as in your first paragraph. It has nothing to do with any of those things. It's all about a relationship with Jesus. I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. As long as you have a relationship with Jesus.. .which means talking to Him, reading your Bible, putting Him first, and staying in repentance for any sin, you are saved! It's about walking with Him, being filled and led by the Holy Spirit. The "works" you mentioned will not save you. Some works are evidence of that salvation, but once again, it's all about relationship and making Him Lord of your life.
      Please don't misunderstand me. You don't have to do any works to make the rapture. If you love the Lord with all your heart and have a relationship with Him, and don't live in willful sin, then from what I read in Scripture, you will go. It's all about knowing Jesus and putting Him First. The "works" I mentioned are evidence of that.
      Keep praying for lost family members! Yes, God hears and answers prayers!
      Feel free to email me and I can show you some Scriptures... Blessings!
