
Friday, February 28, 2025

Saturn, Rome, and the Noahide Laws: So Close, We can taste the Wedding Cake!


Dear Holy and Greatly-Beloved Saints!  

The World has turned upside down. News is happening so fast, I can't keep up with it. I tend to look at the big picture and try not get lost in the details, and I always pray for discernment. The one thing I'm seeing and what I've been posting about recently is how FAST AI is taking over everything. You won't see this if you're just living your life and not paying attention. The past few years we heard about AI. We had small AI tools like Chatgpt, etc.. but it wasn't that big of a deal. Now, overnight, we have AI running just about everything. We have huge data centers built and being built to house these superAI computers and all the data they collect. We have personal vaccines that are now being made by AI within 48 hours. We have AI monitoring our streets through the cameras they already set up everywhere. We have facial recognition set up in some airports already. We already have people buying things with a wave of their palm or their fingerprints. We have lifelike robots going around replacing humans at their job. 

Scientists (not just Elon) are talking about merging man with machine, brain chips, and hooking people up to the internet though graphene inside their bodies. Just recently Elon posted on X that the singularity is here. What is the singularity? The merging of man and machine!  It sounds like Science Fiction! 

And now with our economy collapsing, along with other economies around the world, they have the technology to switch to digital currency, and from there to having a universal digital ID imbedded inside of you. Everything Trump's administration is doing is leading to this. They are dismantling piece by piece our current government and destroying our economy through tariffs on other countries. Yet no one sees it. 

 I only mention these things by way of warning you. You don't have to believe anything I say, but just look at the evidence and at least consider that what you are seeing happening in the world and being done by our leaders is all a lie and leading to the Tribulation. Hence, I felt led to mention a few things here just to make you aware that what you are seeing and being told is not the truth. 

Saturn was a god in ancient Roman religion, associated with time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal, and liberation. He was the son of the supreme sky god and the earth mother, and overthrew the tyrannical rule of his father. 

Sound familiar?  Saturn represents Satan. 

Time, wealth, and liberation is governed by the planet Saturn. In Roman mythology, “Old Saturn's reign” was a Golden Age of peace and abundance. (Sound familiar?) The Greeks also believed their Titan Cronus’ (Saturn) reign was associated with a Golden Age (associated with death and the end of our time on Earth)

We continue to hear talk of an “American Golden Age.” However, Elon and Trump continue to show their allegiance to Saturn/Satan. Just look at Elon's new emblem for his new AI system Grok. 

Many many celebrities have Saturn tattoos on their bodies and often you'll see Saturn images in their social media posts or music videos or even jewelry and clothing.
Saturn (Cronus) is the god of time and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the Roman god with a dual reputation of death and destruction along with a golden age of “abundance” and “peace”

Religions (Judaism, Islam, Catholicism), Corporations, and the occult all pay homage to Saturn through “cube worship”.  Think of the Black Cube in Islam.

Saturn's rings will appear to vanish on Mar. 23, 2025, only to reappear for a brief time and disappear in Nov. 2025

They” are required by their karmic law to tell us what’s coming, so it’s plausible the alleged “disappearance” of the rings of Saturn is them signaling ‘time is up’

Speaking of Rome. Doesn't the Scripture in Daniel chapters 2 and 7 tell us the Beast system is the Revived Roman Empire?  Notice all the roman salutes lately? The Iron in Daniel's statue was Rome.

Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; just as iron smashes and crushes everything, so, like iron that crushes, it will smash and crush all these things. And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have within it some of the toughness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with common clay.  Daniel 2:40-41

Whoa. Here's a Freemason doing the same thing!

Check this out

Did you know this? I didn't. Check it out

And then we have this video below.  To actually see and view it, you need to click over to my blog. Sorry, videos don't come across in the email server I use.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not just the “Nazi salute…” which would be bad enough. The salute is Roman in origin and linked to Babylon and Egypt.

Masonry is a modernized practice of Babylonian/Egyptian mysticism.  Upon initiation into the 14th Degree, the same “Roman Salute” is revealed to the Mason as you saw above

That’s who Elon, Trump, Steve Bannon, and others have been showing their allegiance to with their salutes--ROME. Why? Because Rome never fell.  Nazis, Zionists, Freemasons, and Jesuits are all linked to Rome, which links them to Babylon and Egypt. The entire world has long been ruled by Rome riding on Babylon/Egypt.

“This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all the other kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth and trample it down and crush it. Daniel 7:23

I'm sure by now you've seen Trump's new marketing AI video for what he plans for Gaza?  If not, here it is below. 

Did you see the giant Golden Trump Statue? Some may say this is meant as a joke or satire, but I highly disagree. Perhaps they hoped we would view it that way, but it's hard to miss the symbolism woven into this highly disturbing video.  By the way, the video is exactly 33 seconds long. 33 is an occultic number as some of you may know. Here are the words to the song being played:

Donald is coming to set you free
Bringing the light for all to see
No more tunnels
No more fear
Trump Gaza is finally here
Trump Gaza shining bright
Golden future, brand new life
Peace and (couldn't make out the word), the deal is done
Trump Gaza number 1
Trump Gaza shining bright
Golden future Shining Bright

I'm told that many Christians flooded social media to defend their idol, claiming he was just trolling the Left. These people are drunk on their idolatry. What is it going to take to wake them up? 
As I've said in prior posts, America was set up as the nation who would birth the Antichrist or at the very least, set up his kingdom. There's so much proof out there if you have the courage to do your research. The only reason God has not wiped us off the map is because He has a huge remnant here of His children! 

Please watch this short video below that will show you the digital prison they have already created over our world

WARNING:  Whenever you hear about something you consider "good" done by Trump and Musk, ask yourself what is the end game? What is the result?  Here's a few examples, though they are dozens more

The dismantling of the Post Office. Sounds great, right? They are so inefficient!  And there's always an enormous line and one uncaring employee waiting on everyone. However..

This is about instituting AI Governance, digitalizing all things, and disallowing private and non-recordable (written) communications. “They” want everything to be done via the internet, so every word we say can be tracked, surveilled, vetted, and data logged. 

PLANE crashes and even car crashes

Why so many plane accidents lately? I've never seen so many in so short a time. Very suspicious. They want to make everyone afraid to get on a plane so they will usher in an AI system to replace Air Traffic Control. Then they have the power to send your plane anywhere they want or even crash it. They have the power to turn off your car and leave you stranded somewhere. Let's see what Musk recently posted on X

It's ALL ABOUT CONTROL  Please watch the 5 minute video below: Carbon Tax and the Digital ID Control Grid 

Before I go into the Noahide laws, looks like something is brewing between Israel and Iran. Everyone seems to be on high alert waiting for the first strike.  So be on the alert and all eyes on Israel. She is God's time clock and I believe HE is about to shift His full attention onto her (After we leave)

The Noahide laws.  You'll be hearing a lot about these laws in the coming months This will be the religion of the One World Religion because these laws can be agreed upon by all religions.

As we approach the days of Noahide Law, remember there is nothing new under the sun (Ec. 1:9)

At first glance, these laws seem very similar to the 10 Commandments, so what's the big deal? 

Let's first look at the Jewish religious leaders who push them, the Talmudic Jews of today, who are merely The Pharisees repackaged.
The Jewish Encyclopedia states, “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees” (Vol. VIII, 1942)
The Pharisees followed the religion of Babylon and Canaanite tradition, which later developed into the Babylonian Talmud, of which became the basis of modern Judaism.

Thus, the Rabbis and Jewish Talmud have picked up where Herod and the Pharisees left off in their onslaught of hatred against Jesus Christ and those who are followers of Jesus

Jesus called them, 
“a generation of vipers”
“blind guides”
“wicked and adulterous generation”
“full of iniquity”
“of their father the devil”
“lovers of the praise of men”
“…if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also” (John 15:20)

The Noahide laws are part of Kabbalah, which I've spoken about before on this blog. See articles linked below. The Kabbalists worship the snake or Satan, and many clues have led me to believe that Trump may be a Kabbalist. We know his son in law Jared Kushner is, along with Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Kabbalah, the mystical Jewish tradition, isn’t just for Hollywood elites dabbling in red strings and numerology. Insiders allege Trump’s got deeper ties—perhaps through his real estate empire or his family’s connections. Look at his hand gestures during speeches: the precise angles, the repeated patterns. Are they Masonic? Kabbalistic? Or something more? Conspiracy circles buzz that his “Make America Great Again” slogan is a coded nod to a global reset, aligning with the Zohar’s prophecies of a unified world order. The Zohar is the main book of Kabbalah.

As you saw above, there are 7 Noahide Laws—universal edicts said to apply to all humanity, rooted in Jewish scripture but increasingly touted as the foundation for a new global faith. Trump’s vocal support for Israel, his Jerusalem embassy move, and his chummy rapport with religious leaders, his support of the Noahide laws and multiple awards and praises from Israel have fueled speculation that he is currently a stepping stone to enshrine these laws. Some point to his 2020 Abraham Accords as a test run—peace deals that, on the surface, united nations but, beneath, hinted at a broader spiritual agenda.

Picture it: a world where the Noahide Laws—prohibiting idolatry, blasphemy, and more—replace national creeds, with Trump as the unlikely herald.  Critics scoff, but the faithful see signs: his name, Donald (meaning “world ruler”), his 66 floors in Trump Tower (6+6=12, a Kabbalistic number), and his return to the political stage in 2025, just as the world teeters on chaos.

Here's just a few articles concerning Trump and Israel:

Heard they were releasing all the Epstein files and lists of visitors to his island. Wonder how they will get around this one below?

In closing, Let me quote from Daniel as to what will happen to the anti-christ and his empire

But the court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him. 
Daniel 7:26-27

Our enemy may be excited to finally see his kingdom come to pass on this Earth, but he will rule for a very very short time. And God will use that time for His own glory because many people will surrender to Him and end up in heaven during this time. What the devil meant for harm, God will turn around for good. Because that's the kind of God we serve!

Meanwhile, in Heaven, we will be having the time of our lives, enjoying the Wedding of the Lamb. Talk about a feast!  I can't wait to try that heavenly cake!

So stay strong, remain in hope and faith, and keep looking up!


  1. We have a few in our church who admire Trump and Elon and what they are doing. I am SO thankful God led me to read your books and then follow your blog and that I have learned so much here! I don’t waste time arguing with people but they know my husband and I don’t agree with what our leaders are doing. We see what is happening. We pray they will wake up to the truth and stop believing the lies.

    1. Nearly my entire family and friends think Trump is a hero, even a savior. It's insane. I agree, it's no use arguing with them. They are bewitched. Only the Lord can wake them up. But we can pray... and that is powerful! Blessings, Bev!

  2. Thank you MaryLu for your research and work putting this all together. It is one of your best and, frankly, there is not much more that needs to be said, except living the gospel and cont'd prayers, shining love of Jesus to/for our loved ones. They are in His hands.
    Ark doors just about to be shut.
    I hear the Lord say, well done good and faithful servant,and we leave our loved ones in His loving care.
    In His love,
    Your sister in Christ,

    1. Yes! The Ark doors are about to be shut! Time is so short and the most important thing we can do is share the Gospel and love of Jesus. If people won't listen, we pray and pray hard, which is what I'm doing. God will take care of our loved ones... I agree! He's the ultimate Father of all families in heaven and on Earth. Thanks, Sister!

  3. Good Morning Sister,

    This is another great post of what is really going on and yet the majority still turn a blind eye to them.

    For AI, I have always suspected it was another way as part of the demons’ agenda to continue destroying and taking lives. COVID did not do enough damage and wipe out enough people, so this has to be implemented as one of the many alternative methods. To realize that AI finally came into being a few years ago when COVID was still abound but not as destructive compared with the early stages is p convincing that the purpose behind its creation was nefarious from the start.

    With the dismantling of the government and multiple plane crashes, I seriously do not doubt there is a sinister plot and agenda behind the pretentious display of grief and solidarity from the elites and those that side with them. They think that by fulfilling these “obligations,” in other words, orders from their “Master” the Devil himself, they will be rewarded. It is obvious when one sells their soul to the Devil to have these “powers,” or the ability to commit heinous crimes against humanity and never be held accountable, this is what they end up becoming: godless beings with no conscience. Claiming that they believe in God is blasphemous considering they are hoping no one, not even God Himself, would see through the disguise and ruse. This is why we Believers must continue believing that God will destroy all this evil for good soon provided that we fulfill the prerequisite of temporarily enduring vignettes of Hell in this world.

    For the mocking video of the Golden Trump Statue, it is a perfect example of pretty much all things detestable to the Lord: greed, extreme arrogance, belittling of people, flaunting wealth with condescension, and labeling oneself as the Savior of the world. These are representative of Satan’s ways, but we cannot say with certainty he is the Antichrist yet. We will watch what happens in the coming months, particularly with the Red Heifers, the Two-State Solution Conference in June, and of course, current situations in the Middle East and Israel and especially if the tensions escalate.

    It is said that the Antichrist will be very charismatic and speaks so dramatically with such ease that it will make the gifted speakers in the world look like stutterers. These are some things to look out for in certain prominent people involved with politics and peace treaty meetings.

    For the number 33, I was a bit surprised upon hearing of its occultic association, but does this not mean any 33-year olds at this time are “cursed” or jinxed due to this realization?

    If the Tribulation and Rapture was to take place this year, then that may support this equation: 1948 + 84 = 2032. This is the year of Israel’s birth plus (12 x 7), which uses highly significant numbers in the Bible. This could be wrong, but it may have some relevance if those two events were to take place this year.

    One question about the Tribulation: for those who were not able to accept Christ during the time because they get wiped out by the plagues from the Trumpets or Bowls, does they mean they are lost forever or will they still have a chance later? Please note this is in contrast to those who vehemently choose to deny God.

    As February comes to an end and March (first Spring month) starts, we will be on high alert based on a prior post that a Spring Rapture may be possible and how the June conference is the preceding instigator of the prophesied peace covenant and therefore, the Tribulation.

    Thank you Sister for your post and unwavering faith. Have a great rest of the day and God bless!

    1. Greetings! Yes. AI is actually to be used in conjunction with the vaccines because the Covid vaccine and I'm sure all in the future contain graphene, which once inside the body can be used as an antenna to receive 5 and 6 g wavelengths. Once they get enough graphene inside of someone or they get them to imbed one of Musk's neurolinks, they can be controlled from the outside. At least that's my limited understanding. Scary stuff.
      It does blow my mind that those who willingly and knowingly worship Satan and do his bidding actually believe he will reward them. He is the father of all lies! but they obviously do trust him as he makes them wealthy and powerful in this short life.
      I agree. I don't know if Trump is the AC, but he sure is preparing the way. He's doing lots of AC type of things. But we wait and watch. As we enter March, we know this spring will be a very eventful time.. as you said with the Red heifers, the Jewish Feast Days, the Peace accords and 2-state solution.. plus the HARVEST time in Israeil!
      Yes 33 is the highest degree one can reach in Freemasonry and is where the masons discover they are worshiping Satan. Here's an article you can read about this:

      Very interesting about the number 84. I had not thought of that being 12 x 7, but recently I heard that 84 might actually be the length of a generation to God and to those waiting for the Lord because of Luke 2:37 where we have the prophetess Anna who at age 84 finally saw the Messiah she'd been waiting for.

      Regarding your question. If someone dies without Jesus during the Tribulation, even if they did not take the MOB, they will not have another chance. The Bible is clear that we die once and then the judgement. However, I truly believe that God will give a clear choice to everyone left behind and plenty of time to call out to Him for salvation... even if it's in the last seconds of their life!


  4. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ,

    Indeed AI is storming the planet rapidly in these last days.

    Interesting; rise of the machines and transhumanism ! Have we been primed to be dulled to the use of the term "trans" ?
    Is musk trying to compete with God Almighty as creator. Many have tried this undertaking, satan, Babylon, Hitler etc. Yet all gave failed !

    I am always a little amazed as I see whats going on today seems so connected to movies going back a long time. Star Treks Genisis, and VEGER, Matrix, RoboCop, Terminator etc.
    Were the writers ahead of their time, where they prophetic ?

    Sister, I have no doubt God sent me to you. I saw so many of the signs that you write about. But until I met you I could never put them together like you can. This is definately God's annointing on you. And you dont know what it means to me to find out I'm not loosing my mind :)

    And here is an example; after reading what you wrote about Saturn, I immediately thought, hmm, its satan. As I scrolled to the next line, you say; its satan ! GMTA :)

    Ya know the Third Term Project could be linked to what Trump said during his campaign; dont worry about voting, if you vote for me you'll never have to vote again !

    That "Fallen Cross" symbol looks very much like one of the wierd names Musk name one of his kids ! I sent you some info on his kids names.

    Keep the faith and the fire of His Spirit that burns within us. Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

    1. Hey Brother! Yes, they have been conditioning us to the term "trans". Interesting. And I believe complete that many of the movies they have put out in the last 50 years of so have been predictive programming. Satan knows what he's going to do and how he's going to bring in the technology of the fallen ones... I'm told their tech is far advanced over what they are allowing us to know about. So movies like Matrix or even Star Trek use technology that at the time we watched them, we thought was incredible.. but now it's here. Crazy!
      Yes, I have no doubt the Lord brought us together and everyone here! We are a Motley Crew of misfits who don't fit in with this world but who love Jesus with all our hearts! What a strange group. LOL
      I did see your note about Musk's kids. I need to go back and read it in more detail. What strange names!! I don't think he is human, actually.. so it makes sense.
      Bless you! See you soon!

    2. Thats funny, I just used that term " Motley Crew', yesterday, actually in kind of a prayer.

    3. That's great! It's not a term used often unless you're a pirate lover like me!

  5. Greetings Sister in Christ,

    First, very fascinating post about the current worldly situations along with how they relate to the Rapture approaching and the Tribulation starting. There are a few things I would like your thoughts on:

    1. You may have seen the recent meeting between Trump and Ukraine’s leader Zelenskyy - it started off courteous but soon eroded into tension and hostility, with the latter being abruptly chastised and dismissed by the President and VP. Could this be representative of AC’s character? Promising to help through meetings with the hope of peace, only to them suddenly turn into acrimony? Now the leaders in Europe are backing and supporting Zelenskyy - could there be some prophetic purpose behind all this? Like all this was known to happen by God before it even took place?

    2. As Brother Joe noted above, the science fiction movies he mentioned are seeming to become reality especially with AI. Is it like the creators back then have Satanic affiliations to come up with those ideas? They know they may not be around to witness it become a reality, but they believed the demons in future generations will take advantage of them to finish what they started. This stems from AI in early talks in the 1950s and pandemics throughout the 20th Century and of course the Plague from the 1350s and the Spanish Flu from the late 1918-1920.

    3. I saw in an article this morning regarding the time gap between the Rapture and Tribulation. One of your responses to a commenter in a prior post stated it could be six months, but this article stated it could be 3 years. The reasoning is that the 7-year Tribulation plus 3-year time gap after the Rapture equaling 10 years from the Rapture to the Second Coming/Millennium Reign. This is because 10 is a significant number because of the 10 Commandments, 10 Plagues of Egypt, 10 kings in Revelation, and 10 generations from Adam to Noah. Could this be true Sister? If it is, then it may be overdue since most Biblical Scholars believe Christ lived to 32 or maybe 33 AD but likely not after 34 AD.

    Thank you Sister for your response to these questions and for continuing to speak for the Lord. Have a blessed day and week!

    1. Greetings to you!

      1. I think the entire argument between Zelensky, Trump, and Vance was all staged. If you look these three up, they are all listed as actors. Plus Trump kept showing the Illuminati triangle. For what purpose would they do this? Who knows? But to answer your question, yes, the AC will at first appear very conciliatory, very willing to cooperate, but in the end, he will turn into a tyrant.
      2. Absolutely. Those who follow Satan knew what he was planning, or at least a portion of it, and he told them about tech to put in movies and also about diseases, wars.. and so many things that are in these older films... The Simpsons, in particular, seems to have been targeted as a vehicle for them to tell us what they are planning. It's part of their code to do so...
      3. It doesn't make sense to me that there would be a 3 year gap between the rapture and the Tribulation. Yes, the number 10 is significant in Scripture but the number 7 is even more significant. Scripture must be fulfilled and Jesus must return at or around 2032 for it to be 2000 years since he left this Earth. The Bible says he returns on the 3rd day. In addition, I find it nearly impossible to believe that the Tribulation wouldn't start for another 3 years at the rate the evil is growing and how they are setting everything up right now for the Beast Empire. Add to that all the Satanists, who in their literature through the years, have proclaimed 2025 to be the year they set up their longed-for Kingdom. So, no, I don't believe there is that huge of a gap. I still believe we leave this year and the Tribulation begins in the fall. Just my opinion, but not one purely based on speculation.
      Blessings to you and yours

  6. Hello Sister in Christ,

    Regarding your response to the commenter above, I agree with you that the Tribulation could not delay any longer in view of how much more evil this world is becoming.

    It is embittering that we see sources that say like 2028 Election/Olympics, credit cards, driver’s licenses, passports, etc. indicating expiration dates well into the late 2020s and 2030s, and movie releases later this year and the future - are people just ignorant to the fact that those are no longer possible with the Tribulation effects going on during those times? Also, would these services still continue during the Millennium Reign?

    Blessings Sister and stay strong in faith and God!

    1. Most Christians are completely ignorant of the times we live in. If you mean why are those who follow Lucifer making plans for the future? Because they think they will win. The devil knows the Bible, but he is arrogant enough to believe he still has a chance at defeating God. I'm told they even have nuclear missiles pointing up to heaven for when Jesus returns in the 2nd coming. And of course these people would not want to tip of the population that anything bad is coming, so they are playing along like it will be life as usual. Most people, have no clue what is coming, including many in my own family. I would appreciate knowing who I am talking to. Can you put your name in your comment for me next time? Thank you. Blessings!
