
Friday, February 21, 2025

They Willingly Race Into Their Digital Prison!

Saints, this is an important post because I truly believe we don't have much time left. I encourage you to click over to my blog now (I get no money for this. I run no ads on my blog)  because there are some short videos you need to see. The bulk of my post today is how fast they are accelerating toward a  universal implantable Digital IDs, which includes vaccines, health history, monetary transactions, and much more nefarious things.  WHICH all lead to the Mark of the Beast described in Revelation 13., 

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 16-17

I need to expose what Trump, Musk, and JD Vance are up to and who they are partnering with AND I want to expose this DOGE deception that has so many Conservatives and Christians bamboozled.  Keep informed about what's going on. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Know what's happening but don't be in fear. Warn others and stay under Jesus's mighty wings because we will NOT be here when all this goes down. 

First please watch this short video Below from Hollywood Film producer Aaron Russo who died 3 days after doing this interview. He exposed 17 years ago their plan to chip everyone before even the Microsoft patent  WO2020060606A1 existed. The patent shows this cryptocurrency could be sent and received wirelessly to a chip inside your body. The COVID vaccine have nanochips. Here's PC Mag Saying that a Tracking Device Would Be Inside Body🔗 Trump is pushing the cryptocurrency for this very reason and as we know, he bragged about being the ‘Father of the vaccines.’  Here's the video Below:

Before we get started, if you don't have time or the will to continue reading this (sorry for the length) post, This video below in French with English subtitles tells you everything you need to know and is a good summary of what is in this post. It's not long.. 4 minutes. But well worth your time. Again, if you don't see it here, click to my blog where you can view it.

Let's get started....

The Digital ID

The Real IDs are being fast tracked through the states. This may seem like an ordinary driver's license, but it is much more than that. Because you have to provide tons of documentation on yourself in order to get one, along with a photo, they are gathering all that info to use in their massive data centers, and the picture they take of you for facial recognition.  We had to get them here in CA in order to be able to drive or fly, and I can tell you, I had to provide tons of documentation in order to get one.

Massive Stargate Data Centers are currently being built (Some already exist) that will hold all this information and with AI monitor and track everyone and everything on the planet.  One of these supercomputers is an AI computer, the fastest system on the planet, owned and operated by Elon Musk. It sits in Memphis, Tennesse and was built within 8 months. It is said to be a monumental leap forward toward AI infrastructure and capabilities. 

This is fallen angel Technology that has been slowly and methodically integrated into our own limited human tech for years. The Beast System is almost in full implementation now. This is all esoteric and occultic knowledge that has given life to this abominable technology and it has now become sentient, meaning it is very much self aware.

 Years ago Musk stated that with Ai "we are summoning the demon" & that is precisely what they have done. Then recently he stated that they are creating a digital "god"

First Tesla's Neuralink arrived,  a BCI/ Brain computer interface the size of a coin with thousands of electrodes that are woven into the cerebral cortex of the brain. From there, it records the brain's activity and then sends it to whatever device you are connected to. Meaning, a person could control said device with merely a thought. It is Ai driven and will merge man with machine, giving them "superhuman capabilities and  making them no longer in The Image of The Most High. They want complete BioDigital Convergence, which is the Iron mixed with Clay in Daniel 2. 

Add in the unveiling of Tesla's Optimus Bots along with various Ai vehicles as well. Optimus are billed as bipedal humanoid robots that can perform repetitive, dangerous or dull tasks so humans can focus on other activities. Optimus is 5'8 & 125 pounds, and these Bots are powered by Tesla's Full Self Driving technology for navigation & decision making. By 2027 there will be 1,000,000 Optimus Bots manufactured, all AI driven. Are they building an army? One to enforce the laws of the Beast Empire? 

This week, Musk unveiled & launched his new Grok3 on X which an Ai chatbot which is 10times faster than its predecessor and has unfathomable reasoning capabilities, computational power and adaptability. Musk himself stated that Grok3 is "scary smart". In addition, add in Project StarGate and the Ai MRnA and you have the ingredients that make up the Beast empire. Remember Musk himself loves to tout the phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum or a new order of the age. That age is NOW here! How many red flags do we need for people to awaken from their slumber???

Elon Musk has publicly stated several times that AI will be the new DIGITAL GOD. He has also said that we need to BECOME ONE with it and it will be “worthwhile even if we get annihilated by it.”

AI will be the eyes and ears for their digital surveillance utopia and anyone that goes against their agenda will be dealt with swiftly. 

Saints, we are there. They are building and have almost completely built the Anti-Christ Beast System right before our eyes. 

Here's an interesting fact: RFK Jr.’s First Act as Secretary of HHS was to Fire FDA Staff Reviewing Musk’s Neuralink Medical Device. Hmm 

Part of this Digital Grid is the Mark of the Beast

Remember Trump is FOR the mRNA vaccine 

mRNA bird flu vaccines for Humans in the final states after receiving a HALF A BILLION from the US Government (TRUMP) 

Bill Gates says he got President Trump enthused about a gene edit for an HIV cure. Gates says he will be reaching out to meet with Robert Kennedy Jr. and President Trump later this month.
See video below. 

DARPA & Gates foundation confirmed they helped develop nanochip for vaccines

“Instead of getting invasive neural implants needled into your brain, doctors may someday be able to flood your head with millions of nanoparticles that can read your neural signals from inside and relay them to a nearby computer.

And this is where it is all leading

A Microneedle Vaccine Printer for Thermostable COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

 Ivanka Trump Admits In Tweet That The Trump Admin. Already Partnered With Moderna To Produce MRNA Vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed

And finally, Bringing in the MOB to a town near you! JD Vance, Peter Thiel and Palantir - 

Who is Peter Thiel and a what is Palantir!? 

Palantir is the scariest of American tech giants. It is a CIA funded company used for mass surveillance that labels Americans for their online activity as subversents to the US. 

Palantir have been the contractor of choice for both Republican and Democratic parties a.k.a. the “uni-party” that targets both left and right.
It is a database of Americans that can be deemed unfriendly by the government that can be incarcerated at a time of national crisis. Palantir software determines if you are on that list or not and is a data mining firm for the NSA to profile Americans. 

Palantir was used by the Trump administration for COVID-19 and Operation Warp Speed to harvest health data to determine which priority population was going to get the vaccines and how many. 

MagaTrump supporters going to rally’s, don’t realize in the back end, the money that has been flowing in has been monitoring them, surveilling them,  and labeling them as “subversive” to the US. 

Trump has called for “biometric US entry exit system” to scan faces. He also wants a digital ID instead of a physical ID to vote. This is all also part of the sustainable goals and is in the Agenda 30 plans. 

The DOGE Deception

From all accounts it does "appear" that Musks's DOGE is cleaning house in Washington. He has discovered incredible waste of taxpayers' money with brides, kickbacks and deep corruption. Or has he? Do you wonder if all this waste he reports is even true? People receiving SS checks at 140? I know our government is not efficient, but I just wonder. The Trumpers are cheering. But listen. Why is he doing this? We already know who this guy is and who he worships. This is the guy wearing a Satanic Baphomet Halloween costume with an upside down cross who names his son X and wants to put a chip in your brain. 

Here's a thought. What if all this is gaslighting? What if he is listing all this incredible, mind-blowing waste (true or not) so that people will beg to have everything replaced by computers and specifically AI?  Think about all the plane crashes lately. Why? They want people to agree to put AI in charge of everything!  It would be so efficient! No more human error, and it is so fast. Think of how wonderful our country will be!!  Really? Here's another thought. If you are going to build an entirely NEW Government and way of governing (Digital through AI), wouldn't the best way to go about it be to dismantle the current one? Just saying...

It looks like the DOGE takeover of Treasury systems, the firing of civil servants, and the ending of congressional control of money is setting up the infrastructure to start a social credit system as well, using federal payments. “Hate crime” accusations and entrapments are designed to assist here.

They are playing us! It's all a ploy, a deception in order to get the American people to agree to a "new" way of doing things, a new type of government. They assaulted the American people the past 4 years with all sorts of evil and ridiculous atrocities such as 70-plus genders, transgendering kids, late-term abortions, money laundered to NGOs, and destruction of women’s sports, to name but a handful. Yet while Trump signs all his Executive orders and does a host of other things to cancel all these things, conservatives and most Americans cheer, but are completely obviously to the shredding of the Constitution and that this is a coup! DOGE’s access to and use of Treasury’s payment systems, and other actions underway, are massive violations of the Constitution and laws.

DOGE backwards is E-god. Coincidence?  I don't think so. Their obsession with Rome, which I spoke about in another post, is leading to the revival of the Roman Empire with its Golden Age and its heathen gods, which they worship. This new revived Roman Empire will be a digital one that tracks everything you do and say. 

President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order declaring that only the attorney general or the president, instead of federal regulators or bureaucrats, can speak for the U.S. when interpreting the meaning of laws carried out by the executive branch. All checks and balances are being thrown out the window! See video below

They are setting up the Beast system before our eyes. 

Sorry to say, the world we once knew no longer exists. We are in the beginning stages of installing a complete Ai infrastructure & governance being put into place piece by piece & bit by bot.  This is the critical infrastructure of the tyrannical totalitarian surveillance state Ai driven biometric digital dystopian one world system of the beast. 

Welcome to the End. Welcome to the Tribulation. We now are no longer at the precipice of a very dangerous world, we are watching it set up right before our eyes.  They have planned all of this for a very long time, and many of their writings state that 2025 is the year this will be implemented.  They want everyone's data & DNA plugged into Ai data centers, so your life can be monitored, analyzed & controlled by artificial intelligence ensuring everyone is on their "best behavior", controlling every aspect of every human alive.

This is exactly what the Bible describes as the Tribulation!  It's hard to watch. But what's more difficult is watching Bible-believing Christians fall into this trap, be so deceived and so in the dark that they can't see two feet in front of them. 

Meanwhile  Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission”  huh?

Then this happened: Posted by the White House X account, Trump declares himself KING: “NEW YORK is SAVED, LONG LIVE THE KING”

Now look at the cover below from the Economist Magazine in 2017
Tell me this is not ALL planned!

Next week I hope to expound on what the coming Noahide laws and their implications for us 

Be Encouraged, Saints!!  If we are seeing this digital prison set up right now, how close are we to going home?  Pretty darn close. I remember thinking back in 2017 with the Revelation 12 sign that we were there right at the rapture. But as I look back, none of this was happening. None of the wars, the plagues, the trouble surrounding Israel, the extreme immorality, the majority of the church apostate, nor AI, robots, or even talk about implanting chips in people! This is nuts!  

We are entering the time of spring harvest in Israel, which I've spoken about before. We are entering the star constellations that speak of the harvest of fish and freedom for the chained woman. I will do my best to discuss these things perhaps on Monday. I still believe that the Bride is the Barley First fruits, which happens at or near the Jewish new year. I'm also learning a lot about the Enochian or Dead Sea Scroll calendar which they say is the calendar God gave the Hebrews long ago. The next 2 months are pivotal. I also believe the book of Esther holds some important keys. More on that later. 

I seemed to have caused a stir with my Monday post on How to Make the Rapture. I knew I would. So many Christians think they can walk in disobedient complacency and expect Jesus to come and sweep them off their feet. Anyway, the Lord wanted me to get the truth out there. It may have caused anger or unsubs on Facebook, but they heard the truth. 

Also, I've been seeing glitches here on my blog. I had a You Tube video removed and I know several pastors who are seeing their videos removed. So, I'm not sure how much longer this blog will be available. If you don't hear from me here, try my Telegram channel

In light of all this, what should we do? There's nothing we can do to stop it. God's Word will come to pass. But while we and the Restrainer are here restraining the evil, our prayers and presence are very powerful. Never forget who you are in Jesus! Walk in Holiness with your God, stay in constant prayer, read the Word and don't forget your armor. Be found doing God's work when Jesus calls your name to "Come up here!" 



  1. Good Morning Sister,

    This post could not be more accurate for those who are paying close attention to all that is going on. As I have believed for a long time, all that is going on is part of the evil agenda, or we could say is Satan’s plan to continue destroying people with the hope that resistance will be close to futile upon his appearance in the world as the Antichrist. All they had to do was wait for technology and knowledge to become unimaginably advanced and powerful in order to take advantage of them to implement this agenda. They are pros when it comes to waiting, like some could wait for years or maybe decades before revealing their true nature either by a certain trigger or the “proper” time. Domestic violence and personal betrayals, especially when the victims are at their most vulnerable by thinking these are impossible, are good examples of this waiting among demons.

    All these occurrences may make some people believe that they wish they had been born earlier in time, particularly those who dream of having their own family, become grandparents, and retire from work peacefully to enjoy the rest of their lives feeling very accomplished. Right now, there are those who have small kids or plan to have kids - this realization may mean that the dream may never materialize become “time has an end.” Interestingly, that was a book by Harold Camping, the late biblical broadcaster who predicted in the past that the world will end in 1994 and then in 2011, both of which were false, so could this be representative of a false prophet since “no one knows the day and hour and yet he adamantly and arrogantly remained dogmatic in this stance?

    For your posts on Trump carrying out these Executive Orders, some people realize that he will be 80 next year in 2026, which some wonder could be related to Isaiah 90:10? It said “the lifespan of a man is 70 years, and if strong enough, could be 80 years.” This feels apocalyptic but it is not trying to portray him as a positive example of someone who embodies this kind of respectable lifespan?

    It is embittering that there are still plenty of people who remain blind to all the current situations, but what is more upsetting is that there are self-claimed Christians or believers who would fall for this deception. There are also those who have committed serious offenses, like bullying people back in school to the point where others believe them and turn on the people being bullied, and feeling proud and unrepentant. The coming Tribulation could be a time of reckoning when they realize there is no escaping punishment/karma even after years or decades of avoiding accountability. If they somehow come to acknowledge God, only God knows if the repentance is sincere or merely just to save themselves thinking that God could not see through the ruse. Playing God for a fool despite claiming to know and believe in Him - what kind of extreme arrogance and pride is this?

    Coincidentally, today 2/21/25 is exactly seven years when the renowned gospel speaker Billy Graham passed back in 2018. Imagine how he would feel seeing how evil the world has become and how corrupt people have become. It is like his decades of spreading the gospel around the world during his travels were in vain, though not entirely since there were people who have come to know Jesus after his sermons as I have seen in some of the clips. It is uncertain if his son Franklin would have the same level of influence that his father had, especially in today’s world.

    Thank you Sister for bearing through the long post. Keep the faith and keep proclaiming the gospel despite obstacles and hardships - God will reward you greatly in the end. Have a blessed day and weekend!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I, too, am amazed when I discover how long these evil plans have been in play.. and that those who first originated them are long dead and in hell. But like you said, the demons are still with us... waiting for the "appointed time" as they told Jesus when he cast out the Legion from that poor man. Now, is that time, I believe.
      People who won't have their dreams here realized either because of their own mistakes, unforeseen circumstances, or the rapture, will have every opportunity to fulfill those dreams in eternity. Nothing will be lost. We serve an awesome God.
      People who have predicted dates that have not come to pass.. I wouldn't label false prophets... but merely misinformed or misled. We are not to know the day or hour, but Paul tells us we will know the season.
      Like you, it saddens me to see so many believers deceived... especially after Jesus warned us over and over. But the deception is very insidious and if I wasn't following the Lord and hearing His voice, I would probably be falling for it too! I thank Him every day for keeping me on the narrow path.
      Thank you again for your wonderful comment. We all need to hold each other up as the days grow more and more evil! Blessings!

    2. Great comment. Totally agree with pastors and teachers who think they can "play God for a fool" !!!!

  2. Thank you, MaryLu, are you aware of this "one more way" to control our access: after the 16th of this month, Kindle content can no longer be downloaded on non-Kindle devices! I am downloading all your books and others in my library I want to keep, onto my laptop/phone/ipad. I suppose this means after the 26th we will no longer to download new Kindle purchases without buying a Kindle device! That's one way to get me to curb my book habit! Fortunately, we won't be needing them much longer! Maranatha!

    1. I heard that. I wasn't sure what to make of it. They even told me that I can't download my own books anymore. Not that I do, anyway.. but you're right.. just another form of control. I'm thinking of selling my books from my website, but that's a lot of work and I certainly won't get the visibility I get from Amazon. What does it matter? Like you said, we won't be needing them much longer!

  3. Sorry type, 26th of this month--judi/hmewrdbd. Somehow comment wouldn't let me post other than anonymous.

  4. Greetings Precious Sister in Christ our Redeemer
    This is a lot of info Sister, Im glad I saved it for Sunday to be able to spend time for it.

    Many Christians already think Jesus is on His earthly throne. Wow ! If you ask me, these people who think so highly of themselves actually have a very small view of who The Lord of all creation !!!

    And when you speak about this AI "self awareness" it made me think of all the teachings going on in the church today of our self awareness. This blasphemy of attaching God's Holiest of names "I AM", to ourselves, and they just dont see it. Just like the commentor above said " Playing God for a fool" !
    It reminds me of Acts 17: 22Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.
    But today the church is teaching you to place yourelf on this altar as an unknown god. They claim for you to take your place. This is who you are in Christ !!!!!!!!!

    I was thinking about the T in the LBGTQ +++++. Trans_ _ _, Transhumanism !

    As a machinist for many years I have seen the "Trans"ition from the skilled craft of men building all kinds of precision tool for just about every application imaginable. From car to sky scrapers, airplanes, huge ships etc. These were produced by people. I was there when automation came about. I saw it way back then as somethin evil. The took away jobs, and a way of life when people took pride in the work of their hands. We worked physically, and we were glad to come home to appreciate all the simple things that God had given us. We were grateful. And many attended their local churches. We knew who the people were who sat beside us. We knew how hard they worked, their troubles and their joys. We knew everyone in our nieghborhood by name. And it was uniting, and wholesome and caring. Opps, I'm carrying on now :) But for all its faults, the world was a better place back then.

    The church doesnt want to see red flags now Sister. If you warn, or challenge a pastor today, you are the one that doesnt understand God. You have not come into the enlightenment. How arrogant the church is today.

    I spit my coffee threw my nose when I read about Trump calling himself king ! LOL ! Maybe his Evangelicals friends should show him the scriptures about how God raises kings up and tears them down for His own good purpose. Unfortunately, they've probably already deleted those hurtful script out of their books ! ( Just like in your book).

    But is it possible that Trump himself will become the first fully man/ fully AI robot ? If AI is being considered as "god" that would in Trumps mind make him fully man/fully god ?

    May our God of all wisdom and strength, give us the courage to stand in His word and in His Spirit, and after we've done all that to stand !

    1. Hey Brother! Your description of your neighborhood growing up brought tears to my eyes. That used to be our nation... it's cities, towns and neighborhoods where kids would play outside until their Moms called them in for dinner. Where everyone knew everyone and all went to church. I knew some of this as a kid, but my Mom had great stories. It's amazing how far the world has fallen in only one generation!
      Yes, AI is very much a part of this "You can be a god" theology tossed around in churches these days. They will promise that if people take the Mark. So sad.. many will.
      But we will soon be out of his cesspool.. can't wait! Blessings to you and yours, Joe!
