
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

God Will Make A Way!

 I recently came across this poem. I have no idea who the author is, but it blessed me, so I wanted to share it with you!

God Will Make a Way

I smell a strong Musk in the air - the scent of sulphur from lucifer's lair. 
I hear deceiving words amass - the demonised shrieks of the billionaire class.
I feel the darkness of the night - no warmth from lucifer's false light. 
I see so many led astray - so blind, naive, they've lost The Way. 
I sense the days ahead are hard - as the enemy plays his top Trump card. 
I read His Word, see what we face - my heart breaks for the human race.
I don't know why He would choose me. To bestow this gift of eyes to see.
Perhaps you ponder such thoughts too? What does He see in me, and you? 
But what an honour, what a joy, that we're no longer satan's toys!
For what can mortals do to us? He saved our souls, in Him we trust. 
So, march on bravely, do not fear. The Day of the Lord comes ever near!
Share the Good News as you go. Our enemy, a defeated foe. 
We smell the plot, we hear the plan, we see the trap, don't trust in man. 
We read the signs, we know what's true, His promises will see us through. 
Whatever trials you come to face, fix your eyes upon His face.
He chose YOU for a time like this! 
A finished race for eternal bliss!


  1. Whoa Sister, this gave me the chills.
    Christ's peace to you.

  2. This poem is awesome! I love it. Thank you for sharing, and God bless!!!

  3. Wonderful poem Sister, it captures just about all that is going on right now and ends with faith in what is to come. This poem gave me a few questions to ask below:

    With the mentioning of Trump and Musk in the poem, since they are portrayed by the media as like “partners,” I seriously would not be surprised if one or both of them try to betray each other upon getting what they want. With the amount of money, power, and influence they have, they can buy or sell out anyone to satisfy their dark deeds. I could only hope that what is coming in the near future will make people, particularly those who blindly view them as “heroes,” see their true colors. Could it happen that way Sister?

    Regarding the Tribulation, since “multitudes will be saved” during that time, would there be people who come to believe, but it is merely just to save themselves - in other words, they attempt to play God for a fool and think that just by believing and accepting Him even without repenting, they will be saved. Would God ensure that only sincere repenters get saved? In Revelation 16, despite the suffering from the bowls of God’s wrath, people still blasphemed God and refused to repent. What would happen to these kind of people after the Tribulation? Having them around during the Millennium Reign could pose a problem for the true Believers, but I feel God will make sure that kind of trouble would not happen.

    I saw in an article that stated that since Yom Kippur might be a proper time for the Tribulation to start because it is the Day of Atonement, and since 2032 is thought to be the time of Christ’s Second Coming, Yom Kippur starts on 9/14/32, and subtracting 2520 days (7-year length of the Tribulation per Revelation 11:2 and Revelation 12:6) would come to around 10/21/25. Adding the 6-month gap between the Rapture and start of the Tribulation, could April be that long-awaited time considering that the holy weekend (Good Friday 4/18 and Easter 4/20) is around that time?

    Blessings Sister for your dedication to the Lord’s Will. Keep up the faith and God bless!

    1. There's no honor among the wicked, so yes, Trump and Elon could definitely betray each other. I pray also that many who look at them as heroes now will start to see the light. We shall see. Deception can be very blinding and those who are deceived have no idea they are deceived.

      God always ensures that only sincere repenters will enter His Kingdom. He knows everyone's hearts and motives. But I seriously doubt anyone will pretend to be saved during the Tribulation because it will mean getting their heads chopped off.

      Those people who never got saved and who blasphemed God during the Tribulation and took the MOB, will be judged and sent to the lake of fire along with the Beast and the False prophet. There will be some humans left who did not take the MOB, did not blaspheme God who will then inhabit the Earth during the Millenial reign. These will be the people we will rule over with Jesus.
      Yes! I've done a similar calculation and believe that the rapture could occur anytime between now and the end of April . Which makes it very close! I'm not setting a date... just using the Scriptures and what God has revealed to take an educated guess.

