
Monday, March 10, 2025

What Will We Do in Heaven for Seven Years?

Recently a commenter on this blog asked me this question and it got me to thinking that maybe many believers don't really know or think about what we will be doing in heaven after the rapture. 

The Bible describes two main events that will occur once we get there. 
  1. The Marriage of Jesus and His Bride (the raptured church), which includes a Wedding Feast and Celebration! (I, for one, am pretty excited about this!)
  2. The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ in which all believers will have to stand before the Lord and be judged for what they did for Jesus and His Kingdom while they were on Earth. 
I don't know which of these events happens first, but both will be a time of joy. You see, you will not be judged at all for any failings, mistakes, or sins you committed in your life here on Earth. All of those things have been forgiven and forgotten beneath the mantle of Jesus's own blood. However, the Bible is clear that we will be judged for our works and the fruit we produced for God's Kingdom. 

For we must all appear and be revealed as we are before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive [his pay] according to what he has done in the body, whether good or evil, considering what his purpose and motive have been, and what he has achieved, been busy with, and given himself and his attention to accomplishing. 2 Corinthians 5:10 Amp Classic

But what are these rewards? We get hints from Scripture

1. Crowns

Crown of Righteousness for those who have finished their race and held their faith
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day 2 Tim 4:8

Crown of Life for those who made it through trials 
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12

Crown of Glory - awarded to pastors, shepherds and church leaders who did their jobs well
And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. 1 Peter 5:4

Victor's Crown -  to those who were persecuted for Jesus's sake but remained faithful
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Revelation 2:10
2. Responsibilities and Rulerships

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about a rich owner who had to go away on a long journey so he gathered his servants together and gave them "talents" , one 5, one 2, and one 1. A talent is a measure of money, but I love that Jesus used the word "talent" because He gives each of us talents (skills, gifts) to use for His Kingdom. So, this isn't just about money. 
When the owner returned to see what His servants did with their talents, both of the ones who had 5 and 2 doubled their master's money, but the one who had been given 1 did nothing with it

To those who had doubled His money, Jesus said:
His master said to him, Well done, you upright and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy the delight, the blessedness which your master enjoys. Matthew 25:23

To the servant who did nothing with his talent, 
And throw the good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. v. 30

We find the same parable in Luke 19, but in this version, instead of doubling the "talents", Jesus grants the servants authority to rule over cities!

 And he said to him, Well done, excellent bond servant! Because you have been faithful and trustworthy in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.
The second one also came and said, Lord, your mina has made five more minas. And he said also to him, And you will take charge over five cities. Luke 19:18-19

Here are some other verses which explain that saints will be ruling and reigning with Jesus during the millennial reign.

And he who overcomes  and who obeys My commands to the very end [doing the works that please Me], I will give him authority and power over the nations; And he shall rule them with a scepter (rod) of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and his power over them shall be like that which I Myself have received from My Father; Revelation 2:26-27

Blessed is the person who takes part in the first resurrection! Over them the second death exerts no power or authority, but they shall be ministers of God and of Christ (the Messiah), and they shall rule along with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20:6

Clearly, Scripture teaches that we are given positions of authority to rule and reign with Jesus here on Earth during the Millennial Reign. And this depends on what we did for Jesus while here. 

But what about those people who didn't earn any rewards? What happens to them? IF they are truly Born Again, the Scripture is clear:

But if anyone builds upon the Foundation, whether it be with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, the work of each will become known (shown for what it is); for the day [of Christ] will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done.
If the work which any person has built on this Foundation [any product of his efforts whatever] survives [this test], he will get his reward.
But if any person’s work is burned up [under the test], he will suffer the loss [of it all, losing his reward], though he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has passed] through fire.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15 Amp Classic

The person will remain in heaven but he will receive no rewards. I've heard people say, "I just want to make it. I don't care about rewards." And I just shake my head.  First of all why wouldn't you want any of these incredible rewards? We only know about a few of them, but I'm sure there are a lot more. And Secondly, why would you not want to please your Savior by doing things for Him and HIs Kingdom? That seems a very ungrateful and spoiled attitude. 

3. Speculation

The following are just thoughts I've had about what we might be doing in heaven before we come back to Earth These thoughts are based on Scripture but not clearly defined in Scripture. 

Touring our new homes. We are told in the Bible that Jesus went back to Heaven to prepare a place for us... a home, a mansion, the KJV says. So, I imagine that one thing we'll be doing is getting our first glimpse of what Jesus built for us!  I'm sure each home will be tailored specifically for each person, according to what Jesus knew were your likes and dislikes. 

Touring the Heavenly Jerusalem. I imagine we will also be given a tour of the great city of the King, and according to the measurements found in Revelation, it is massive. I can only guess at what is in there besides our homes... theaters, art galleries, music concerts, schools, pastry shops, restaurants, etc.. anything you can think of that would make up a city, and probably a lot more we can't even imagine.

Tour the countryside.
I've listened to quite a few NDEs describe heaven, along with other Godly people who had visions and it appears that there are mountains, forests, jungles, lakes, waterfalls, etc...  In other words, it will be like the Garden of Eden, only better. And so much to do and explore! 

Will we be given tasks to do? Why not? It won't be like jobs here on Earth. Our tasks in heaven will be things we love to do, using the talents God gave us. For example, I imagine I will still write novels, only better than I did here! LOL.  I hope I can take the dance lessons I never got to take here on Earth and also painting classes, ice skating, and a host of other things I never got to do here. This is why in past posts, I've said that even if your dreams never came true here on Earth, you'll have an eternity to enjoy them after this life. 

Loved ones
How wonderful to be reconnected with our loved ones who died! But not only that, we will meet our ancestors who came generations before us, learn their stories, their struggles. All relationship issues that we had here on Earth with our family will be gone, and we will reconcile with them, embracing in love and joy like we've never known. We will understand each other fully and love each other unconditionally. It's going to be wonderful!

Bible Characters
Which Bible Character would you love to sit down with over coffee? Think about it. Noah? Moses? Apostle Paul, Peter?  You'll meet them all! I'm dying to talk to the disciples and ask what it was like to hang out with Jesus for 3 1/2 years. When did they know who He really was? I have a ton of questions!  I want to meet with Elijah, Abraham, Sarah, Esther, Ruth..., John.. I could go on...  

Time with Jesus
And this will be the best of all!  I imagine we will each get some quality time with our Lord. I imagine we can have our questions answered about our lives here, why certain things happened, etc. I would bet He would show us all the times He was right there beside us or He dispatched angels to keep us safe. Honestly, I just want to sit with Him on a beach and look into His eyes and hear His voice, see His smile. I can't wait.

So, you see, it's all too incredible to even imagine!  And we are so very close to being there!  So, no matter what you are going through, keep your thoughts on Jesus and Heaven because no matter the amount of suffering here, it's going to be more than worth it!



  1. This is great stuff and very encouraging!
    I have a friend who is a great musician, but never “made it“ in this world. Still, at the age of 60 he wants nothing more than to be a famous singer, even though he has said he has let that dream go now. I hope that when he gets to heaven, he will either realize that the dream was futile compared to what is in store for him in heaven or that he will actually get to be what he wasn’t here on earth.
    I enjoy being around horses and animals, so I hope that I will be a caretaker of them in heaven. Even if it’s just Balam’s donkey. Haha
    Blessings! BevH

    1. Yes! Your friend will be able to pursue his musical dreams in heaven and throughout eternity... We will still need and love music and need worship leaders there! As for you love of animals, my daughter has the same passion and I've told her that perhaps the Lord will put her in charge of a zoo in heaven! That's funny about Balam's donkey!! LOL but it will be much more than that, dear friend!

  2. Greetings Precious Daughter of our beloved Father,

    This is so beautiful Sister. I love this subject. Made me think of the song, I Can Only Imagine ! Scripture says we cant even concieve what God has prepared for us !!!

    Sometimes when you attend a wedding you are recieved by an usher to verify your invitation. Could it be that we are then directed to the Judgement seat before entering the Banquet Hall ? I have been to weddings where there are gifts for all the guests set out on their assigned tables. Could there be crowns there for us ? I had a dream one time of sitting at a huge banquet table. Each of us had nameplates where we were to sit. After a joyous time of sitting with our Lord, we were told to stand, and pull our our chairs for more quests coming in. You would not belive who some of these were !

    I do have a question about 2 Cor 5:10, and the use of the words, "he who did evil" ? Are saved people continuing in eveil ? I've always viewed the Bema Judgement as a reward for good or bad, as most versions say. I take that as good meaning many accomplishments, and bad as lesser, or you could have done more. But the word evil doesnt seem to fit at the Berma, along with darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth seem to me to be more fit for the White Throne ? Just my thoughts. I think the script from Luke 19 is a better fit from my understanding.

    So I did a study on the words Mansions one time that brought to " a large house with many rooms".
    And I wonder, as you say, could this be a place where we might find our ancestors all in one place ?
    The scripture often say when someone died "he has gone to be with his fathers" ? Will we be like the 12 tribes, only there will be millions of tribes ? Every nation, every tribe ?

    Love your thoughts on what we will do. I heard a teacher say one time, its not like we will be bored. It's not like when you walk through the pearly gates, bang you just know everything like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. Like ok, now I know everything, we can all go home. Yes our eyes will be opened for sure. But it will take us an eternity of constant new understandings and learning to fully know the enormanty of the God of all creation. There wil be plenty to do !
    I used to oil paint MaryLu. Maybe I'll be a paint instructor, and you'll be in my class, and maybe I'll sit in your writing class, I always wanted to write :)

    Another dream. I dreamed I went to Heaven. I was in a most beautiful field of sweet grass up to my waist, wiping my hands gently over the tops of the soft grass. The smells were delightful, so earthy and clean. Before me was a long gently sloping hill. The long grass all the way up. On top the hill I saw my father calling my name and waving his arm in a big arch motioning me to come. As I got to the top we hugged, and as I looked out there were hill all around as far as you could see, decorated with the most beautiful grape vinyard all aroung. A valley down below with people milling around. I could smell my Italian Grandmas cooking coming over the hill. I saw another man on a far hill tending the vines, he stood and waved to me. I asked my father what was all this ? That is your Grandfather and this our inheritance, the land the Lord has given us to grow His grapes. Come and join us.

    Oh my MaryLu, what joy awaits us !

    1. I have no idea how all of the wedding and rewards will work! But I did have a vision not too long ago of the Lord placing our name plates on the banquet table! With our new names on them!
      Regarding the Bema judgement, no, I don't believe that anyone being judged is not saved or is continuing in evil. We are judged on our works for the Lord, and in some cases, our works may have been done with the wrong motives or for selfish reasons, which is what I believe the "bad" means. We are not judged for our sins.. but I do imagine we will be shown also what we could have done but didn't do for the Lord, which would also constitute the "bad".
      In the parable where the servant who did nothing is cast out into darkness (which I believe is a reference to hell), this servant wasn't saved at all. They had no faith whatsoever in the Lord and no reverential fear of Him or they would have done something... even a little bit for Him. as in giving to the poor or tithing to a ministry or telling one person about Jesus. Instead, their lack of doing anything proved their lack of salvation. That's my understanding.

      Regarding tribes or families, the Bible doesn't say, but I tend to believe that there will be family groups in Heaven.. where all members of a family will be located together. Won't that be awesome?
      I'd love to take your oil painting class, and I'd be happy to teach you to write! It's a deal!!
      WOW I love your dream!! I know your family grew grapes.. and you still do? I remember you telling me. How wonderful that the Lord revealed to you part of your inheritance! We really do have a lot to look forward to! And none of it deserved.. ALL by the Grace of our Loving Savior!

  3. Beautiful post Sister! Bless the commenter who gave you the idea and purpose to write this!

    Like you , I am so looking forward to the Wedding and Banquet, especially with countless Brothers and Sisters in Christ present and of course, the Lord Himself. It will be quite a spectacle!

    I used to play golf frequently long time ago, but I stopped for some time since becoming a parent, and I cannot wait to play on golf courses in Heaven. I imagine playing with some Brothers/Sisters and maybe some of the past golf legends. It would be marvelous to golf with the Lord, though I think He will be busy with His holy plans and preparing for the Second Coming/Millennium Reign, but getting to speak with the Lord personally will be an undeniable blessing!

    I also used to make people laugh by telling funny puns, writing poems,, and even sharing facts to simply engage in conversation with people. However, I gave up on those since they did not bring much gain - people seemingly laugh or smile, but they then move on without showing interest in being friends. Now I believe I will have that opportunity again and this time, people will truly appreciate them and are willing to hear more. Would this be true Sister?

    I used to lament a lot over the thought that I have no real friends in this life,
    but God kept my faith strong and I believe He will help me make fast true friends in the next life when here, I pretty much knew only insincere ones, one who showed hatred and resentment, all disguised through false kindness. This leads me to ask, Sister: would any of these heartless people, if they somehow “luckily” be Raptured, be transformed by the Lord into pure-hearted, loving Brothers and Sisters? I am sure God would not tolerate any of the attributes I mentioned above while in Heaven, but I am just curious to know.

    Before I conclude, I have some quick questions:

    1. About music concerts, will those be completely honorable and respectable? Unlike those in this world that promote drunkenness, wildness, and even serious incidents, and also because most famous singers have sold their soul to the Devil, I am eager to know if the concerts will be completely holy.

    2. Would some celebrities join us during this time? I know not all celebrities sell their soul to the Devil, hence the purpose of the question. However, I am sure they will no longer crave money, fame, or self-glorification since the Lord will transform us into pure bodies. Is this true for all those Raptured?

    3. About the Millennium Reign, if there are people who somehow cunningly do not blasphemy God or take the MOB, and they revert to their true colors if they get to be part of the Reign, how would God resolve this to ensure such people do not cause trouble for us true believers?

    4. Every now and then, I watch movies from past decades dating to as far back as the 60s or 70s and travel to cities that I have been to throughout my childhood. This is to cherish the things that made life beautiful and also because I want to appreciate them visually while I still can, knowing there may not be much of these left come the near future. For the movies, I watch them thinking people then had no major worries (ie, pandemic, AI, social media, corrupt disrespectful people, etc.) and think how lucky they were to be rid of such evil. Nevertheless, we should feel blessed to live during this time to actually see the Lord’s ultimate return! Would this be a good mindset Sister?

    5. Would everyone Raptured be acknowledging, appreciating, respecting, and loving each other? This is a particularly emotional question since I have experienced the opposite in this life, so I would like to be reassured that I will finally find the sincere appreciation in the next life. Would it also be like this during the Reign and New Jerusalem (New Heaven and New Earth after the Reign)?

    Blessings again Sister for the lovely post and have a blessed week! 🙏🏻

    1. Anonymous, I dont see why anyone wouldnt like you, I like you already and we've just met. And I think you are very funny thinking the 60 and 70's that I grew up in were all the way back :)
      See ya in Heaven.

  4. I'm with you a 💯 Sis💕 As usual affirmation we are on the same page ❤️ I have such a deep longing and pain in my heart to come HOME 🙏🕊️✝️🕊️🙏

  5. I wonder if we'll be able to see past events in heaven. I would love to witness the scene of Joseph revealing to his brothers who he really was...see Solomon's temple... and be a bystander watching David defeat Goliath.... and thousands of other events recorded in the Bible. My feeble mind cannot even comprehend the absolute perfection we'll see and feel. And I'll finally get to meet you in person, and we can talk about pirates. Maybe you can show me your heavenly saltwater aquarium :-)

    1. I sure hope so!! I actually believe that we'll be able to travel back through time as invisible witnesses and see anything we want.. Like you, I want to see the Bible stories come to life! Wouldn't that be incredible? And yes, we will meet!! What fun we'll have..! and I'd love to show you my aquarium. In fact, come on over for dinner!

  6. The Church is the BODY of Christ, not the Bride.
