
Monday, August 23, 2010

Is there a mark on your forehead?

And the Lord said to him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in the midst of it. Ezekiel 9:4

Do you sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in our country? I know I do. Everytime I turn on the TV or listen to the radio or read a newspaper.  God seeks people who are disgusted by sin and wickedness. People who are no longer attached to this world and the things of this world. People who are axiously awaiting His coming.

Currently I'm reading through Ezekiel (Very cool book, by the way with lots of heavenly visions!)  and I came across this verse. It stopped me because I remembered a similar verse in Revelation.
Revelation 9:4 to be exact. (Humm, 9:4 I wonder if that means anything?)
They were told not to injure the herbage of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only [to attack] such human beings as do not have the seal (mark) of God on their foreheads.

The story in Ezekiel continues with a band of angels going through Jerusalem and slaying everyone who didn't have the mark of God on their forehead. That may sound cruel, but at this point God has had enough of Israel's idolatry and wickedness. After giving them multiple times to repent, they still refused. But then that reminded me of another story in the Bible. The first passover in Egypt when the angel of death killled all the first born of the land but passed over the homes sprinkled with the blood of the sacrificial lamb. (Ah, and here's the secret to acquiring the mark--trust in the lamb who shed His blood for you!) This was after God gave Pharaoh multiple chances to repent and let the Jewish people go.

God always gives 2nd chances, doesn't He? And thirds and fourths and fifths.. etc.. and on and on. He has much more patience than I'll' ever have. Thank goodness or I may not be here now! But when His patience runs out, He must enact His justice. He can do no less. For if He wasn't a God of justice, then He wouldn't be Holy or Good. There are two sides to every coin. Most people love to talk about God's mercy and love and grace. But flip the coin over and you have His justice and his wrath. You're either on one side or the other. In God's grace, or under His judgement.

I believe God marks His own people even today. It's not visible to us in the natural world, but in the spiritual world, it's there on our foreheads for all to see. And it's bright and growing brighter as we walk closer to God. Demons growl at the sight of it. Satan shrinks from it and hates it.

He hates it so much, he created a counterfiet, like everything he does.

Also he compels all alike, both small and great, both the rich and the poor, both free and slave, to be marked with an inscription  stamped on their right hands or on their foreheads,  Rev 13:16

This is the mark of the beast. You want the first mark. You don't want the second. The first one leads to life, the second one death.


  1. With all that is going on in our country that is blatantly sinful, I now understand how the prophets would agonize over the country of Israel before they went into captivity. Our nation used to be a more holy nation--it grieves me that it has come to this. And if it grieves me, I'm sure it definitely grieves the Lord.

    1. My Name is Amber. A few years ago out of no where I got this mark on my forehead just barely above my eyes. The mark is red, I can see and others have agreed it looks like a cross. Not the red mark it's self, but with in the mark. Sometimes I can see 2 crosses. Does this mean anything? I've wondered this for a long time.

    2. Not sure what it means. I attempted suicide a while ago and had an NDE. I woke up with a scar on the inside of my arm right above my elbow. It is cross shaped. I used to be into really bad things so I assume it is something like the mark God gave Cain (Genesis 4:13-16) When I first read these verses it struck me hard. It was sort of a realization like "Hey God. Thank you for being there even when I didn't want you to be." What actually came out of my mouth: "Wow. You're good." XD

    3. Zoe,
      Did this incident happen on September 24th?

    4. Zoe,
      Did this incident happen on September 24th?

  2. Mon, Aug 23rd,
    Good Morning, MaryLu.
    Just the other day, I was saying to my son: "It's a good thing that "I-Brenda" am not God .... I would not have the patience or the tolerance to put up with all of the unrighteousness or injustices going on .... I'd just be zapping people away, right and left !"
    Back to reality: It's our great God Who is in charge and in control ... He has the patience, and He loves us beyond what we can imagine ! He is willing that NONE should perish ! Yes, he is God of -- second, third, fourth, fifth (and more) chances ! Thank the Lord for that !!!!!!!!!! He is indeed awesome, and wonderful !
    We serve a mighty God ... worthy of ALL our honour and praises !!!
    Thanks again for the reminder MaryLu -- that we have a special mark upon us now, and we are His beloved children ! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow !
    Have a great day !
    Take care, and, God Bless !

  3. I am so thankful that not only is the Lord meciful and gracious, he also disciplines us out of love. Because of his great love for us has he provided a way to receive the Mark of the Lamb.

    Society is changing "sin" to being a "mistake, choice, personal opinion, etc" We don't call a spade a spade anymore. God doesn't change, thankfully. Sin is still sin to Him and there will be consequences for those sins, for believers and unbelievers.

    Thank you for reminding us of Who's we are.


  4. I've always been facinated by the concept of God putting a mark on our foreheads! I, too, feel that we have them now, but just can't see them...but I've kind of thought that we can catch glimmers of these marks when we just suddenly really, really feel the Holy Spirit's presence in someone - I know I've felt in around other die-hard Christ followers, and I fully believe that demons (and the people they possess) can sense these marks/the Holy Spirit (we see that all throughout the Gospels and Acts). It's kind of like God's telling all the demonic inhabitants of the spiritual world, "This one is MINE. You can't hurt him/her, and he/she has power over you through My name." That's just cool! :-D

    I do think it would be a lot easier, though, if these marks were visible to everyone - that way, we could instantly know if someone is a fake, a false teacher, etc...not to mention, it would so beat cross necklaces and Christian tee shirts, to have essentially God's signature on your forehead! :-) Kind of like on TV, where people write their name on a piece of masking tape and put it on their food so no one else will take it...I like that. :-)

    1. I felt the need to confirm your post, and it certainly answered something I have been experiencing. I accepted Jesus about 15 years ago, but in June 20017, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, by Fire, or slayed as some may say. This was nothing I actually was familiar with or even thought about. But when it happen I received prophecy and tongues. Prior to this I really never any thought towards tongues, and believed it was something that just happened in Pentecost, but I didn't not believe it still happened today, it's just that I have never been exposed to it. Well everything has changed for me since this moment, there is no no doubt in me regarding all contents of the Bible and the awesome power of God. Anyhow, one of the many things I experience now is a feeling in the center of my forehead just above my eyes. Sometimes, its a tingle, other times, it feels like something is pressing down on that spot, and sometimes the pressure increases, so much it radiates across my head. I don't known anyone at this time who experiences this, so I pray the anyone who can relate to this experience reads this message and finds comfort.

      May you feel God's daily blessings.

    2. Lisa Cox, I experienced it exactly as you. With me it started after I had prayed with a woman and she had marked the sign of a cross on my forehead. Afterwards I felt this tingling pressure, like a soft electric pulse in the centre of my forehead. It was there always throughout night and day. After some months standing in front of the mirror one morning I saw it. The seal. It is visible, but only if you look for it. I was able to show it to others.
      I hope you get somehow notified of my reply but I only found this blog today. If you like, please write to I will afterwards reply with my real e-mail!

    3. Please replace "q" with "@"

    4. I just notice a faint cross in the forehead ...Taught first it was dirt it there with a few days .It can be seen in the mirror in certain distance from the mirror in a perfect little cross.It seems strange but comforting also really have to look to see it

  5. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comAugust 23, 2010 at 10:19 AM

    God bless you, MaryLu, for listening to our Heavenly Father and passing on this blog. I have read through the Bible almost 10 times and I never noticed those verses having the same chapter and verse. I believe that we have His mark on our foreheads and that whenever we are walking with the Lord, it acts as an invisible shield; nothing and no one can penetrate it, except our Lord. Thanks, MaryLu, for your words. (given by God)

  6. Thank you for your comments, ladies! I'm so glad this post blessed you. For me, it's just nice to know that I'm marked for God. Satan and his angels can't touch me unless God allows them to for a season. Protected, loved. Ah, how wonderful our heavenly Father is! If only people could see, could experience His love, they'd never go back. I, too, would like to be able to weed out the Christians from the unbelievers pretending to be Christians, but God has given us a Spirit of discernment for that purpose. We need to exercise it so it can get stronger. Yes, the USA is sliding down to Gomorah pretty fast. It grieves me but it also makes me anxious for the Kings of Kings to return and set up His kingdom.! Blessings all!

  7. Very interesting thoughts. God made His children to stand out, not blend in with the crowd. I want to be a marked woman.

  8. Josie said 02/21/11
    Hi, I was so excited to read that thire are so many other that love God and his loveing son Jesus. How ever we all need to remember that in the Bible it say that God dose not want even one to pasrish. I feel it up to all of us to win as many people to God as we can. We are all the same in our Lord Eyes.

    Sometime we don't know what another person is going thur or what has happen in thire life. Let all pray for each other, friend,familys and the whole world.

    God Bless us all thur his loving son Jesus.

  9. I would like to suggest something that it would appear nobody else has thought of in regards to currency(and the mark of the beast 666) a blatant attempt to get it past everyone and in plain sight. There is 6 denominations (ones,fives,tens,twenties,fifties and one hundreds)for a total of 6. Then there is 6 forms of payment (Cash,Coins,Debit,Checks,Credit Card and Money order) for a total of 6. Then there is 6 watermarks ( on the five,ten,twenty,fifty and one hundred) for a total of 6....666...but wait there is more.Each new bill(with water mark(not including the old one dollar)has the water mark but standard checks get water marks as well which can be seen by holding to a bright light, then there is the mark on the forehead....each new bill held in the light clearly shows the word trust written backwards on each presidents forehead. No one will conduct commerce without the mark and guess what it's in the hand daily(Usually right hand)!!! Money is the root of all Evil

    1. That's not what the Bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. When someone uses a credit card, they don't hold it up to their forehead..nor do they when ordering online.

  10. I had an experience that is unlike any I have heard of and I want to know if there is anyone out there who had the same. I felt a cross drawn on my forehead etched into it or that's what it felt like seconds later I felt a ring settle on my head it felt exactly like what I would imagine a crown would feel like am I the only one please I want I need to know I am not alone in this my email is if anyone has had the same experiance I would love to hear I belive I am sent If not as one of the 144000 then in the same spirit as a warning I do not know why and I would like to talk to anyone who can help me understand

    1. i felt jesus or the holy spirit etch some writing on my fore head and i think a cross but for sure writing like Hebrew or older i was worshiping jesus at the time and i told my fiancee about it showing him in the air the curves he said looked like666 when i described it i said no i rebuke that in the name of jesus i know god was writing on my head he just automatically went there and hes a christian ! any way it was awesome

    2. jews that have never been defiled by women they are set apart at birth or before so unless your a virgin i think its the seal of god but not the 144000 any way its awesome when im in the spirit with jesus i can feel a seal on my forehead like a lite pressure and a feeling i cant explain me and my fiance felt it strong when we met all we could see was each other and a haze around us we knew

    3. I have the mark of the seal the 7 is in the middle of my forehead God and Jesus and the new name of Jerusalem is on my forehead and I am looking for help in understanding Aramaic language I have some of the letter the y7 is the son of God and I have the stone I also know the spirit of God's presence is in the ark or arc I have pictures and I was grafted into life I have seen things that I couldn't imagine if someone can find or know where I can be help please share I know for sure God is real I have pictures amazing is his grace amen.

    4. I too have had an experience like you. I was sick and lied down on my couch to rest. I was in that in-between of sleep and awake when I saw an angel hovering over me in the spirit. I felt something like a cross being etched in my forehead. I also was given a crown, I felt it settle down over my head. After speaking with Jesus (Yeshua) about this matter, I know now that it is the mark of the elect. The remnant (2 witnesses) on earth at the time of the end. He showed me that there will be 144,000 witnesses (the two olive trees and the two candlesticks before our Father on earth). 72,000 from the tree of the Jews and 72,000 from the grafted in tree of the Gentiles. 12,000 from each tribe. These are not defiled with women, this means people who never went to church or became church-goers. Women in the Bible means a church. Look it up in the Strong's Concordance for confirmation, or talk to Yeshua. This mark is also given to those who overcome the tribulation as it is written in Revelation 7:9. The 144,000 will not be religious, nor will they entangle themselves with a church or dogmas and religious practices. They will simply be "believers". This group will go forward to uncover all the hidden traditions of men and the religions and expose them. They will bring people into the kingdom by way of teaching them the truth and showing them the true way home. They will show the people how to war in the spirit and how to pray and how to use the armor that they have been given. Ephesian 6:11-15. The 144,000 will be killed for this. The crowns represent the 5 callings in the ministry of Jesus (Yeshua). Ephesians 4:11-15. Each crown represents an Apostle, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet and Teacher. Some will be given one crown, some three, some all 5. Read the parable of the talents for clarification. Matt. Ch. 25 If you have received this mark, I exhort you brothers and sisters, to talk to Yeshua, to find out the TRUE name of the Father, to start the process in uncovering all the lies that have been passed down from time immemorial. If you wish to speak with me, you can contact me at:

  11. Very interesting post about money.. I hadn't thought about that before...

    And Lion and lamb, I've never heard of anyone having a similar experience.... I hope someone who reads this can help you. Are you Jewish? I believe Revelations states that the 144,000 will be Jews.

    1. jews that have never been defiled by women they are set apart at birth or before so unless hes a virgin i think its the seal of god but not the 144000 any way its awesome when im in the spirit with jesus i can feel a seal on my forehead like a lite pressure and a feeling i cant explain me and my fiance felt it strong when we met all we could see was each other and a haze around us we knew

    2. valarine54@gmail.comOctober 26, 2015 at 2:22 AM

      My name is Queen Valarine. Mackey as ND I have my Facebook page as There you will find my pictures of the Cross, the Seal of God on my forhead. It is very visible and it is growing more pronounced as the writer says. I am a born-again believer, baptized with the in filling of the Holy Ghost and I speak in tongues as the scripture says. If you would like to see a modern day believer who wears the Seal of God, I am one.

    3. valarine54@gmail.comOctober 26, 2015 at 2:31 AM

      I live in Florida and I published pictures of the Cross on my forehead to my Facebook page: valarinemackey. It is becoming more and more pronounced. I am a born again speak in tongues believer and a Minister of the Gospel.

  12. Yahweh never loses patience with people . The suffering we see in the world today is what mankind had brought upon himself. There are 2 marks as their are 2 kingdoms. The mark of Yahweh the Creator is h
    His Feast Days and Sabbaths kept at His House and the mark of the Beasy is Sunday and pagan holiday worship. There is a place of protection in these last days. Learn about it here

  13. Ezekiel 9:4 , Deuteronomy 6:8. The mark iis first given in Spirit then manifest in natural. I know because it has happened to me.

    1. is your mark visible to the natural eye?

    2. I have the mark it has also happened to me as well.

  14. I have a Natural Cross centered on my Forehead , to the left and right of this are 2 triangles sometimes 4 triangles of precise proportions, 2 are continually there and 2 more are coming and going.
    These appeared on my forehead for no reason. They are as folds in the skin, but the folds are not the natural folds in relation to sleeping compression of the skin or facial or muscular pulling which run at counter angles to these specific shapes. The strange thing is that these are PRECISE Triangles. and the cross is DEEP. These folds are not appearing to be connected to the natural folds of my face. I get people really looking at me now some saying this is special or rare. I really not sure what to think and wear a hat to cover up. I can heal people by touch but dont anymore as it generates much attention. I dont need to work, money comes to me. I lack for nothing and live comfortably without specific income or seeking it. I simply ask and recieve. I dont really understand it and tend to shy away from public areas. All thoughts welcomed!..

    1. Why would you ever think it is the interment of death? God turned his back on the world at that time. Because he couldn't bear seeing his son on that. Why on would you thing that is the sign. Because the Churches also broadcast the killing item. It is, nothing less. If he was killed in now day and age. It would be a syringe or a electric shock or a gas colander. Jesus was not the only one killed that way. PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID. I have died twice. and been brought back. Trust me. Stop the Crosses

  15. Unless your looking for it close or brought to your attention , its not a wrinkle , it lays up high right under the center of hair line. , its about 2cm long.

  16. Unless its brought to your attention , or your looking for it , it lays high on center of forehead right under hair line , about 2cm long.

  17. I love my Abba( God the Father) so much with all my heart, I often pray for him to have joy, happiness, and to receive love, obedience, and respect from all of his children, and for all of his children to be redeemed through Christ Jesus. I have a question though, I was born with an X in the middle of my fore head between my eyes, and as I got older it faded, and as it did an X appeared on the left side of my back. Could this have any meaning?

  18. My ex has what looks to be the fact of a man with a horn on it and a penagram

  19. It looks like there's a cross on my forehead. I don't know how to explain it, but it's the first time I've even seen it. I'm 30... it kind of looks like a shadow. Not dark like ashes, but a shadow and sometimes it looks like a reflective cross.. it's about 2 inches tall... right between my eyebrows. I don't know where it came from or if I'm going crazy or weird..

  20. It looks like there's a cross on my forehead. I don't know how to explain it, but it's the first time I've even seen it. I'm 30... it kind of looks like a shadow. Not dark like ashes, but a shadow and sometimes it looks like a reflective cross.. it's about 2 inches tall... right between my eyebrows. I don't know where it came from or if I'm going crazy or weird..

  21. Recently I got a book " HIS MARKS ON ME" by Dr. K.K.Mathew, the rarest book of all times. The book presents the imprints (a total of 22 imprints) of divine marks on his body, a cross on his forehead, an angel on the thump, dove, flying with cross etc. The book also reveals the spiritual growth of Dr. Mathew. Dr. Mathew is a cardiologist based at Kerala State, India.

  22. Please explain further what does it mean having a forehead image cause ive got one, no joke at all. Image of ????? Signum Crusis.

    1. you have a demon attach to you You should not have a mark. Yoou must not smoke eat only drink water for 5 days Then once a month fast dont make fasting a ritural choose different days of the month to fast You are in trouble Some hear voices of there demons attachment Some see them too as snake lizard monkey etc Fasting with water in prayer PLEASE

  23. I had a image of a man in a Cross in my forehead. What does it mean? Please do specify had it long time and now its very obvious when i took photos of myself and i dont exactly know what truly this mean to myself. I do appreciate all your comments and do hit add me on google+. Signum Crusis.***

    1. a cross is not the mark, God couldn't bear the sight of his son on the cross. and for the first time turned his head towards the world, the clouds grew dim etc. Why would think the mark is a cross.

  24. Ok I have the mark on my forehead, removed at soon after birth. I have the scare. and I don't judge. Not my job, I love God. And I do obey. I love God, you may ask what religion. Nil. Christian maybe, but I don't pray directly to Jesus. Just like when he prayed, he didn't pray to himself. He pray to his father and the only God. I feel a assimilation to the Jewish religion. and later married a Jew.The lord gives me strength, I am disabled and carry out my life like I am not. Let it be.

  25. can any 1 tell the mark r an eye in fore head represents an evil r gud . r he can control evil as a gud

  26. Also the right neck part is with some eye its not visible but it comes when i get tension

  27. I had a dream that someone put i believe it was 3 crosses on my forehead.. i wonder what it meant?

  28. Last year 2016 I fasted for seven days without eating the following first day after fasting.I had a sign of the cross on my forehead between the mt eyes.It was like a stamp.

  29. I have a dot in the middle of my forehead, engraved into it.I sometimes wonder what to do with it but, the Lord knows I should not be worried about anything. My faith is that I keep faith in God knowing there's a heaven and that I will be going to heaven. That's the secret.

  30. What does cross mark from childhood on my forehead means???

  31. an hour before my mom died i observed a upward pointing triangle appear on her forehead, the tip touching her hairline. She had cancer spreading fast (lung, maybe kidneys and brain) and infection. does anyone have any understanding of this? I'd never seen it before on her, and we were very close. It appeared an hour before, in the tone of her age marks. It was gone after she died. I didn't understand, so I just observed and loved her very deeply and presently. That is the best protection I could imagine.

  32. Time is running up people time to repent before the dark, the hourglass is almost empty. As for the mark you can only see it if you have been given the gift of sight. You either bear the mark of the world and will perish the ultimate death or bear the mark of the king and will live forever. Walk the line and you will be just as guilty. Make your choice who's side are you on.

  33. I was born with a cross on my mom just reminded me of it yesterday. I am 24 now but you can still see it a bit if I don’t have makeup on. I also from a young age would have visions and had a close relationship with God. As I age and when I’m studying the Bible and am close to God and not straying from him I hear from God so clearly and get visions even more! As I age I get more and more like my mom who’s a minister but whom I think is really a prophet.

    1. God had and always has good relationship with us. thats the fact.

  34. I was born with 1 1/2 “x 1 1/2” inverted triangle on my forehead. The tip starts between my eyebrows and the base is shy of my hairline. Any thoughts?

  35. I had a dream where some one marked the sign of a cross on my forehead 3 times. Please what does it mean.
    My email is

  36. So the other day a friend and I were having a spiritual conversation and discussing many of our beliefs and experiences when I felt this dark sensation on my left side of my forehead close to the center that went up to my hair line... At that moment she was about 15 ft from me and said, what is that shadow on your head, I drew the outline and asked her if she saw sonething and she said it was a shadow and we were thinking it may mean illness... But I still feel the pressure, and sonething traveled through me and I havent figured out how to expell it, and I felt a couple of other minor attacks as well but I am curious if there are any opinions or explanations to this... I still feel the pressure and it Does not feel comfortable and I also feel the pressure in my left eye and my top teeth on each side in the back of my mouth...

  37. A few years ago as I was worshipping God I felt my forehead burn and asked God what was that. I sensed God say my temporary seal. About a year or so later I was worshipping again and crying out to God to remove sin from my life for I was grieved deeply with sin in me and around me. Suddenly I felt someone writing on my forehead like with a laser it was warm. I asked God again what that was and I sensed God say your permanent seal. At times I feel my forehead glowing as if a light is shining out. In a picture taken of me it looks like a cross with a thick base and also a head shot from shoulders up with a crown or halo of the Lord Himself. A brother in Christ saw Yeshua across my forehead and at times when he sees me it's as if a bright light shines forth from my forehead.

  38. Okay so i came across this page through a situation im having as of right now... see i actually have a crucifix scratched into my head and idk where it came from. I havent touched my forehead all day and it just appeared when i turned on the bathroom light and i was wondering if it was something spiritual... please if anyone finds out anything find me! My name is Mansheir it shouldnt be hard since im the only mansheir on all platforms of social media. Thank you ��

  39. hii am recently received the mark of a cross after Pentecost period and this was the first time, when I see at the camera and take selfie.
    it's light black at the middle of my forehead in between the eyebrows.

  40. I have a cross birthmark on my forehead from both ends of my brows then to the middle of my forehead an down my nose. What does this mean it only started to appear maybe 10 yrs ago. Well thats when it became very noticeable I could of had this my while life but never knew.

  41. I have a cross on my forehead to, in the mirror, I can see it visibility, and other's too, if they look close enough, what does it mean?

  42. I have noticed a red mark that comes and goes in the same spot and everytime I see it I always think about my third eye is this weird

  43. Symbols change constantly and you can feel it moving, once is said 310 then later said 520 clearly. Third eye center pictures and numbers. Alien with large outstretched hand a eye inside a pyramid a vertical eye, all have appeared there including a bird holding a bag in its beak. Nothing is impossible you are the temple and he is there.

  44. After I began remote viewing with my third eye sometime around 2012 I experienced a flash of light and thundercrash. My mother did as well. We both had been sun gazing. We also both heard a crackling sound in the middle of our heads. That is when a red dot appeared on my forehead. Listen. Yeshua means salvation. Cristos was the word for christ and it was greek. There was no word for Christ in the Aramaic language. They used the word Ioesus or variations of that. It is YESHUA, same thing. They were not talking about a man in the flesh as your savior but as a physiological process of releasing OILS from the brain. Cristos means ONE WHO IS ANOINTED WITH OIL. When you preserve the oils that go down the spine which is where the Santa Claus story comes from as well, gifts coming down the chimney, you are becoming a Christ being. It requires self discipline, no alcohol, no toxic foods, no anger, vengeance, gluttony etc. The seven sins are the disrupted energy of the seven chakras which are the seven churches. This is all plainly known by the disciples of gnostic teachings. The story of Jesus was a way to use parables so that the initiates would understand what they could not see. This is why he says "if you have the eyes to see". I know this is true because the bible states in revelation that Jesus is crucified in Sodom and Egypt, while the bible also states Jesus is crucified in the Place of the Skull. This is only possible in the context of an individual's physical process of raising the CHRISM within. We are clearly told Christ is within. "If they say behold Christ is here or over there do not believe them". It can't be any clearer than this. But Christians were lied to from the beginning but the ones that invert and reverse everything to deceive. They made Christianity into idol worship while preaching not to worship idols. It is a game to them. They hate you and do not want you to be sovereign in Christ. These things and more you will do when you become a Christ. Jesus said "Do as I do". He did not say worship me. Every month these oils are released from the pituitary and pineal, joesph and mari, down the spine. For two and a half days you must refrain from orgasm, over indulgences, toxins as I said to preserve the chrism. This is just physiology 101. It is not magic or rocket science.

  45. All I can say is since the time from the innocent posting this man tried to inform others about the protective Sign of God. A sign or seal in the Bible as a word can be interchangeable. There is a commandment from the Ten given from the hand of God. Given to a group of people that purpose was to be a priest nation unto all people for all of earth. The group we call Israel 12 tribes. Only one tribe Judah survived to be called "jews" we know today. There were to hold the Treasure God of his knowledge, word, to share with the world. They were given simple instructions how to live and stay safe and worship God. Everything they violated any of this instructions they had consequences. The Highest Priest came from this nation to save the world. Jesus spoke about this hidden seal. If you honor this one thing that was made for man. NOT GOD it does bring man closer to God in obedience. Blessings are promised. Not doing it will bring death. It is interesting 96 times the disciples did this. Jesus did this every time and never broke it. Even though some say he did. It was impossible the sin for this was Death. But for some reason in the last 2000 years the Church has taught don't do this.this thing. This thing is to be done forever. It brings a type of seal or sign on the person who does this. Has anyone of the people who responded done this thing?
