
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Rest from the storm.....

Also, if you're available,  drop by the following website tomorrow, August 26th, at 10:00 AM Central, 11:00 AM Eastern for a live interview with yours truly.


  1. Ah, this picture's beautiful! I can just picture a couple of pirates dueling on the walls of that castle...

    Okay, I'll try to be near a computer at that time tomorrow so I can hear the interview!

    By the way, I ordered "Surrender the Heart" a week ago, and it just arrived yesterday - can't wait to start reading it! :-)

  2. I love that picture! Just found out you're going to be in MN next month!!! I'm so excited to see you!


  3. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comAugust 25, 2010 at 11:42 AM

    It's like a picture right out of Harry Potter! I love it! Going to add it to my collection. Keep them coming!

  4. Thanks Ladies! Pretty cool, huh? Hope you like Surrender, Sapphire, Yes, Mimi, I'll be in MN Sept 25-26th. Will you come to one of my signings???? THat would be SO Cool! I hope we get to meet.
    Sort of a mystical picture, huh, Debbie? I think it's from an online pirate video game.

  5. What a cool picture, I think its awesome.
    Good luck with your interview, I will try to listen to it.
    God Bless!!

  6. I just heard you on the radio for your interview. You did wonderful! I heard you say you are sensitive which made me smile, because I am to. I think its so cool we have things in common. :) God knows what He is doing with you. Interesting that your past has helped you write amazing books. I will pray that people listened to you today and will want to read your books!
    Have a great day MaryLu!

  7. One more thing, you have a very pleasant voice on the radio. I hope I will be able to meat you one day!

  8. Tori, thank you for tuning in!!! I really appreciate it! Yes, I'm very sensitive. I think you have to be to be a good writer. I'm sure we have many things in common. :-)
    Funny thing is, I"ve always hated my voice. You know how you sound different in your own ears than when you hear yourself taped? Yikes.
    have a great day!

  9. That's true, people always sound different when they are taped. You sounded more different then I thought you would sound, but I like your voice. :)
