
Friday, November 12, 2010

My new cover for Surrender the Dawn!

I just got this a few days ago. What do you think? The fort in the background is supposed to be Fort McHenry.


  1. Fri Nov 12th,
    Afternoon, MaryLu.
    I really like it !!! From the expression on the heroin's face, the ship and Fort in the background, along with the colour of the sky .... makes it "all look" most intriguing and suspenseful ! Truly a book cover that I would 'want' to open and get right into !!! "Houston .... we have a winner !!!" Love it !
    Thanks for sharing it with us !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In HIm, Brenda Hurley

  2. Love it, love it! Can't wait to read it!

  3. I love it, too! The background is simply gorgeous, and I love the contrast in colors! :D And that ship! *sigh* Just fantastic and intriguing!

    I think the only question I had was about the heroine... For some reason I was thinking the heroine of the third story had reddish hair, but maybe I'm getting your characters mixed up now! ;)


  4. Hi Mary Lu! I like the cover! Right now I am half way through The Redemption. It is such a good book! I can't put it down. Last night I was up until 2 am reading it. I love Merrick!

    You have a great talent!

  5. Just like all the rest of your covers, this one is great. She reminds me of Miss Elizabeth in "Pirates" when the fort was being attacked.

  6. Wow it's great! It looks like the sky is on fire and those ships look amazing. The only teeny thing is the dress, it's kinda hard to see the detail of it around the title. I love it though!!! Can't wait to read it. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. Thanks Brenda! I always love your enthusiasm!
    And thanks Linda!
    Amber you are right, the heroine, Cassandra has red hair. I sent a note to my publisher but don't think they'll change it. I told them about the hair color from the beginning. Sigh.
    Debbie, yes, she does look a bit like Elizabeth, huh?
    Thanks Renee! The sky is on fire. This is the bombing of Fort McHenry when Francis Scott Key wrote our national anthem.
    Have a great weekend, Ladies!

  8. Oh, I forgot to tell Kim, Thanks, girl for your kind compliment! Redemption will always be my favorite. Merrick is one of those heroes you don't ever forget. Glad you're enjoying it!

  9. That's interesting... I wonder why they wouldn't try to make the cover model match the heroine more?

    Either way, it's still an intriguing, lovely cover! :)


  10. Gorgeous - especially the color of the sky! It just all seems so dangerous and adventure-packed. And I see that you managed to get a ship on the cover, after all (yay). :-)

  11. Love the cover! It really jumps out at you.

  12. Its awesome! I absolutely love it! It adds a sense of suspense and draws me in, just by looking at it. Can't wait to read it!

  13. Thanks everyone! This is my favorite cover so far. The weird thing is that in the first book Surrender the Heart, most of the story is set on a ship and they refused to put a ship on the cover! And this one is mostly on land and I get a ship. :-)

  14. Great picture. Although, this is totally different than what I thought Cassandra's cover would look like. I thought there could be no more ships on the cover? The dress color and style doesn't seem right on her, I don't remember her character very well though. Also, where is that pretty red hair of hers? Still looks nice in the background, but just not what I was expecting.

  15. I love the silky, white dress with that pretty neckline. Its so incredibly beautiful, but it doesn't seem to fit her character. I don't know, for a fiery red head you would think she would be wearing a more bold color(orange or green would look awesome).
    Anyways, cant wait to read it! So excited. God Bless MaryLu.

  16. LOVE IT!!!!! This series has a great cover history!! :)

  17. Yes, Cassandra is supposed to be a fiery redhead! That's what I told my publisher. Sigh. Unfortunately, by the time I see it, it's too late to change. That's the one thing that really frustrates me--that I'm not let in on the entire process. Anyway, it's still a great cover, so I'm not complaining too much. The point is to get people to pick up the book. Thanks all! MaryLu

  18. Great cover MaryLu! :) I'm sorry that you (the author) cant be more involved in the process of making your own book cover. That just isn't right. However, I am sure we can live with this gorgeous cover. Lets just pretend that her hair is in the shadows and that's why it doesn't look red. haha. :) But really its a beautiful cover for the book. Cant wait to read it...but now I am desperate to here something about the second book.
    I hope your weekend was wonderful. Blessings!

    p.s. did you ever here of The Human Experience before, MaryLu? Its a film about two brothers who take a journey together...I don't want to ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it.

  19. Tori, no I've never seen The Human Experience. What is it about?


    Here is the link to the website, if you would like to check it out yourself. These brothers experienced living on the streets of New York, meeting the disabled children of Peru and the lepers of Africa. God took them on an interesting journey. Their message of the story was faith, hope, love and forgiveness.

  21. Wow, Tori, that film looks really awesome. What did you think of it? Is it worth buying?

  22. I thought the film was amazing and yes definitely worth buying!! After watching it, we bought it and met the brothers who took this journey. Very humble, sweet and Godly men!
    Let me know what you think about it if you watch it. :)
