
Saturday, November 13, 2010

What is inscribed on the Liberty Bell?

The following scripture: 
Leviticus 25:10 Proclaim liberty throughout the land until all the inhabitants thereof

Dec 15, 1777  John Adams in a letter to his wife, Abigail, describing the activities of the Continental Congress
I have had many opportunities during the course of this journey to observe how deeply rooted our cause is in the minds of the people. . . One evening as I sat in the room I overheard a company of a common sort of people in another room conversing on serious subjects. At length I heard these words, "It appears to me the eternal Son of God is operating powerfully against the British nation for their treating lightly serious things."

October 12, 1778 Congress issued the following act
Whereas true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness: Resolved, that it be and it is hereby earnestly recommended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof.


  1. Saturday, Nov 13th,
    Morning, MaryLu.
    Wow ... that the 'hands of time' (so to speak) could be turned "back" ... to the roots and heart of the original Congress, "allowing" God ... to be God ! Oh, how desperately we NEED those "solid foundations" returned (true religion and good morals) ... and just
    'imagine' what our Nations today ... could become !!! "IF" God could have His 'rightful place' over us ... if Countries acknowledged Him and sought His face ... the World as we now know it 'would be' -- healthy nd renewed ! Liberty AND justice ... for "all" !!!
    Thanks, MaryLu .. for sharing this. (It is just so sad though ... to see how far the Nation has strayed away ....)
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. If only people would wake up from their sleep and realize just how dangerously close America is to losing her Christian foundation. Thomas Jefferson himself warned that a nation full of ignorant and uneducated people is a nation headed for disaster. I think he may be right...

  3. Oh Brenda, I completely Agree!! This nation could be the light for the whole world if we'd only return to our Godly foundation.
    Eszter, you hit on a good point. Most people in our country don't educate themselves on our true history and on what is happening. They are too caught up in selfish pursuits. And our forefathers knew that you can't have a nation governed by the people if the people don't know what they are doing. Very sad.

  4. This is a great post MaryLU...sometimes I wonder if God has "spared" us so far because of the Christians here that do pray for our country. Not sure...but I agree that we need to return to our Christian heritage in this country. It's because of that we have been so richly blessed :) :) Thanks for sharing this with us :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. Wow... You guys really think all that?

  6. The anointed leader in Daniel 9-25 is Obama. Know therefore and wisely understand), that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem unto the Messiah / Anointed one (Ruler / Leader), shall be (seven + 7 weeks, or 14 Shavuot’s / Feast of week’s), and (60 + 2 weeks, or 62 Shavuot’s / Feast of weeks) the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times.

    The United Nations proposed a partition plan in 1947 recommending an independent Arab and Jewish state. On May 14, 1948, the World Zionist Organization declared the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.
    The first Shavuot after May 14, 1948 occurred on the following month of June (13th)1948, the text tells us to count 7 + 7 or 14 Shavuot’s from the first Shavuot that occurred in 1948. The 14th Shavuot lands in the month of May (21th) in 1961, two and a half months later Obama was born on August 4, 1961 the 216th day of the year. (According to the (ISA) Israel State Archives, Israel’s Prime Mister and cabinet members authorized their first paychecks on August, 4, 1948, note) If we count 62 Shavuot’s from the first one in June of 1948 it lands on May (29th) 2009 which is the year Obama became president, two important days of Obama’s life, his birth and becoming president. The standard doctrine is to add the weeks, 7 + 62 = 69 weeks, if Gabriel wanted to tell Daniel it was 69 weeks he would have said 69 weeks or threescore and 9. It is 7 + 7 or 14 and 62 Shavuot’s. His coming was accurately prophesized in the book of Daniel written over 2000 years ago. Obama was called the Messiah and depicted as such by the main stream media, in articles, pictures, magazine covers and posters both here in the US and also in other countries. Obama fulfilled Daniel 12-11 the 1290 days and trump fulfilled Daniel 12-12 1335 days. The first part of Daniel 9-26 has been fulfilled the second half which is the destruction of NY city and the flood is coming. The flood is referring to Jeremiah 51-42; the sea has come up upon Babylon she is covered by the multitude of the waves. Revelation 18-21; And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. Marylu we are close!

    1. Very interesting John. I've heard others say Obama is the AC, but I've never seen it laid out with the Biblical numbers. This is quite a different interpretation of the Daniel numbers than I've seen before. Many people have had dreams and visions of a great tidal wave hitting NYC.
