
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Winner of Ronie Kendig's book, TRINITY, is

Sarah Heiskell!!   Congratulations, Sarah!!  And thank you all for entering and for your great comments. This is an incredible book I know you'll enjoy so please slip over to Amazon or Barnes and Noble, or your online bookstore of choice and order one today!

Order from Amazon

And pray for our troops overseas. Whether you think they should be there or not, pray for their safety and for their families back home.

Tune in tomorrow when I answer another fan question and ask for your help choosing character pictures for the book I'm about to start writing!


  1. Thursday, October 11th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    "Congratulations, Sarah H", on winning Ronie K's new book "Trinity". Hope you enjoy it. I have yet to read it, but the story sounds amazing.
    And, thank-you MaryLu for the timely reminder of -- praying for all of the troups overseas. With their selfless acts of heroism, along with the daily dangers/horrors they face each and every day -- it should cause us to be ever mindful, grateful, and prayerful for them. Praying for their safety, and of course for their families back home.
    Amen, and Amen to that, MaryLu.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Thank you so much! I am excited to read it! And I am happy to have found your blog. Have a great day! :) -Sarah Heiskell
