
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

Abandon Ship!


  1. Wed Oct 10th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well, okay ... I agree -- "abandon ship" ... BUT, "where" are the life-boats/jackets/rafts etc ???
    Oh my ... just the thought of being out in the middle of an ocean, and having to jump from the ship, and ... ??? Just look at those waves !!! Cannot even begin to imagine it !!!
    Really neat picture though -- interesting colours; with the intensity of the drama/action as it unfolds.
    And once again ... I am quite content to be the onlooker !
    ANSS, for sure !
    Thanks for sharing, MaryLu.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. This be a fierce battle, Cap'n! Oh my, jest look at me crow's nest, so much smoke it be smotherin' me fer sure! But if ye be goin' down wit' her, Cap'n, I be wit' ye! Never give up, never surrender!
    How be ye this fine day, Cap'n? And a big hello to Brenda, as well! Jest so ye know, Cap'n, I be stealin' this here picture fer me Pinterest board. Arrgh..............

  3. P.S. -- Ahoy to you too, Debbie ! You prove to be a much braver sailor than I. Petrified of being in water over my head, I don't believe I'd be overly willing to 'sink with the ship' ..... just saying. Didn't those ships come with "life-boats" !!! Eeeh-gads !
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  4. Ahoy there mates! Brenda you may stay with the ship if you please.. I just worry about you getting burned. The Chaplain and I be slippin' o'er the side any minute now, unless we can put out these flames! Ladies, take off yer petticoats and such and let's see if we can douse this fire afore it burns our ship into the sea!

  5. I say we commandeer one of those other ships! Swabbie Jack be over the side and headin' fer the nearest one! Be lookin' fer his signal!

  6. Oh, Brenda, I forgot to congratulate you on winning "Beside Two Rivers". I hope you enjoy it!

  7. I see Swabbie Jack! I'm grabbin' me cutlass and divin' in to join him. He be needin' help to commandeer that ship!

  8. Still "Wednesday" ....
    Yes, Debbie, I forgot to mention that I won Rita Gerlach's new book. And I meant to tell you, MaryLu. They announced me as the winner on "Colonial Quills", and then posted my 'thank-you'. I was SO excited and thrilled ... and MEGA surprised !
    I enter these contests going on, but I truly never expect to win at them ! A blessing for sure !!!
    Thanks Debbie, for the 'congrats' ! I thoroughly enjoyed book one, so am quite sure I will enjoy the second book in this trilogy, as well.
    And MaryLu .... you're funny ! No, I don't want to "remain" on the burning ship, but I don't like the alternative either ... you and Debbie "slipping over the side of the ship" ... and going where !!! Into a "life boat" perhaps ... or are you swimming to shore from the middle of the ocean ??? Neither prospect looks inviting !!!
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  9. Congrats Brenda! I'm so glad you won Rita's book. You're going to love it! And Just FYI.. there are no lifeboats in this picture. LOL

  10. Mayhaps there be a lifeboat on the other side of the ship. Yes, let's go with that. :)

  11. Ha-ha-ha! Thanks for the chuckles ladies! I enjoyed reading your banter. Brenda, you seem REALLY fixated on that life boat. Do not fear - I've been strapping some barrels together and using some fallen timber to make a raft for you. (I'm apparently a very fast and resourceful person in times of peril.) So you can all jump on the sturdy raft which I had time to build during the fire, and we'll make our way to that other ship and take over!

    Congratulations to you Brenda, for winning the book! Yay! :)

  12. Avast, ye heard shipmate Caroline! Everyone overboard to the sturdy raft she built! We'll be catchin' up with Swabbie Jack and takin' over the enemy ship. Don't forget yer swords, ladies!

  13. Ah yes ... and as I was soaking within the bubbles and waves of the tub tonight, I had 'visions' of us 4 ladies fighting against the turmoil of the sea on our raft, petticoats abandoned (as some were possibly helping MaryLu douse the fire), and determination on our faces. An all-woman pirate crew! How cool is that? There could be a fun story in this ...

  14. "Still" Wednesday ....
    You guys are just TOO funny !!! No, I didn't visually 'see' any life-boats, MaryLu ... it was just a major "hope", that they existed "somewhere" aboard the ship !!!
    But never fear, Debbie thinks there may be a life-boat on the other side of the ship. What ? No life-boat there either ??? MaryLu was right, again.
    Alas, now ... in jumps Caroline .... strapping some barrels together, and using fallen timber to make a raft !!!! For "us" !!! How heroic and sweet is that !!! Obviously, fast and resourceful in times of peril !
    Guess that leaves - Debbie, MaryLu and moi to put out the fire.
    Okay ... it's 'over the sides we go' ... now that we know there is something to actually float on !
    (Because personally -- I don't think drowning, nor burning -- are very good options !)
    Swords, huh ??? Yes, let's not forget those !!!
    Thanks again everyone, for the "congrats" on winning Rita G's book. I was most excited.
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  15. Well, how resourceful are we, Mateys! I think we deserve a reward once we take over the other ship! Of course, I will have to give some of me share to Swabbie Jack. After all, he be me hubby. I wonder if our 'new' ship has lots of good food to eat. I am getting pretty hungry helping row this contraption Caroline built. Oh, I miss me crow's nest! I'm supposed to be way up above the water, not having the water lap at me feet. Yikes! Good thing I be the Chaplain....haven't stop prayin' since we were under attack. Now, let's move it ladies! Our new ship awaits!....Oh, pardon me, Cap'n, ye be givin' the orders. But, hey look! I have me sword. ;)

  16. Where do you find such cool pictures of these galleons in the midst of something, generally intense?
    They are so inspiring!

  17. Whew! That be some battle we just fought against our enemies! But with Swabbie Jack's mighty strength an' our expert swordsmanship we have tossed the scalawags overboard. Avast! we have taken over the ship!! Up to the crows nest, Chaplain! Hoist those sails Brenda! To the wheel, Caroline. Let's point her south by southwest!! An' Praise be to God fer our victory! An' fer preservin' our lives! Well done, ladies! Well done!! Now onto another adventure. Bring me that horizon!

  18. Hannah.. I find these pictures everywhere! Some on Yahoo searches.. some on Facebook. It's amazing what you can find online. :-)

  19. Aye, that it is. =) I shall have ta' look harder, eh? ;)
    Thank ye!
