Friday, March 14, 2025

Where is the Promise of His Coming?

 Dear Warrior Remnant of the Most High,

Happy Purim! This was a day of great feasting in Persia when the Jews were saved from annihilation by the plans of their enemy. As I'm writing this on Thursday, I hear many rumblings of imminent war from Israel as they plan to attack Iran. Oddly Iran is modern day Persia and I find it fascinating that these same two nations are once again at war on the very day the Jews were delivered from them so many years ago. We all know that one day soon the Ezekiel 38 prophecy will be fulfilled and Iran, Turkey, and Russia along with a few other countries will attack Israel, so keep your eyes peeled. 

Early this morning we had a total blood moon eclipse that happened on the Jewish holiday of Purim. What's also interesting is that this Purim eclipse also happened last year and will happen again next year, which is beyond coincidental. Here's an excellent article discussing these things: As The World Prepares For World War 3, The Second Blood Moon Purim Eclipse Will Appear In The Sky

As I've mentioned before, I'm always astounded how many Christians cannot see the writing on the End Times Wall!  I even hear many say that the rapture and Jesus's return is years and years away.  While I realize most of these people have been taught incorrecte eschatology, even those who have a truthful view of end times seem clueless
I often hear this:  “People have been saying the world is going to end for years”

Yup, that’s true… However, YEARS AGO, THERE WASN'T: 

mRNA gene editing and artificial general intelligence (soon to become artificial super intelligence) And as of recent, Trumps “Stargate” executive order details plans of COMBINING artificial intelligence and mRNA technology to create “personalized vaccines”

Musk has repeatedly said ‘we are on the "event horizon” of the singularity,’ most recently on February 23, 2025. Singularity is the merging of man and machine. The “Event Horizon” is the point of no return. The event horizon also correlates to portals and black holes

The ECB’s Digital Euro is set to launch in October.

Since the 2020 Op Warp Speed rollout under Trump, the Taiwan company TSMC, which is the largest chip manufacturer in the world, has been partnering with Big Pharma to put these nanochips in the mRNA jabs. Trump announced that America will be the crypto currency  center of the world. 

Pre-manufacturing of nanochip technology to put in the 2020 vaccine. See video below for proof positive that nanobots that release toxins were in the vaccine

“The world’s first “biological computer,” merging human brain cells with silicon hardware, has been launched, ushering in a new era of AI technology…”

“…Fluid neural networks form an ever-evolving organic computer that learns faster and more flexibly than the silicon-based AI chips used to train LLMs like ChatGPT”

Basically, computer running on living human brain cells which classifies as a “HYBRID BEING” (Symbiosis between human and artificial intelligence)

Palantir: Palantir isn’t just another data company—it’s the neural network of the Beast System, integrating AI-driven surveillance, predictive policing, and total information control into a single, dystopian package.

From pandemic tracking that became bio-surveillance to smart cities doubling as digital prisons, Palantir is the all-seeing eye, the unblinking stare of the Beast System. 

It doesn’t just watch you. 
It predicts you. It profiles you. 
It turns your movements, transactions, conversations, and even thoughts into raw data, feeding an intelligence machine that decides in real time who is compliant and who is a threat. 
With AI-driven policing, financial and communications blacklisting, and even automated enforcement. 

Please Watch this short Video below (excuse the language) where a man asks ChatGpt what is the agenda of AI. It will shock you!

YEARS AGO, THERE WASN'T this amount of wars across the Globe AND the worldwide threat of nuclear annihilation 

When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. Revelation 6:3-4

God's Word never fails. After the Antichrist makes a covenant with the "many", war is coming. Not just any war, but world war. So, we carefully watch how the Globalists are aligning all the chess players in battle array.

Here are just a few of the most recent happenings. 

  • A world wide pandemic and now more pandemics on the way, dozens of them
  • Talk of merging countries into one. 
  • Trump proclaims the annexation of Greenland will happen no matter what…
  • Digital currency being implemented across the globe
  • Talk of worldwide food shortages
  • Extreme inflation
  • UFOs everywhere
Have you heard about the Christians being butchered in Syria? By the hundreds!  Please pray for our bothers and sisters!

Then there's this:

Recently at the Crypto Summit, Trump was gifted an arcane looking gold Dyson sphere that looks oddly similar to the Ophanim (wheel) Angel seen by Ezekiel. A celestial calendar is engraved on the sphere with moon and eclipse cycles. The sphere Trump was gifted seems to resemble the blackhole/portal shown in the movie “Event Horizon”

Trump holds up a gold “key” after receiving the sphere

All of this brings Rev. 9:11 and the “Angel of the Bottomless Pit” to mind…


And I'll end with this. The incredible amount of deception. 

We Christians have read the repeated warnings in Scripture against being deceived, but I don't think any of us were prepared for what's happening now.

I'm talking about the False Light that's luring so many of my brothers and sisters down a dark path. How clever our enemy is!  Yet, how much wiser is the Holy Spirit, if we'd only listen to Him!! 

All the horrible things that have been exposed recently (and are now being dealt with)  Like chemtrails, GMO food, fluoride in tap water, govt. tyranny, crimes against humanity, pedos, the WEF Great Reset, the deep state, 9/11, etc.

Unbeknownst to most, all of these fringe topics are being exposed (by design) to lure the masses into Lucifer’s false light.  The “Satanic Deep State” and all the wickedness it produced is being set up as a scapegoat, which the Luciferian Truth Movement (which masquerades as “Christian”) will eliminate.

Through the disillusionment, a new one world “religion” and “government” will be offered as a solution.  It will wear a Christian cloak and many believers may unknowingly fall victim to the initiation into the Antichrists “enlightened” New Age Or "Golden Age"

The famous occultist and Theosophist Helena Blavatsky once said, “For let it be distinctly known, nothing of that which is printed, broadcast, and available to every student in public libraries or museums, is really esoteric” (secret knowledge for only a few)

This further confirms the that “conspiracy/truther” movement is serving a sinister purpose. The information that’s touted as “being exposed” was always intended to be “exposed”

If we are not prioritizing Jesus and studying the Word, we will be deceived

I truly believe the Tribulation will start soon, as in this year, most likely in the Fall. I also believe the Church leaves before then, according to Scripture. So, don't lose heart, Saints!  I know times are tough. I and my family are being severely attacked and I know many of you are as well. You would not be attacked if you weren't a threat to satan, so abide under the Lord's wings and stand tall. Demons tremble at the presence of the Holy Spirit within you. Remember that! 

These last days and minutes here will be the hardest as we approach the finish line. Don't ever give up! Remember what you are fighting for? Keep your eyes on What your Future will be! From my monday post. 

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

Monday, March 10, 2025

What Will We Do in Heaven for Seven Years?

Recently a commenter on this blog asked me this question and it got me to thinking that maybe many believers don't really know or think about what we will be doing in heaven after the rapture. 

The Bible describes two main events that will occur once we get there. 
  1. The Marriage of Jesus and His Bride (the raptured church), which includes a Wedding Feast and Celebration! (I, for one, am pretty excited about this!)
  2. The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ in which all believers will have to stand before the Lord and be judged for what they did for Jesus and His Kingdom while they were on Earth. 
I don't know which of these events happens first, but both will be a time of joy. You see, you will not be judged at all for any failings, mistakes, or sins you committed in your life here on Earth. All of those things have been forgiven and forgotten beneath the mantle of Jesus's own blood. However, the Bible is clear that we will be judged for our works and the fruit we produced for God's Kingdom. 

For we must all appear and be revealed as we are before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive [his pay] according to what he has done in the body, whether good or evil, considering what his purpose and motive have been, and what he has achieved, been busy with, and given himself and his attention to accomplishing. 2 Corinthians 5:10 Amp Classic

But what are these rewards? We get hints from Scripture

1. Crowns

Crown of Righteousness for those who have finished their race and held their faith
Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day 2 Tim 4:8

Crown of Life for those who made it through trials 
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12

Crown of Glory - awarded to pastors, shepherds and church leaders who did their jobs well
And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. 1 Peter 5:4

Victor's Crown -  to those who were persecuted for Jesus's sake but remained faithful
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Revelation 2:10
2. Responsibilities and Rulerships

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about a rich owner who had to go away on a long journey so he gathered his servants together and gave them "talents" , one 5, one 2, and one 1. A talent is a measure of money, but I love that Jesus used the word "talent" because He gives each of us talents (skills, gifts) to use for His Kingdom. So, this isn't just about money. 
When the owner returned to see what His servants did with their talents, both of the ones who had 5 and 2 doubled their master's money, but the one who had been given 1 did nothing with it

To those who had doubled His money, Jesus said:
His master said to him, Well done, you upright and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy the delight, the blessedness which your master enjoys. Matthew 25:23

To the servant who did nothing with his talent, 
And throw the good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. v. 30

We find the same parable in Luke 19, but in this version, instead of doubling the "talents", Jesus grants the servants authority to rule over cities!

 And he said to him, Well done, excellent bond servant! Because you have been faithful and trustworthy in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.
The second one also came and said, Lord, your mina has made five more minas. And he said also to him, And you will take charge over five cities. Luke 19:18-19

Here are some other verses which explain that saints will be ruling and reigning with Jesus during the millennial reign.

And he who overcomes  and who obeys My commands to the very end [doing the works that please Me], I will give him authority and power over the nations; And he shall rule them with a scepter (rod) of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and his power over them shall be like that which I Myself have received from My Father; Revelation 2:26-27

Blessed is the person who takes part in the first resurrection! Over them the second death exerts no power or authority, but they shall be ministers of God and of Christ (the Messiah), and they shall rule along with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20:6

Clearly, Scripture teaches that we are given positions of authority to rule and reign with Jesus here on Earth during the Millennial Reign. And this depends on what we did for Jesus while here. 

But what about those people who didn't earn any rewards? What happens to them? IF they are truly Born Again, the Scripture is clear:

But if anyone builds upon the Foundation, whether it be with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, the work of each will become known (shown for what it is); for the day [of Christ] will disclose and declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test and critically appraise the character and worth of the work each person has done.
If the work which any person has built on this Foundation [any product of his efforts whatever] survives [this test], he will get his reward.
But if any person’s work is burned up [under the test], he will suffer the loss [of it all, losing his reward], though he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has passed] through fire.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15 Amp Classic

The person will remain in heaven but he will receive no rewards. I've heard people say, "I just want to make it. I don't care about rewards." And I just shake my head.  First of all why wouldn't you want any of these incredible rewards? We only know about a few of them, but I'm sure there are a lot more. And Secondly, why would you not want to please your Savior by doing things for Him and HIs Kingdom? That seems a very ungrateful and spoiled attitude. 

3. Speculation

The following are just thoughts I've had about what we might be doing in heaven before we come back to Earth These thoughts are based on Scripture but not clearly defined in Scripture. 

Touring our new homes. We are told in the Bible that Jesus went back to Heaven to prepare a place for us... a home, a mansion, the KJV says. So, I imagine that one thing we'll be doing is getting our first glimpse of what Jesus built for us!  I'm sure each home will be tailored specifically for each person, according to what Jesus knew were your likes and dislikes. 

Touring the Heavenly Jerusalem. I imagine we will also be given a tour of the great city of the King, and according to the measurements found in Revelation, it is massive. I can only guess at what is in there besides our homes... theaters, art galleries, music concerts, schools, pastry shops, restaurants, etc.. anything you can think of that would make up a city, and probably a lot more we can't even imagine.

Tour the countryside.
I've listened to quite a few NDEs describe heaven, along with other Godly people who had visions and it appears that there are mountains, forests, jungles, lakes, waterfalls, etc...  In other words, it will be like the Garden of Eden, only better. And so much to do and explore! 

Will we be given tasks to do? Why not? It won't be like jobs here on Earth. Our tasks in heaven will be things we love to do, using the talents God gave us. For example, I imagine I will still write novels, only better than I did here! LOL.  I hope I can take the dance lessons I never got to take here on Earth and also painting classes, ice skating, and a host of other things I never got to do here. This is why in past posts, I've said that even if your dreams never came true here on Earth, you'll have an eternity to enjoy them after this life. 

Loved ones
How wonderful to be reconnected with our loved ones who died! But not only that, we will meet our ancestors who came generations before us, learn their stories, their struggles. All relationship issues that we had here on Earth with our family will be gone, and we will reconcile with them, embracing in love and joy like we've never known. We will understand each other fully and love each other unconditionally. It's going to be wonderful!

Bible Characters
Which Bible Character would you love to sit down with over coffee? Think about it. Noah? Moses? Apostle Paul, Peter?  You'll meet them all! I'm dying to talk to the disciples and ask what it was like to hang out with Jesus for 3 1/2 years. When did they know who He really was? I have a ton of questions!  I want to meet with Elijah, Abraham, Sarah, Esther, Ruth..., John.. I could go on...  

Time with Jesus
And this will be the best of all!  I imagine we will each get some quality time with our Lord. I imagine we can have our questions answered about our lives here, why certain things happened, etc. I would bet He would show us all the times He was right there beside us or He dispatched angels to keep us safe. Honestly, I just want to sit with Him on a beach and look into His eyes and hear His voice, see His smile. I can't wait.

So, you see, it's all too incredible to even imagine!  And we are so very close to being there!  So, no matter what you are going through, keep your thoughts on Jesus and Heaven because no matter the amount of suffering here, it's going to be more than worth it!


Friday, March 7, 2025

Seconds Before Everything Changes!

The New Jerusalem!  Welcome Home!

Dear Precious, Highly-Valued Warriors of the Most High,

It's been hard to choose what to post about on these Friday updates. There's so much happening all at once and very quickly, that I can't keep up. It would be a full time job. It's like I'm watching an action movie that plays scene after scene of high-impact action that never stops, never shifts to a calmer scene. I barely can digest the one scene when another one races across the screen!  

All that to say, they are setting up the Beast Empire right before our eyes at a very rapid pace. Much faster than I ever would have thought they could. 

We know from Scripture the following things about the Tribulation, aside from the judgements of God

1. There will be at first 10 Kingdoms ruling over 10 regions. 
2. There will be some kind of digital implant that will serve as the following:
  a. Grant access to certain buildings and places
  b. Keep you confined within certain places and cities
  c.  Allow you to buy and sell items with your hand or forehead
  d. House all your medical information and vaccine status
  e. Hold all your financial information and access to digital currency

3. When the AC comes to power, the remaining kings will submit all power to him.  
4. Right after the church leaves, there will be a major world war
5. After the church leaves there will be a worldwide famine
6. After the church leaves there will be a pandemic much worse than Covid. (These are the apocalyptic horses 2-4 in Revelation 6)
7. The Temple must be rebuilt because the AC enters it in the middle of the Tribulation
8. Christians will be beheaded during the Tribulation
9. The Mark of the Beast will function like the implant mentioned above, WITH the promise of eternal life and health.

I'm here to tell you that everything on this list is either completely in place OR all set to occur as soon as the church leaves. 

No, we don't know who the 10 kings are yet, but I'm sure that will come about quickly after WW3. The Great Reset the WEF keeps talking about can only occur after that war, which will also cause widespread famine and a financial collapse. Of course we already see the signs of these things: the buying up of farmland, destroying food factories, killing chickens, along with the financial experts predicting a collapse any day now. The US dept is not sustainable. They have to take it all down in order to bring in digital currency (BitCoin) which they have already started doing.

They've been talking about this Great Reset (New World Order, Golden Age) for hundreds of years. It was the entire reason America was birthed. It is the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Apollo where they bring back the Fallen Ones and their offspring to merge with mankind. It is the tower of Babel reborn, Lucifer's Golden Age. It is the Tribulation. But that's not what they call it. They actually believe they can defeat God, that they will not end up in Hell.  See below what Satanist Alice Bailey wrote how they would use nationalism to bring about the New Age and this would occur in 2025! 

They already have the technology for the MOB. Musk is setting up massive Starlink Datacenters across the Country. He brags about his Super AI Quantum computer in Memphis, how it has almost reached singularity. What is that? When man mixes fully with machine. They also have perfected the Vaccine which will inject people with more graphene and nanobots, making them less human, very sick, and highly trackable by AI. 

Check this out. Amazon has now developed a check in palm scan for doctor appointments. All in the name of convenience! Amazon is being set up to give you everything you need in the 15 minute cities / prison including your drugs / Healthcare 

The Temple Institute has stated that once they get the go-ahead, they could have the Third temple erected in a month!

Smart Cities. These are 15 minute cities which will imprison you. All in the name of climate change. the WEF releases new manifesto calling for the rapid deployment of artificial intelligence to govern society... 15-minute cities controlled by robocops and cyborgs as they assimilate humanity...

Pandemics: There are so many out there now, I can't list them all. Disease X, bird Flu, and now apparently measles is making a comeback. 

War: We all see it. We feel it. If you are paying attention. The German Foreign Minister along with French President Macron are telling their people to prepare for war with Russia.  The Dutch Minister just made the same proclamation yesterday. The draft is being reinstituted in some countries. Zelensky refuses peace. So do Hamas and Iran. China has basically told the USA they are ready for War.  World War 3 is now a certainty.  Trump is sure making waves with his threats to Iran and Hamas and tossing Zelensky out of the White House. Along with his tariffs on many countries, he's certainly not making friends. Just this week, he threatened Hamas again to release the hostages or face "hell to pay". Talk out of Isreal is that they are readying for war once again.  Remember Russia and Iran are allies. 

Christians beheaded. Check out the information below on guillotines. They have already been shipped to the USA during Obama's term.

Deception. Trust no government official or politician. Trust nothing you hear from mainstream news. Don't even trust me or any other Christians unless you pray over it and ask the Lord for confirmation. 

Do you see how close we are to leaving? And to the Tribulation?  The Tribulation clock begins when the AC strengthens a treaty with Israel and other nations. Could that be the Abraham Accords that are already in play? There are lots of talks going on behind the scenes to make this happen. 

All this to say, we are going home. Stay strong. Stay reading the Bible. Make it a must-do task each day. And pray! Use the weapons God has given us.. His Word, His Name, His Holy Spirit. Pray against all demonic attack, all hexes, spells, enchantments. Pray against all the poisons they are putting in our air, food, water, and medicine and most of all, Be led by the Holy Spirit and not by your Flesh! 

And don't be afraid!  You are so incredibly valuable to God. He will not allow your foot to slip. He keeps you safe in His pavilion and His banner over you is LOVE!

Abraham Accord Temple Coin

Do you remember this coin? Here's an article I wrote about this coin back in 2020!  It came across my feed again this week and it blew me away again, just like it did back then

March is The Month of War

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝 is derived from the latin “martius” (mars = war)

Interesting that Musk continues to talk about Mars and the Roman Empire.

March has been a month of war in many conflicts, including WW2, the Civil War, and the wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. 
March 13th was the date given to federal agencies by the Trump regime to “prepare” for massive downsizing
On March 14th, there will be a blood worm moon in the skies, which falls one day before the “Ides of March”

On March 23rd, we are told Saturn's rings will disappear from view

Joel 2:31 states, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the LORD”

Sun darkened: 4/8/24 Eclipse. Moon turned to blood: 3/14/24?

America's Secret Destiny

I have posted about this before but it bears posting again. I run into so many people who still believe America is a Godly country founded on Godly principals. Secret societies came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. Most of the “patriots” who helped achieve American independence belonged to these societies, and derived their inspiration, courage, and high purpose from ancient/occult teachings

The Purpose of the founding this nation was not to create a “free land;” it was founded so America could later become the “New Atlantis—“ the occult democracy 33° Freemason Manly Palmer Hall wrote of. The politicians and political groups we see on the world stage today, who appear to be “fighting for freedom” and “American values” are actually helping to fulfill the occult dream of Americas Secret Destiny, an Aquarian (false) utopia (or the “Golden Age”)

The world is being groomed to receive the Antichrist who will come in the False Light. The smoke and mirror show on the world stage is purely distraction. You need to be born again in Jesus Christ to have eyes to see. Let go of this world and cling to Jesus Christ

 Excellent Article about why and how America was founded. With lots of proof. and why many Americans have been bewitched.

George Washington was a 33 degree Freemason (the highest order.) In this image, Washington is shown in his masonic attire, holding scroll, and trowel. Portraits of Lafayette and Jackson are in the corners. He joined the Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia at the age of 20 in 1752. At his first inauguration in 1791, President Washington took his oath of office on a Bible from St. John’s Masonic Lodge in New York. In retirement, Washington became charter Master of the newly chartered Alexandria Masonic Lodge No. 22, sat for a portrait in his Masonic regalia, and in death, was buried with Masonic honors.

And to all those people who tell me I'm a traitor to my nation and not a patriot, let me inform you that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God and am not a citizen of this world or any nation. I am merely an ambassador for Jesus!

Think Pam Bondi is NOT one of them? Where are the Epstein files we were promised? I can bet why we haven't seen them and never will see the truth is because MANY famous and power people are on that list, including Trump. 

Trump is catering to convicted Child Sex Trafficker Ghislain Maxwell!

Red Heifers! The Key to the Third Temple soon to be built
Interesting Article explaining all about the Red Heifers and the timing and method of sacrifice! Many are saying it's this coming Passover!

Noahide Court is coming to a City near You!

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump:  You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission   You can read the letter in the link above, but at the top it says:  The Sanhedrin called on the President to establish an International Divine Court for all nations.

Here's a 47 minute video from Israeli News Live about the above letter and the Noahide laws and courts.  Why courts? So they can prosecute anyone not following the Noahide laws!

Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin, the “designer” of the guillotine was a Jesuit educated Freemason. Go figure. We seem to be seeing a lot of Freemasons lately. 
The last time someone was executed by the guillotine was in 1977. 
However, with Trump back in office, his constant talk of expanding the death penalty, and his reaffirmation of Noahide Law, we can expect the guillotines to return. Should Noahide Law be enforced, the next step will be elimination of Christian "Idolaters;” 

Watch this short video and see what ChatGPT has to say about Noahide. Please click over to my Post to view it.

When it comes to revelation of the method and predictive programming, nobody does it quite like the Economist magazine…

“The Dons New World Order”
Since many conservatives and Christians are onto the term "New World Order" they have merely changed the name to the "Golden Age"
Trouble is, the the “Golden Age” (or the “Age of Aquarius”) is rooted in occultism, often citied by Alice Bailey as a pre-flood time period when man and “the gods” (fallen ones) lived in harmony.  (This is the singularity they are speaking of)

Alice Bailey wrote in “Externalization of Hierarchy” how ‘nationalism’ will be used to bring about the “New Age”.  Do you get that? They are using NATIONALISM to bring about the Beast Empire. Trump is the magician (as stated by Marina Abramovic) channeling the “conservative spirit” to bring the “new age” forth

(MAGA = Magician) We are on the cusp of re-entering antediluvian times, the times before Noah's flood when the Sons of God (Fallen Angels) mingled with the daughters of men and produced hybrid giants called Nephilim. It's all in the Scripture! Transhumanism, mRNA, and bio-digital convergence are slowly being ushered in under the cloak of a “Great Awakening”

Alice Bailey “predicted” a major spiritual/political shift would occur in 2025, which is exactly what we are seeing now!  
Here are some more words from the lovely Alice Bailey

This is what they really think of us 

Lest you forget the Deagel report below. We are on the cusp of this

Did you see the great acting job put on my Vance, Trump and Zelensky?  It made for great theater, didn't it?  Smoke and mirrors, saints... all a distraction from what they are really doing! 

Are you an Antenna?
In order for humans to be used as antennas, the human body must first be filled with heavy metals.  Enter Graphene and 6G, which are able to penetrate the human cell. And it's not just the vaccinated at risk of being turned into smart grids, but now the unvaccinated have been exposed to food, air, water and medicine containing lipid nanoparticles containing self-assembling graphene and other heavy metals. 

There is no way to escape. Except through Jesus!


Have a Blessed Weekend!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

God Will Make A Way!

 I recently came across this poem. I have no idea who the author is, but it blessed me, so I wanted to share it with you!

God Will Make a Way

I smell a strong Musk in the air - the scent of sulphur from lucifer's lair. 
I hear deceiving words amass - the demonised shrieks of the billionaire class.
I feel the darkness of the night - no warmth from lucifer's false light. 
I see so many led astray - so blind, naive, they've lost The Way. 
I sense the days ahead are hard - as the enemy plays his top Trump card. 
I read His Word, see what we face - my heart breaks for the human race.
I don't know why He would choose me. To bestow this gift of eyes to see.
Perhaps you ponder such thoughts too? What does He see in me, and you? 
But what an honour, what a joy, that we're no longer satan's toys!
For what can mortals do to us? He saved our souls, in Him we trust. 
So, march on bravely, do not fear. The Day of the Lord comes ever near!
Share the Good News as you go. Our enemy, a defeated foe. 
We smell the plot, we hear the plan, we see the trap, don't trust in man. 
We read the signs, we know what's true, His promises will see us through. 
Whatever trials you come to face, fix your eyes upon His face.
He chose YOU for a time like this! 
A finished race for eternal bliss!

Monday, March 3, 2025

What About Our Lost Loved Ones?

 It's a question I often get from concerned believers. It's exciting to think we will be leaving this fallen world soon, but what about those we love? I can honestly say that worry for my family, my children and grandchildren used to consume me as a young believer. The terror I felt at even thinking for one second that they could spend eternity in hell was enough to make me numb with fear and unable to function. So, early on in my walk with the Lord I started begging, yes literally begging, Him for their salvation. Of course I witnessed to them all over and over, but to no avail. Yet, the Lord was patient with me as year after year He opened up His Word. (Hint: You have to be in the Word daily!)  And the Holy Spirit opened up to me Scripture after Scripture about descendants and other family members. 

Before I begin, let me say that I'm not a Calvinist. I do not believe that salvation is only offered to a select group chosen before the world began, and that for some, no matter how much they believe or try, they will just not make it. Scripture is clear that the Gospel is offered to everyone, to whomsoever will receive it and believe, and everyone must make a personal choice. No one is automatically saved just because their parents are Christians or their grandparents. They have to personally chose Jesus themselves. 

However, having said that, our gracious and merciful God has given us promises for our descendants. Here are a few of the ones He showed me.  The Best prayer you can make on behalf of your children is to remind God of His Word and His promises as follows:  (Notice there are conditions)

But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. Psalm 103:17-18

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; The generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalm 112:1-2

For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,
And floods on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants,
And My blessing on your offspring;
 They will spring up among the grass
Like willows by the watercourses.’ Isaiah 44:3-4

All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
 Isaiah 54:13

Isaiah 59:21 “And as for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD: “My Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children’s offspring,” says the LORD, “from this time forth and forevermore.”

Psalms 102:28 The children of your servants shall dwell secure; their offspring shall be established before you.

Isaiah 61:8-9 …I will make an everlasting covenant with them.  Their offspring shall be known among the nations, and their descendants in the midst of the peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are an offspring the LORD has blessed.

Isaiah 65:23 They shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity, for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the LORD, and their descendants with them.

Now for general families, not specific to children

And they answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping and you will be saved, and this applies both to you and your household as well. Acts 16:31 Amplified Classic version

We also have many examples. Noah and his 3 sons and their wives , all taken on the Ark when only Noah was described as righteous,

Lot and his family were only relatives of Abraham living in a very sinful city but God rescued them BECAUSE of Abraham

Rahab was a harlot but she and her entire family with her were saved because of her faith:

So the young men, the spies, went in and brought out Rahab, her father and mother, her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred and set them outside the camp of Israel Joshua 6:23

Use these Scriptures in your prayers. Remind the Lord of His Word and ask that He send a Righteous witness to your loved ones, someone they respect, to share the Word of Life with them! Ask the Lord to remove any obstacles, any idols, or walls keeping them from knowing Him. 

You need to go to battle for your family!  Even if you're the only one! Be strong and know that you aren't alone. The King of Kings is with you!

Here are some warrior prayers I say every day. 

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I command every demon, evil spirit, and force of darkness attacking any of my family members to cease and desist!  I stuff a rag dipped in the blood of Jesus into your mouths and forbid you to speak to them, lie to them, deceive them, tempt them, torture them or influence them in any way.  I bind and muzzle you with chains dipped in the blood of the lamb until you can be cast into the pit.

Remember you should never try to cast out a demon from someone who is not following Jesus because the Bible says he will go get his friends and come back!  But we can silence them and make them impotent

Here's another one I say:

In the mighty name of Jesus I crush, cancel, remove, and break any curse, spell, enchantment or such like wicked device cast upon any of my family members.

I pray for a shield of your Holy Spirit and Precious blood to cover every family member, their home, cars, place of employment and all air, food, water, and medicine they ingest. Remove all poisons, Lord, all wickedness and harm. I plead the Blood of Jesus over every black screen they view--every phone, tablet, tv, or computer and forbid any demons to enter through these devices. 

And lastly
Father God, please post mighty angels around my family members to protect them from all enemy attack, soul, body, and spirit. In the name of Jesus, I cancel every satanic assignment against them and every evil plan against them and I Break and remove EVERY obstacle the enemy has put in their path that is preventing them from knowing YOU! 

Please don't just repeat these prayers. They are just guidelines for you and to let you know what I pray for every day.  Add to them prayers for your loved ones salvation AND for those who are lukewarm to grow closer to the Lord, that He would open their eyes to the truth and lead them down the path of Righteousness!  

The Lord answers prayers!  He really loves prayers for family, so don't give up!  And remember, when you start doing warfare, the enemy is going to get mad ,and he will make things look much worse for a while. But that only means that your prayers are working!  So, don't give up! 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Saturn, Rome, and the Noahide Laws: So Close, We can taste the Wedding Cake!


Dear Holy and Greatly-Beloved Saints!  

The World has turned upside down. News is happening so fast, I can't keep up with it. I tend to look at the big picture and try not get lost in the details, and I always pray for discernment. The one thing I'm seeing and what I've been posting about recently is how FAST AI is taking over everything. You won't see this if you're just living your life and not paying attention. The past few years we heard about AI. We had small AI tools like Chatgpt, etc.. but it wasn't that big of a deal. Now, overnight, we have AI running just about everything. We have huge data centers built and being built to house these superAI computers and all the data they collect. We have personal vaccines that are now being made by AI within 48 hours. We have AI monitoring our streets through the cameras they already set up everywhere. We have facial recognition set up in some airports already. We already have people buying things with a wave of their palm or their fingerprints. We have lifelike robots going around replacing humans at their job. 

Scientists (not just Elon) are talking about merging man with machine, brain chips, and hooking people up to the internet though graphene inside their bodies. Just recently Elon posted on X that the singularity is here. What is the singularity? The merging of man and machine!  It sounds like Science Fiction! 

And now with our economy collapsing, along with other economies around the world, they have the technology to switch to digital currency, and from there to having a universal digital ID imbedded inside of you. Everything Trump's administration is doing is leading to this. They are dismantling piece by piece our current government and destroying our economy through tariffs on other countries. Yet no one sees it. 

 I only mention these things by way of warning you. You don't have to believe anything I say, but just look at the evidence and at least consider that what you are seeing happening in the world and being done by our leaders is all a lie and leading to the Tribulation. Hence, I felt led to mention a few things here just to make you aware that what you are seeing and being told is not the truth. 

Saturn was a god in ancient Roman religion, associated with time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal, and liberation. He was the son of the supreme sky god and the earth mother, and overthrew the tyrannical rule of his father. 

Sound familiar?  Saturn represents Satan. 

Time, wealth, and liberation is governed by the planet Saturn. In Roman mythology, “Old Saturn's reign” was a Golden Age of peace and abundance. (Sound familiar?) The Greeks also believed their Titan Cronus’ (Saturn) reign was associated with a Golden Age (associated with death and the end of our time on Earth)

We continue to hear talk of an “American Golden Age.” However, Elon and Trump continue to show their allegiance to Saturn/Satan. Just look at Elon's new emblem for his new AI system Grok. 

Many many celebrities have Saturn tattoos on their bodies and often you'll see Saturn images in their social media posts or music videos or even jewelry and clothing.
Saturn (Cronus) is the god of time and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the Roman god with a dual reputation of death and destruction along with a golden age of “abundance” and “peace”

Religions (Judaism, Islam, Catholicism), Corporations, and the occult all pay homage to Saturn through “cube worship”.  Think of the Black Cube in Islam.

Saturn's rings will appear to vanish on Mar. 23, 2025, only to reappear for a brief time and disappear in Nov. 2025

They” are required by their karmic law to tell us what’s coming, so it’s plausible the alleged “disappearance” of the rings of Saturn is them signaling ‘time is up’

Speaking of Rome. Doesn't the Scripture in Daniel chapters 2 and 7 tell us the Beast system is the Revived Roman Empire?  Notice all the roman salutes lately? The Iron in Daniel's statue was Rome.

Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; just as iron smashes and crushes everything, so, like iron that crushes, it will smash and crush all these things. And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have within it some of the toughness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with common clay.  Daniel 2:40-41

Whoa. Here's a Freemason doing the same thing!

Check this out

Did you know this? I didn't. Check it out

And then we have this video below.  To actually see and view it, you need to click over to my blog. Sorry, videos don't come across in the email server I use.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not just the “Nazi salute…” which would be bad enough. The salute is Roman in origin and linked to Babylon and Egypt.

Masonry is a modernized practice of Babylonian/Egyptian mysticism.  Upon initiation into the 14th Degree, the same “Roman Salute” is revealed to the Mason as you saw above

That’s who Elon, Trump, Steve Bannon, and others have been showing their allegiance to with their salutes--ROME. Why? Because Rome never fell.  Nazis, Zionists, Freemasons, and Jesuits are all linked to Rome, which links them to Babylon and Egypt. The entire world has long been ruled by Rome riding on Babylon/Egypt.

“This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all the other kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth and trample it down and crush it. Daniel 7:23

I'm sure by now you've seen Trump's new marketing AI video for what he plans for Gaza?  If not, here it is below. 

Did you see the giant Golden Trump Statue? Some may say this is meant as a joke or satire, but I highly disagree. Perhaps they hoped we would view it that way, but it's hard to miss the symbolism woven into this highly disturbing video.  By the way, the video is exactly 33 seconds long. 33 is an occultic number as some of you may know. Here are the words to the song being played:

Donald is coming to set you free
Bringing the light for all to see
No more tunnels
No more fear
Trump Gaza is finally here
Trump Gaza shining bright
Golden future, brand new life
Peace and (couldn't make out the word), the deal is done
Trump Gaza number 1
Trump Gaza shining bright
Golden future Shining Bright

I'm told that many Christians flooded social media to defend their idol, claiming he was just trolling the Left. These people are drunk on their idolatry. What is it going to take to wake them up? 
As I've said in prior posts, America was set up as the nation who would birth the Antichrist or at the very least, set up his kingdom. There's so much proof out there if you have the courage to do your research. The only reason God has not wiped us off the map is because He has a huge remnant here of His children! 

Please watch this short video below that will show you the digital prison they have already created over our world

WARNING:  Whenever you hear about something you consider "good" done by Trump and Musk, ask yourself what is the end game? What is the result?  Here's a few examples, though they are dozens more

The dismantling of the Post Office. Sounds great, right? They are so inefficient!  And there's always an enormous line and one uncaring employee waiting on everyone. However..

This is about instituting AI Governance, digitalizing all things, and disallowing private and non-recordable (written) communications. “They” want everything to be done via the internet, so every word we say can be tracked, surveilled, vetted, and data logged. 

PLANE crashes and even car crashes

Why so many plane accidents lately? I've never seen so many in so short a time. Very suspicious. They want to make everyone afraid to get on a plane so they will usher in an AI system to replace Air Traffic Control. Then they have the power to send your plane anywhere they want or even crash it. They have the power to turn off your car and leave you stranded somewhere. Let's see what Musk recently posted on X

It's ALL ABOUT CONTROL  Please watch the 5 minute video below: Carbon Tax and the Digital ID Control Grid 

Before I go into the Noahide laws, looks like something is brewing between Israel and Iran. Everyone seems to be on high alert waiting for the first strike.  So be on the alert and all eyes on Israel. She is God's time clock and I believe HE is about to shift His full attention onto her (After we leave)

The Noahide laws.  You'll be hearing a lot about these laws in the coming months This will be the religion of the One World Religion because these laws can be agreed upon by all religions.

As we approach the days of Noahide Law, remember there is nothing new under the sun (Ec. 1:9)

At first glance, these laws seem very similar to the 10 Commandments, so what's the big deal? 

Let's first look at the Jewish religious leaders who push them, the Talmudic Jews of today, who are merely The Pharisees repackaged.
The Jewish Encyclopedia states, “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees” (Vol. VIII, 1942)
The Pharisees followed the religion of Babylon and Canaanite tradition, which later developed into the Babylonian Talmud, of which became the basis of modern Judaism.

Thus, the Rabbis and Jewish Talmud have picked up where Herod and the Pharisees left off in their onslaught of hatred against Jesus Christ and those who are followers of Jesus

Jesus called them, 
“a generation of vipers”
“blind guides”
“wicked and adulterous generation”
“full of iniquity”
“of their father the devil”
“lovers of the praise of men”
“…if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also” (John 15:20)

The Noahide laws are part of Kabbalah, which I've spoken about before on this blog. See articles linked below. The Kabbalists worship the snake or Satan, and many clues have led me to believe that Trump may be a Kabbalist. We know his son in law Jared Kushner is, along with Trump's daughter, Ivanka.

Kabbalah, the mystical Jewish tradition, isn’t just for Hollywood elites dabbling in red strings and numerology. Insiders allege Trump’s got deeper ties—perhaps through his real estate empire or his family’s connections. Look at his hand gestures during speeches: the precise angles, the repeated patterns. Are they Masonic? Kabbalistic? Or something more? Conspiracy circles buzz that his “Make America Great Again” slogan is a coded nod to a global reset, aligning with the Zohar’s prophecies of a unified world order. The Zohar is the main book of Kabbalah.

As you saw above, there are 7 Noahide Laws—universal edicts said to apply to all humanity, rooted in Jewish scripture but increasingly touted as the foundation for a new global faith. Trump’s vocal support for Israel, his Jerusalem embassy move, and his chummy rapport with religious leaders, his support of the Noahide laws and multiple awards and praises from Israel have fueled speculation that he is currently a stepping stone to enshrine these laws. Some point to his 2020 Abraham Accords as a test run—peace deals that, on the surface, united nations but, beneath, hinted at a broader spiritual agenda.

Picture it: a world where the Noahide Laws—prohibiting idolatry, blasphemy, and more—replace national creeds, with Trump as the unlikely herald.  Critics scoff, but the faithful see signs: his name, Donald (meaning “world ruler”), his 66 floors in Trump Tower (6+6=12, a Kabbalistic number), and his return to the political stage in 2025, just as the world teeters on chaos.

Here's just a few articles concerning Trump and Israel:

Heard they were releasing all the Epstein files and lists of visitors to his island. Wonder how they will get around this one below?

In closing, Let me quote from Daniel as to what will happen to the anti-christ and his empire

But the court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him. 
Daniel 7:26-27

Our enemy may be excited to finally see his kingdom come to pass on this Earth, but he will rule for a very very short time. And God will use that time for His own glory because many people will surrender to Him and end up in heaven during this time. What the devil meant for harm, God will turn around for good. Because that's the kind of God we serve!

Meanwhile, in Heaven, we will be having the time of our lives, enjoying the Wedding of the Lamb. Talk about a feast!  I can't wait to try that heavenly cake!

So stay strong, remain in hope and faith, and keep looking up!