I may have mentioned that I'm reading a book called Heaven, by Randy Alcorn, which I highly recommend. It fascinates me when I discover how many well-meaning commited Christians have no idea what heaven will be like when the scriptures give us so many clues. I mean, this is the place where we will spend eternity. One would think that we would be consumed with finding out as much as we can about it. God tell us to focus our eyes on the unseen, the eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18) and not on what we see which is temporary. Why do you suppose He asks us to do that? Could it be that most of us can get so caught up with the things of this world, that we spend our days worrying and fretting and complaining and striving over a life that is but a second in the clock of eternity. And in doing so, we take our eyes off of God, which is right where the Devil wants us. Ineffective for God. So, each week, I'm going to post some questions about heaven and see how much we really do know. I recently asked a girlfriend of mine--a godly Christian woman--what she thought heaven was like. She told me that we'd be standing before the throne of God, worshiping Him day and night. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the Lord and I'm looking forward to seeing Him and worshipping Him, but please. all day and night long? No wonder some people are trying to scramble for everything they can in this world if that's all we have to look forward to in heaven. Here's this week's questions which I will answer next week.
Will we have physical bodies?
Will we be able to eat and drink?
Will we have relationships? Families? Friends?
My precious father passed away in his sleep on New Year's Eve. I am going through grief, and boy does the sting of death hurt. I miss him so much, and I still cry. I am so glad you posted this.
ReplyDeleteSince my father's passing, I've thought a lot about Heaven. In my low points, I have found my self asking these questions, wondering, and seeking. I once heard another Christian say that death is the ultimate healing. That is a lie. The Bible says death is an enemy. Praise God that the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy the last enemy...death.
Will we have physical bodies?
I believe we will, but only on that day when the Lord raises our bodies from the grave. Corruptible will put on incorruption. Mortal will put on immortality.
Will we be able to eat and drink?
Yes, I think.
Will we have relationships?
Families? Friends?
We will all be together again, whole, at peace, and happy.