Do you know someone who makes you feel uncomfortable? Perhaps it's because that person intimidates you in some way. Maybe you believe they are smarter than you, or better than you at something, or maybe you think they are just a better person than you are. Maybe they know how to handle themselves in a crowd and make people laugh, while you tend to cower in the background. Maybe they are more attractive, more appealing physically than you are. And deep down you think they know it and are always looking down their noses at you. That could all be true. I know there are people like that in the world who try to make themselves feel better by putting others down. Or it could just be something you've made up out of your own insecurities.
Do you enjoy hanging out with this person? Probably not. In fact, you probably do your best to avoid him or her.
What about the people whose company you enjoy? Aren't they the people who love you for who you are, people who you trust with your secrets, people who encourage you and lift you up? Don't you love hanging out with them?
Now, ask yourself this important question. What do you think God thinks of you? If you believe that He's more like the first person who is always disappointed with you and looking down His nose at you and wishing you were different or better, than chances are you probably don't enjoy His company very much. You probably have a hard time praying and don't really look forward to spending time with God.
I know I felt this way for years, and I still struggle with this. After all, He's God. He knows ALL my faults, every bad thought and bad motive. Everything. Yikes. He must think I'm a complete loser! But when I thought this way, it really inhibited my relationship with Him. I didn't allow myself to be myself with Him. I avoided spending time with God. I always felt in the back of my mind that He must be displeased with me.
Quess what? I couldn't have been farther from the truth! Listen to what God says about you and me (His Children)
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephania 3:17
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1
Have you ever thought of God rejoicing over you? Singing and dancing over you? Taking great delight in you???? Well He does! And it has nothing to do with your performance. It only matters that you are His child.
The next time you think about spending time with God, picture Him sitting on the edge of his seat (or throne) anxiously waiting to talk with you, gazing at you with a sparkle in His eyes, hoping you'll turn His way and talk to Him. He loves you. He wants to spend time with you. He doesn't look at your faults because they are all washed away by the blood of His Son. He simply adores you and wants to help you and be there for you and listen to you. Try to think of Him like that and I guarantee, it will revolutionize your time with Him and increase your knowlege of Him and bring you more joy than you thought possible!
Those are wonderful thought. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this! I know I've said this, but a few months ago when I first found your blog, I found out the depth of God's love for me, even though I've been saved. I've been able to grow closer to Him since then, but there's one bad habit I have that I've been struggling to ditch for awhile, and when I have to keep coming back to Him and ask for forgiveness for giving in to it, I feel like such a hypocrite, but this post reminded me that hey, God loves me, and He'll meet me halfway if I'll just make the first move. Thanks for this post, MaryLu.
Well, i have always known that God loves me! That He is more of a best friend to someone than one they have had for years.
ReplyDeleteYes people did put me down, because they thought they were smarter, prettier, or funnier than everyone else. But after a while i realised that they where jealous of me and people like me, because i was sweeter and kinder to people than they were. So when i feel like im being put down i just tell myself they are insecure and are jealous of me (most of them) and then i say a quiet prayer for them. It took me a while to notice it but at least i did and i always pick the right friends! But no one is perfect and thats why God gives everyone a chance to change their ways and go to Him, because He loves us and wants everyone to trust in Him, and know that He is there for you!
Thank you for that MaryLu.
Wow. That definitely changes my way of thinking. To picture God anxiously waiting to talk to me is amazing. Thanks for that visual : )
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a great week. God bless!
Thank you, Ladies! Here's a follow up to this topic. I just found this when I was reading my Bible this morning. Psalm 27:8 in the New Living Translation:
ReplyDeleteMy heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”
See, God longs to talk with us!
Its such a good feeling when God wants to talk with us! I get a really good feeling inside me. Whenever i talk with Him i always feel happy, safe and loved!