Lately, God has been dealing with me on the issue of trust. How about you? Does trust come easy for you? Not for me. I grew up in an environment that didn't foster much trust. I never knew my father and none of my step-fathers stuck around long enough for me to develop any trust in them. Which was a good thing, since they always left. I basically learned that people leave and can't be counted on. When I gave my life over to God, I really struggled with trusting Him. For goodness sakes, I can't even see Him. How can I trust Him? How do I know He's there? How do I know He's got my back?
For years, I struggled to believe Him, to believe His word. And finally, I've started to really trust Him for the bigger issues in my life, like making it to heaven and my kids' salvation and having enough money to live on.. those sorts of things.
But what about the little things? I'm talking about things that hit your life everyday. Responsibilities, pressures, pains, failures, hurts, people who drive us nuts! Does God care about these things? Surely He's too busy with bigger world issues and saving the lost. So, I never really bothered God about the little things, and because I never bothered Him with them, I never learned to trust Him in the details.
I think part of my problem is that I all too often picture God as wise old man sitting on a throne in heaven surrounded by light. He's somewhere else where I can't go. He's busy. He doesn't see that I'm stressed or busy or frustrated. But the Bible says something very different.
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Phill 4:5
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Hebrews 4:8
My husband is a scientist, and I don't understand much of what he says, but he got me interested in the topic of demensions. There are 4 demensions as we know it. Length, Width, Height and Time. But there are therories (string theory among them) that say several more dementions exist beyond our four. As my husband explained it to me, there could be creatures or beings or things in demension 5, 6, or 7 that are as solid and tangible as we are, but we cannot see them. What this means is that our Lord can be standing right beside us. He could be touching us, but we would not be able to see Him or feel Him. This really changed my perspective on things.
The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephania 3:17
Do you know God rejoices over you with singing?? God is with us. He is right beside us. And He cares whether you're stressed or frightened or you have a headache, or your feelings just got hurt. I'm not at all advocating that we walk around absorbed with our own petty problems. But I think it's so important for us to know that God cares about every detail of our lives. There's a scripture that says "He delights in the details of our lives" I couldn't find the reference but I know I've read it multiple times. He wants to be involved in every detail of your life! He wants to help you.
So, when I get stressed about my next deadline or hurt by a bad review! Ugg.. Or a friend ignores me or I burn dinner, I plan on just turning to God (cause He's standing right there) ask for His help and receive from Him a big heavenly hug!
He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalm 18:19
I needed to read this today. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI truly need to trust the Lord more.Thanks
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good post; thanks!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the verse you were thinking of is Psalm 37:23-24: "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand."
Thanks, Ladies! We all need to trust the Lord more. Yes, Sapphire! That's the verse I was looking for! Thank you...
ReplyDeleteI'd really have to think on the trust issue. I think my 'baggage' is somewhere else but my current WIP's heroine is all about the non-trust issue. I think it's the hardest thing to get over. Once you've been betrayed or lied to, do you ever completely trust again? Probably only when it's the Lord and you.
ReplyDeleteLots to think about MaryLu.
Thanks for sharing something of your personal life and testimony with us. My childhood was quite different from yours, but although my parents were physically present and dependable, yet they were emotionally unavailable to me. It did feel like being alone in many ways. Even to this day (and I'm not young anymore!) I struggle perhaps unconsciously with feeling that while God is interested in the big scheme of things, He's really not much involved with MY life. I know the Scriptures and am quite able to teach and encourage others, but it is sometimes a challenge to face one's own personal insecurities. Thanks for the reminder of God's special love once again.
ReplyDeleteThe additional dimensions/parallel universes idea is fascinating. Someday I guess we'll know all about it. How exciting!
Thanks for sharing these thoughts! Exactly what I needed.
I have to jump in here on the dimension question, MaryLu. I watched a PBS science program not to long ago where a scientist passed a light (laser?) through two slits (like the little rectangular holes in a wall receptacle where you plug in a cord. When the light passed though the TWO slits, and re-arranged themselves on the wall, they always formed in a pattern of THREE.
ReplyDeleteThey've been theorizing that it showed parallel universes. I got to thinking...us, and the two spiritual worlds, maybe?
The rest that you talked about: Been ther, done that, and I LOVE MY LORD. Have a Blessed Christmas and Joyful New Year.