Early in the age of exploration, navigating the vast seas was no easy task! Without modern radar and satellites, captains were left with only the stars, the sun, and a few crude instruments. As time went on maps were created, although they often were inaccurate. Most sailors came to rely on landmarks at the beginning of their journey. For instance if they sailed due east from the Canary Islands, they reached Africa. If they sailed due west, they reached the Bahamas. This type of navigating came to be known as "Dead Reckoning"
I wonder how many Christians navigate their lives by dead reckoning? They start off from the point of salvation and think they are heading in a certain direction where God wants them to go, but somehow along the way, their compass broke, the winds and waves shoved their ship off course, or perhaps they got distracted by the beauty of some passing shore and stopped for a rest. Either way, they are now wandering all over the seas in search of the course they should be taking.
I believe God does have a unique path for each of us! A path and purpose He created for us from before the world began. Some specific thing or things He needs us to do which requires our unique bland of talents, desires, and gifts.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11
But how do we find that plan? Maybe your ship is foundering among the vast seas and you have no idea where you are going or where you should be going. You truly want to fulfill God's plan for you but you have a broken compass and the stars aren't shining and all you see head of you is endless water! But did you know God gave us a compass that would never break? He gave us a waterproof map. It is His Word. And in it, we find specific directions on how to discover His will
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Okay.. so if you'll be able to test and approve God's will for you, then let's assume you will know God's will for you, right? So how do you come to know it? By allowing God to transform your mind! And did you notice that His will for you will be good, pleasing and perfect? Do you know why it will be good, pleasing and perfect? Because you were made precisely for it!
For example, God made me a writer. But I never knew that until after I gave my life to Him and truly allowed Him to change my heart and mind. (Took years, and still is a Work in Progress, by the way)
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him Philippians 2:13
Okay, so maybe you've giving your life to God, maybe you've been walking with Him for years and you still feel like you're adrift at sea, tune in next week when I hope to show you how God transforms your mind and why some Christians never seem to make any progress.
Monday, March 5th ....
ReplyDelete"Morning, MaryLu."
Another excellent word !!! Speaking of God's will/plans for our lives .... I have felt for some time now .... that I am unsure anymore, of just 'what' that is for me. In years gone by, I "thought" I knew what I was here for ... but now, not sure at all. Through lifes' situations, stresses, and circumstances along the course of time ... I know I have 'withdrawn', so to speak. Just tired, and maybe feeling 'burnt out', and left even feeling a tad 'useless'. However, on a positive note ... maybe I am here ... simply to "pray" for others. I always wanted to be a 'prayer warrior', and, at times -- have been ... but also even that flounders.
Yes, a transformed mind is absolutely what I 'need'. More time in His Word, Brenda Hurley ... more time !!!
Thanks again MaryLu, for 'another timely Word in due season' !
Take care, and, God Bless,
In Him, Brenda Hurley
I love coming on here and seeing "Brenda Hurley said..."! Brenda, you always seem to be the first one in the comments section, and I've come to enjoy reading your comments! You've got a gift of encouragement, and as I am sure it is a blessing to MaryLu, I've also been blessed. Well done! I now look forward to reading your "Good morning MaryLu...".
ReplyDeleteI also find that it is sometimes hard to know God's will for us. But, I know full well that when we come to the end of ourselves, God does AMAZING things in and through us. Rest in knowing that His plans for you may come to fruition when you are in that place of uncertainty.
And, yes, MaryLu, another great post! A good topic to ponder for sure, and I'm looking foward to next week's post about the transforming... Can you imagine what could happen if all believers thought with the mind of Christ? Wow. There's power in that. I get goosebumps...
This goes so well with your post about talents from last week! I actually just read that one, and then read this one, and they're speaking directly to me. Thanks so much for your blog posts, MaryLu. I know it's on top of your actual work, and you already put so much into your books! I have learned so many things from your writing, both in your novels and on your blog. God really is using you in an awesome way!
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with Caroline - Brenda, your comments are like a ray of sunshine. You always seem so full of encouragement. I'm praying you will figure out what it is God wants you to do next! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Ladies! I also really look forward to Brenda's posts each Monday morning! In fact, the few times she didn't post, I knew something was wrong and contacted her seperately. Brenda, you truly do have a sweet spirit of encouragment and are a bright light in my week every week! And yes, being a prayer warrior is a HUGE responsibility and blessing. I believe the prayer warriors will be the ones who will truly shine in Heaven. :-) God loves you and you are extremely valuable to Him!
ReplyDeleteCaroline, it was when I came to the end of myself that God showed me I was supposed to write. :-) And no... I honestly can't imagine if all believers thought with the mind of Christ! We would transform the world.
Thank you Sarah.. you brought tears to my eyes.. I really appreciate your kind words. :-)
Great words, MaryLu.....just what I needed! And to Brenda, I always look forward to your comments....always uplifting. Blessings on you all~~~~
ReplyDeleteTuesday, March 6th .....
ReplyDelete"Morning, MaryLu .... and fellow bloggers" ....
I just wanted to come back to this site today, to say a BIG "thank-you, and God Bless you" ... each and everyone, who made a comment yesterday !!!
Truthfully, I did not share what I did in hopes that everyone would feel the need to say something to me .... but your words of encouragement were a MAJOR blessing !!! I told MaryLu ... that I just speak from the heart (and mind) .... I say what I mean, and, mean what I say. That is all.
So -- to Caroline, thank-you, on your words of being "an encourager". (I was told that, 'many years ago' now .... and guess I had just 'forgotten'.)
To Sarah, thank-you ... "a ray of sunshine", huh ??? Well, truly .... thank-you.
To MaryLu ... thank-you, as always ... for your insight, words spoken in truth, the light you are, and whose friendship I enjoy and appreciate so very much.
And to Jackie .... thank-you, for your uplifting comments.
Just wanted you 'all' to know ... everything shared, meant so much to me !!! I was overwhelmed, to say the least !!! Thank-you, truly !!!
Take care, and, God Bless,
In Him, Brenda Hurley