Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day Celebration!!

Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!

For those of you who aren't familiar with this grand holiday, it falls on September 19th each year and is celebrated all over the world!! In honor of this magnanimous day, I always have a "Talk Like a Pirate" contest on me blog just t' test how much pirate speak ye have in ye.  (Notice how I'm slowly slidin' into pirate speak! That's what happens on this day to everyone!! It cannot be helped!) 

To get those o' ye who are landlubbers accustomed t' speaking pirate, here be a video which might help ye brush up on a few important terms:

Now onto the contest. I will list several "pirate" phrases or words followed by possible meanin's and it be yer job to select which meanin' be the right one. Savvy?

Put yer answers in a comment along with yer email address and I will pick a winner in 2 weeks on the 26th! The winner be getting a signed set o' me pirate trilogy (The Redemption, The Reliance, The Restitution) !!!

Okay, hold onto yer scuppers!

1. Yer sands be run
Avast, be still me heart. Fer a moment, I thought me sands be run out

a)  Your luck has run out
b)  There is a huge hole in the hull of the ship
c)  Your life is over
d)  You are out of time

2. Scupper
Blast it! Bring me me rum and scupper the rest o' this!

a) Hide
b) Get rid of
c) Wash
d) Put back in the treasure chest

3. Stow that
"What's all this? I told 'em t' clear the deck. Ah. Stow that. I needs to think."

a) Nevermind
b) Put below in Hold
c) Lock up in irons
d) Write that down

4. Cut of his Jib 
"Arg, who be that goat-legged fellow? Me likes the cut of his jib."

a) his attire
b) his attitude
c) the way he walks
d) his profile or appearance

5. Lay 'em aboard!
"Now's ye time, Boy! Lay 'em aboard!"

a) Stretch them on a rack
b) Finish them off
c) Bring them on board
d) Lay them over the deck

6. Labberneck
"Get to work, ye labbernecks!" 

a) sailors
b) slaves
c) drunks
d) traitors

7) niminy-piminy
 "What be this, says I? All niminy-piminy affectations 'stead o' comin' at me full guns!"

a) traitorous
b) lying
c) forceful
d) dainty

So enter yer answers if ye dare!  I do not pick the winner based on right answers but I want ye to try yer best!

THE CONTEST closes SEPT 26th and the WINNER is announced Sept 27th.


  1. Mornin MaryLu,
    My pirate talk and answers today

    Aye tis true,YER SANDS BE RUN(life is over) they will SCUPPER (get rid of)
    yer body. but STOWTHAT(nevermind) many liked the CUT OF HIS JIB
    (attitude) they will say LAY'EM ABOARD (lay them over the deck) all LABBERNECKS
    (drunks) will be on deck for send off. No more NIMMY-PIMMINY
    (dainty talking) all will be quite as the body is lowered to the sea....
    Me take for your answers right or wrong -Me stands by me word.
    Paula O(

  2. Wed Sept 19th ...

    "Morning, MaryLu ... and Arrrgh, ... me already entered me answers once ... and it did not take ... so will try again ....
    This is too fun !!!

    1. "Yer sands be run" -- Answer D - You are out of time.
    2. "Scupper" -- Answer B -- Get rid of.
    3. "Stow that" -- Answer B -- Put below in Hold.
    4. "Cut of his Jib" -- Answer D - His profile or appearance.
    5. "Lay 'em aboard !" -- Answer C - Bring them on board.
    6. "Labberneck" -- Answer B - slaves.
    7. "Niminy-piminy" -- Answer D - dainty.

    Well, tho' the second time 'round, this still be fun. And, I thank ye from the bottom of me heart, and have answered to the best of me pirate abilities ... which are limited indeed !!!
    So ... you be takin' care MaryLu, and have yourself a blessed day !
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  3. I will be shocked if I got one right, haha. Thanks for the laughs and the fun, MaryLu! I love your pirate quiz!

    1. D
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. B
    6. B
    7. A

  4. Arrr ... What fun! Methinks me answers may not be right, but it's fun all the same.

    1. a
    2. b
    3. a
    4. a
    5. b
    6. c
    7. d

    (As a side note for all you facebook user-pirates, you can change your settings for lanuguage to English-pirate!)

  5. 1. a
    2. b
    3. b
    4. a
    5. d
    6. d
    7. b
    Would be easier if had sentence before and after.
    enter me
    jrs362 at hotmail dot com

  6. This was fun to do. Thank you.

    Here are my answers:

    1 -d
    2 -b
    3 -b
    4 -b
    5 -c
    6 -c
    7 -c

    Thank you for the chance to win.

    griperang at embarqmail dot com

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Here are my answers:


    Maybe I got a few right! lol :) Have a blessed, pirate-talking day!

    Katie G.

    katiegalyean (at) yahoo (dot) com

  9. 1. "Yer sands be run" -- Answer C - Your life is over.
    2. "Scupper" -- Answer B -- Get rid of.
    3. "Stow that" -- Answer B -- Put below in Hold.
    4. "Cut of his Jib" -- Answer D - His profile or appearance.
    5. "Lay 'em aboard !" -- Answer B - Finish them off.
    6. "Labberneck" -- Answer C - Drunks.
    7. "Niminy-piminy" -- Answer D - dainty.

    Me be wanting to read yer series for a long time! Me mother and me be searching high and low for 't!

    God bless!

  10. Ooooo...MaryLu, this is fun. I'll give it my best shot.

    1.Yer sands be run - c)Your life is over
    2.Scupper - b)Get rid of
    3.Stow that - a)Nevermind
    4.Cut of his Jib - d)his profile or appearance
    5.Lay 'em aboard - b)Finish them off
    6.Labberneck - c)drunks
    7.niminy-piminy - d)dainty

    Okay Cap'n, thar be me answers. Happy "Talk Like a Pirate Day!" :)

  11. My answers are:


    Hope I at least get one right. Thanks for the chance to win your books.

  12. Hi MaryLu! I think I had the same problem as Brenda because my first comment is missing... Hopefully this one goes through!

    Okay, here are my answers:

    1) c
    2) b
    3) a
    4) a
    5) b
    6) c
    7) d

    This is such a fun contest!! Thank you so much for the chance at the FABULOUS prize!!! :)


    mrose608{at)gmail{dot} com

  13. Ahoy MaryLu!

    Here be me answers:
    1.c., 2.b, 3.b, 4.c, 5.b, 6.c, 7.b

    This has been a might bit-o-fun, argh! Me hopes it went through this time me blasted computer keeps messing up today:)
    Ye be havin a blessed day!

  14. 1. D
    2. B
    3. B
    4. D
    5. B
    6. C
    7. D
    Linda Valenzuela :D

  15. How fun is this? Tool a pirate name quiz and came up as Dirty Anne Vane. LOL.
    Here's me answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. B
    6. C
    7. D
    Campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  16. Ahoy Cap'n! How ye be this fine Pirate Day? I be jest fine and fit fer me duties! Before I scamper up to me crow's nest, I's like to venture me guesses on yer pirate talk. Here be me guesses:
    1. c
    2. b
    3. b
    4. d
    5. b
    6. c
    7. d
    Well, that be me guesses. Would love to win yer signed writin's. They be books that ye haven't signed fer me. I need me Charles Towne books signed as well. Mayhaps one day it be done!

  17. 1) A
    2) B
    3) A
    4) C
    5) C
    6) C
    7) D

    That be ye fun! Talkin' like a pirate is hard work! Me don't know how ya'll do it! Arrgh!!! Would love ta win your trilogy, MaryLu! Thanks for tis chance.

    Frequentreader19 at gmail dot com

  18. Here be me answers Cap'n!
    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. B
    5. C
    6. C
    7. A
    Argh, that be fun!

  19. haha, This is so fun -- here's my guesses, and fingers be crossed :o)

    ps: I saw ye picked Ben Barnes for the Capt in this, I do like the cut of his jib ;o) LOL!

    1: c
    2: b
    3: a
    4: d
    5: c
    6: a
    7: d

    Arrr... quarterback.girl[at]gmail[dot]com

  20. 1.d) You are out of time

    2. b) Get rid of

    3.b) Put below in Hold

    4.b) his attitude

    5.c) Bring them on board

    6. a) sailors

    7) d) dainty

  21. 1.) a

    2.) b

    3.) b

    4.) c

    5.) c

    6.) b

    7.) d

    This was REALLY fun, but VERY HARD!!! :) Thanks! P.s. I am SO HAPPY you aren't picking the winner based on right answers! LOL!

    Amada (pronounced: Chavez


    Acts 16:31 (Read it, Believe it, and Be Saved!!!)

  22. Ahoy buckos, t'be a jolly holiday! Avast, here be me answers Cap'n!

    1) D
    2) B
    3) A
    4) B
    5) B
    6) A
    7) D


  23. Ahoy there, mateys,
    here are my meager thoughts
    as to what the rightful answers are:
    1 (d
    2 (b
    3 (a
    4 (b
    5 (d
    6 (c
    7 (d

  24. Okay here goes!
    I don't think I did very well. . .LOL!

  25. Thanks for the chance to win! These books sound great. =)


    1. d) You are out of time

    2. b) Get rid of

    3. a) Nevermind

    4. c) the way he walks

    5. b) Finish them off

    6. c) drunks

    7) d) dainty

  26. Only educated guess...
    1) C
    2) B
    3) A
    4) D
    5) B
    6) C
    7 D


  27. 1) Yer sands be run = C) Your life is over
    2) Scupper = B) Get rid of it
    3) Stow that = B) Put it below
    4) Cut of his job = D) His profile or appearance
    5) Lay ‘em aboard = B) Finish them off
    6) Labberneck = A) Sailors
    7) Niminy-piminy = D) Dainty

  28. These are probably mostly wrong, but here goes:

    1. c
    2. b
    3. a
    4. a
    5. d
    6. b
    7. d

  29. Love your Pirate books!! Here goes:
    1. c
    2. b
    3. b
    4. a
    5. c
    6. b
    7. d

  30. Arrrghh! Avast ye scurvy dogs! It be Capt'n Amy 'ere t' accept yer pirate quiz challenge! Me hopes I turn out to be a true pirate and not a landlubber. Me answers be:
    1) C
    2) B
    3) A
    4) C
    5) B
    6) A
    7) D

    Aye, yer book would be fine booty to add to me treasure. May the wind be in yer favor me fellow Capt'ns as ye answer. Now, raise ye glasses ye scallywaggs and hoist the jolly roger, best be setting sail, says I.

  31. 1. c
    2. b
    3. a
    4. a
    5. a
    6. a
    7. d
    Thanks for the giveaway. Email is

  32. 1 a
    2 b
    3 a
    4 b
    5 b
    6 b
    7 d

  33. This is fun, and a good set of books to win. Thanks, Mary lu
    Answers: !.-d 2.-b 3.-b 4.-a 5.-c 6.-c 7.-a
    Maxie ( )

  34. I thought I left a comment but don't find it here--guess a goof on my part of the website left it out.

    Avast thar Matey, thar [here] it blows!
    Don't want to walk tha plank, do ye? I'd love to win.

  35. Here are my pirate talk answers: 1. a. - 2. b. - 3. a. - 4. d. - 5. b. - 6. a. - 7. d.

    I must confess some of these ones were new to me!

    And I already have your Pirate trilogy but would LOVE to have another set!

  36. Ooops, how did I do that AGAIN? Forgot to leave my email address -

  37. answers from Kathleen lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

    1d, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7d

  38. 1c; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6c.; 7d

  39. "Arrrr," from my 5 year-old daughter to you this day. :) "Sail aboard matey, you're gonna walk the plank." lol...she's so funny!

    Anywho...Here are my guesses. Love you!!!

    1. D (out o' time)
    2. B (rid of)
    3. A (never mind)
    4. A & B? :)
    5. C (bring on board)
    6. C (drunks)
    7. D (dainty)
