Friday, August 30, 2013

Resutls of Reader Survey and I'm off to the Tall Ship Festival at San Diego!

Happy Friday, Everyone!   My publisher is going to combine my Surrender to Destiny series into one volume called an omnibus. So all three books will come in a single nice volume. Cool huh?  They just sent me the cover, so I thought I'd share it with you.  This will release next May 2014!

Thoughts on the cover?

For those of you who participated in last week's survey, I thank you!! I thought you might like to see the results, some of which actually surprised me!

Favorite Genre

Historical Romance                    18
Historical Romantic Suspense     8
Romantic Suspense                      3
Historical                                      2
Spooky                                          1
Fantasy                                          1

Favorite Time Period

Medieval                  10
Western                      8
Victorian                    7
Regency                     6
None                          5
Colonial                     4
Age of Romance        3
Gilded                        3
Civil War                   3
Revolutionary War    3
WW II                       3
Georgian                    3
Age of Discovery      2
Renaissance               2
Futuristic                    1
WW1                          1
40's-50's                     1
1920's                         1
1850's - 1920's           1

Story Preference

Pirates                    27
Medieval                22
Sweet Romances   19
Historic England   17
Cowboys               17
Vikings                  12
Indians                   12
Mermaids              10
Early 1900's          10
Biblical Fiction     10
Age of Sail              9
Military                   8
Police                      7
Amish                     6
Fantasy                   4
Spiritual Warfare    5
Modern                   3
Vampires                2
Mystery                  1
Military                  8

I must say that what shocked me the most was that pirates and medieval were so popular! I've been told multiple times that those 2 topics are off limits in the Christian Book market. Weird. I was also surprised at the Vikings and Mermaids.  Anyway, thanks to everyone who answered!  

By the time you are reading this hubby and I will be boarding a plane and flying down to San Diego for their annual Tall Ship Festival!!  I'm SO EXCITED!! I've been looking forward to this all year.

If you'd like to see a list (complete with pictures) of the ships that will be there, here's a link:

On Saturday, Hubby and I are booked on a Cannon Battle cruise!   We are spending 4 days down there and might try and make it to the San Diego Zoo as well.

Yes, I'll take lots of pictures and will share them when I return!
Have a great weekend all!! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

Blessed be the name of the Lord
From this time forth and forever.
From the rising of the sun to its setting
The name of the Lord is to be praised.
The Lord is high above all nations;
His glory is above the heavens.

Psalm 113: 2-4 


Monday, August 26, 2013

A Bastion of Love

Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ which will bring you unto life eternalJude 1:21 AMP

What do you think of when you hear the word guard? I picture soldiers in armor with weapons standing watch over some castle or perhaps in front of a room in which are stored treasures or maybe outside the door of a great king. Okay, yes, I have a vivid imagination.  You may picture a security guard at a bank or in a building late at night or maybe even a big Pit Bull guarding a home.

Either way to guard means to protect something valuable. The dictionary says it is to

to keep safe from harm or danger; protect; watch over
to keep under control or restraint as a matter of caution or prudence 
If you've been a follower of Jesus for a while then you know very well that we are all engaged in a huge battle being fought  for the souls of men. We can't see this battle or experience it in our natural realm, but we can sense it, feel it, and even suffer the repercussions of it.  We Christians live in enemy territory, behind enemy lines. I don't think enough of us truly realize that or think about it during our day.  
Yet throughout the Scriptures we are told to "guard" to "watch" to be on the lookout. 
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  1 Peter 5:8 

Be sober!  Pay attention!! Don't get lazy. Don't let your guard fall down. Not for a minute! What are we guarding against?  What does our adversary want? He wants us to turn away
from God. He wants to lure us into wickedness until it eventually destroys us. We are his prime targets, not unbelievers. And he's really good at what he does! 

Jude says to guard ourselves with God's Love.  Not guard yourself with armor, not guard yourself with knifes and spears and pistols, not guard yourselves by going to church every Sunday, saying your prayers every day... but Guard yourself with God's love. 

How do you guard yourself with love? How can love keep you from drifting away from God and following the siren's call? How can love keep you from giving into the temptations of this world that seem so very strong at times?  

I didn't have a good father. In fact, save for a few visits, once when I was 4 or 5 and once when I was 16, I've never seen my father.  If he suddenly called me up and told me that I must NEVER EVER have another sip of wine, that it was bad for me and I'd be punished for it if I didn't listen to him, how motivated am I to do what he says the next time a glass of wine is placed before me?  I have no relationshp with him. I don't know him. To me, he just seems like a unfeeling tyrant trying to ruin my fun. 

Now, what if I had a good father? What if my father had cherished and loved me since even before I was born? He never missed a ballet performance or an open house at school or a piano recital. Every day when he came home from work, he swept me in his arms and showered me with kisses. He helped me with homework, spent hours talking with me, listening, encouraging and giving advice. He chastised me when I was wrong but he never raised his voice. His punishments were just and done in love. He always had time for me. His face always lit up when I walked in the room. I was his
Princess.  Now, suppose this father came to me one day and told me to never have another sip of wine because it would eventually ruin me.  What is my reaction then?   I know my father loves me. How? Because we have a very close relationship. He's always been there for me, putting my best interests first. So, I gladly do what he says.  

This is what it means to guard yourself in the love of Christ. When you have a personal friendship with the Lord Jesus and you know beyond a doubt how much God loves you and you've experienced years of his tender correction and care and blessing, you WANT to do what he says.  Because you know what he says is best for you and you know he is operating out of his love for you. 

Why do so many Christians fall? Why do so many believers get off into the wickedness of the world? Because they haven't guarded their hearts in the love of God. They haven't taken the time to get to know Him, to experience His love for them. Like any relationship, that takes time and effort, and most people are just too busy with more important things. 
Do yourself a favor this week. Take some time, get with God, and ponder His love for you. Ask Him to show you His love and bring to remembrance all the times He's been there for you. 
See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; 1 John 3:1

Friday, August 23, 2013

MaryLu's Musings - See my new cover and take a survey!

Greetings!  I'm staring a count down to my next release, Elusive Hope, which will be available November 1st!!!!  (See fancy countdown to your right!)  In October on this blog, I'll be hosting a pre-release party every Friday in which I'll be giving away free copies of the book!  So, mark your calender!!   Also if you want to be notified for events like this as well as special giveaways and reduced prices, releases, etc, please sign up for my Email Newsletter. I promise I only send out notes when I have some new information that would be of value to you. (Sign up can be found on the right column if you scroll down)

Exciting Book News!!
Also for fans of my Legacy of the King's Pirates series, I'm currently writing a sequel to that series and expect to have it ready for release by early Spring next year, so be on the lookout for that!  More on that in the months to come. So, don't jump ship yet!!

I received the cover for the third book in my Escape to Paradise series and thought you might like to see it along side the other two. Abandoned Memories doesn't release until next July but these covers are so gorgeous, I could stare at them all day.  Tell me what you think? What mood and emotion does each cover invoke within you?


Here's an early review of Elusive Hope from book reviewer Debbie Mitchell:


Enough words? These all describe Elusive Hope, book 2 in MaryLu Tyndall’s Escape to Paradise series. 
MaryLu has out-done herself with this book. She has shown that she can write stories that not only have you smiling, but stories that awaken ALL of your senses. 
I tried my best to read this book slowly, to savor every morsel. But, it was so hard to slow down. Each chapter ended making me want to read more. I kept waiting for a lull in the story, so that I could have an excuse to stop reading for awhile. But, alas, a lull did not come. The sad part now is that I have to wait for what seems like forever for the third book in the series. Oh, pure torture!

Whether they are trekking through the jungles of Brazil, hanging out in the New Hope colony or exploring old temple ruins, the characters in Elusive Hope will have you experiencing a lot of emotions. I simple love the banter between Magnolia and Hayden. Talk about your odd couple…..a princess and a toad?  Who would have thought? Then there are those characters that you just want to smack. And those that make you cringe at times. So much juicy things going on in this book and so wonderfully written .

 Thank you, Debbie!!

Okay, now I have a small favor to ask of you:
I've put together a little survey that will help me determine what I'll be writing next so I hope you'll take the time to answer the questions in a comment. Thanks so much!!  And have a great weekend!

What is your favorite Book Genre to read? (Please choose one)

  1. Historical Romance
  2. Romantic Suspense
  3. Historical Suspense
  4. Historical Romantic Suspense
  5. Spooky Thrillers aka Stephen King or Ted Dekker
  6. Spy or Military Thrillers
  7. Fantasy
  8. Contemporary Romance
  9. Women's Fiction
  10. Contemporary Drama
  11. Military Romantic Suspense
  12. Historical
  13. End Times Suspense
  14. Mystery-Crime
  15. Contemporary Suspense
  16. Amish
  17. Other

What is your favorite Time Period? (Please choose only 1)

  1. Contemporary
  2. Futuristic
  3. Biblical
  4. Medieval (4th -15th Centuries)
  5. Age of Discovery (15th - 17th Centuries)
  6. Renaissance (14th - 16th Centuries)
  7. Colonial (1600's - 1700's)
  8. Georgian (1740-1830)
  9. Victorian (1837-1901)
  10. Regency (1811-1820)
  11. Romantic Era (1850-1920)
  12. American Western or Prairie (1800's)
  13. Gilded Age - US Late 19th Century
  14. Edwardian period (United Kingdom, 1901 - 1910) 
  15. World War I
  16. World War II
  17. US Revolutionary War
  18. US Civil War
  19. Other
  20. No time Period in Particular

What would you prefer to read about (You can choose more than one)

  1. Pirates
  2. Vikings
  3. Amish
  4. Cowboys
  5. Vampires
  6. Mermaids
  7. Indians
  8. Medieval Knights and Princesses
  9. Stories set during the Age of Sail
  10. Police and Crime stories
  11. Fantasy stories
  12. Sweet Romance
  13. Biblical Fiction
  14. Spiritual Warfare
  15. Military 
  16. Stories set in Historic England (Regency, Victorian, Elizabethan)  
  17. Sweet Romances
  18. High Society in the early 1900's (Downton Abbey) 
  19. Modern dramas with modern people 
  20. Other

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

“The enemy boasted, ‘I will chase them
    and catch up with them.
I will plunder them
    and consume them.
I will flash my sword;
    my powerful hand will destroy them.’
 But you blew with your breath,
    and the sea covered them.
They sank like lead
    in the mighty waters

Exodus 15:9-10

Monday, August 19, 2013

Heaven, Hell, Paradise? What did Jesus do after He died?

After Jesus rose from the dead, remember the scene in John 20 where Mary sees him, thinks he's the gardener but then when he speaks her name she realizes he's the Lord and she clings to him?  It's such a touching story. You may recall, however, what Jesus told her: "Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father..." John 20:17

So why did He tell Mary He needed to ascend before he could be touched, and then return later that day to have a meal with the disciples?  Besides didn't Jesus stay on earth for another 40 days before he ascended to heaven?  This always confused me until I read the following passage

"When He ascended up on high He led captive a host of captives, and He received (and gave) gifts to and for mankind. Now this expression, that He ascended, means that He first descended into the lower parts of the earth. He who descended is the One who also ascended far above all..." Ephesians 4:8-9

Paul tells us very clearly here that Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth.  What lower parts, you might ask?

Often in Scripture hell is described as a place in the nether or lower parts of the earth. A person descends into hell and ascends into heaven. Yet before Jesus paid the price so the righteous could go to heaven, there was a place deep in the earth called Paradise.  This is clearly portrayed in the story Jesus tells in Luke 16 of the two men who died, the beggar Lazareth and the rich man. One went to hell, the other paradise. Both compartments were so close that they could speak to each other over the
wide gulf between them.  (Notice that Abraham was there in Paradise)

Once we understand this, we realize that Jesus went down into Paradise... but to do what?

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison,  1 Peter 3:19

To preach or the word more closely means to announce!  Jesus went to Paradise to announce that he'd paid for all their sins. They were finally free! (Those in Paradise, that is, not in hell. )
So my guess is that Jesus had just finished that task when he ran into Mary.  There was something else he needed to do before he could see everyone and be touched, and that was lead captive a host of captives.. in other words, he then led all the saints in Paradise straight to heaven. Which is why he told Mary he had not yet ascended. 

But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation  Hebrews 9:11

Part of the function of High Priest is to enter the Holy of Holies and offer your sacrifice for the sins of the people. After Jesus's resurrection, he entered into heaven to present His sacrifice to the Father, that the Judge could declare the sin of the world paid. 

Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; Hebrews 9:23-24

Then that evening He went down to appear to the disciples, as He did off and on over the next 40 days until His final ascension. Paradise has been moved to heaven, leaving only Hell in the lower parts of the earth. Fascinating huh?
So when we die in Christ, we go straight to heaven.. 

But what parts of us go to heaven? What will our bodies be like?  Are we all part of some global loving consciousness? Do we all have wings? What do we look like?   

Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:23  Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

We are made up of 3 parts operating in a trinity, just like God is made of a trinity. It is only our body that dies, but our soul (mind, will, emotions) and spirit are eternal. That's the part of us that
goes to heaven. We know that we will look like ourselves, though perhaps slightly different because of the many examples in Scripture where people saw the spirits of those that had gone to heaven. For example, in the old Testament King Saul spoke to Samuel the prophet who had been long gone.  In the New Testament, Peter James and John saw Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah, and they recognized them!  And lastly, although Mary didn't first recognize Jesus in the garden, she did after he spoke. So, it's obvious we are going to be us, individuals, and completely recognizable.

Of course this is all before we get our final glorified body at the 2nd coming of Jesus.. if you want to read what that body will be like click here:  Glorified Bodies

Anyway, no real lesson in all this except to show how wonderful God is and how He made provision for those saints who died before Jesus, and how the millisecond we die, we will be escorted to Heaven, looking and being our unique selves . It's all so incredibly wonderful!! 


Friday, August 16, 2013

Introducing Amber Stokes's debut novel, Bleeding Heart

First things first, the winner of Last Friday's book, God's Provision in Tough Times is Wilma DeCamp!!!  Congratulations, Wilma and thank you all for leaving such great comments and entering. I just saw that book is only 99 cents on Kindle.. You can't beat that!

Today, I have a special treat for you!!  I'm introducing a new author. She's been a reader of my books for years and she recently completed her first novel and got it published!!!.   I haven't read the entire book yet, but I was able to read the first several chapters, and I'm telling you, this girl can write! Not only that, but this story is not your typical Historical Romance.  This is a deep, meaningful, heartfelt and sometimes heartbreaking tale. There's no fluff in this story. It will capture your heart. It will cause you to think. It will stay with you for a long time.  So without further ado, here's Bleeding Heart by Amber Stokes!

Summer 1886

Sally Clay’s livelihood has been snatched away, but in its place arises an opportunity to escape from her sordid past and an unrelenting, unwanted suitor. Boarding a train with a heartsick rancher and an enigmatic miner, she leaves Virginia City behind and heads to Northern California, waiting for the chance to make right what went wrong three long years before.

But the road to revenge is far from smooth. Sally soon learns that the jagged pieces of a broken heart can far too easily wound the hearts of others – and hers isn’t the only heart that’s broken. Tragedy and fear dog her steps as she flees from the redwood forests to the high desert and back again. Will her bleeding heart ever find a way and a place to heal?

A desperate soiled dove. Three men who come to care for her. One man determined to claim her.

All on a journey that will show them what true love really involves.
Five bleeding hearts. One profound journey.

Here are some reviews:
"From first word to last, the characters, the story, the premise of Amber Stokes’s debut novel captivated and intrigued me. This was no simple romance. Bleeding Heart speaks to anyone who has ever loved and lost."
~ Elizabeth Ludwig, Author of No Safe Harbor

"A tender, heartfelt story with a maturity and emotional intensity well beyond that of a debut novel, sure to please readers and reviewers alike!"
~ Laura Frantz, Author of Love's Reckoning

"If you're looking for a fresh, original historical novel to sink your mind into, go for Bleeding Heart. If you're looking for a book that will make you think and ponder and cry and stare at your ceiling and think some more, get your hands on Bleeding Heart..." (Full review on Goodreads)
~ Rebeka B., The Other World 

This book is only available in E-book form.  However it's only $2.99 on Kindle   Seriously, where can you get such a great book for that price?  

Check out the Bleeding Heart Pinterest Board
And Amber's Bleeding Heart Blog  for more information

Please leave a note of encouragement for Amber if you are so inclined!!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

“I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, In paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them And rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do, And I will not leave them undone.”  Isaiah 42:16


Monday, August 12, 2013

Do you have Mortality Syndrome?

The Bible says we are seated in the heavenlies with Christ, that we have the mind of Christ and the Spirit of the Living God inside us.  If you're like me, honestly some days I just don't feel very
heavenly!!  Let's face it, when problems abound and the world is falling apart around you, it's hard to keep your head in the clouds!  But that's just what God wants us to do. You see, we are already living in eternity. I know I've said this here before but it's worth repeating until we get it. We don't enter eternity when we die. We are already there.. at least our spirits and souls are. It's this clay body that is keeping us pinned to time and space.  Yet is is precisely this time and space which has the overpowering ability due to it's pull on our bodily senses to lure and keep our focus on the temporal things of this earth instead of the eternal. I call this Mortality Syndrome.

We get caught up in jobs, families, hobbies, our ambitions, our wealth, our relationships, our looks, none of them bad in themselves, but all of them capable of keeping us grounded to a world that is passing away.  The cure for this Mortality Syndrome is what the Bible calls "Walking in the Spirit"

Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another  Galatians 5:25

In other words, the only cure for the mortality syndrome is constant contact with our eternal Father in Heaven. Since His Spirit lives within us we have 24-7 access to Almighty God, for help, advice, counsel, comfort and just plain enjoyment! (Don't forget to enjoy God! He loves it when we have fun with Him!)   If we keep our mind on Him and our focus on Him and our conversation with Him, our spirits are somehow lifted above this world, unable to be touched by the trouble around us. 
For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, Romans 8:6

Let me give you an example.   Three women try out for a Hollywood movie. It's going to be a blockbuster with a number of top stars, so the opportunity to play a major part is the chance of a lifetime. All three women are Christians. All three women are accomplished actresses who've worked
hard for this chance all their lives.  All three just found out they weren't selected.

Woman 1: Stamps out of the movie studio, her chin high, her fist in the air. She can't believe she's been rejected. She's furious and indignant because she believes she's the best actor for the job. How could they turn her down? How could God allow this to happen??  Her anger transfers to God. Isn't He supposed to be on her side? Doesn't He want her to succeed? Doesn't the Bible say that she will be prosperous and successful and have her prayers answered?? 

Woman 2:  Skulks out of the studio, head low, tears flowing down her cheeks. They probably made the right decision. She's not talented enough for this movie. Who did she think she was? How embarrassing that she even tried. She probably made a fool out of herself. She apologizes to God for thinking too highly of herself.  No doubt His promises were made for more worthy followers. Not her. 

Woman 3: Leaves the studio with a smile on her face. She stops, brushes dust from her skirt as if she were brushing away the rejection. Instead of being angry or depressed, she glances into the sky and thanks God that His will was done. Though she doesn't understand it, she knows that He has something even better for her. Maybe not acting, maybe not what she has in mind, but she knows He loves her and has a plan for her life. Besides all she really wants to do is glorify Him and help others to come to know Him. How He helps her achieve that is up to Him. 

I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot of people behave like woman 1 and 2.  How about you? I've behaved that way on many an occasion. You may say, But what's wrong with being a little angry or sad at not getting something you've worked hard for? NOTHING.  It's human.  But it's the perfect example of Mortality Syndrome.

Woman 1 was focused completely on herself, on her success, her achievements, her fame in this world. Life is all about her, and God was only there to make her dreams come true. 

Woman 2 was also focused completely on herself, but in a different way. She had no confidence, no strength of character, and at first glance she seemed very humble. But her attention was once again all on herself and on this world. She didn't blame God, but neither did she trust Him to do much of anything for her. 

Woman 3 was impervious to disappointments and trouble. When bad things happened, she shrugged them off like so much garbage. Her success, money, position, beauty.. none of those mattered to her. Her mind and spirit are in the heavenlies with Christ. She looks at life through completely different eyes.. the eyes of God. She sees the bigger picture and realizes her place within it.  Life is not about her. Life is about God and His plan. And she knows she has a great role in that plan. 

See the difference?  How boring and depressing it is to have Mortality Syndrome, to only be focused on the here and now and on our measly 80  or so years here on earth.  Why not slip into the heavenlies and take part in the most exciting adventure ever!!  God invites you daily to partner with Him in His great plan for the ages and all eternity.  Talk about fun!!

So, unlike what your school teacher might have told you when you were young.. Don't get your head out of the clouds, get your head in the clouds!!  It's a great view from up there!



Friday, August 9, 2013

God's Provision in Tough Times! GIVEAWAY!!

Instead of my Friday Musings, I thought I'd bring your attention to this incredible book that will surely comfort, bless, and encourage you! And who doesn't need that these days!!!

Are you in the midst of tough times? Perhaps you're unemployed, underemployed, or having financial difficulties that leave you feeling hopeless and helpless. Do you question whether God is aware of your circumstances? Are you wondering if there is a way out of your situation?

You will find encouragement and hope as you read each story. Like you, many of these writers have lost their income, savings, homes, and health insurance. Some have found themselves on public assistance while others faced homelessness. Their faith and trust in God was refined and strengthened as He provided a successful path through their tough times.

Each writer's personal story demonstrates the power of God who knows exactly what you are going through and who promises to care for those who put their faith and trust in Him.

God's Provision in Tough Times includes personal accounts by guest writers Alycia W. Morales, Beth K. Fortune, Carrie Fancett Pagels, Cecil Stokes, Dan Walsh, Deborah Raney, Dee Dee Parker, Eddie Jones, Eva Marie Everson, Felicia Bowen Bridges, James L. Rubart, Ramona Richards, Roger E. Bruner, Tamara D. Fickas, and Torry Martin.
Cynthia Howerter and La-Tan Roland Murphy have both experienced God's provision in tough times. Along with 15 guest writers, they candidly share their own personal stories of unemployment and financial despair.

 Endorsements and Review for God's Provision in Tough Times!

Laine Lawson Craft Endorsement:
Everyone has a story.  A story is universal.  If you live in the United States, Africa, or anywhere else in the world, when faced with a personal tragedy or challenge, human hearts break the same.  God can make all the difference in how we overcome such trials, and He can heal our hearts and hurts.  Read these amazing stories of how life brought on some tough trials but faith in God gave way to victory.  God’s Provision in Tough Times will certainly give you the courage and confidence that God will help you too!
Laine Lawson Craft,  Founder of WHOAwomen ,  Publisher of WHOA Magazine for Women, and national television talk-show host of the WHOA Show

“I feel honored to be a part of this powerful and encouraging book written by Cynthia Howerter and La-Tan Roland Murphy.” –Torry Martin, comedian, actor, and writer

LAURA FRANTZ:  The title of this book couldn't be more fitting - this collection delivers 25 riveting, highly personal accounts of how God works extraordinarily in the lives of ordinary, needy people. Both faith building and encouraging, God's Provision in Tough Times is nearly impossible to put down and leaves you changed, challenged, and inspired in new ways.

MaryLu here:  I asked Cynthia Howerter what the story was behind the book: how it got started and how it formed.

While at a writer’s conference, I spoke with a publisher about my family’s unemployment experiences.  The publisher, Eddie Jones of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, asked me to prayerfully consider writing an unemployment anthology.  Another writer overheard our conversation and said that God told her to tell me that the anthology’s name and topic was to be “God’s Provision.”  I didn’t want to write an anthology because I was working on an historical fiction novel, but shortly after the conference, the Lord told me to put the novel aside and start the anthology.  I asked God for a co-author and I heard Him speak La-Tan Roland Murphy’s name.  Together, La-Tan and I asked God to tell us who the contributing writers should be and we heard the names of the 15 writers whose true stories about the darkest times of their lives appear in God’s Provision in Tough Times. 
The book contains 25 candidly written stories about the ways in which God provided for each writer during their unemployment and financial difficulties.  Readers who have never experienced unemployment tell us that the stories made them realize that if God can help the writers through horrendous hardships, He can and will help them, too.  Right from the start, La-Tan and I prayed that God would use this book to help people who are struggling with problems and that He would be glorified.
Our 15 contributing writers are:  James L. Rubart, Eva Marie Everson, Dan Walsh, Ramona Richards, Deborah Raney, Carrie Fancett Pagels, Cecil Stokes, Torry Martin, Felicia Bowen Bridges, Tamara D. Fickas, Beth K. Fortune, Dee Dee Parker, Roger E. Bruner, and Eddie Jones.

God’s Provision in Tough Times has been #1 and #2 in two Kindle categories on  It’s also available in paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book stores.

If you'd like to win a copy, please leave a comment with your email address. But if you don't want to wait, I suggest you head on over to the links above and order this book immediately!! 

Entrants must be from US or Canada only. 
