Monday, June 12, 2017

Didn't have a father, or had a bad one? Guess what, you have the best Father ever!

Hi everyone!  I know I often post about end times and God's judgement, which is my passion and calling from God. Lord knows, we have enough people preaching about the love and grace of God (Both great things!)  However, today I'm going to post something personal from my own life that I hope will bless and strengthen you.

You see, I never had an earthly father. He left my mother when I was very young, and for reasons I won't mention here, he stayed away most of my life. I was a very shy and insecure child, party genetic, I'm sure, and partly just environment. Not having a loving and encouraging father figure impacted me greatly, though I didn't know it at the time. Though a mother's role is vitally important, I believe a father's role is even more so in the lives of both boys and girls.

Due to my lack of a father and my intense insecurity, I spent many years searching for what I now know was the unconditional love and adoration of a father. In all the wrong places, as the song goes. I was repeated hurt, rejected, and used. I ended up bitter, angry, and defiant in allowing anyone to get close enough to hurt me again.

Then came Jesus, and my life changed dramatically. Not overnight, of course, but through the years as I walked with Him and grew to love Him. Yet, I still carried around that nagging insecurity and sense of worthlessness from my youth. I knew in my head that God loved me, but I couldn't accept in my heart that he really did. I mean, if my own father didn't, why would God?

I have walked with God now for 23 years. And I can honestly say, that only recently have I begun to understand and accept and believe that He is my Father and that He has always been my Father, and that He adores me as His very special princess, and that He has always adored me.  What changed? And why did it take so long? I have no idea, except that I have spent years reading His Word, years talking with Him, years asking Him to show me His love. And He has shown me His love in so many ways, but it never really sank in until recently. I mean, really sank in.

God began to show me scenes from my past when I was misbehaving badly and putting myself in danger...things I had forgotten. And He told He was there all along...through every scraped knee, every broken heart, every accomplishment, every sin, every stupid thing I did, every tear I shed. I didn't know it at the time, but He was there.

He loves me. He is my Father. And He has always been with me. He planted me in my mother's womb, watched over me while I grew, took care of me when I was a baby, smiled and laughed with me when I was a child, celebrated with me on my accomplishments, protected me when I did stupid things as a teenager, cried when I turned away from Him and rebelled, sought after me when I was lost, and pulled me out of the mud and washed me off when I sunk so low I wanted to die.

Like any good Father... no, I take that back. God is not like any good father. He is the best Father, the perfect Father, and like the perfect Father, He loves, hopes, encourages, instructs, disciplines, forgives, loves, and saves.  He is my Abba, my Daddy.

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.  Romans 8:15-16

So, if you had a bad father or an absent father, turn to the living God. He wants to show you how He's been your Father all along. 

My earthly father is still alive somewhere, and he still wants nothing to do with me or his grandkids. Yet, I forgive him. I pray for him. He's just a lost soul to me now.  His rejection means nothing because he's not my father. I have a Father who adores me beyond measure, and who someday soon, I will see face to face!


  1. Dear MaryLu,
    This was like reading something I would have written. My Dad died when I was 11 years old. I looked for my Dad always. I like you --looked and did wrong things and I am so thankful that I found my Heavenly Father. Like you said -He loves us and He is always with us and He will never leave us.
    I feel as if you and I walked the same path through life. But thank God that He loved us both💕💕💕

    1. Yes, Elsie...we are definitely kindred spirits! Sisters, for sure... right? Though it pains me to think that anyone else traveled down the road I took, I'm so thrilled to have your understanding, but mostly thrilled that you found your Father as I did. <3 <3 !

  2. My father was what would be considered a good father for many years, but recently I have found out he is not who he proclaimed to be. He cheated both mentally and physically throughout his whole 37 years with my mom. This is just what I have needed to hear. It brings to mind the worship song "Good good father" by Chris Tomlin. I only can keep praying that I can come to fully realize I don't need a good earthly father when I have the best father of all.

    1. Melanie, I'm so sorry. :-( That kind of betrayal is certainly much harder to deal with than not having a father at all. The truth is, human beings will always let us down in one way or another. God is the only one who will never disappoint. I'm praying for you and your Mom.

  3. MaryLu, with tears in my eyes - all I can say is Amen after reading your beautiful post!! Thanks for blessing us with your testimony, I know God will use it to draw those with similar backgrounds to a closer relationship with Himself. As you know, you and I have numerous similar situations from our pasts - like you, I'm so blessed to have a close relationship with the perfect Father!!

    Love, hugs and prayers!!

    1. Yes, Bonnie, we are also kindred spirits.. and sisters in Christ! How wonderful to see how you have come out on the other end of your struggles and heartaches to be such a wonderful woman of God! His Father's love heals all wounds. :-)

  4. Marylu, that was so touching! Even though I didn't share your childhood experience, my heart goes out to you for everything you had to go through and I praise the Lord that He softened your heart to make Himself known and loved by you and showed you how you are His priceless princess.:) Thank you so much for sharing this. I really look up to you.:)

    1. Bless you, Rose. Thank you for your comment and encouragement :-)

  5. I needed this, dearest MaryLu. I am so sorry you have had this experience. My father is still married to my mom, but he was not a good one. My poor hubby has dealt with the aftermath of me growing up like that.(and he is amazing for it!) Needless to say I still hold a bitter heart towards my dad. But, I am getting closer each day to forgiving and moving on. It certainly is a process!! Thankfully I DO know it is wrong for me and I know I need to change. This has helped to read it and calmly realize the truth. Thank you!!!

    1. I'm so glad my story helped you, Susan. :-) Yes, forgiveness can be a process... remember it is really just a decision, not a feeling. Blessings!
