Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Rapture in the Stars!

 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Genesis 1:14

God put all the stars and heavenly bodies in the sky for our use, the Scripture says. Of course, Satan perverted it with astrology and gods. Why? So we wouldn't study it, thinking we were disobeying God. The truth is, God put the entire Gospel in the Stars we see every night. 

There are 12 Constellations, each with 3 decans (smaller constellations within them). If you're interested in seeing how they display the Gospel story, this is a great article. And I highly recommend the book Witness in the Stars by E.W. Bullinger. I'm only going to focus on two of the constellations here in this post. Why?  

Because we are about to enter these constellations! The first one is: 

Pisces - The Redeemed Blessed Though Bound, Deliverance Out of Bondage. deliverance out of bondage, Messiah the Liberator.

Pisces contains that point in the sky occupied by the Sun during Vernal Equinox, the day on which the hours of daylight and night are equal, which falls about March 21. So Pisces claims the number one position of importance among the twelve constellations.

Pisces represents the fishes, the blessings of salvation delayed.
The three decans of Pisces: (Decans are smaller constellations within the major one)
  • The Band represents a cord, the Redeemed bound.
  • Andromeda represents the chained woman, the redeemed in bondage and affliction
  • Cepheus represents the crowned King, the deliverer coming to rule.

The Two Fish in Pisces represent believers. 

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I shall make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

And He said to them, “Throw the net on the right side of the boat, and you shall find.” So they threw, and they were no longer able to draw it in because of the large number of fish. John 21:6

Hebrew name: Dagim, the fishes

The fish are depic­ted as joined by a band at the tail; one fish is facing the North Star, and the other swims against the path of the sun.

When we entered Pisces (February 19), we are now at the seventh constellation of this series and halfway done. What is the meaning of the two fish? Some believe it is the Gentiles and the Jews. The Gentile fish is the one facing up toward God. The Jew is the one whose focus is still on the world. Or, alternatively, it could represent the believers who love the Lord with all their heart and the believers who love the world. 

The Band. Pisces is fastened together by a band and is considered a separate constellation. This band is fastened to the neck of Cetus, the sea monster, depicting that our enemy attempts to keep us bound while on Earth. We are indeed bound by our flesh and sin, oppressed by our enemy until the Lord rescues us! 


Andromeda is a woman with chains fastened to her feet and arms, in misery and trouble, bound and helpless. Can you relate? This, I believe depicts the Bride of Christ in need of rescue. And just in time, here comes The Crowned King!

Cepheus, a human figure holding a branch - The Crowned King

Here is the Glorious King, crowned and enthroned in the highest heavens with a scepter in his hand and his foot planted on the Polar. His Greek name Cepheus means the branch and is called by Euripides, the king.

Without a doubt, this is Jesus who comes to the rescue! 

And it was so, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favour in his sight: and the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre  Esther 5:2

We will be in Pisces from February 19th - March 20th. Within these dates is the Feast of Purim, celebrated on the Jewish Month of Adar, the 13th day. (March 13-14) Could this be the month of our deliverance? Let's see what happens next in the story. 

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them Esther 9:1

The next constellation after Pisces is Aries which will happen from March 21st-April 19. 

Aries - The Crowned Lamb and His Bride. Aries represents glory out of humiliation, Messiah the Crowned Lamb. Aries represents the Lamb, deliverance realized!

The three decans of Aries:
  • Cassiopeia represents the enthroned woman, freed and preparing for her marriage to her Deliverer.
  • Cetus represents the sea monster, the great enemy subdued and bound.
  • Perseus represents the breaker, the mighty Deliverer.
saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb having been slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and respect and esteem and blessing! Revelation 5:12

First DecanCassiopeia – the enthroned woman, the beautiful
The true church, the woman glorified, holding a branch in one hand and adorning herself with the other. Preparing herself for a coming public ceremony. Delivered from evil.

The ruling sceptre is being offered to Cassiopeia from the king on her right. Her beauty was lauded by the Greeks. She is indeed the spotless bride of the Lamb.

Second DecanCetus – Leviathan (sea monster), bound serpent

This is the dragon, the serpent, the devil, Satan. Our great enemy bound.

Third DecanPerseus – the armed man. Perseus (Greek) “the breaker”
He holds the head of the serpent. He holds a sword in his right hand.
He who upholds the fishes and subdues the enemy.

So, you can clearly see that as we enter Aries, the bride has been freed and is preparing for a wedding and given a scepter to rule. We also see that Jesus has defeated the serpent. So, it would seem that the "deliverance" should occur in Pisces. 

Am I saying the rapture will occur before or on March 20? NO.  But I think there's a pretty darn good chance. I've always believed that the Scripture clearly portrays a Spring rapture. Not to mention I also believe the Bride is part of the Barley harvest of which the first fruits normally appear before Nisan 1 (The Jewish new year). Nisan 1 falls anywhere from March 19-March 30th of this year. 

Yes, we know these constellations pass overhead every year, so why do I think this could be the year? Have you been watching the news? Have you been reading my Friday posts? ALL the signs foretold in Scripture about the end are here... and honestly past here. I'm actually surprised we haven't left yet. I still believe 2025 will be the start of the Tribulation.  The Essenes also believed that. So do the Satanists in charge of this world because we see it in their writings. And God's Word is also corroborating IF we are correct in our interpretations about the 6000 years of mankind.  

I'm truly AMAZED at the signs and proofs.  And now we have these amazing constellations passing overhead right as we switch from winter to spring, enter a new Hebrew year, and come upon the Barley harvest!

I know times are tough. Stay close to Jesus. Hang out with Him. You'll feel His peace and love permeate you and steal away all your frustration and fear. 

Soon, we will all be home! 


Friday, February 21, 2025

They Willingly Race Into Their Digital Prison!

Saints, this is an important post because I truly believe we don't have much time left. I encourage you to click over to my blog now (I get no money for this. I run no ads on my blog)  because there are some short videos you need to see. The bulk of my post today is how fast they are accelerating toward a  universal implantable Digital IDs, which includes vaccines, health history, monetary transactions, and much more nefarious things.  WHICH all lead to the Mark of the Beast described in Revelation 13., 

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 16-17

I need to expose what Trump, Musk, and JD Vance are up to and who they are partnering with AND I want to expose this DOGE deception that has so many Conservatives and Christians bamboozled.  Keep informed about what's going on. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Know what's happening but don't be in fear. Warn others and stay under Jesus's mighty wings because we will NOT be here when all this goes down. 

First please watch this short video Below from Hollywood Film producer Aaron Russo who died 3 days after doing this interview. He exposed 17 years ago their plan to chip everyone before even the Microsoft patent  WO2020060606A1 existed. The patent shows this cryptocurrency could be sent and received wirelessly to a chip inside your body. The COVID vaccine have nanochips. Here's PC Mag Saying that a Tracking Device Would Be Inside Body🔗 Trump is pushing the cryptocurrency for this very reason and as we know, he bragged about being the ‘Father of the vaccines.’  Here's the video Below:

Before we get started, if you don't have time or the will to continue reading this (sorry for the length) post, This video below in French with English subtitles tells you everything you need to know and is a good summary of what is in this post. It's not long.. 4 minutes. But well worth your time. Again, if you don't see it here, click to my blog where you can view it.

Let's get started....

The Digital ID

The Real IDs are being fast tracked through the states. This may seem like an ordinary driver's license, but it is much more than that. Because you have to provide tons of documentation on yourself in order to get one, along with a photo, they are gathering all that info to use in their massive data centers, and the picture they take of you for facial recognition.  We had to get them here in CA in order to be able to drive or fly, and I can tell you, I had to provide tons of documentation in order to get one.

Massive Stargate Data Centers are currently being built (Some already exist) that will hold all this information and with AI monitor and track everyone and everything on the planet.  One of these supercomputers is an AI computer, the fastest system on the planet, owned and operated by Elon Musk. It sits in Memphis, Tennesse and was built within 8 months. It is said to be a monumental leap forward toward AI infrastructure and capabilities. 

This is fallen angel Technology that has been slowly and methodically integrated into our own limited human tech for years. The Beast System is almost in full implementation now. This is all esoteric and occultic knowledge that has given life to this abominable technology and it has now become sentient, meaning it is very much self aware.

 Years ago Musk stated that with Ai "we are summoning the demon" & that is precisely what they have done. Then recently he stated that they are creating a digital "god"

First Tesla's Neuralink arrived,  a BCI/ Brain computer interface the size of a coin with thousands of electrodes that are woven into the cerebral cortex of the brain. From there, it records the brain's activity and then sends it to whatever device you are connected to. Meaning, a person could control said device with merely a thought. It is Ai driven and will merge man with machine, giving them "superhuman capabilities and  making them no longer in The Image of The Most High. They want complete BioDigital Convergence, which is the Iron mixed with Clay in Daniel 2. 

Add in the unveiling of Tesla's Optimus Bots along with various Ai vehicles as well. Optimus are billed as bipedal humanoid robots that can perform repetitive, dangerous or dull tasks so humans can focus on other activities. Optimus is 5'8 & 125 pounds, and these Bots are powered by Tesla's Full Self Driving technology for navigation & decision making. By 2027 there will be 1,000,000 Optimus Bots manufactured, all AI driven. Are they building an army? One to enforce the laws of the Beast Empire? 

This week, Musk unveiled & launched his new Grok3 on X which an Ai chatbot which is 10times faster than its predecessor and has unfathomable reasoning capabilities, computational power and adaptability. Musk himself stated that Grok3 is "scary smart". In addition, add in Project StarGate and the Ai MRnA and you have the ingredients that make up the Beast empire. Remember Musk himself loves to tout the phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum or a new order of the age. That age is NOW here! How many red flags do we need for people to awaken from their slumber???

Elon Musk has publicly stated several times that AI will be the new DIGITAL GOD. He has also said that we need to BECOME ONE with it and it will be “worthwhile even if we get annihilated by it.”

AI will be the eyes and ears for their digital surveillance utopia and anyone that goes against their agenda will be dealt with swiftly. 

Saints, we are there. They are building and have almost completely built the Anti-Christ Beast System right before our eyes. 

Here's an interesting fact: RFK Jr.’s First Act as Secretary of HHS was to Fire FDA Staff Reviewing Musk’s Neuralink Medical Device. Hmm 

Part of this Digital Grid is the Mark of the Beast

Remember Trump is FOR the mRNA vaccine 

mRNA bird flu vaccines for Humans in the final states after receiving a HALF A BILLION from the US Government (TRUMP) 

Bill Gates says he got President Trump enthused about a gene edit for an HIV cure. Gates says he will be reaching out to meet with Robert Kennedy Jr. and President Trump later this month.
See video below. 

DARPA & Gates foundation confirmed they helped develop nanochip for vaccines

“Instead of getting invasive neural implants needled into your brain, doctors may someday be able to flood your head with millions of nanoparticles that can read your neural signals from inside and relay them to a nearby computer.

And this is where it is all leading

A Microneedle Vaccine Printer for Thermostable COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

 Ivanka Trump Admits In Tweet That The Trump Admin. Already Partnered With Moderna To Produce MRNA Vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed

And finally, Bringing in the MOB to a town near you! JD Vance, Peter Thiel and Palantir - 

Who is Peter Thiel and a what is Palantir!? 

Palantir is the scariest of American tech giants. It is a CIA funded company used for mass surveillance that labels Americans for their online activity as subversents to the US. 

Palantir have been the contractor of choice for both Republican and Democratic parties a.k.a. the “uni-party” that targets both left and right.
It is a database of Americans that can be deemed unfriendly by the government that can be incarcerated at a time of national crisis. Palantir software determines if you are on that list or not and is a data mining firm for the NSA to profile Americans. 

Palantir was used by the Trump administration for COVID-19 and Operation Warp Speed to harvest health data to determine which priority population was going to get the vaccines and how many. 

MagaTrump supporters going to rally’s, don’t realize in the back end, the money that has been flowing in has been monitoring them, surveilling them,  and labeling them as “subversive” to the US. 

Trump has called for “biometric US entry exit system” to scan faces. He also wants a digital ID instead of a physical ID to vote. This is all also part of the sustainable goals and is in the Agenda 30 plans. 

The DOGE Deception

From all accounts it does "appear" that Musks's DOGE is cleaning house in Washington. He has discovered incredible waste of taxpayers' money with brides, kickbacks and deep corruption. Or has he? Do you wonder if all this waste he reports is even true? People receiving SS checks at 140? I know our government is not efficient, but I just wonder. The Trumpers are cheering. But listen. Why is he doing this? We already know who this guy is and who he worships. This is the guy wearing a Satanic Baphomet Halloween costume with an upside down cross who names his son X and wants to put a chip in your brain. 

Here's a thought. What if all this is gaslighting? What if he is listing all this incredible, mind-blowing waste (true or not) so that people will beg to have everything replaced by computers and specifically AI?  Think about all the plane crashes lately. Why? They want people to agree to put AI in charge of everything!  It would be so efficient! No more human error, and it is so fast. Think of how wonderful our country will be!!  Really? Here's another thought. If you are going to build an entirely NEW Government and way of governing (Digital through AI), wouldn't the best way to go about it be to dismantle the current one? Just saying...

It looks like the DOGE takeover of Treasury systems, the firing of civil servants, and the ending of congressional control of money is setting up the infrastructure to start a social credit system as well, using federal payments. “Hate crime” accusations and entrapments are designed to assist here.

They are playing us! It's all a ploy, a deception in order to get the American people to agree to a "new" way of doing things, a new type of government. They assaulted the American people the past 4 years with all sorts of evil and ridiculous atrocities such as 70-plus genders, transgendering kids, late-term abortions, money laundered to NGOs, and destruction of women’s sports, to name but a handful. Yet while Trump signs all his Executive orders and does a host of other things to cancel all these things, conservatives and most Americans cheer, but are completely obviously to the shredding of the Constitution and that this is a coup! DOGE’s access to and use of Treasury’s payment systems, and other actions underway, are massive violations of the Constitution and laws.

DOGE backwards is E-god. Coincidence?  I don't think so. Their obsession with Rome, which I spoke about in another post, is leading to the revival of the Roman Empire with its Golden Age and its heathen gods, which they worship. This new revived Roman Empire will be a digital one that tracks everything you do and say. 

President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order declaring that only the attorney general or the president, instead of federal regulators or bureaucrats, can speak for the U.S. when interpreting the meaning of laws carried out by the executive branch. All checks and balances are being thrown out the window! See video below

They are setting up the Beast system before our eyes. 

Sorry to say, the world we once knew no longer exists. We are in the beginning stages of installing a complete Ai infrastructure & governance being put into place piece by piece & bit by bot.  This is the critical infrastructure of the tyrannical totalitarian surveillance state Ai driven biometric digital dystopian one world system of the beast. 

Welcome to the End. Welcome to the Tribulation. We now are no longer at the precipice of a very dangerous world, we are watching it set up right before our eyes.  They have planned all of this for a very long time, and many of their writings state that 2025 is the year this will be implemented.  They want everyone's data & DNA plugged into Ai data centers, so your life can be monitored, analyzed & controlled by artificial intelligence ensuring everyone is on their "best behavior", controlling every aspect of every human alive.

This is exactly what the Bible describes as the Tribulation!  It's hard to watch. But what's more difficult is watching Bible-believing Christians fall into this trap, be so deceived and so in the dark that they can't see two feet in front of them. 

Meanwhile  Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission”  huh?

Then this happened: Posted by the White House X account, Trump declares himself KING: “NEW YORK is SAVED, LONG LIVE THE KING”

Now look at the cover below from the Economist Magazine in 2017
Tell me this is not ALL planned!

Next week I hope to expound on what the coming Noahide laws and their implications for us 

Be Encouraged, Saints!!  If we are seeing this digital prison set up right now, how close are we to going home?  Pretty darn close. I remember thinking back in 2017 with the Revelation 12 sign that we were there right at the rapture. But as I look back, none of this was happening. None of the wars, the plagues, the trouble surrounding Israel, the extreme immorality, the majority of the church apostate, nor AI, robots, or even talk about implanting chips in people! This is nuts!  

We are entering the time of spring harvest in Israel, which I've spoken about before. We are entering the star constellations that speak of the harvest of fish and freedom for the chained woman. I will do my best to discuss these things perhaps on Monday. I still believe that the Bride is the Barley First fruits, which happens at or near the Jewish new year. I'm also learning a lot about the Enochian or Dead Sea Scroll calendar which they say is the calendar God gave the Hebrews long ago. The next 2 months are pivotal. I also believe the book of Esther holds some important keys. More on that later. 

I seemed to have caused a stir with my Monday post on How to Make the Rapture. I knew I would. So many Christians think they can walk in disobedient complacency and expect Jesus to come and sweep them off their feet. Anyway, the Lord wanted me to get the truth out there. It may have caused anger or unsubs on Facebook, but they heard the truth. 

Also, I've been seeing glitches here on my blog. I had a You Tube video removed and I know several pastors who are seeing their videos removed. So, I'm not sure how much longer this blog will be available. If you don't hear from me here, try my Telegram channel

In light of all this, what should we do? There's nothing we can do to stop it. God's Word will come to pass. But while we and the Restrainer are here restraining the evil, our prayers and presence are very powerful. Never forget who you are in Jesus! Walk in Holiness with your God, stay in constant prayer, read the Word and don't forget your armor. Be found doing God's work when Jesus calls your name to "Come up here!" 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

He Redeemed My Life from Destruction!


Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Psalm 103:1-5

Monday, February 17, 2025

How to Make It In the Rapture!


Watchwoman warning. I was going to post about the alignment of stars, but the Lord led me to write this warning.  Time is Short. Here are 5 Conditions from Scripture you need to meet in order to leave in the Rapture. And yes, there are conditions. Don't click away. Read the Scripture for yourself!  I will make the assumption right off that I'm speaking to people who already believe in Jesus and have made a confession of faith in Him. If that isn't the case, Click here to find out how to be saved. 

1. Be Found Worthy

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36

Worthy? I thought everyone who believes in Jesus is worthy. Then why did Jesus even issue this warning? When He says to watch and pray, He's talking to His disciples, to believers, not unbelievers. So, how can you be counted worthy? The verse tells you. Don't be partying in drunken revelry, don't be worldly minded with your thoughts and focus on the things of this world, and don't be caught unaware of the closeness of Jesus's return. 

2. Keep the Word of Jesus. 

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown 
Revelation 3:10-11

The phrase "kept My command to persevere" does not just mean you hung in there like we think of today. It means as you can see from other more accurate translations like this one from the King James

 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

It means to keep His Word with patience. In other words, you have not turned away from God, have not gone astray, have not disobeyed His Words. Also, Jesus says to hold fast so no one takes your crown, which would imply your crown can be taken!

3. Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus

Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23

You can know about Jesus. You can believe in your mind that He is the Son of God. You can even do miracles in His name. But that doesn't mean you KNOW Him.  The Word Iniquity in the Greek means "Unrighteousness, Transgressing the Law." So, these people who apparently "believed" in Jesus, were still not truly saved.

4. Do not deny Him in Word or Deed!

This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him. If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.  If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:11-13

Wait. it says even if we are faithless, He has to be faithful. Doesn't that mean that as long as we believe in Him, even if we continue in sin and aren't faithful to follow Him, that He HAS to be faithful? 

Let's allow the Bible to interpret the Bible

They profess to know God [to recognize, perceive, and be acquainted with Him], but deny and disown and renounce Him by what they do; they are detestable and loathsome, unbelieving and disobedient and disloyal and rebellious, and they are unfit and worthless for good work (deed or enterprise) of any kind.  Titus 1:16 Amp Classic

Wait, so our works are important? We may not expressly state that we are rejecting Jesus or denying Him. We may even profess to believe in Him and trust Him for our salvation, but we CAN REJECT Him by what we DO! Whoa.  Like I've said before, we can never achieve salvation by our works. It is all by the Grace of God, a free gift!  But good works and righteous behavior are then evidence of that salvation taking root in our hearts. 

5. Be Longing for His Return! 

This final condition really sums up all of the prior 4 in one neat package. 

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. As to what remains, henceforth there is laid up for me the victor’s crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that great day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).  2 Timothy 4: 7-8


Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are [eagerly, constantly, and patiently] waiting for and expecting Him! Hebrews 9:28

Yearning for Jesus's return goes hand in hand with people who love Him with all their hearts and truly have a relationship with Him. IF you love Jesus and spend time with Him, then the things of this world become less and less important and your entire focus shifts to Him and His Kingdom. When that happens, you are like a giddy bride or an excited groom, counting the weeks, days, minutes until your wedding!  You can hardly think of anything else. This is the remnant Bride Jesus is coming back for. 

He's not coming back for believers who love this world and the things of this world, who when the rapture is brought up, say they aren't ready to leave. They have plans, things they still want to do. Their focus is on their lives and the things this world has to offer. They even get mad at you when you talk about the rapture! These people will be left behind, along with all those believers who do not walk in righteousness, holiness, and repentance. 

I know many of us have loved ones who will not meet these conditions, and it breaks our hearts. Keep praying while there's still time. Warn them if the Lord leads you to. And know that God understands your pain and fear. Leave great instructions for them and know that God saves Households!  He is faithful and we can trust Him!


Friday, February 14, 2025

The Harvest is Ripe!

Dear Holy and Waiting Remnant of the Most High. 

Another crazy week is passing before our eyes, and with it more fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. My hope for these posts is two-fold. 

1. To warn of the current and coming deception and rise of the Beast Empire

2. To encourage you that we are soon to leave this place. 

Before you begin, please click over to my Blog to see the enclosed videos. There are some important ones to see. 

First the warnings! 

Robert Kennedy Jr. is a fraud. He promises to Make America Healthy Again  and yes, he's done a few things toward that goal, but listen to his testimony at his hearings before the Senate.  Listen carefully to how he wants to INCREASE vaccine Uptake and get citizens to trust the CDC again. Huh?  Yet people love this man and defend him to their death. Please do not be deceived. This man will most likely play a huge role in the next mRNA poison vaccine and quite possibly the mark of the beast.

Trump I know I'm all over Trump these days and I make no apology. My reason is that so many Christians are being completely deceived!  And I hate that my brothers and sisters have been swallowed up in this. Including many pastors!! This is do or die. Life and death. Serious stuff that could lead many to hell. 

Watch the video below where RFK Jr says "We need a man on a white horse and President Trump is that hero."  White horse? Why use that analogy?

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Revelation 6:1-2

Trump is also stopping the minting of pennies.... this is just the first step toward a cashless society.

This is exactly what we would expect to see if we are close to the Tribulation. They want to remove all Cash and install a digital currency worldwide and this is just WHAT WE ARE SEEING!

Watch the short video below. It amazed me how LONG they have been planning this. Check out the symbolism on the BitCoin!! 

Speaking of Money, you've no doubt seen the cash-covered Goat Idol of Trump's ?
Trump Golden hooved Money covered Goat Idol at Mar a Lago  In God We Trust has been replaced with In Trump We Trust. Please watch the video below. You won't believe your eyes. And Christians still think this man is a good guy, even a believer!

I wonder if the bills covering the goat are the same ones I showed you last week on Amazon that had 666 printed on the bottom right corner of the back? Looks like it.  How many more clues does this man have to give you to prove who he really works for? 

I seriously have zero interest anymore in politics. I believe with all my heart that both sides are on the same side and each just enacting a very detailed and premeditated plan in order to bring about the One World Order (AKA Beast Empire) and the Antichrist. However, I do feel led by the Lord to continue to warn people about those in office who I believe have been placed there for this express purpose AND who are deceiving many many conservatives and Christians.  Amazingly, my son, who is an atheist and a liberal told me that Trump is evil. And I actually believe he is 100% correct, though for different reasons. Anyway, I will continue to warn here about the man, regardless of the hate I get in return and the loss of subs or whatever. I could care less. I'm doing the will of my Father, and He is the only one I answer to.

But Trump and Musk are doing such good things! No doubt you heard about the United States Agency for International development (USAID) which for decades has been unaccountable to taxpayers, funneling massive sums of money to pet projects of bureaucrats with next-to-no oversight. 

But don't be fooled by the good things they are doing. Please. Yes, finding and rooting out this corruption is good and they are doing it, among many other seemingly good things, to keep patriots pacified while behind the scenes (as I've proven in prior posts) they are setting up the Beast System right beneath our noses.

Meet your new Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard.  Just one of the club

In case you don't know, the triangle symbol is from Freemasonry. 

Let's chat about Jared Kushner.

Do not trust this man. Did you know he purchased a property on 5th Avenue New York City with the Literal address of "666 Fifth Ave."😳

He is also Jewish and a big proponent of "multi-faith" and building the "3rd Temple" in Jerusalem, as is newly appointed Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth. Kushner is also, supposedly the one who had the idea for the U.S. to purchase Gaza and develop it. Reportedly, he is a powerful influence on President Trump concerning all world affairs, especially how they affect Israel and the Middle East.
I encourage you to watch this 20 minute video about him and Trump and the Temple they plan on building 


You've no doubt heard that Trump has given HAMAS an ultimatum to return ALL the hostages by tomorrow or "All Hell will break loose."  As of this writing, it seems Hamas is willing to start releasing hostages for now, but not ALL, so who knows what will happen?

Now about Gaza.  Trump is saying the USA will take it over and make it a luxury resort. If this happens, it is a clear violation of Scripture and a spit in the face of Almighty God. God is clear that the land He gave to Israel is not to be divided. 

"I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land!" Joel 3:2

They want you dead. Listen to the video below by Pfizer CEO how they want to drastically reduce the population. In their own words. Don't believe me!

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross” - Sinclair Lewis

Fascism is defined as an authoritarian ideology characterized by dictatorial power, ‘nationalism’, suppression of opposition, and the belief in a social hierarchy. But most conservatives do not call this Fascism. They call it Patriotism or MAGA

What's wrong with Patriotism, you might ask? Actually, this is just what the Antichrist needs to grow stronger and stronger in America and elsewhere to lure people into the system BECAUSE they love the man in charge of it. In other words, people trust Trump so much that they would never think he was evil at all and will only believe he has America's best interest, so when he leads them down the road to tyranny, they will be willing follow.

In the guise of Patriotism and Security, people will accept many things they would never accept from the liberal left. They will gladly accept all forms of surveillance and oversight because they trust the one setting it up. 

What better way to trick Republicans into not only aligning themselves with the Beast but also fighting FOR the Beast, than to make the most godless/satanic system the world has ever seen appear as the greatest revival of conservative values the world has ever seen

Now, for the encouragement!  In light of these things, we know the game is about to begin. If you are at a chess tournament and you see both opponents setting up their chess pieces on the game board, then you know the game will start any moment. That's exactly what is happening before our eyes. We are seeing both sides, putting their pieces in a row. Pieces like: Digital currency, War, Famine, Pestilence, Middle East on Fire, 3rd Temple plans, Peace plan, Gog-Magog War, Natural disasters, Violence, Tyranny, Mark of the Beast. Etc. All the things we are told WILL HAPPEN in the Tribulation. 

I'm telling you they are all set up and the game is about to begin. Before that happens, we are snatched out of here in the twinkling of an eye. 

Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.
The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. Joel 3:13-16

The Lord is saying, the Harvest is Ripe. We are that harvest, the first fruits harvest that Jesus takes first to be with Him. Then He shall roar out of Zion!  God does not take likely the dividing of the land of Israel. He will not be silent. 

So, be patient, Saints. Be Holy as He is Holy. Keep your eyes and thoughts on Jesus, and make sure you are ready to go!  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Good Way to Check if You are Living for God

 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. Matthew 10: 34-36

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:19