Wednesday, February 19, 2025
He Redeemed My Life from Destruction!
Monday, February 17, 2025
How to Make It In the Rapture!
Watchwoman warning. I was going to post about the alignment of stars, but the Lord led me to write this warning. Time is Short. Here are 5 Conditions from Scripture you need to meet in order to leave in the Rapture. And yes, there are conditions. Don't click away. Read the Scripture for yourself! I will make the assumption right off that I'm speaking to people who already believe in Jesus and have made a confession of faith in Him. If that isn't the case, Click here to find out how to be saved.
2. Keep the Word of Jesus.
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown
Revelation 3:10-11
The phrase "kept My command to persevere" does not just mean you hung in there like we think of today. It means as you can see from other more accurate translations like this one from the King James
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
It means to keep His Word with patience. In other words, you have not turned away from God, have not gone astray, have not disobeyed His Words. Also, Jesus says to hold fast so no one takes your crown, which would imply your crown can be taken!
3. Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Harvest is Ripe!
Dear Holy and Waiting Remnant of the Most High.
Another crazy week is passing before our eyes, and with it more fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. My hope for these posts is two-fold.
1. To warn of the current and coming deception and rise of the Beast Empire
2. To encourage you that we are soon to leave this place.
Before you begin, please click over to my Blog to see the enclosed videos. There are some important ones to see.
First the warnings!
Robert Kennedy Jr. is a fraud. He promises to Make America Healthy Again and yes, he's done a few things toward that goal, but listen to his testimony at his hearings before the Senate. Listen carefully to how he wants to INCREASE vaccine Uptake and get citizens to trust the CDC again. Huh? Yet people love this man and defend him to their death. Please do not be deceived. This man will most likely play a huge role in the next mRNA poison vaccine and quite possibly the mark of the beast.
He is also Jewish and a big proponent of "multi-faith" and building the "3rd Temple" in Jerusalem, as is newly appointed Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth. Kushner is also, supposedly the one who had the idea for the U.S. to purchase Gaza and develop it. Reportedly, he is a powerful influence on President Trump concerning all world affairs, especially how they affect Israel and the Middle East.
"I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land!" Joel 3:2
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
A Good Way to Check if You are Living for God
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:19
Monday, February 10, 2025
Beware! Christ Consciousness, NAR, and Christian Nationalism
This past week, Trump created the “White House Faith Office” led by NAR, Word of Faith, and prosperity gospel “Pastor” Paula White. Paula White is a false teacher and has openly claimed Jesus was “the first of many Messiahs”. Watch this short video where Paula White says that Jesus is NOT the only begotten Son of God.
Here's another article about her recent marriage to a man divorced 3 times (so is she) who claims that God told him to leave his wife and kids and marry Paula AND he also claims that it's okay to watch pornography in order to get ideas to please your partner.
Just these two things should be enough to cause the Holy Spirit in a true believer to scream Blasphemy! This "White House Faith Office" is not centered around the Christian faith, but rather around all faiths and especially the New Age faith and soon to become the beast religion of the "Golden Age". This is an attempt to make Jesus equal to all other faith beliefs and hence just one of the pathways to "enlightenment".
"Pastor" Paula White traveled to South Korea and got paid a huge sum for speaking engagements there for the "Moonies" cult, calling for Ecumenical unity of all religions around the world. She has also stated that "To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God." huh? I'm convinced that this lady has been put in power to form the One World Religion of the AC system. Worse, this movement seems to be deeply connected to NAR and Christian Nationalism! Beware.
Christ Consciousness refers to a state of awareness characterized by unconditional love, compassion, and unity, often associated with the teachings and essence of Jesus. It is seen as a universal consciousness that transcends individual religious traditions, embodying qualities like forgiveness and connection to the divine.
Regardless of where you are on the spiritual path and what your relationship is like with Christianity, there’s a pulsating core of mystical Divine Love at the heart of Jesus’ teachings. And this impassioned blaze of Love has been felt by people all over the world in many spiritual and religious traditions – not just Christianity.
Christ Consciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (or ego) nature with the Divine Mind and the Divine Personality that is the source of human happiness and fulfillment. This awareness accrues over time within our thinking and feeling when intention, attention, and open-mindedness is focused on knowing who and what is the “Christed” state of being, sometimes known as “enlightenment.”
The highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity is sometimes termed the “Christed” state because it represents the sacredness and purity of the individual who has achieved it. Jesus achieved this in his human life, and was given “Christ” as part of his name in recognition of his achieving this spiritual status. This path is open to all, regardless of religious tradition, if and when one is open to becoming a living vessel of Love, Truth, and Goodness on the planet and actively striving to attain this beautiful state of being.
“Christed” is not a term used exclusively in the Christian religion, nor does it mean you must adhere to the Christian belief system to attain this state. All of the world’s religious traditions offer a path to achieving “Christed” status, and people are free to find their way in the context of their chosen religion, or no religion.
Christ Consciousness is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher self, and our birthright as children of God. Christ Consciousness is our living expression, as children of Spirit, revealing and sharing each our own divine life plan to manifest on the earth plane—bridging heaven to earth.
Notice the last phrase, Bridging heaven to earth, this is exactly what NAR preaches... that we, the church, can bring heaven down to earth.
Time is short. Warn your friends and family!
Friday, February 7, 2025
Racing Toward the Beast Empire!
Dear Greatly-Loved and Protected Remnant of the Most High!
There's been a ton of prophetic news this past week. Those who are on my Telegram channel can attest to that! In order that I don't repeat all the news, I'm switching the format slightly on these Friday posts and will just pick one or two of what I think are the most important events that have happened as they relate to the soon coming Beast System and our departure! Also, I hope to warn as many as I can from the massive deception already clouding the entire Earth. So, here we go!
10 World Regions of Daniel and Revelation
This is huge! As you may have heard Netanyahu and Trump met earlier this week and discussed many things about the Middle East.
This is where many many Christians get tripped up. Our pastors have done a great job at conditioning us to never say anything against Israel or the Jewish people, and if we do, we will be cursed. I felt this way for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I love the real Jewish people. They are God's chosen and many of them living today will end up getting saved during the Tribulation. I pray for that nearly every day. But there are some things that need to be said about Israel.
Israel as a state was set up by the Rothchilds. Who are they? They, along with other elite families run the world under the direction of the Fallen Angels. (And yes, that's Biblical too!) God knew Israel would become a state in 1948. He also knew who would start it and for what nefarious purpose. This may be hard to believe, but Israel will be the Capitol of the Antichrist Empire. Yes, you heard that right. And it's Biblical because we know the Antichrist loves to mimic God, right? He wants to do what Jesus is supposed to do (and will eventually) and that is to rule and reign from the Temple in Jerusalem. (Matthew 24:15, Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:4)
Many of the leaders and even many of the people who live in Israel today are not even of Hebrew heritage. Yes, I believe that. I've seen way too much evidence to deny that. These "Jews" are rather the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus describes in (Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9). There is a remnant there of true Hebrews. These are the ones who will escape Israel with the help of the 144,000 when the Antichrist takes his throne in the temple and will flee to Petra where the Lord will keep them safe until He returns.
So, we should be looking for anything that shifts power to Israel and anything that sets up the peace deal in Daniel 9 that we know will usher in the Tribulation. Guess what? We are seeing both happening today!
The Trump peace plan, officially titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People" was released January 28, 2020 and it contains the plans for Israel and the new Two State Solution between Israel and the new state of Palestine. Here is a link to the document itself so you can verify. He was already involved in this 5 years ago!
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Evil One is on the Prowl!
Yet I refuse to give our enemy any glory at all. Because no matter what you or I go through, we are already victorious in Jesus! We are already seated in heavenly places with Him! So, don't give the enemy a single thought. Just keep your focus on Jesus. Praise Him, Worship Him, Read His Word! Take your stand, resist the enemy, and he will flee from you! That's a promise from Scripture!
We are almost home, Saints. and it's going to be a bumpy ride until we hear that Trumpet Call. But we are already overcomers! Always remember that, and also remember how much you are loved!