The New Jerusalem! Welcome Home!
Dear Precious, Highly-Valued Warriors of the Most High,
It's been hard to choose what to post about on these Friday updates. There's so much happening all at once and very quickly, that I can't keep up. It would be a full time job. It's like I'm watching an action movie that plays scene after scene of high-impact action that never stops, never shifts to a calmer scene. I barely can digest the one scene when another one races across the screen!
All that to say, they are setting up the Beast Empire right before our eyes at a very rapid pace. Much faster than I ever would have thought they could.
We know from Scripture the following things about the Tribulation, aside from the judgements of God
1. There will be at first 10 Kingdoms ruling over 10 regions.
2. There will be some kind of digital implant that will serve as the following:
a. Grant access to certain buildings and places
b. Keep you confined within certain places and cities
c. Allow you to buy and sell items with your hand or forehead
d. House all your medical information and vaccine status
e. Hold all your financial information and access to digital currency
3. When the AC comes to power, the remaining kings will submit all power to him.
4. Right after the church leaves, there will be a major world war
5. After the church leaves there will be a worldwide famine
6. After the church leaves there will be a pandemic much worse than Covid. (These are the apocalyptic horses 2-4 in Revelation 6)
7. The Temple must be rebuilt because the AC enters it in the middle of the Tribulation
8. Christians will be beheaded during the Tribulation
9. The Mark of the Beast will function like the implant mentioned above, WITH the promise of eternal life and health.
I'm here to tell you that everything on this list is either completely in place OR all set to occur as soon as the church leaves.
No, we don't know who the 10 kings are yet, but I'm sure that will come about quickly after WW3. The Great Reset the WEF keeps talking about can only occur after that war, which will also cause widespread famine and a financial collapse. Of course we already see the signs of these things: the buying up of farmland, destroying food factories, killing chickens, along with the financial experts predicting a collapse any day now. The US dept is not sustainable. They have to take it all down in order to bring in digital currency (BitCoin) which they have already started doing.
They've been talking about this Great Reset (New World Order, Golden Age) for hundreds of years. It was the entire reason America was birthed. It is the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Apollo where they bring back the Fallen Ones and their offspring to merge with mankind. It is the tower of Babel reborn, Lucifer's Golden Age. It is the Tribulation. But that's not what they call it. They actually believe they can defeat God, that they will not end up in Hell. See below what Satanist Alice Bailey wrote how they would use nationalism to bring about the New Age and this would occur in 2025!
They already have the technology for the MOB. Musk is setting up massive Starlink Datacenters across the Country. He brags about his Super AI Quantum computer in Memphis, how it has almost reached singularity. What is that? When man mixes fully with machine. They also have perfected the Vaccine which will inject people with more graphene and nanobots, making them less human, very sick, and highly trackable by AI.
The Temple Institute has stated that once they get the go-ahead, they could have the Third temple erected in a month!
Smart Cities. These are 15 minute cities which will imprison you. All in the name of climate change. the WEF releases new manifesto calling for the rapid deployment of artificial intelligence to govern society... 15-minute cities controlled by robocops and cyborgs as they assimilate humanity...
Pandemics: There are so many out there now, I can't list them all. Disease X, bird Flu, and now apparently measles is making a comeback.
War: We all see it. We feel it. If you are paying attention. The German Foreign Minister along with French President Macron are telling their people to prepare for war with Russia. The Dutch Minister just made the same proclamation yesterday. The draft is being reinstituted in some countries. Zelensky refuses peace. So do Hamas and Iran. China has basically told the USA they are ready for War. World War 3 is now a certainty. Trump is sure making waves with his threats to Iran and Hamas and tossing Zelensky out of the White House. Along with his tariffs on many countries, he's certainly not making friends. Just this week, he threatened Hamas again to release the hostages or face "hell to pay". Talk out of Isreal is that they are readying for war once again. Remember Russia and Iran are allies.
Christians beheaded. Check out the information below on guillotines. They have already been shipped to the USA during Obama's term.
Deception. Trust no government official or politician. Trust nothing you hear from mainstream news. Don't even trust me or any other Christians unless you pray over it and ask the Lord for confirmation.
Do you see how close we are to leaving? And to the Tribulation? The Tribulation clock begins when the AC strengthens a treaty with Israel and other nations. Could that be the Abraham Accords that are already in play? There are lots of talks going on behind the scenes to make this happen.
All this to say, we are going home. Stay strong. Stay reading the Bible. Make it a must-do task each day. And pray! Use the weapons God has given us.. His Word, His Name, His Holy Spirit. Pray against all demonic attack, all hexes, spells, enchantments. Pray against all the poisons they are putting in our air, food, water, and medicine and most of all, Be led by the Holy Spirit and not by your Flesh!
And don't be afraid! You are so incredibly valuable to God. He will not allow your foot to slip. He keeps you safe in His pavilion and His banner over you is LOVE!
Abraham Accord Temple Coin
March is The Month of War
𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝 is derived from the latin “martius” (mars = war)
Interesting that Musk continues to talk about Mars and the Roman Empire.
March has been a month of war in many conflicts, including WW2, the Civil War, and the wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen.
March 13th was the date given to federal agencies by the Trump regime to “prepare” for massive downsizing
On March 14th, there will be a blood worm moon in the skies, which falls one day before the “Ides of March”
On March 23rd, we are told Saturn's rings will disappear from view
Joel 2:31 states, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the LORD”
Sun darkened: 4/8/24 Eclipse. Moon turned to blood: 3/14/24?

America's Secret Destiny
I have posted about this before but it bears posting again. I run into so many people who still believe America is a Godly country founded on Godly principals. Secret societies came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. Most of the “patriots” who helped achieve American independence belonged to these societies, and derived their inspiration, courage, and high purpose from ancient/occult teachings
The Purpose of the founding this nation was not to create a “free land;” it was founded so America could later become the “New Atlantis—“ the occult democracy 33° Freemason Manly Palmer Hall wrote of. The politicians and political groups we see on the world stage today, who appear to be “fighting for freedom” and “American values” are actually helping to fulfill the occult dream of Americas Secret Destiny, an Aquarian (false) utopia (or the “Golden Age”)
The world is being groomed to receive the Antichrist who will come in the False Light. The smoke and mirror show on the world stage is purely distraction. You need to be born again in Jesus Christ to have eyes to see. Let go of this world and cling to Jesus Christ
George Washington was a 33 degree Freemason (the highest order.) In this image, Washington is shown in his masonic attire, holding scroll, and trowel. Portraits of Lafayette and Jackson are in the corners. He joined the Masonic Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia at the age of 20 in 1752. At his first inauguration in 1791, President Washington took his oath of office on a Bible from St. John’s Masonic Lodge in New York. In retirement, Washington became charter Master of the newly chartered Alexandria Masonic Lodge No. 22, sat for a portrait in his Masonic regalia, and in death, was buried with Masonic honors.
And to all those people who tell me I'm a traitor to my nation and not a patriot, let me inform you that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God and am not a citizen of this world or any nation. I am merely an ambassador for Jesus!
Think Pam Bondi is NOT one of them? Where are the Epstein files we were promised? I can bet why we haven't seen them and never will see the truth is because MANY famous and power people are on that list, including Trump.
Trump is catering to convicted Child Sex Trafficker Ghislain Maxwell!
Red Heifers! The Key to the Third Temple soon to be built
Interesting Article explaining all about the Red Heifers and the timing and method of sacrifice! Many are saying it's this coming Passover!
Noahide Court is coming to a City near You!
Here's a 47 minute video from Israeli News Live about the above letter and the Noahide laws and courts. Why courts? So they can prosecute anyone not following the Noahide laws!
Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin, the “designer” of the guillotine was a Jesuit educated Freemason. Go figure. We seem to be seeing a lot of Freemasons lately.
The last time someone was executed by the guillotine was in 1977.
However, with Trump back in office, his constant talk of expanding the death penalty, and his reaffirmation of Noahide Law, we can expect the guillotines to return. Should Noahide Law be enforced, the next step will be elimination of Christian "Idolaters;”
Watch this short video and see what ChatGPT has to say about Noahide. Please click over to my Post to view it.
When it comes to revelation of the method and predictive programming, nobody does it quite like the Economist magazine…
“The Dons New World Order”
Since many conservatives and Christians are onto the term "New World Order" they have merely changed the name to the "Golden Age"
Trouble is, the the “Golden Age” (or the “Age of Aquarius”) is rooted in occultism, often citied by Alice Bailey as a pre-flood time period when man and “the gods” (fallen ones) lived in harmony. (This is the singularity they are speaking of)
Alice Bailey wrote in “Externalization of Hierarchy” how ‘nationalism’ will be used to bring about the “New Age”. Do you get that? They are using NATIONALISM to bring about the Beast Empire. Trump is the magician (as stated by Marina Abramovic) channeling the “conservative spirit” to bring the “new age” forth
(MAGA = Magician) We are on the cusp of re-entering antediluvian times, the times before Noah's flood when the Sons of God (Fallen Angels) mingled with the daughters of men and produced hybrid giants called Nephilim. It's all in the Scripture! Transhumanism, mRNA, and bio-digital convergence are slowly being ushered in under the cloak of a “Great Awakening”
Alice Bailey “predicted” a major spiritual/political shift would occur in 2025, which is exactly what we are seeing now!
Here are some more words from the lovely Alice Bailey
This is what they really think of us

Lest you forget the Deagel report below. We are on the cusp of this
Did you see the great acting job put on my Vance, Trump and Zelensky? It made for great theater, didn't it? Smoke and mirrors, saints... all a distraction from what they are really doing!
Are you an Antenna?
In order for humans to be used as antennas, the human body must first be filled with heavy metals. Enter Graphene and 6G, which are able to penetrate the human cell. And it's not just the vaccinated at risk of being turned into smart grids, but now the unvaccinated have been exposed to food, air, water and medicine containing lipid nanoparticles containing self-assembling graphene and other heavy metals.
There is no way to escape. Except through Jesus!
Have a Blessed Weekend!!