There is a Chinese story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills and when the farmer's neighbors sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A week later, the horse returned with a herd of horses from the hills and this time the neighbors congratulated the farmer on his good luck. His reply was, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?"
Then, when the farmer's son was attempting to tame one of the wild horses, he fell off its back and broke his leg. Everyone thought this very bad luck. Not the farmer, whose only reaction was, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?"
Some weeks later, the army marched into the village and conscripted every able-bodied youth they found there. When they saw the farmer's son with his broken leg, they let him off. Now was that good luck or bad luck?
Who knows?
Everything that seems on the surface to be an evil may be a good in disguise. And everything that seems good on the surface may really be an evil. So we are wise when we leave it to God to decide what is good fortune and what misfortune, and thank him that all things turn out for good with those who love him.
A preacher I used to listen to told this proverb during a sermon once, and I've remembered it for years. It was a major theme in one of my novels, The Ransom, and is something I try to live my life by. The moral, of course, is that when tragedy strikes, we often react negatively. "Oh no! Why did this happen to me? Why, God, why? Don't you love me?" So many people use tragedy as an excuse to reject God and drift away, thinking that God either doesn't exist or if He does, He certainly doesn't love them. This theme also runs through my next release, Charity's Cross. Charity is severely abused by her husband, a situation for which she entirely blames God. It's a natural human emotion and reaction! I've done it as well.

The truth is God is the maze-master. He is standing over the maze and He sees every part of it, every section, every division, every path. He sees you at point A. but His plan is to get you to point B, and because He can see the entire maze, He knows the best route to get you there. He sees how things will end up if you choose the wrong path or even if you divert just a tiny bit from the path He wants you to take.
He also sees that along the path He wants you to take, bad things will happen to you. But those bad things are necessary to keep you on that path and get you safely to point B . If those bad things didn't happen, you would not be able to stay on the right path.
Now, imagine that He is orchestrating this for every one of His children, many of whose paths will cross each others! Ah, it boggles my mind how incredibly brilliant God is. But I digress.
My point is. Our view is SO LIMITED. We have no idea about so many things in this life. The best thing... the MOST IMPORTANT thing to do is to stay close to God and be led by His Spirit. And when tragedy strikes (that is not of your own doing), instead of complaining, thank God, and ask Him, not only what you are to learn from it, but to show you the purpose of it. He will. Eventually :-) It comes down to trust. Do you trust the Maze-Master ?
Yes, with all my heart! Life is hard, yet all we need to do is ask for His guidance. He will not leave us or forsake us.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed week, my friend.
I think I have heard of this illustration before, it's brilliant! :) Thanks a lot for sharing such an insightful post.:) It's true, we never know why God allows certain things to happen, but we do know that He has our best interest at heart. Ah, it's easier said than done sometimes, but we just have to cling on to Him. We must go through trials with Him by our side. The Scripture says that all things work together for the good of those who love God. May we set this on our hearts when the time of testing comes. Blessings,Manuela ( btw, this is my name, Rose is simply my username on the blog and YT).
ReplyDeleteBeautiful name, Manuela... I'll try and remember it for next time. :-)
DeleteI think I have heard of this illustration before, it's brilliant! :) Thanks a lot for sharing such an insightful post.:) It's true, we never know why God allows certain things to happen, but we do know that He has our best interest at heart. Ah, it's easier said than done sometimes, but we just have to cling on to Him. We must go through trials with Him by our side. The Scripture says that all things work together for the good of those who love God. May we set this on our hearts when the time of testing comes. Blessings,Manuela ( btw, this is my name, Rose is simply my username on the blog and YT).
ReplyDeleteMonday 11th,
ReplyDelete"Morning, MaryLu ... and gals."
Excellent post today ... trusting God ! "Sounds" simple ... but it takes faith and devotion and committment. Over the years, and believe me ... it's taking time ... I am learning more and more to trust Him, even when some tragedy/hardship comes along. Not blaming God. But asking Him ... what do You want me to learn from this ? What is Your will for my life ? How can I honour You in this situation ?
Oh .. but to trust Him fully !!! Still endeavouring to do this. "Thank-You Lord" !!!
Thanks for sharing another timely word in due season, MaryLu.
Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda
BLess you, Ladies, for dropping by and commenting... I'm sure we all struggle to trust God when life gets tough. Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses!
ReplyDeleteYes, I trust Him. I have now lived long enough to see EVERYTHING and EVERYONE has a purpose. And that purpose is Good because He is good. I've weathered much that I would have one time regretted. I no longer live with regrets. I know God will not ONLY make all things right. He authored them with that intent even before the earth was created. There is peace in that!