Friday, September 25, 2020

TimeLess Treasure Cover Reveal!

 Hi everyone! I thought I'd give you a break from the doom and gloom and reveal the gorgeous cover of Timeless Treasure, my next release!  My newsletter subscribers have already seen it, but I wanted to give everyone a chance. I love my designer, Ravven from England! She's the best!  Anyway, I'm still hoping for a Christmas release, but it all depends on what is going on in the world in the next few months. If you follow me on my blog, you know to what I'm referring.  
I truly am loving the story and I know you will too! It's what is called a Time Slip Novel, which is not a Time Travel novel where the hero or heroine travels through time, but rather a story that switches back and forth from the present to the past. However, the story that occurs in the past connects with the story in the present in an important way and has an effect on the hero and heroine who live in the present. 
Timeless Treasure slips from present day Charleston, SC to the Caribbean 1718
Here's the cover! 

Lexie Cain is all alone in the world. All her mother left her after her death is a chest full of faded pictures, old letters, and an odd ancient coin. Tossed from her home by her stepfather, she sets off to Charleston, South Carolina to search for buried treasure left by her pirate ancestor, Stede Bonnet. The wealth is the only thing that will save her from her family curse and a hopeless future. If only the letters he wrote to his lover, along with the coin, held a hint of its whereabouts, but the ancient words are hard to decipher and Lexie reluctantly goes in search of a history professor who is an expert on Charleston pirates.
Professor Barret Johnson is annoyed when his busy day is interrupted by a girl wearing faded jeans, a too-tight t-shirt, and tattoos. Obviously, she is not one of the students at the college, and he has little time to discuss Stede Bonnet with a pirate groupie. Yet, when the attractive girl insists she is related to Bonnet and produces a letter from the pirate to his lover, Barret is intrigued and has the letter authenticated. He can hardly believe it is real!  
Barret represents everything Lexie hates. Born to wealth and privilege, Barret’s family are pillars of the community, successful, educated, Christians who never suffered a day in their lives. Yet she has no choice but to allow hm to help her decipher the letters. As the couple reads each letter, we are transported into the past where we follow the adventures of Stede Bonnet from his start in Barbados, through each success and failure, and his eventual connection with Blackbeard himself.

Lexie discovers a kindred spirit in her ancestor, Bonnet, and lessons learned from the past soon drift into the present as both she and Barret deal with their own failings and learn to trust a God who has never let them down.

Someone is after the letters, and soon Barret and Lexie find themselves in grave danger. They must figure out the puzzle Bonnet left them and retrieve the treasure before it’s too late and whoever is after them gets desperate enough to end their lives.

I'll keep you posted on the progress. As soon as I finish the first draft, I take a few weeks to go over it all again, fix problems, add things I missed, Etc. Then I hand it over to my editor who gives it a spit polish. After that, I will send out a free copy early to my Review Team and Early Reading Team about 2 weeks before release. That's the plan anyway, but the Lord is in charge!  
Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe in your Father's Arms!


  1. No offense, but I desperately needed a break from the doom and gloom and this GORGEOUS cover and book blurb definitely did the trick. Your cover designer did a fantastic job on matching your vision of the characters with those on the cover. Other author/books are not so successful with this. You own the city block - not just the corner - on pirate stories and I've been hankerin' for one for a long time. Super excited to get me hands on this lovely.

    1. No offense taken. I often need a break too! I love the cover too! My designer rocks!! I own the city block on pirate stories.. wow, I love that! Thanks Amy!! Blessings!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan.. you'll be getting an early copy for review!

  3. Yes! Looking forward to this, MaryLu! Agree on the cover--WOW!

  4. Oh boy!! Looking forward to reading this one!! Sounds exciting.

  5. MaryLu! This sounds amazing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼.

  6. Reallt looking forward to reading your latest! Beautiful cover!

  7. Oh my goodness! I want to read this. I've missed your writing, your adventurous style. The cover is gorgeous!

    1. I know I haven't put a book out in a while. The grandkids are taking up much of my time and then Covid slowed me down too. :-)

  8. I so can not wait to get my hand on this!!!!

  9. Praying that this is the book that will break through my foggy stroke mind. Already it has pulled me in to a place where my desire to pick up a book and read is there.!! CAN’T WAIT!! There is nothing I like better than a good old Pirate and beautiful girl to help me turn the pages to find out- did they fall in love—or did they survive that terrible storm- or did they escape !!!
    Thank you MaryLou- Blessing to you and yours!!

    1. I will pray that you are able to read and enjoy many books soon, Elsie! But I agree with you about pirate stories. Nothing beats them!

  10. I can't wait to read it!! I have read all your books 😊

  11. MaryLu, I'm with everyone else, can't wait. I'm ready to pre-purchase a few right now....LOL. Thanks for making time in your busy life to write another great story for all of us who love your works of love, adventure and faith.

  12. cant wait for a new book. thank you for taking the time to use your talent for writing.

  13. I so love this cover! Shared to my wall!
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books & Author Services

  14. Gorgeous cover, Capt'n MaryLu! Shared on FB and Pinterest.

  15. Ooh! I LOVE your books and can’t wait to read this new one!

  16. Ooh! I LOVE your books and can’t wait to read this new one!

  17. This is so exciting! I love the cover and cannot wait to read it!

  18. MaryLu- answer to my praying to be able to pick up a book to read after my stroke and the foggiest residue .— well I am reading a chapter from the Bible and then doing a little study on each chapter has helped. Then i have a magazine of Crpto -grams that i work on daily to retrain my brain to recapture its thought ability’ thank you God. . I eagerly await your new book and I will read it from cover to cover. I am so happy for you to have finished another great novel. Blessings to you and your family.- and Love those little ones they grow up way too fast and i
    Pray your Mom is happy and healthy.

    1. Thank you so much Elsie! I continue to pray for your complete healing. The Bible is the best book to read. :-) I am loving on my dear grandkids, and yes, the oldest is already in 1st grade. So fast. My Mom is hanging in there at 87. Blessings to you and yours!

  19. Sounds like a fun read! I can't wait to read it, my friend.
