As summer approaches, many of us will head out on various vacations (perhaps shorter ones due to the gas prices!). Usually, we take the kids camping up in the Sierras, or travel to Florida to visit my family. Many people who travel afar sign up for special tours. Though I've never done that myself, I'm told they are a good and safe way to see all the sights in a foreign country. Everything from where you will sleep to what you will eat is all arranged for you. All you have to do is get on the bus each morning and do whatever the tour guide says. As I pondered this, it occured to me that the true Christian life is much like signing up for one of these grand tours. We commit our trust to the Owner of the tour company (Jesus), and then put our lives in the hand of the Tour Guide (Holy Spirit). Once we get on the bus, all we need to do is sit back, enjoy the ride, and obey the Guide. How hard is that? We don't have to know where we are going. We don't have to worry about time or money or getting lost. Everything has been arranged for us and paid in advance. I know many people who really love these types of vacation tours because they are free of the stress of planning and time and money and they can just sit back and enjoy.
God's tour book, the Bible is full of admonitions to commit yourself to God, to rest, to not worry, to completely trust Him, to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. It tells us that God already has a plan (tour) for each one of us, determined before we were born--a specific tour that is perfect for each one of us. I could spend all day listing the scriptures here, but I encourage you to seek them out for yourself.
How comforting is that? There is such a peace in getting on the bus, sitting back, and allowing our Tour Guide to direct us. We don't have to worry about a thing. We get off the bus when He tells us to, sleep where He tells us to, eat when He tells us to, do the tasks He tells us to. Some people may find that restrictive, but in reality I find it completely freeing. No worries, No fears.
The trouble is, some well meaning Christians commit themselves to the Tour Owner, but never get on the bus. They just stand there on the curb, afraid to let go of the "control" they think they have over their lives. They get their own map, their own transportation, and decide to take themselves on their own tour. But, they end up getting lost, hungry and discouraged, never seeing the incredible sights along the way. Their Christians lives end up being filled with frustration and sorrow, and some even walk away from the Tour Owner.
The truth of the matter is, if you're not on God's tour bus, you're on Satan's tour bus or the World's tour bus, and you're being driven by something or someone that will only lead you to despair.
So, do yourself a favor. Get on the bus. Relinquish your rights, commit yourself to the Tour Guide, and then hold on. You're about to have the ride of your life!
Wow that's really a thought-provoking comparison. I'm glad you wrote about this.