As we've seen, Heaven is a glorious place. We will have bodies that never get sick or tired or grow old. We will eat and drink and have parties with our friends. We will work and create things that give our lives meaning and fulfillment. We will read and learn and play sports and watch movies and do all the wonderful things we enjoy here on this earth, but at a much higher level. We will be surrounded by such beauty that this earth will pale in comparison. We'll play with animals, have our pets with us. All our dreams will be fulfilled!
Suppose you and a bunch of other people are all invited to a huge mansion for a week and told that in order to be happy you had to go through the rooms and get as much stuff as you could. The catch was, you had to fight against the other people in order to get the things you wanted. But suppose that at the end of the week you knew you had to relinquish everything you had gathered before you left the mansion. Now, also suppose that you were told that if you spent the week getting to know the Master of the mansion and speaking with him, following him around and doing what he said, that when you left at the end of the week, there would be a chest full of treasure waiting for you outside the door that you could take with you. Which would you choose?
Since nothing we have or can gain on this earth lasts except the things we do for God, and this life is but a blip on the screen of eternity, it would make sense to spend our time here following Jesus and obeying and trusting Him. Anything else is a waste of our time. As we saw, we will be rewarded in Heaven with greater joys and responsibilities depending on what we do here on earth. So, what are we waiting for? Let's start storing up our treasures in heaven.
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 2 Peter 3:13-14
Make a daily effort to focus on Heaven and what it will be like. I guarantee that soon the things of this world will lose their allure.
thank you for this series I've not only enjoyed it but learned a lot. :)